Convincing Can Be Tricky

I'm An Alien?!

Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun sat curled together on the floor as he just stared at the man in front of him. The man stared back at him, his eyes filled with disgust. He doesn't like Baekhyun yet he was the one who asked him to come here.


Human! Stop stare at me!”
“Not until you give me the cure.”
“Then I won't stop stare at you.”
“You filthy human! I will kill you!”
“I'm not scared.”
“But you should be!”
“Because I'm stronger and smarter than you!”
“How do you know that?”
“You little piece of !”


Baekhyun just sighed as he kept stare at the alien in front of him. He sat silent on the spot while waiting for the man to tell him the cure. Baekhyun has begun to lose patience, but he tries hard to not show it.


So, what about we play a game?”
“What do you take me for?! A pathetic human child?!”
“No, not really. But let's play a game.”
“Do you want me to stop stare at you?”
“Yes you disgusting human!”
“Then you have to win the game.”
“Huh?! Never!”
“Then I won't stop stare at you.”
“You filthy human! Die already!”


Baekhyun sighed as he watched the alien roar angrily in his seat. He has lost his cool now, he's not that big and tough while being chained to the chair. Baekhyun hates this guy, but he tries to not think too much about it. After all, Chanyeol's life is depending on this guy.


Hey... Isn't there anyway for me to get you to tell me the cure?”
“Too bad.”
“You can die instead.”


Baekhyun just ignored the words as he stared at the alien. Then it hit him, he must be wounded as well. Lay had also hurt him, Luhan told him that. Doesn't he have a family as well?


Do you have a family?”
“Shut up!”
“But do you?”
“It's none of your business!”
“I have a family. A mother and a father and of course a really loyal best friend.”
“I never asked you about your family!”
“I know, but I told you about it anyway. Have you ever been to Earth before?”
“How can I have been to Earth?!”
“Oh right, sorry. But let me tell you that Earth isn't as bad as it looks like. Sure, we humans fight a lot and have countless wars on our planet between each other, but we have our good sides too. For an example, we're really good with taking care of our families. We also likes to come up with weird hobbies and we tries to take care of everyone around us.”
“I don't care!”
“You know what, we can also be really mean. Some humans bullies others to feel better. I didn't have any real friends until I came here. Sure, it's a lot of fun stuff here, but the war between the Exotics and the Endorians is taking on the people. Aren't your family tired of the war too?”


Baekhyun stared at the alien who looked to slowly give in. Baekhyun's plan is working! Baekhyun looked down at his hands and sighed.


Aren't you homesick? At least I am. I miss my mother and father and my loyal best friend, who is a dog. It's pretty weird that my best friend is a dog, but I don't have any other friends at Earth. And right now, I'm trapped here. It wasn't that bad since I gained friends and had fun with others like I was home, but the war ruins everything. They scare people and I think that the Exotics aren't the only ones who's scared of the war.”
“You're not even from this planet... Why the hell do you want to help them so much?”
“Like I said, I have never had any friends at Earth. But when I came here, I gained so many friends at once and I was treated like a person. It felt like they were my family for a while and I admit that I forgot that I wasn't a part of their family. Don't you ever feel that your friends makes you feel safe and at home?”
“Shut up...”
“I'm just saying, war doesn't bring happiness. War brings fear and pain and wounded people. War doesn't give you power or strength or courage, it gives you guilt and death. Do you realize how the families of those people you have hurt feel like? They're scared to death to lose someone dear to them. And your family must be worried to death for you too. You're on a distant planet, fighting in a war that is only about power and strength. Do you realize how many deaths you carry on your shoulders? Do you realize how many people you have wounded and hurt and for what? Tell me, is it really worth it to hurt others for something as selfish as power? It isn't even you who gain the power, isn't it?”


Baekhyun stared at the man, he looks less and less sure. Baekhyun feels a little pain in his heart, but he keeps his mind clear as he keeps going.


Your family is worried, they might even lose all their belongings or even each other during this war if it continues on like this. Don't you want your family's best?”


Baekhyun went silent for a while and waited for the man to say something. Baekhyun waited for a long time before he finally opened his mouth.


I do... only want my family's best...”
“Then tell me; is it really worth killing innocent people with families like yours for power?”


The man looked really uncomfortable now. He doesn't seem to know the answer, but Baekhyun think it should be as clear as fresh air.


The answer is no, it's not worth it. Tell me; how much do you gain out of this war?”
“My salary is-”
“I'm not talking about money. And what are you going to do with the money you have gained if you're dead and the money is taken to repair houses and other buildings?”
“And what do you actually gain out of the war in the end? Fame? Not really, there are thousand of more people who has fought in the war and killed innocent people for nothing. You have hurt so many people, aren't you ashamed of yourself?”
“I did it for my planet.”
“And what has your planet ever done for you?”


Baekhyun asked a final question as the man hesitated before he gave up. He gave into Baekhyun.


Nothing... It hasn't really done anything for us...”
“Then let me tell you this; if you harm innocent people, you're being a monster. But if you try to repay for your sins, don't you think you're being a little hero? Don't you want your family to see you as an hero rather than a monster?”
“Of course I don't want to be a monster in their eyes.”
“Then please, listen to me. It's not too late for you. If you cooperate with us, you will be able to save the lives whom is still in danger. The people you have a hurt, they're in a critical state and are dying. But you can still save them and I'm pretty sure that if you cooperate with the Exotics, you won't be executed or hurt. You will be able to go home in the future and say to your family that you didn't kill any more innocent people.”
“They won't let me go...”
“It's always worth a chance, isn't it?”


Baekhyun asked as he stood up of the ground and slowly walked over to the man who stared at him in silence. He then sighed and leaned back in the chair.


The cure... Do you really want it that badly?”
“Yes, I truly do want it to save others.”
“Why do you want to save them? Aren't you just an alien to them?”
“Maybe I am, but I'm an alien who hates to see wars that kills people.”
“You're weird... Maybe even foolish...”
“Humans are foolish, that is what we're the best at.”
“The tropical fruit Subag helps to heal the wounds...”
“Subag... T-Thank you! Now we can save the others!”
“You welcome... But don't think I'm going to be nice towards you ever again...”
“I don't care if you hate me or not, just don't kill anyone ever again. Because then you will only be remembered as a monster.”
“Whatever... Leave...”


Baekhyun nodded as he walked towards the door opening that got open. Baekhyun hurried out as Kris and Luhan stared amazed at him. They probably didn't expect Baekhyun to be able to get the truth out of the Endorian.


How the hell did you do that?”
“What? I just said what I thought.”
“We couldn't crack him, but you could?”
“Whatever, get that Subag thing! Hurry!”
“We have already sent the word to the doctors.”
“Thank god...”
“Hey, you look a little pale.”
“You know... He is quite scary that guy...”


Baekhyun felt how he had to sit down for a while. That Endorian guy, he can use a laser ability which is very rare among the Endorians and the Exotics. After all, Endorians doesn't get naturally born with an ability, it's a quite rare thing to happen.

Anyway, Luhan and Kris thanked Baekhyun for his help, but all Baekhyun could think of was to hurry to see Chanyeol again. He doesn't want to be without him anymore. He wants to strengthen Chanyeol and make him feel safe.


I will go to Chanyeol now.”
“Baekhyun, good job today.”
“No offense, but I never thought you could help us out like this.”
“Me neither, but let's talk later!”
“Okay, be careful on your way out!”


Baekhyun nodded as he hurried to get out of the prison room. His heart is beating fast and his mind feels a little clearer now. Chanyeol might be saved now! He might wake up and be alright again!






Baekhyun hurried into the room where Chanyeol lays. He's still passed out, but Lay stands in the room and is treating the terrible wounds. Baekhyun carefully walked over to where Lay stood as he gasped when he saw the wounds from the laser. Baekhyun felt like screaming and crying at the same time when he saw them.


I know, they're horrible. But if that laser user is right, this should help the wounds heal.”
“Is this... Subag?”
“Yeah, it is.”
“It looks like watermelon and papaya.”
“What's that?”
“Two fruits on Earth.”
“Aha, I see.”


Lay treated Chanyeol's wounds with a weird lotion-like-cream. Baekhyun stood silently beside him and secretly grabbed Chanyeol's hand. Please cure him... Please...


We hope it will work.”
“Me too...”
“He won't die that easily Baekhyun-”
“But if this doesn't work, what will?”
“Don't worry, we will come up with something.”
“If that bastard lied to me, I will go down and beat him up.”
“Wow, since when did you get violent?”
“Should you said...”


Lay looked almost a little embarrassed as he put away the lotion cream and instead wrapped Chanyeol's wounds in with fresh bandage. Baekhyun felt how his heart begun to beat a little faster in hope that Chanyeol would feel better. He just wants Chanyeol to wake up and say that everything feels much better.


Baekhyun, please don't touch Chanyeol's body for now.”
“C-Can I hold his hand?”
“J-Just like this.”
“Fine, but not more than that. Promise me to not touch anything else.”
“I promise.”
“Good, then I will proceed to the next room.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Thank you for your help too.”


Baekhyun smiled as he watched Lay leave the room. When he was out, Baekhyun sat down beside Chanyeol's bed as he sighed. He hopes this will cure everyone.




That bastard! He lied to me!”


Baekhyun shouted mad as he walked towards Kris and Luhan who looked to be thinking. Baekhyun tried to walk over to the prison door where the stupid Endorian alien stays at, but Kris and Luhan stopped him right away.


Baekhyun wait, there is no point for you to go inside.”
“He might just want to see you mad.”
“Let me in!”
“No, we can't-”
“Let me in I said!”
“Baekhyun please-”
“I have to confirm something!”


Baekhyun stared seriously at Kris and Luhan who both hesitated. They exchanged a couple of glances before they slowly let him go.


Fine, but you only got two minutes-”
“Give me five.”
“Yes, five.”


Once again, Kris and Luhan exchanged a couple of glances before they both sighed. They then agreed to Baekhyun's will as Luhan walked over to open the prison door.


Remember, don't take too long in there. He's dangerous.”
“I know.”
“Then hurry out.”
“I will.”
“Okay, you got five minutes from now and on.”


Luhan opened the door for Baekhyun who took a deep breath before he walked into the cell. The Endorian saw him walk in right away as he smirked widely at him.


Oh, isn't it the human-?”


Baekhyun slapped the alien's face right away. He slapped it hard and painful and it only angered the Endorian.


You damn human!”
“Shut up and listen to me! I don't care if you kill me or hurt me, just let those innocent people be! Don't you have any heart at all?!”


The alien sat silent and shocked at his chair as Baekhyun tried to not cry, but he couldn't help to get all teary.


I don't care if you kill me or hurt me or kick me or hit me! Do whatever you please, just let those innocent people be! Your people were the ones who attacked them! They only tried to protect themselves and everyone else! How can you act like this is okay?! Don't you have any mind or heart?! Or are you all mindless monsters?!”


Baekhyun felt how he had to stop, he can't breathe. Baekhyun took a step back as he tried to keep his legs steady. Yes, he's upset. He's really upset. He thought that he had managed to save Chanyeol, that he could make him healthy again. But this stupid alien lied to him.


What do you want? Do you really want to see the world burn?”
“You have no idea how it is to live on Endorian!”
“And you don't know how it is to be a stranger accidentally kidnapped and taken to a whole new world where you don't know anyone or anything.”
“You're just a mere human!”
“Tell me... The cure... is it... a plant?”
“I won't tell you.”
“On Earth, if you get a sunburn that kills the cells in the skin, you use something called Aloe Vera gel. Does it have the same effect with laser burns?”
“I won't tell you!”
“Laser burns are like sun shine, right? But stronger. It's just really sharpened light that is in a form of heat and radiation, isn't it?”
“Shut up you stupid human!”
“On Earth that is something mostly high school students get to know, yet you lied to the scientists here, didn't you?”
“I have had enough!”


The Endorian tried to get out of his chair, but his body is stuck to the chair. Baekhyun felt a little scared, but he kept calm as he tried to push the stupid alien to tell him what he wants to hear.


Avocado and coconut is also good for the skin and has an healing effect too... You know that as well.”
“I will kill you!”
“I see... So that's the answer.”
“Are you stupid?! Coconut and avocado isn't the answer!”
“Not? Then what is?”
“Aloe Vera you stupid human! Don't you know the difference between healing and skin lotions?!”


The Endorian roared angrily at Baekhyun who realized that he had tricked the Endorian to tell him the truth. And he seemed to realize that as well.


“Baekhyun! Get out!”


Baekhyun nodded as he hurried out of the room and let Luhan close the door behind him. Baekhyun felt how his heart beats fast and how his legs lost their strength. Baekhyun collapsed on the floor, his hands trembling a little but his mind is clear.


Aloe Vera... That's the answer that we need... Pure Aloe Vera...”
“Are you alright?”
“You're trembling like a... What do you call them?”
“Chihuahua? Y-Yeah... I-I just...”
“Take it easy for a while, okay?”
“Do you realize that you could have gotten killed?”
“Y-Yeah... C-Chanyeol! I have to see him!”
“Yah, didn't I tell you to calm down?”
“I don't care! I have to see him!”
“I'm sorry but I have to go and see him no matter what!”


Baekhyun run towards the door as he felt his legs get back their strength again. He ran out of the room and down the corridor towards the infirmary where Chanyeol rests. He has to see Chanyeol and be there when he needs him the most! Chanyeol, just you wait! Baekhyun will be there in no time!


Ayo guys! Wazzup? ^.^

Okay today I will keep everything short! I'm really busy with school so please be patient with the chapters! Trust me, I will update whenever I can! I love you all! ^.^

Thanks for all wonderful support, it means a lot to me so THANK YOU <3

Subs, comments and upvotes are very well appreciated, but up to you guys! ^.^

Peace and love to you all! <3

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Ayo guys! Please check out my blog cause I need your help! Please! Check it out! It's my latest post, so please read it! Thank you, love you all! Peace


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Chapter 26: Wha-what? The end????!!!! C'mon...!!!!!!
Chapter 24: I'm crying so much
Chapter 22: Aww baek
Chapter 21: I'm melting
Chapter 17: Nooo I'm a crying mess
Chapter 16: Noo not again
Chapter 15: Awwww finally
Chapter 13: Nooo
Chapter 12: Ahhh so many emotions
Chapter 10: Omgggg