Heartbreak Warfare & Words Of Wisdom



As soon as Yoona left the cafe, Nickhun had an uneasy feeling at the moment she left. He couldn't help but to question why Yoona's outdoor activities interests Jiyoung so much, and he could have sworn that he found a trace of hurry and rage from the way Jiyong talked to him on the phone, as if he was using Nickhun to track and punish her.


And this feeling he had forced him to follow Yoona to where she’s going, unbeknownst to Jiyong. 


Luckily, he still could catch up with her to Seoul National Hospital. He knew she was lying when she said she was going out with her friends, but a hospital was the last place he expected for Yoona to visit. He wondered if Yoona is undergoing some treatment that she refused to tell her brother to keep him from worrying about her. Nickhun realized she’s put on some disguise as soon as she got out from the cab. If Yoona wasn't his artist, he might've mistook her as someone else.


He secretly followed her, and she was too concentrated with her surroundings that she didn't notice of him from the back. He figured she did met some friends of hers, that means she wasn’t completely lying. The difference was only the place; he told her they met up in a cafe, not in a hospital. Yoona and her friends went to the hospital's cafe as he tracked her there, too. He made a mental note, that he won't stop tracking her until he finds out what she's up to. He felt a little bit guilty for stalking her, but a part of him keeps telling him that this is his part of job as a manager.


Soon, he discovered what Yoona and her friends were talking about. He heard the name “Siwon” being called many times, his eye narrowed and he sharpened his hearing. Maybe that's why Jiyong was afraid to let her go out by herself, Jiyong might be afraid that Yoona was having a relationship with a man, and Nickhun admitted himself, if she did, that would meant trouble to him, too.


But after a few minutes he spent on listening to their conversation, he concluded that the man named Siwon was innocent. He learned from Yoona's eyes that she wasn't lying; she wasn't showing anything suspicious as she talked with the couple in front of her named Seohyun and Yunhyuk.


In the end, Nickhun was once again clueless. Why did Yoona tried to hide this activity from Jiyong? There’s nothing wrong about hanging out with some friends. Now Jiyong will be even more suspicious and will try his best to find out, even if Yoona did nothing wrong.


Yoona stepped out from the cafe, leaving the Yunhyuk guy alone as he the phone once Yoona and somewhat like reporting something, but Nickhun didn't really care about it, he was busy following Yoona, until she stepped in front of an elevator, waiting it to pick her up soon, but then, a familiar figure approached her. Nickhun was surprised to see Jiyong was there, standing from the back firmly, while Yoona was trembling in fear. Nickhun realized that was the start of something unpleasant.


"Ji-Jiyong Oppa?" Yoona turned around slowly, but refused to have eye contact with Jiyong because she was too frightened to look into his eyes. Her fear clouded her mind, making her unable to think. She forced herself to not be a pessimist without looking at the voice owner. Who knows if it's not Jiyong, maybe he's just someone who has the similar voice, she told herself.


However, she sighed as she looked at the man's shoes, the brown Johnston & Murphy leather shoes, Jiyong's favorite shoes. She knew this wasn't a nightmare or someone else; it was Jiyong.


"How long are you gonna to stare at my shoes, not my face instead, Kwon Im Yoona?" Yoona's shoulders shrugged for split seconds as she felt jolts of electricity inside her body. She raised her head slowly, and finally she could see the whole face of her older brother, Kwon Jiyong. 


And what she saw was a dreadful, pair of angry eyes and fused eyebrows, looking straight into her eyes. If a stare could kill, Yoona might be dead by now. Jiyong wasn't showing any mercy in his eyes, only pure anger and profound emotion. He took a deep breathe, getting ready to crush Yoona to fontanel. Even though Jiyong hasn't said a word, Yoona was already crying inside.


"O-Oppa.." Yoona muttered desperately, it was the only word she could think of.


"So this is where you go to work? To a hospital? To become a nurse? What a laugh, Yoona." Jiyong coldly quipped. Jiyong just stabbed Yoona's heart deeply, it was a mock that completely hurt Yoona mentally, even though Jiyong was clueless of what Yoona has been doing in Seoul National Hospital, Yoona felt like Jiyong declared that someone was using her viciously, like a property.


"A-annyeo... it-it's nothing like that... at all." Yoona stuttered, but Jiyong was no longer there to listen to her. He planned from the start he will dominate the conversation.


"Then what? Are you training to be a doctor here? Because as far as I know, you didn't major in medication, Yoona. Or is that something else you haven't told me?" Jiyong asked with an intention to taunt her. Yoona gulped her saliva, she didn't know what to answer him as she lowered her head back. She could no longer stare at Jiyong's emotional eyes, it was too scary for her. "Answer me, Im Yoona."


"Oppa... why are you here?" Yoona asked another question, hoping that Jiyong would refrain asking her the question he just gave earlier. Unfortunately, Jiyong answered with a shout to Yoona's face.


"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! NOW ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION!" Jiyong roared to her face. Yoona closed her eyelids, tears slowly forming in her eyes.


"I-I-I...was taking care of a friend..here.." Yoona admitted bluntly, she could no longer escape Jiyong's wrath, she did this action on her own decision, and she told herself she wouldn't back down now. As scary as Jiyong can be, she believed she did what's right, and Jiyong should understand her. 


"Who? Who the hell needs your treatment? Can't he or she took care of themselves? What a nerve they've got to enslave you." Of all the words he could say, Jiyong picked the cruelest word of all: enslave. He didn't mind anymore that Yoona was his little sister, what she did was outrageous and unforgivable.


"She was badly injured! And she was Yuri unnie's friend! Don't you think you should have a little bit of concern?!" Yoona finally found the courage to shout back. She knew Jiyong wouldn't understand her, not at this moment. Yoona said 'she' instead of 'he' because if she told Jiyong about Siwon, he might think that Siwon is forcing her to take care of him. Besides, his attitude won't help them at all.


"The hell if she's a friend of Yuri's, she's not even your friend! Oh wait, I remember now! You never had one." Yoona felt a force pressing her chest. She didn't know Jiyong would mention something so sensitive to her, no matter how angry he was. "Look, the point is that you lied to me about going to work! Instead, you spent time here without any protection! What's with you?! Why couldn't you just do what I told you to?! You could get yourself killed!" 


"I'm not your servant! I have my own life and I have the right to control it!  So what if I get myself killed?! Like you said, I wasn't important to anyone else! Oh, I know, you must be worried your company won't profit as much, right?! Is that it?!" Yoona countered back with the cruelest words she could muster. Jiyong was shocked to hear Yoona talking back to him. He knew she has a rebellious side, but not this much.


Jiyong clenched his fist. "You take that back or I'll--"


"Or you'll what?!" Yoona interrupted. "I've had it with your nonsense about my safety!  The only reason why you care so much about me is only so I can live the way YOU wanted! Look, I'm practically fine until now and I can take care of myself, I'm a fully-grown woman. I can do what I want! I don't need your overprotection!"


Jiyong let out a sigh and approached Yoona until there was only an inch between them. Harshfully, he slapped Yoona's cheek. Yoona was put up in a shock as tears flowed freely from her eyes. Yoona remembered about Sooyoung's story being slapped by her older brother for being disobidient towards his orders, the scene was pretty much the same.


But she didn't expect, she would experience that, herself.


It was something Jiyong had never done before, but his emotions took control of his body, and he didn't show a single sign of regret, and yet he wasn't happy either. Yoona understood she had made one person angry, but it's Jiyong that slapped her, she never got such rough treatment from him, not even once. She touched her cheek that turned red because of the powerful slap, she turned her head slowly and looked at Jiyong with sad eyes.


"You--you're not Jiyong I knew...why are you so mean to me? You even haven't heard my reasons, why?" Yoona asked desperately, interspedsed with a sniffle. Jiyong let out another sigh, but it was a sigh that signed that powerful slap redeemed his anger inside him bit by bit. Still, Yoona couldn't believe the man in front of her, who blamed her for every deeds she has done. 


"I don't need to hear it, and I don't wish to. You disobeyed me, you lied to me, and that's that." Jiyong said coldly.


Suddenly, Nickhun jumped into their confrontation, he knew it was a necessary action he should take before the fight turned worser than this. He defended Yoona from getting anymore harm. He realized what Yoona did was wrong, but the difference between him and Jiyong was, he had already listened to her reasons back when he overheard Yoona's conversation with Seohyun. From his point of view, what Jiyong did was wrong. 


"Mr. Kwon, I think that's enough, you don't have to hurt your own sibling more than this." he shielded Yoona. Jiyong's rage started to build inside him and his blood boiled once again to see an unnecesary person to interfere, which in this case, is Nickhun.


"Move, Manager Khun. This is between me and my little sister. Don't make me to throw the tantrums on you." Jiyong commanded, however, Nickhun disagreed with a shook with his head.


"Throw anything at me if you want, but I won't move. From what I see, you've gone too far. You don't have to slap her and humiliate her in a public place like this, especially in a hospital." Nickhun bravely stated his opinion. 


"I said move, Nickhun. I could sue you for getting into other family's bussiness." Jiyong repeated with a deathly glare to Nickhun's eyes, without even listening to Nickhun's words before. 


"And I could sue you for making a ruckus in a public place and persecuting your own little sister. With all due respect, Mr. Kwon, I have to say I'm really disappointed on you. You said you stalked your sister for her own good, if she did something wrong like taking drugs or drinking alcohol, I highly understand what you did to her. But what she did was conversely, she did something very noble to take care of her friend. She may lied to you, but you yourself didn't give her even a little bit of freedom. Don't you think you have crossed the right of humanity?" Nickhun wisdomly countered.


"Don't talk as if you know everything, Manager Khun. You don't even know the half of the background why I did this to her." Jiyong protested, he was really pissed by Nickhun's so-wisdom-speech like he was involved with the night attack that made him trauma of letting Yoona get out of his sight.


"Maybe I don't, but I could see through Yoona that she completely disagree with your behavior. Knowing that is already enough for the reasons to protect her from you. Don't you think it's time to stop?"


"Yeah, I'll stop here then if she wishes it, we're going home and that's final. I would make her forget all her dreams of going to this place again, I'll make sure of her security this time, I won't even give her a slightest chance to escape. Come on, we're going home, Yoona."


Nickhun tilted his head and gazed at Yoona's vacant expression, she was too brokenhearted that her tears even stopped from falling, she was in a big shock, that's for sure. Nickhun knew giving her back to Jiyong wouldn't be a good solution, not until he had a word with her, words of encouragement to make her pass the day mentally alive. 


"Mr. Kwon, your sister wished not to come with you. I will do the honor to bring her back home safely, as her manager." Nickhun confirmed shortly.


"And what makes you think you could do that?" Jiyong inquired.


"As I said before, I will do my job as a manager to take her home from her job, and don't forget, you were able to find her because of my help. Let's just say this a debt you have to pay." 


Jiyong stared at Yoona who was now hiding behind Nickhun, sobbing as she looked into his eyes. Deep down, he couldn't stand seeing her crying, moreover because of him. He thought, maybe letting her go with Nickhun is the best option, he knew he could trust Nickhun, despite the debate they just had, he knew he was the source of this confrontation. Then, he decided to let Yoona go as she wishes, but with his pride, he turned his body arrogantly from the two.


"Do as you wish, but you'll be sorry if she didn't came home before the night falls."


"Mr. Kwon, if it had come to this, I shouldn't have helped you in the first place. I thought all you would do was a little warning to her, not an abusive action like slapping her. As much as you hate her action, there's a limit to everything, Mr. Kwon. I have to say that I truly regret to have a meeting with you in the office, I really am." Nickhun admitted what's on his feeling, truthfully, Nickhun had little sparks of anger inside him, but he held it as best as he can to respect his own words earlier. He should be the gentleman, not the one who brought more chaos.


"That makes the two of us, Manager Khun. I must say I'm twice as disappointed as you are. You meddled into my bussiness with my sister, and I wish nothing more that you should stop here and mind your own bussiness. I'll make sure I'll never meet you again." Jiyong retaliated without even looking to Nickhun. 


"As for you, dongsaeng--" Jiyong added, this time it's a message for Yoona. The younger girl was still looking at Jiyong's back behind Nickhun, too afraid to confront him again.


"You'll regret this."


After the stern warning Jiyong had left to Yoona and Nickhun, Yoona's feet could no longer held her to stand anymore, her trembling feet forced her to sat on the floor, she felt like a ton of weight was put on her shoulder. Her expression was as vacant as before, when she heard Jiyong's powerful, yet heart-stabbing remarks. She stared at the floor blankly, reflecting herself of what she has done to make Jiyong that angry. Meanwhile, her manager was thinking of the right words to say to her, to heal her broken heart. 


"Yoong...gwenchana?" first of all, he asked her condition.


"I...I...I don't know him anymore..that's not Jiyong Oppa I knew.." Yoona muttered as another water came out from her eyes, Nickhun saw her with pitiful eyes, Nickhun himself didn't know what's gotten into Jiyong mind to have acted like that. As far as Nickhun has heard rumors about him, he knew Jiyong was the only person who accepted Yoona the way she is, something that even her biological mother didn't even do. He thought that's the worst part that her family has given her, but seeing Jiyong like that, he could put up a conclusion :


Rumors should stay rumors.


Nickhun learned that Jiyong was the same, people with powers that could do anything they want, and they will get it, no matter what are the consequences, somehow Nickhun got a feeling Jiyong was that kind of type of person, using the term of Yoona's safety, he almost believed Jiyong really only wanted profit from Yoona's earnings.


No, he told himself as he shook his head off that awful thoughts about Jiyong. He was reminded that he only met Jiyong twice, and that first impression did a lot to his image on their first meeting. That time, Jiyong was about to bribe him in a negative way, but he did that for his sister's health, not for her job, and he was really sincere at that time, even listening to the stranger such as Nickhun himself in order to protect her from harm. Also, he remembered Jiyong's words before he left him and Yoona.


"Don't talk as if you know everything, Manager Khun." That words kept echoing in Nickhun's mind, putting a lot of meaning in his judgement upon this man named Kwon Jiyong. He hated to admit it but he was right, he didn't even know a single clue why Jiyong has been overprotective against Yoona. He knew he wasn't the right person to tell what's right and what's wrong.


He decided to conclude his thoughts about Jiyong, as a good guy who wanted to protect his sister from injury, in an extreme way,


"Yoona...let's go, people might see you soaking in tears like this, you know it won't be a pretty picture, right?" Nickhun tried to enlighten the mood, luckily, there was no one who used the elevator or wanted to stop in front of them, but Yoona answered with a furious red eyes directed to Nickhun's, he was pretty startled with that angry look that described everything, her pain, her sorrow, her sadness.


"Let them see me! Let them see what my older brother did to me! I'm not even a real artist, I'm just a substitute of Kwon Yuri! I don't have to keep my image the way my family wanted me! All I did was for nothing but pain and tears!" Yoona yelled hysterically, Nickhun slapped his own forehead, forgotten that was one thing, above all things he shouldn't have mentioned in front of her. Still, he mentioned it, without a second thought.


"Yoona-ah..please stop it, regardless who you are, it's not right to sit on the floor like this, it's not appropriate." Nickhun talked in a friendlier tone, using all the reasons to help Yoona to stood up from her current condition. He realized Yoona may immerse in a grief, but this wasn't the right way. He offered his hand to help her to stand up.


Yoona's hand slowly reached Nickhun's palm, and gripped it tightly as Nickhun used all his power to lift the thin girl. She looked really weak and skinny before, but in a deppresed state, she looked even worse, results of never-ending work and anguish. Yoona's lips trembled, she wanted to burst everything on Nickhun but felt dry, depleted by her weep.


Suddenly, Yoona crashed her body to Nickhun's, wrapping her arms behind Nickhun's back. Nickhun was a bit surprised at first, but he returned her hug as soon as he realized that Yoona needed it for her comfort, he gently carresed her long, straight hair.


"Khun Oppa...what have I done?" 


"You've done nothing wrong...Yoona. Don't worry." he patted Yoona's back lovingly. "Come on, let's go home. We've got a lot to talk about, you owe me an explanation on whatever that was. Be strong, Yoona." a few carreses Nickhun made slided Yoona's hair, as she looked up to her manager and forced a smile, a smile of thanks for supporting him, and he returned the smile, signing everything will be okay, by the end.


"Look at you, all messed up because one incident. What would I say when I return to your mother? She would ask me for what happened to you..and that means trouble."  Nickhun joked once again while fixing Yoona's crumpled bangs with a wide smile, his specialty to cheer people up from their worst state to become a brighter one, or to say, his charm, that brought many girls fell from their weak knees, such as Victoria, his rightful wife.


"Mi-Mianhaeyo..Oppa..I'll take the responsibility for this mess..sorry to have made you trapped in this situation..I really regret it.." Yoona apologized with a sniffle within her voice, trying her best not to let another tear fall down. She was really upset for getting Nickhun into this, but she couldn't help but to admit that she's grateful to have Nickhun by her side.


"Don't say that." Nickhun released himself from Yoona's embrace, he put his hands on top of Yoona's shoulders. "I would even have more greater regret if I didn't get myself into this. I'm not saying this because I fancy you or I hate Mr. Kwon,  but it's my job to take good care of my actress, that's a common sense for actual managers. Whatever you do, I will always be by your side, supporting you until the end." he ended his lines with a tap on Yoona's shoulder.


"Okay then, we  really should get going, Yoona. If I don't bring you home now, Mr. Kwon might send special ops to search for you and eliminate me if possible. I'll take you home now." Nickhun pushed the elevator's panel that's going down. At first, Yoona was willingly follow him around, but a thought crossed her mind, to take a side track before she leave.


Immediately, Yoona grabbed Nickhun's hand. "Wait, Oppa! Before we leave, please stop by at the second floor! There is something I must do!" She pleaded, Nickhun's brows furrowed, what bussiness does Yoona have in the second floor? He wondered. 


"What are you going to do there?" 


"Bidding farewell." she answered briefly.


"So, remind me again what this Siwon guy meant to you, and why did you mention 'she' instead of 'he' when you were talking with Jiyong, Yoona.  Nickhun asked as they got out from the elevator on the second floor and started walking to room number 201. Yoona was a bit startled, how Nickhun suddenly jumped up with questions that he shouldn't have any idea about, then again, Yoona recalled Nickhun explained in the elevator that he stalked her since he left the cafe.


"Wow, you sure are a good reminder. Anyway...the answer for your question was already answered in my fight with Jiyong..he was an old friend of Yuri's, and we happened to meet one night when he found out about my adress to say hi, at that time Seohyun was there with us too, you know, the other girl I spoke with in the cafe." Nickhun nodded, he didn't realize Yoona mentioned something like that to Jiyong, he thought Siwon was her friend, not Yuri's. 


"And the next question?" Nickhun continued.


"Because if Jiyong knew that I was taking care of a man, he might've killed both me and Siwon at an instant, you have seen how overprotective he is. At least he wouldn't hurt a girl, that's what I thought. But, I wasn't lying that I was taking care of a girl, too. Her name is Choi Sooyoung, and she happens to be Siwon's little sister. So, literally speaking, I'm not lying, I'm just phasing some truths, that's all" Yoona explained her innocence, Nickhun had to agree what Yoona did was a right choice.


Then, Yoona and Nickhun finally arrived in front of room number 201. "Here we are, Oppa, you wait here, okay?" Yoona knocked lightly at the door and like before, she didn't wait for an answer to enter the premises. 


"Siwon Oppa? Or Yoona?" Sooyoung questioned the presence of the person who entered her room, Yoona grinned to see Sooyoung was smiling brightly when she entered Sooyoung's room, but she wanted to hit herself at that moment, when she knew she will be responsible for the frown on Sooyoung's face later when she said goodbye to her, forever.


"It's Yoona, here. Sooyoung Unnie." Yoona greeted kindly, even thought Sooyoung couldn't see it, Yoona lowered her head, she had to paid some respect, due to this day will be the last day she'll see Sooyoung.


"Yoona Dongsaeng! Come on, give your unnie a hug! I miss you!" Sooyoung squealed happily as if she hasn't seen Yoona for years, she stretched her arm, waiting for Yoona to pull her in her embrace. Yoona held her tears, she recalled Sooyoung is the one who treasured her friends the most all her live, she has been left by Donghae, she just can't stand the fact that Jiyong has the heart to break their newlyborn friendship and forced her to leave Sooyoung too.


With a rush towards her, Yoona hugged Sooyoung tightly. Sooyoung thought she was that happy to see her, but in fact, it's the opposite.


"I missed you too, Unnie.." A teardrop fell to Sooyoung's shoulder. As a blind person, Sooyoung's senses were really sensitive, she realized that there's a single water dropped on her shoulder. Personally, Yoona didn't want this to become a painful goodbye, but no matter how she thought of it or tried to brace herself, it's still painful to her.


"Dongsaeng? Are you..crying?" Sooyoung Yoona's back repetititvely as she hugged her tighter, she didn't have any idea why Yoona suddenly bolted to her and came crying on her, but she knew Yoona was in trouble at that moment.


After a few sniffles and Sooyoung's back , finally Yoona got the courage to speak. "Unnie...I might have to go for a while, and I might not be able to see you soon...I'm really, really sorry, there's a problem occured and I have to finish it..and I don't know how long will it takes to end it.." Yoona admitted with sobbings, Sooyoung's shoulder shuddered in a shock as she stopped Yoona's back, she just met Yoona the previous day and yet she has to loss sight of her now.


Just like he lost Donghae, a long time ago


Sooyoung released Yoona and started to talk with a bitter feeling."It's..okay, as long as you can promise to meet me again soon..it's okay..." Sooyoung faked a smile, but inside, her heart shattered in pieces to hear such a hurtful statement, especially Sooyoung who has bad times through goodbyes. Yoona didn't bear to see the older girl's face, she was sure Sooyoung was expressing her sadness, and she knew she couldn't promise her anything. She could, but to fulfill it? It's a different story. 


"You..will promise me that...right?" Sooyoung asked desperately, because she was afraid of getting hurt, she wanted to make herself sure that she would wait, of something's worth it. She knew she wouldn't be able to accept the answer no, although Yoona seemed like she won't say yes anyway, but she wanted to hear it from the person herself. On the other hand, Yoona didn't want to hurt the innocent blind girl by breaking down her dream, so she decided to let out, another lie in her life. 


"Yeah..I promise, Unnie." 


"Good girl." Sooyoung praised with a brighter smile, though it didn't look so sincere.


As much as Yoona wanted to stay longer in their farewell, she knew Jiyong would get her, and everybody who's close to her in trouble if she didn't come home soon, and she also knew, that prolonging this wouldn't be a good idea either. She wrapped her arms into Sooyoung's embrace, for the last time. 


"Unnie..in return, promise me you will take care of Siwon. Okay?" Yoona requested, which Sooyoung retun with a small nod in her hug with Yoona.


"Will do, don't worry, Yoona." Yoona released herself, relieved to hear that confident answer from Sooyoung's mouth, at least she didn't so sad as Yoona expected, despite Yoona was aware of Sooyoung's trauma against painful goodbyes. On the second thought, her face turned sad, to know the reason behind Sooyoung's smile, the promise, that she wasn't sure that she'll fulfill or not, at least she was sure, that it will be long before she could meet up with her again.


And that's how the farewell between Sooyoung and Yoona, ended.


Nickhun didn't even dare to ask if Yoona's okay or not as soon as they walked out from Sooyoung's room, he tried to, but Yoona's blank stare to the floor and vacant expression made him refrain his intention. Yoona didn't even talk a single line, her mind was corrupted by things she shouldn't have done, lying to Jiyong, lying to Sooyoung and lying to the world, she didn't think how wrong it was until she experienced living a life full of lies. She had to admit, she's been used to it, but the feeling after she lied was really bitter and unpleasant.


"Not saying goodbye to the other guy?" Nickhun inquired as she pushed the button of the elevator.


Yoona snapped from her empty thoughts and started to pay attention to Nickhun's question. "Oh, you mean Siwon? I won't bother, he wouldn't want to see me." Yoona intuited helplessly. She wanted nothing more but at least to say goodbye to him, even if it means having another quarrel with the grumpy one. But she had enough of hurting herself because of the farewells, one thing is for sure, Siwon wouldn't miss her.


The moment the elevator stopped on the second floor and opened up, Seohyun was standing there in a surprise to see Yoona. Her mind was totally focused on the terrible fact she just found few minutes ago in the diagnostic test, but she saw Yoona was standing in front of her desperately, with eyebags and red eyes, plus marks of tears.


"Yuri! What happened to you?!" Seohyun asked as she grabbed Yoona's slender arms. Then she set her eyes on Nickhun who was standing beside her, she figured Nickhun was the culprit. She quickly stole Yoona to her side and glared right to Nickhun. 


"Ahjusshi! What have you done to my friend, Yuri?!" Nickhun snapped a little to hear that call, ahjusshi? He just reached the age of thirty, and he was rewarded with that call? He asked himself as he wondered if he looked that old. Then his mind turned to an oddity in Seohyun's charge, he was sure she mentioned the name 'Yuri' instead of 'Yoona, after few seconds, he remembered about Yoona's identity disposal, and lately he's been seeing the ones who called Yoona by her real names.


Nickhun bowed slolwly. "She has been like this all along. I'm here so I can help her out. Anyway, pleasant to meet you. I'm Yoona's manager, Nickhun. But you call me Khun, for short." Nickhun proposed as he introduced himself kindly, he offered a handshake to Seohyun. Seohyun's brows furrowed why the man in front of her suddenly introduced himself, but she found there's no sign of lying inside his eyes. 


Seohyun took Nickhun's hands and shook it firmly. "Pleasure to meet you, Manager Khun. I'm--"


"Seohyun." Nickhun interrupted, making Seohyun's shoulder lifted in split seconds.


"How do you know?" Seohyun asked. 


"A rough guess." Nickhun chuckled proudly, Seohyun has a wary feeling upon Nickhun in split seconds, but she turned her attention back to the younger girl beside him. Yoona was still busy avoiding her gaze, maybe she didn’t want to explain to her about her problems, not with Nickhun around, she supposed, even though it was Nickhun who happen to have found Yoona like this.


An idea came up in Seohyun’s mind, and she blurted it right after she thought of it. “Manager Khun, do you mind if I take Yuri home? I have several things to discuss with her on our way back to Kwon Mansion.”


“Of course--Oh...” Nickhun was about to agree with Seohyun said, but he refrained to do so when he looked back at Yoona’s condition, he had misgivings that Yoona might go as far as run away from her house since he knew the fact that she’s no longer have anyone to treat her nicely as before, and what worried him most, was that she would even use Seohyun, since from his point of view, Seohyun really was a dear friend to Yoona. The events that played in his mind maybe was just a speculation of his own, but he’s afraid that it would come true.


Seohyun learned Nickhun’s puzzled face upon giving the decision who should give Yoona a ride home, she was sure she could hear Nickhun agreeing upon her terms, but she couldn’t decide because he stopped in the middle of his sentence.


“Oppa...may I? I promise I won’t go anywhere, I’ll go straight to Kwon Mansion.” Suddenly, Yoona broke the air of silence.


Nickhun stared at Yoona’s doe eyes which were all puffy and red colored, and he realized he couldn’t say no to those eyes, but part of him still didn’t want to agree of handing Yoona to Seohyun, not that she’s not untrustable in his eyes.  Then again, he told himself that being selfish wasn’t the answer, as far as he wanted to bring her home safely, himself, he realized it wouldn’t make the situation any better. Maybe the idea of letting Seohyun ride her home will give her a chance to recover from the mental breakdown she’s suffering. Seohyun’s a girl, and that answers all the question in Nickhun’s brain on how she would make her feel better.


In the end, he gave a small nod to Yoona. “Just don’t play anywhere, go straight home, okay?”


Yoona’s face formed a small smile, a sad, small smile towards her manager. He didn’t know why, but seeing her smile made him smile too, a part of him was relieved to do something useful to make her happy, even though it’s just a trivial thing.  As he said his last message, he turned his back and strolled slowly away from Yoona. However, he felt  two hands wrapped around his body, stopping him to walk further. Nichkhun tilted his head and see and who it was, and of course, it was Yoona who hugged him.


“Gomawayo, Oppa. For doing all those things, for defending me, for supporting me, for letting me go, for everything, thank you. I won’t forget your kindness. I don’t what I would’ve done without you, I’m truly grateful to have you by my side.” Yoona thanked Nickhun from his back and rested her head with a smile. Nichkhun managed to smile broadly upon Yoona’s words of grateful, frankly, Nichkhun himself wasn’t feeling so well upon Yoona’s condition and kept blaming himself for not being a good manager. Then Yoona came up with those words, he could relieve a sigh, it seemed that a heavy load has been blown off his back.


For him, her smile is an achivement,  her happiness, is his success. It’s always been like that.


He released Yoona’s hug and turned his back, he put both of his hands on Yoona’s shoulder, he returned the smile Yoona just gave to encourage him. “No need to thank me, it is my duty as your manager, as well as your duty to stay strong if you want to defend your rights. I know you did nothing wrong, I will support you upon this matter no matter what, that’s why you have stop releasing this...” Nichkhun brushed off the water on Yoona’s cheek with his fingertip, “And get home safely, arraso?”


“Arraso, Oppa. Please be careful on your way home. Jeongmal, kamshahamnida.” Yoona wrapped her hands around Nichkhun’s waist tightly once again, while Nichkhun carressed her hair lovingly. Seohyun, who was between the manager and his actress couldn’t help but smile to see the scene before her, she knew from the first glance that Nichkhun is someone who cared for Yoona so dearly.


After waving goodbye to the thoughtful manager, Yoona joined Seohyun inside elevator and went down to the parking lot. Seohyun called Yunhyuk on their way to Seohyun’s car to get himself a cab and to cancel their ‘hospital date’ since Seohyun has a new obligation she just gave himself, drive Yoona safely to Kwon Mansion. Meanwhile, Yoona felt guilty upon hearing their conversation, just because of her, she had to trouble one more person because of her.


“..Yeah, I’ll make it up next time. We have a case ongoing so actually we shouldn’t play around by now. Annyeong.” Seohyun pressed the red button on her phone, disconnecting her talk with Yunhyuk.


“Um...Seohyun, I think you should just pick Yunhyuk up...I’m okay, I could take a cab and go home by my own, this is too much—“


Seohyun interrupted Yoona’s sentence by putting her forefinger in front of her lips. “Sst! Not another word. It’s my own will to get you home and you have right to refuse the offer, besides, didn’t you hear what your manager said? You have to get home safely. If I took the risk of letting you take public transportation, you might just run off to a bar or something and get drunk to let off the problems on your mind, that’s what women at your age do, right?” Seohyun lectured in a teacher-style.


Yoona chuckled at Seohyun’s words. “I don’t get drunk...and let me remind you that you’re also part of ‘woman at my age’, Seohyun.”


“Of course, now will you just open the door and sit down,’ Seohyun unlocked the car without giving a concern upon Yoona’s farce and persuading Yoona to enter, pushing her inside the car. Seohyun herself sat on the driver’s seat and started the engine of her car, before she run the car wild, she looked to the person at her left with a poisonous glare. “You owe me and explanation for whatever that was.”


The 30-minute to Kwon Mansion was filled with Yoona’s sentimental story about her own brother opposing her good deeds and saying cruel remarks that’s the least she wanted to hear. It was hard for Seohyun to pursue her to talk. To Yoona, she wouldn’t believe it would happen to her, her own brother who never hurt her before and always acting protective towards her to injure her in such way.


It was her first time to see Kwon Jiyong like that.


Imperceptibly, Seohyun has reached the ground near Kwon Mansion. It’ll only take a mile until they reached Yoona’s shelter. Therefore, Seohyun slowed down the speed of her car, in order to buy some time to talk to Yoona, who has concluded her story. She had told everything, about her night visit, about the blind girl named Sooyoung, and most importantly her relation with Siwon.


“So that’s it? You ended up getting scolded by Kwon Jiyong and were forced to stop seeing Siwon and that girl? I’m so sorry for you, Yuri.” Seohyun patted Yoona’s shoulder to cheer her up, Yoona herself could only stare blankly at her feet while lowering her head, she really got no idea of how to deal with Jiyong with this and how to see Sooyoung again, for Jiyong, she didn’t want to lit another fire inside the mansion, but it’s obvious she couldn’t just left Sooyoung like that, not after the promise she just made with her. Seohyun could see how confused she was, judging from her troubled expression was more than enough.


A few pat, and Seohyun stopped her tapping. She pitied Yoona so much, but she knew it wouldn’t help since she too, could tell that it’s not like Yoona’s not at fault either, at least she found some flaws upon Yoona’s reasons.


“But you see, there’s also a thing you should realize.” Seohyun pointed out, Yoona wiped off the tears from her face, hoping the continuity of Seohyun’s words would help herself to cheer up.


“What is that?”


“That you are also at fault.” Like a knife stabbed into her, Yoona felt somekind of invisible force pushed her chest hardly, making her hard to breath. Those six words weren’t something she expected from her best friend, then she recalled what she’s done until now regarding her activities in Seoul National Hospital.


One, She saved Siwon from the brink of death.


Two, she paid for his medical treatment.


Three, she took care from him from dawn to dusk.


Four, she took care of his little sister as well.


Lastly, she defended her rights to continue to take care of the siblings against Jiyong,


Not to mention she was awarded with a rough slap on her face by doing so.


And then came her bestfriend, Seohyun, sitting beside her with a straight face.


Telling her, that she’s at fault.


“Seohyun...let me clarify something first before you continue, did Jiyong told you to do this? To persuade me to just back off and let everything run as it suppose to be? Tell me the truth.” Yoona prejudiced before Seohyun could speak another word, meanwhile the policewoman’s face turned into a bizzare expression, wondering where did Yoona got such idea. She can conclude based on Yoona’s preconception, she realized that Kwon Jiyong is more than meets the eye.


“Look, I don’t exactly know why you said that, besides, I barely know Kwon Jiyong, why should I even help him? Let me tell you one thing, I’m here not only to support you, but also warning you from your wrongdoings. Also, don’t judge me yet, I haven’t even finish my sentence.” Seohyun said firmly, Yoona’s heart was beating faster, afraid that what Jiyong said might be true after all, maybe he see things the same way as Seohyun.


“Tell me where I did wrong, Seohyun. Ppali” Yoona asked in a rush, anticipating Seohyun’s advice.


“Here’s the deal, none of your actions were wrong and you did everything willingly, I was really astonished that not only Siwon that you took care of, but even a stranger like, um—“


“Sooyoung.” Yoona filled in since Seohyun looked like she forgot her name already.


“Yes, Sooyoung. I don’t exactly agree you just given yourself to take care of that girl just because she’s Siwon sister. Who knows she might hurt you just like he did” Seohyun lied, inside she wanted nothing more than just cut their connection after the information about who Siwon is came from the Doctor,  now that Sooyoung came into the picture, it wouldn’t be easy to just say that Yoona should just stop to visit the siblings in the hospital.


On the other hand, if Yoona heard any better, Seohyun’s words would sound really peculiar.


Unaware of oddities in Seohyun’s words, Yoona continued the topic. “But she’s different! She’s nice, sweet and caring towards me, unlike Siwon who’s ruthless, cold and self-obsessed. She’s also need someone to stand by her side...and I know exactly why, that’s why I decided to help her.”


“I know you’re that kind of type, that’s why, I ask you to be more careful if you’re taking on a decision, that’s where you’re wrong. First of all, you didn’t tell anything about the two to Jiyong, second, you sneak in and sneak out by yourself in the dark night. Don’t you think it’s pretty dangerous?” Seohyun explained thoroughly about her opinion.


Yoona scoffed. “Ha, Jiyong Oppa wouldn’t let me go out from Kwon Mansion, why would he allow me to go to the hospital? Don’t you know that he’s imprisoning me in my own house? Except when it comes to my work. Whatsmore, I told him only concerning Sooyoung, if I were to mention Siwon...seesh I can’t even imagine what would happen to that guy.” Yoona informed grudgely. Kwon Jiyong never once let Yoona comes into a serious relationship, not that she’s fallen for somebody else lately.


“Hey, it’s not like you have asked him or something, the problem is that you didn’t even ask, then the answer will always be a no. Who knows he might let you this time, or, he might accompany you as a fail-safe, anything could happen. Even so, you lied to him about going to work and go to the hospital instead, don’t you know how bitter it is to have your trust being misused?”


Yoona thought of Seohyun’s remarks and had to admit, she hit jackpots here and there. At first she didn’t realize that she was doing awfully wrong by lying to him, now a pang of guilt started to hit her concious.


“And don’t forget...you were a victim of an assault last time, remember? You almost got yourself killed, lucky Jiyong was there to save you, but if he wasn’t? This friendship between us wouldn’t even started.” Seohyun added.


Yoona fell into a deep silence, now all she could do is listen.


“Let’s face it, you weren’t the only one that should take care of others, as your older brother, who almost got his little sister killed, how do you think he would feel if he lose you? It is natural if he’s overprotective towards you, it is necessary, Yuri. He cares about you, and you should be grateful for that.”


Again, Yoona couldn’t talk back.


“If you were in his shoes, what would you do?” Seohyun ended her lecture with a simple question.


Meanwhile, Yoona’s face was getting paler in each and every words Seohyun said, she just realized that Jiyong throwing tantrums at her has more essential reasons than she thought. It’s not about how she disobeyed his order, but a fear of losing someone that’s important to him. It’s not about meeting with someone in the hospital that he concerned, but going to a place where anyone could strike her from the back. She just realized this fact.


The fact that Jiyong has the right to be angry at her.


“Seohyun..what must I do?” Yoona once again asked for guidance, she was confused, frustrated, and blaming herself for not listening to him, never once Jiyong let her down, and now he’s forced to do it because he loves her so much.


“The answer is simple, apologize to him.” Seohyun responded quickly.


“That’s it? That’s all I have to do?” Yoona asked in disbelief.


“Yup, apologize to him, explain him the reasons why you have done those things, maybe make up you fault by doing something that will please him and become siblings again. Problem solved.” Seohyun explained in details to repair their broken connection.


Yoona nodded in agreement, maybe this attempts to reconcile with Jiyong might work, after all, it’s Seohyun who gave the advice, she thought to herself.


“I’m sure if he really loves you, he will forgive you eventually, after all what you did wasn’t that bad...oh we have arrived.” Seohyun pointed her second finger to the enormous building of Kwon Mansion right in front of them. Seohyun pulled the hand brake and stopped right in front of the entrance, she wanted to give the last, important message to the girl beside her.


“Yul, promise me you’ll apologize to him, I know he’s hurt to have her sister fighting with him, you’re supposed to find a way out to let him allow you to go to the place you wish to go, not the other way round. You must understand that the condition at the moment is a matter of life-and-death, with you at stake, even I don’t want you to get hurt. True, you want to do things your way while he wants to do things his, but find a win-win solution where everybody can get what you all want, okay?” Seohyun spared her words of wisdom.


Yoona formed a small smile and nodded to her, now with that convincing talk with her best friend, she was no longer confused of what she should do, she had settled a plan inside herself of what she should do.


“I’ll try, Seohyun. I’ll do my best to reconcile with him.”


“Good girl.” Seohyun pulled over the girl to a warm hug, now Yoona is able to smile widely again as her eyes closed while enjoying Seohyun’s embrace that’s filled with her hair’s fragrance. Seohyun was a figure she could look up to, a place where she could freely expresses her feeling, whether she’s sad or happy, and she could give the best solutions to all problems without harming anyone, that’s what so special about Seohyun.


Yoona had to admit, what Seohyun remarked was true, if it weren’t because of Jiyong protecting her from getting killed that night, she may never have met Seohyun.


Seohyun broke the hug and stared Yoona deeply in her eyes. “Feeling better, Yuri?”


“Ne, and it’s thanks to you.” Yoona thanked her best friend.


“Ani, I just helped a little” Seohyun showed her humbleness for the last time. Seohyun unlocked the doors of her car. Yoona got out from the car and closed the door slowly. Seohyun opened her window and said farewell to Yoona, then drove off, out from Yoona’s sight.


On her way back, she looked at right rearview’s mirror and looked at Yoona standing alone inf front of the Kwon Mansion. She smiled to see her back to her normal self again. Then she was reminded of one thing she wanted to tell Yoona badly, but decided to drop it off since Yoona was wounded mentally enough, maybe the next time they meet, when Yoona’s in her prime condition, when she’s ready to hear the truth.


That she’s been taking care of her own assailant.


Felt like tons of weigh have been removed from her shoulders, Yoona was once again able to hum her favorite song again, her sister’s song, while ringing the bell of her house. Minutes passed, but there were no sign that somebody was aware of her presence. She clicked the bell once again, this time with more power in her finger.


Still, no answer.


“That’s weird.” She said to herself. It’s so odd to found that nobody’s at home, while the guards should be ready 24/7 as they were assigned by the Kwon Company. At least, in certain times, if they were going to do a shift change, Yeon Chan will be there to replace their duty temporarily. But at that time, there were no Mrs. Kwon, Jiyong, Yeon Chan, or the guards.


Then an idea popped from Yoona’s brain, she remembered she had brought a spare key. She brought it in purpose not to wake everyone up if she has to came home late, so it would seem that she’s been sleeping, now that she would stop her sneaking activity, this will be the lst time she’ll open the door by herself, she supposed to return the spare key back to where it belongs. She unlocked the door and opened it slowly.


“I’m home.” She greeted, but there was no answer from the occupants of the house. Instead, she heard shrieks of pain and blood stain on the ground. Her eyes widen, to see a horrifying scene before her. Two of her guards were lying on the ground, their faces were full of bruises and blood, their uniforms were rumpled, they were trying to catch their breath.


“Ahjusshi!” Yoona quickly reacted and approached the guards, she didn’t believe what she saw, Kwon Company’s guards, who were selected among the experts of martial arts, were now lying on the ground helplessly.


“Ahjusshi! What happened?!” Yoona lifted one of the guards’ head to tell her what happened.


 “Young Lady Yoona...” he answered half -conciously.


He tightened the grip of Yoona’s shirt, trying to get her ears closer to him. He managed to whisper. “The Great Lady Kwon...was” Yoona couldn’t hear it very clear, but she was sure they were talking about her mother.


“..She’s been kidnapped.”


Author's Note :


Hello everyone, it's your Author-nim kanghose here  ^^ so yeah, for those who have read this chapter I'm truly sorry that what I do is just reposting the chapter I have written before, there were change of words, but the main point of the story is still the same. Yes, if you remember, on February, AFF was under somekind of DDOS attack at that time

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oo123 #1
Chapter 36: Updateeeevsoooon
Haha it doesn't? :P Thanks to you I get the idea to use Lee Soo Man :P only probability though~
So Hyori is Donghae's mother ? Great choice ! ^^ I'm curious about Donghae's father,is it Lee SooMan ?? although it makes no sense >.<
@--icecream : I KNOW!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TOO NOONA!! XD aish, you're so good at reading my mind! No spoiler, okay? Keep it for yourself :P Your Welcome! Keep reading :)

@dinhae ; I'm sorry for the lack of YoonWon, I will try to make a good YoonWon by the time they appear :)
I just want to ask,DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ????? OMG !!! I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND WELCOME BACK !!! /throws confetti btw,I think I knw who is the 2nd Commander and TOP's ex-fiancee xDD I LOVE YOU,saeng !!! Thank you so much <333333
waaahh!!! i've been waiting for your update..even though it's not YoonWOn as long as you update it's okay!!!
@---icecream : gosh your name is getting more and more confusing x_x haha! I'm glad you love it, Noona. I hope this is the sign of my comeback, more chapters will be released tomorrow and day after tomorrow :) I can't answer your question about TOP, it won't be fun ;)
You update !!!! Thank you !! /throws confetti Thank you for updating it saeng T.T AND THANK YOU FOR THE YULHAE'S MOMENTS <33333 I LOVE UR UPDATE VERY MUCHHHHH !!! AND I'M CURIOUS ABT TOP'S PAST,IS IT TOP's fiancee is Tiffany ? 0.o
update soon dongsaeng~! ٩(^‿^)۶