
Barista's tools got us together

Tring~~~ Tring~~~


The alarm clock blasted through my ears. I tried to snooze it a little more minutes but I didn't even have time to do so because my mum came, blazing to my room and whispered "Wake up, honey. Rise and shine. It's your birthday.". I felt a warm tingling feelings in my stomach but I also felt uneasy like something terribly might go wrong but I decided to ignore it. I went straight to the bathroom and cleaned myself as soon as possible or my parents will bugged me since they're always not themselves on my birthday. They are usually really 'quiet and calm' type of parents and since I got their genes, I considered myself as one of the 'quietest' student in the whole school.



I went down to the kitchen after changing myself to a simple sweatpant and a 'V' shaped half-sleeve shirt. I found my parents in a hectic mode and they told me to sit down. I started panicking but then, my mum spoke up. "Honey, we haven't brought your Batista's tools which you've been asking for a very long time but not to worry because we're going to buy it for you.", she said in a very weird voice since she tried to calm herself down. After that, they left as soon as possible. I didn't even got the time to tell them that it was fine and they could buy it for me later. Sometimes, I wondered how can they be so weird. Since I got nothing better to do, I surfed the net to find something interesting.



Suddenly, my long time crush, who is also my bestfriend called me out of the blue. I wondered if he's going to surprise me for my birthday but boy, was I wrong. That freaking girl - like ,handsome, baby-faced with really beautiful eyes doesn't even remember his own bestfriend's birthday and he even got the nerve to asked me if he could borrow my XBox since he broke his while he went too overboard while playing 'Game of Thrones'. I can't understand why I even like him. He is such a pain in the ! I clearly didn't have a choice so I told him to come over and he said he'll come in a few hour and he hung up. HUNG UP JUST LIKE THAT!!! The nerve... I was thinking of calling him back to tell him to never talk to me EVER but then I know I can't do that since I have known him for long and I don't think I can survive without him.



Aside from him, I have tons of friends. They are Baekhyun and Chanyeol who also known as 'Baekyeol' since they are a thing now. Kyungsoo and Jongin also known as 'Kaisoo'. They're not a thing yet but soon to be. Kris and Tao who is regarded as the 'fashionable yet the super annoying couple'. Suho and Yixing is known as 'old and the forgetful' couple since Yixing has tendency of forgetting his own name once in a while. Then we have Jongdae, the forever single guy who can trolled anybody and who loves telling jokes which are much worse than anyone could ever imagine. Lastly, we have Sehun who is the youngest and also the little brother of my long time crush and bestfriend, Luhan. He is one annoying with his poker face intact in there like it couldn't be removed at all but once in a while, he did smile and it was one pretty sight.



So they all called me and wished me for my birthday. They told me they have planned a party for me so they invited me to Kris's place since he lived in a mansion because he's that rich (obviously). I told them I will be there soon and hung up to get ready but I still can't believe how Luhan forgotten my birthday. Because of that, I wasn't that excited anymore after recalling that I expected a little bit more from him but still, I can't ditched my other friends so I let it past. I'm now standing infront of Kris's enormous mansion and Kris opened the door. We fisted our bump and he let me in.


Once I was inside, Chanyeol was the first one to spoke up. "Umin hyung, happy birthday! I can't believe you're turning 25 now. That's half of 100!", Chanyeol said excitedly. I just smiled at him. "Anyway, I got hyung a shirt", he continued. He gave me the shirt which made me almost have a severe heart attack , he had the nerve to give me a shirt which has a sentence written in it in a huge dark read print "I and I like it". I asked him with uneasy feeling what it means and he just laughed it off as he knows something. I was going to ask him further but Kyungsoo beats me to it when he said "Hyung, me and Jongin bought you a skateboard with some cookies that I made", I thanked him for the present and ate one of the cookies. Boy, it was really delicious! Jongin is so lucky to get to eat what Kyungsoo made everyday since they lived in a same apartment. Kris gave me a watch and Tao bought me a teddy bear which he thinks looked like me. Suho bought me a pair of shoes which engraved 'EXO' in a hexagon form, I think it's some brand name. Yixing gave me a first aid box and Jongdae presented me nothing since he think 'he' is already enough. Sehun bought me a bubble tea and shyly whispered "Happy Birthday, hyung". It was a cute sight but the person I was hoping to see wasn't there.



I remembered Luhan telling me that he will be coming to my place. I wondered if he knows all of our friends are in Kris's place right now. Does anyone tell him? I quickly texted him. "Luhan, where are you? I'm sorry but I'm not at home right now. In fact, I'm in Kris's place so if you're at my place, come over here.", I pressed the send button. Couple of minutes after, I got a text from Luhan. "I'm not at your place right now. Actually, I'm somewhere else but I'll call you later.", he replied back. I started to feel like he's hiding something and that makes me suspicious towards him. While waiting for Luhan, we played 'Truth or Dare'. We decided to end the game after it went on to Baekyeol making out infront of us and Jongdae trying to get . After waiting Luhan for so long, he finally arrived. I had urge to hug him and forgot about how he had forgotten my birthday. He told us that he was doing something. That's why he was late. We continued celebrating my birthday. It was a hell lot of fun. We partied for the whole night but the rest of them started getting sleepy so we decided to end the party and just sleep off since we all has things to do the next day. I couldn't sleep so I went to the balcony to take some fresh air.


While I was enjoying the cool breeze, somebody tapped on my shoulder and at that moment, I knew it was Luhan so I turned to look at him and smiled. He smiled back. "So were you mad at me for forgetting your birthday?", he asked. I couldn't hide my agitated face and my wavering voice while replying "I'm not. In fact, I don't mind how my best friend of all people doesn't remember my birthday after what we have been through so I actually don't in' care.". I know I went a little overboard and when I was about to apologized to him, he blinded me with a blindfold and ordered me to follow him. I clearly didn't understand what he was planning to do but I followed him anyway. After a while, he stood abruptly and took the blindfold off me. In front of me, I saw a full set of Batista's tools that I always wanted. I just couldn't believe my luck. I was so happy until I had the urge to kiss him and I did. His lips was so soft and moist. It also tasted like a mixture of strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. It was a pure bliss because he kissed me back and it can be term as a ' kiss'. After we ran out of breaths, we broke the kiss and I was too shy to looked at him. He touched my face and asked me softly "Do you like it??". "It was the best, the very best.", I replied happily. He laughed at my straightforward reply and kissed me back. We kissed and forth for one too many times we lost count. It was the best birthday I have ever had and I can't wait to tell my friend and my parents that I finally got a boyfriend. I especially can't wait for their reactions after I told them it's Luhan.


Author's note:

This is actually for Kim Minseok's birthday but I posted it late because I was so busy this week. I'm sorry for posting it late and I hope you enjoy reading it. Also, I'm sorry if there's any grammar or spelling error. Please feel free to comment on my story. Thank you for reading  :) ♡ 사랑해

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bora_xiuhan #1
Chapter 1: Wow so so so so cute
Chapter 1: It's freakin' cuteeeeee~
Luhan you are sooooo romantic hihi