Chapter Twenty

Meeting Mr Perfect

Upon reaching his flat,  Luhan dried his tears, he staggered.

" hey hey hey " a familiar voice spoke, helping Luhan up.

With puffy eyes, Luhan looked up.

" Kai .. " he uttered.

Kai nodded as he raised an eyebrow.

" what happened ? " Kai asked.

" i thought you were.. " before Kai could continue, Luhan gave him a big hug as he broke into tears again.

Kai blinked.

" yah.. yah. what happened ? " he asked as he lightly pat Luhan's back.

Luhan just cried.

" Sehun ? " Kai asked.

There was no reply.

" i'm betting its because of Sehun isn't it ? " Kai asked.

Luhan sniffed as he bit his lips.

" what happened ? " Kai asked.


( At Semi's house ) 

Sehun slumped to the sofa.

He shook his head.

" i'm so dead. " he thought.

" Your friend looks pretty sad " Semi said as she sipped her beer.

Sehun turned and stared at her.

He just sighed as he stood up.

" if you're this fine , i wouldnt even come " he spoke.

Semi looked away.

" i just wanted to see you, can't i ? " she asked.

Sehun placed his hands on his hips.

" no " he replied.

She raised an eyebrow.

" anyways. I got to go. and please , stop drinking so much " Sehun spoke as he looked at the few bottles of beer.

" you're still concern about me ? " she asked as he wrapped her arms around his waist.

He moved away as he turned to look at her.

" As a friend , yes. more than that, no " Sehun replied 

Semi sighed as she folded her arms.

" who is that guy anyway ? Semi asked as she felt slightly annoyed.

Sehun looked at her.

" none of your buisness " he spoke.

"  i thought you really disliked him  ? " She asked.

Sehun stared at her.

" but you two look really close this days isnt it " she asked.

Sehun looked away.

" i'm leaving. and please ( turns to her ) DON"T call me again for nothing . REALLY! " Sehun spoke, irritated.

He slammed the door as he shook his head.

He needs to get to Luhan, fast.


( At Luhan's house ) 

" aiish ! Seriously ? He said that ? " Kai asked.

" ah, seriously that guy " Kai spoke, slightly pissed.

Luhan sighed.

" and what do you intend to do about it ? " Kai asked.

Luhan shrugged as he bit his lips.

" maybe he just can't get over the fact he is in love with a guy " Kai said.

Luhan looked down.

" Cheer up " Kai spoke,

" to be honest, Kai ah, I never felt so in love with someone before. It felt so surreal. Really " Luhan uttered as he looked down.

" to actually love someone this much till it hurts. .. " Luhan added.

" but he's a star. I'm not. He's a public figure, I'm not. There's this barrier between us and . " Luhan uttered as he started breaking down again.

Kai brought him closer for a hug.

" i understand. " Kai uttered as he comforted a crying Luhan.

" i really really really.. Kai ah.. I really do like him alot... " Luhan cried.

" but.. ( pauses ) This isnt right isnt it ? " Luhan asked.

Kai looked at him , his heart ached as well seeing Luhan like this.

There were a few moment of silence.

" It's hard, i know that. and it's even harder because my cousin is a star. , i know that. But Luhan, he chose you out of everyone else. This means something really special. " Kai spoke.

Luhan teared.

" Honestly, yes, though i dislike seeing you and my cousin together and all, i know he really likes you too but he was really a bastard in saying you were just a good friend " Kai spoke.

" what should i do Kai ah " Luhan uttered.

" well.. I can't say much , to be honest as it isnt me. But i would say ask your heart. It's you and him after all " Kai spoke.

Luhan looked down.


Kai cupped Luhan's face.

" however. Whenever you need a listening ear or whatever, i am here " Kai smiled as he lightly wiped a tear of Luhan's face.

Luhan looked at him.

" thank you. If only i fell for you instead of Sehun.. " Luhan said.

Kai chuckled.

" well. i am still here . " Kai replied.

Luhan gave a light smile.

" Thanks alot really.. You are always there for me . Thank you Kai ah " Luhan spoke.

" I don't do that alot for people . Consider yourself special " Kai chuckled.

Luhan gave a light smile.

" ok. stop crying ok. You don't look so nice when you cry. Though i mean still equally cute " Kai chuckled.


After about 30 minutes..

" ok. get some rest ok ? I will call you again tmrw " Kai spoke.

Luhan nodded.

" thank you once again " Luhan replied.

Kai nodded as he waved goodbye.

As he closed the door, Luhan took out his phone.

28 missed calls.

" HEY ! When you see this. Pleasse callll me. PLEASE . " it read.

" hey ~ you there ? han, please. I have to explain " another message read.

Luhan shook his head as he threw the phone on the sofa.


The phone rang again.

Luhan turned the phone the other way around.

As he lay in bed , unable to sleep, 

Flipping to the side, he sighed as he pulled the blanket .

Turning again he looked to the ceiling,

He closed his eyes as he finally came to a decision.


( At Sehun's house ) 

" how's Luhan ? " Sehun asked, barging into Kai's room.

Kai turned to look at his cousin.

He looked away.

" answer me! i know you guys met " Sehun spoke.

Kai did not reply. 

" Yah ! " Sehun shouted.

Irritated, Kai turned to look at Sehun.

" you do know why he's crying dont you. Ask yourself. " Kai replied as he stared into Sehun's eyes.

Sehun looked down.

" dont be such a bastard Sehun really. This is exactly why Semi left you in the first place. " kai added.

" if you aren't ready.. Don't play people's feelings.. " Kai spoke as he walked out of the room.

" you made him cry, not once, Seriously Sehun. Do you even ever Love Him ? " Kai asked as his back facing Sehun.

Sehun could not reply.

" I do " Sehun uttered.

" then why are you so afraid of admitting it ? " Kai asked as he turned.

Sehun bit his lips as he could not find an answer to that question.

" speechless? wow sehun. why am i so not surprised. " Kai stated.

" I don't know how you're gonna clean this mess up , he's hurting enough and i wont stand there to see him get hurt more .. from you " Kai said.

Sehun shook his head.


( the next morning ) 

Luhan sighed as he looked at the message..

He pressed the send button as he locked his phone.

He breathed in as he headed to the toilet.

He looked at his reflection as he thought to himself.

" It's fine Luhan. It's all soemthing to far fetch to even reach. Sehun isn't for me.. Letting him go would be  a better option.. " he spoke to himself as he the tap.


After about another hour later.

" WHAT?! " Sehun shouted over the phone. 

" What happened between you two ? ! " Baekhyun asked.

" why is he resigning ?! " Sehun shouted, taken aback as he grabbed his car keys .

" HOW WOULD I KNOW! Something must have happened between you two " Baekhyun said.

Sehun gulped.

" you did something wrong didn't you ? " Baekhyun asked.

Sehun could not reply.

" then you better go and try to save the situation!! It's always your fault, seriously Sehun " Baekhyun shouted before hanging up.

" aiiish! " Sehun yelled as he slammed the car wheel.


Luhan's door bell rang.

" heyys " Kai grinned as he took off his sunglasses.

Luhan gave a small smile.

" not going to work ? " Kai asked.

Luhan shook his head. 

" i resigned " Luhan spoke.

" ( eyes widened ) for real ? " Kai asked.

Luhan nodded.

" well i decided to take a break and so yea " Luhan replied.

" well that might not be too bad as well " Kai spoke.

" wanna go out for a cup of coffee ? " Kai asked.

Luhan nodded.

" give me 3 minutes i will go get changed " Luhan said.

Kai nodded.


As the two chatted as they walked , Luhan spotted Sehun.

Sehun looked at him.

Luhan looked to the side.

" we need to talk " Sehun spoke as he looked at Luhan.

Luhan looked away.

" erm. I will wait for you by the bench yea Luhan " Kai spoke as he walked away.

After Kai walked away.

Sehun reached for Luhan's hand but Luhan moved away .

" Han " Sehun spoke as he turned Luhan to face him.

Luhan looked at him.

" i can explain this really. " Sehun said.

" what else is there left for you to explain? " Luhan said.

" I I really don't mean to say that, that night " he added.

Luhan looked away.

"  Han i really am so so sorrry " Sehun uttered .

Luhan looked at him.

There were a few minutes of silence.

" Sehun ah. it's over. we are over. you are someone too far fetched for me to reach to begin with. Maybe we just aren't meant to be " Luhan spoke.

" no no no, Han no why are you saying this " Sehun said.

" Did Kai influence you ?! " Sehun asked.

" NO! " Luhan shouted.

" This is not because of anyone's influence. It's my decision. Maybe it's better that we aren't together. and i need a break from all this as well " Luhan said.

Sehun looked at him.

" you know Sehun, i really do like you alot. alot , However it hurts to much to like you . And it's breaking me apart. " Luhan uttered as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Sehun cupped Luhan's face.

" No Han, please dont do this " Sehun uttered as he wiped Luhan's tears.

Luhan lightly brush off Sehun's hands.

" no. It's over Sehun. Our story ends here " Luhan uttered as he looked at Sehun with tears in his eyes.

" thanks for that period of happiness still. " Luhan added as he turned to walk towards Kai.

Sehun watched as the person he love walk further and further.

" is this really the end ... " He asked.


At a nearby cafe.

" Europe ? " Kai asked.

" why the sudden thought to go there ? " Kai asked.

" to see where you live " Luhan chuckled.

" seriously ? " Kai asked.

" and to sight see . I wanna go on a break so i was thinking of Europe " Luhan spoke.

" the thought of drinking coffee and looking at people walk pass " Luhan smiled.

Kai nodded.

" so when are you deciding to fly ? " Kai asked.

" Pretty soon ? probably the day after tomorrow ? " Luhan said.

" that's really fast " Kai spoke.

" yea i just wanna leave Seoul for a while " Luhan said.

" i'll go with you then. Since i'm familiar with Europe as well." Kai smiled.

Luhan chuckled.

" you need not come , really i am fine myself " Luhan said.

" nah, i insist. this is my chance to chase you ya know " Kai chuckled.

Luhan laughed.

" i will book the tickets so you just worry about packing your luggage yea ? " Kai spoke.

" thanks pal , really " Luhan smiled.

" anything for you " Kai winked as he sipped his coffee.


The night later.

" WHAT?!!!! WHAT ?!! " Baekhyun shouting over the phone again.

" OMGOSH! Europe !!!!?!! LUHAN! are you crazy?! " Chanyeol shouted over the speaker.

" hey don't shout " Do spoke as he came to join the three of them.

" Luhan's going to Europe " Baekhyun said.

" ?! WHAT ?! " DO shouted.

" guys chill.. " Luhan replied.

" i'm going to be there for a week only " Luhan said.

" a week is long enough ! " Chanyeol said.

" yea !! wait what about Sehun ?! " Do asked.

" we broke up " Luhan spoke.

" eh? " Baekhyun asked.

" what did he do again ? " Baekhyun added.

" we just don't match i guess " Luhan said.

" LU! when are you leaving ?! ! " Chanyeol asked.

" the day after tomorrow i guess " Luhan said.

" so soon.. Is Kai coming with you ? " Do asked.

" yea he is " Luhan replied.

" oh " Do replied , slightly sad.

" LU! ok then we will fetch you off ok " Baekhyun said.

" AND Lu!! Be careful! I mean be careful of Kai. He might just you know Pounce on you anytime Anywhere! " Baekhyun spoke.

" Baek, Really. " Luhan chided.

" you're over reacting " DO said to Baekhyun.

" I will tell you guys the flight details once i got it ok ? " Luhan smiled.

" yea. but Lu, Does Sehun know about this ? " Chanyeol asked.

" nope " Luhan replied.

" i don't wanna think about him for now " Luhan chuckled.

Baekhyun bit his lips.

" Ok guys i got to go. I need to pack my luggage " Luhan smiled.

" oh. See you the day after tomorrow " Do replied.

" yea" Luhan replied , hanging up.

After Luhan hung up.

" i'm calling Sehun " Baekhyun spoke .

" what for ? " Chanyeol asked.

" DUH! He has to go to Europe to chase his love one " Baekhyun added.

" but i thought they broke up ?! " Chanyeol asked.

" yea but can't you tell our dearest Luhan still loves Sehun? " Baekhyun asked.

" well. " Chanyeol said.

" Just call Sehun Baek " DO replied.

Baekhyun nodded.


" WHAT? ! " Sehun shouted as he threw his jacket on the bed.

" YES! He and your beloved cousin is going to Europe the day after tomorrow " Baekhyun said.

" what on earth " Sehun replied.

" ITS ALL YOUR FAULT " Baekhyun stated.

" yea i know that , don't need to keep repeating it " Sehun said.

" Are you gonna fly to Europe , i mean to chase him back ? " Baekhyun asked.

Sehun didnt reply.

" YAH! " Baekhyun shouted.

" i will think about it . i have a job here " Sehun replied 

" OH SEHUN! " Baekhyun yelled.

" alright! i know what to do. Thanks. " Sehun replied as he hung up.

" Aiiish! this guy " Baekhyun spoke, frustrated.

" Europe. Europe " Sehun thought as he went to find Kai.

" are you guys really gonna go to Europe ?  " Sehun asked looking at Kai pack his luggage.

" yea. We are leaving the day after tomorrow. 10am morning flight and we are going off for a WEEK " Kai smiled.

" what?  WHAT?! A WEEK? " Sehun replied.

" just like you've heard bro. I am going to Europe with Luhan and yes for a week. Jealous " Kai said folding his arms.

Sehun frowned as he just walked away.

He slammed his room door and switched on the computer.

He dialled his company's incharge.


" eh ? " the boss replied.

" Sehun by the way i have found a new incharge to take over Luhan's role " the boss replied.

" Cancel him. i don't want any new person to be incharge of me . " Sehun said.

" eh ? but. " the boss replied.


" Sehun seriously don't be so stubborn " the boss said.

" And Semi's company called to have you act a role in another commercial shoot with her " the boss said.

" reject it " Sehun stated.

" what? It's Semi ah Sehun " the boss argued.

" SO? I don't care i'm not doing that shoot. " Sehun stated.

" and ok. I got alot to get ready. JUST CANCEL MY WHOLE WEEK's Schedule for next week and ! DO not replace Luhan I'm telling you " Sehun said.

" YAH! OH SEHUN " The boss yelled.

" ok. bye i'm hanging up. " Sehun replied.

The boss shook her head as she just replied " Fine! but why do you need a whole week off ? " The boss asked.

" to chase back what once was mine " Sehun replied.

" eh ? " the boss replied 

" long story just vacate my entire week ok ! " Sehun smiled as he hung up.

The boss shook her head as she went back to typing her stuff on the computer.

Thirty minutes later.

"  Booked. " Sehun smiled. 

" 10am flight to Europe. Luhan. i'm coming for you " Sehun smiled as he went to take his luggage.


The day after tomorow ---------------------------------------------------------------------

" yah Luhan ah must you go ? " Baekhyun asked.

Luhan nodded.

" see you soon ok " Luhan smiled.

Baekhyun pouted.

Baekhyun went to hug Luhan.

" take care of our friend for us " DO spoke.

Kai nodded.

" thanks " Do replied as he turned to look at Kai.

Kai looked at him.

" you really look nice when you smile, " Kai added.

DO slightly blushed.

" thanks you too " DO added.

Kai grinned.

" ok see you guys soon " Kai grinned as he gave DO a pat which Sent Do' s heart fluttering.

" ARE YOU COMING ? " Baekhyun texted Sehun.

" I am already here ! " Sehun replied .

Baekhyun's eyes widened.

" where ? " he asked.

" just look behind the plant im looking at you guys. " Sehun texted.

Baekhyun called Sehun.

" yah! where are you ? ! Did you book a flight to Europe as well ? " Baekhyun asked.

" yea! omgod can you ask that guy to keep his hands to himself " Sehun gritted his teeth as he saw Kai touching Luhan's shoulder.

Baekhyun turned to look.

" YAH! go chase Luhan back ok! " Baekhyun said.

" yea i know. I WILL! " Sehun added.

" good. I was always on your team. Fighting ok " Baekhyun said.

" thanks ! man! go tell Kai to get his hands off my LUHAN! " Sehun shouted, the guy beside him turned to look at him.

Sehun gave a light smile with his shades on.

" oK! good luck! " Baekhyun spoke as he hung up.

He squeezed between Luhan and Kai.

Kai looked at him.

Baekhyun smiled.

" ok guys. we got to go in . See you guys around yea ? " Luhan smiled.

" take care ok " Chanyeol said.

" we will " Kai answered.

The three waved goodbye as they watched the two walk in to the check in area.


( In the plane ) 

Luhan look out off the window.

" thinking of Sehun ? " Kai asked.

Luhan turned to him as he shook his head.

Silently going the the seat behind Luhan, Sehun sat down. 

He managed to change his seats with the guy two seats behind Luhan.

Kai turned around and noticed that familar hair color.

He shook his head as he chuckled.

Sehun looked infront.

Kai lightly touched Luhan's hand as he smiled.

" iishh... This guy " Sehun thought as he clenched his fist.

" let's have fun in Europe ok " Kai smiled.

Luhan nodded.

" but do you think Sehun is ok ? " Luhan asked.

Kai chuckled.

" don't talk about him when you're with me " Kai said.

Luhan chuckled as he lightly hit Kai's chest.

" this bastard " Sehun uttered as he crushed the paper in his hand.

As the plane took off and was flying to Europe.

" coffee or juice sir ? " the air stewardess asked Sehun.

" coffee please. black coffee " he said.

She nodded.

" that voice " Luhan said. 

" why ? " Kai asked.

" nothing " Luhan replied as he thought he must be imaginating.

Luhan headed to the toilet.

Sehun took off his shades as he pulled his cap.

He stood up as he followed Luhan to the toilet.

As Luhan pulled the door open, and as he was about to close it a hand stopped him.

He looked up.

His eyes widened.

Sehun stepped in as he closed the toilet door, making sure to lock it.

" incase Kai interrupts " Sehun spoke.

Luhan looked at him , shocked.

" what are you " Luhan uttered.

" duh. to see you! " Sehun said.

Luhan who was still in shock.

" how can you just fly to Europe and leave me alone in Seoul ? ! " Sehun asked.

" me ? " Luhan asked.

" and how can you just quit your job just like this ?! did you know they wanted to replace you with someone else " Sehun said.

Luhan blinked.

Sehun then pushed Luhan to the wall.

" you have to be responsible for all this Luhan " Sehun said as he looked at Luhan. 

Luhan blinked.

" and i know just the right " before Sehun continued he went in to kiss Luhan.

Luhan blinked as he felt those familiar lips on his.

It took him awhile,

" Yah " Luhan spoke as he pushed Sehun away.

" you're blushing " Sehun chuckled.

Luhan blushed even more.

" I AM NOT " Luhan said.

" denial " Sehun replied.

" look. I am going to Europe to get away from you , Why are you following me ! " Luhan asked.

" why can't i ?! Kai can . so can i " Sehun replied .

Luhan looked at him.

" Han i really missed you " Sehun said as he pulled Luhan in for a hug.

Luhan's eyes widened.

" Sehun i .. " before Luhan could continue.

The toilet door opened.

" thanks " Kai smiled to the person.

Kai looked at the two .

Luhan lightly moved away from Sehun.

" sorry. I was urgent " Kai said.

Sehun looked at him.

" there were other cubicles. " Sehun said.

" i wanted to use this " Kai added.

Sehun looked at him.

Luhan just looked at the two of them as he walked out.

Sehun frowned at Kai.

Kai stuck out his tongue.

" you " Sehun said.

" too bad " Kai said.

" UGH! " Sehun replied as he walked back to his seat.


HELLO PPL! >< this chapter is slightly longer HAHA.

and so yes, our dearest Sehun will win back Luhan's heart but can he ? HAHA 

I find it cute to see Sehun jealous ! like how he gets mad when Kai touches Luhan. LOL!! HAHAHAHAHA 

I have intentions of making Sehun and Kai fight for Luhan's heart in a cute way too ^^
Till then ! XOXO! haha

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rgedan #1
update soon ~ الكثير يحب كتابتك لا تتأخري رجاءً أحبك ~
ashleylacsonexotics #2
Chapter 24: Author him u make me cry
Author-sshi, update soon
Chapter 24: I cried while reading and listening to the song
I love the song & the singer is so hot I like him he reminds me of kris and his singing reminds me of Luhan when he sings
I think Luhan saw a ring in Sehun's hand (^ω^)
Update soon can't wait for part 2 (><)
Chapter 24: I like Baek's reactions too, with the baby and baby XD

get married soon nae
aini_13 #6
Chapter 24: Yes ! yes ! yes ! yeah !!! I'm proud of you Hun !!! and Han !! ACCEPT THAT MARRYING OFFER hahahahahah... it's still part 1 ?!?! so there will be other part ??!?! yaey !!!?! update soon ^^
Chapter 24: Yeeees they are back!
Chapter 24: ~~~~Awwwwwweeee its sooo sweetttt~~~~
aini_13 #9
Chapter 23: What ? what will Sehun say ??? Will Sehun says to public that he love GUY ??? will they togheter again ??? or waiting years later when they're old then married *lol*... Update soon... i'm curious......................^^
Chapter 23: I want to know what will Sehun say Gosh I'm over reacting right now
Plz let hunhan be back (^ω^)