Chapter Fiveteen

Meeting Mr Perfect

The next morning, 

" he feels much better " Luhan smiled as he decided to get up to make breakfast.

" ummmm " Sehun mumbled as he held onto Luhan's hand.

" yah. i need to go make breakfast " he said.

"ummm " Sehun replied as he pulled Luhan closer to him.

" yah. you " Luhan chuckled, hitting Sehun's chest.

" My breakfast is here already " Sehun teased as he opened his eyes to look at Luhan.

" YAH! " Luhan blushed as he turned to the other side.

" admit it, you're blushing " Sehun chuckled as he tickled Luhan,

" i am.. not  yah stop tickling me ! " Luhan chuckled,

" then turn to face me " Sehun laughed.

" alright alright " Luhan chuckled.

Sehun then gave Luhan a kiss on the forehead.

Luhan smiled. 

" by the way did i tell you you have really a really defined chest " Luhan chuckled as he pinched Sehun's cheeks.

"  haha. i know that i mean i am HOT, admit it Luhan " Sehun laughed. 

" i did not say that! " Luhan blushed,

Sehun shook his finger.

" denial " he replied,

" whatever " Luhan replied.

" i'm going to make breakfast now " he spoke as he stood up.

" uh uh you're not leaving bed today " Sehun chuckled as he pounced onto Luhan,

" YAH!!! " Luhan spoke shocked at the sudden hug from Sehun.

" back in bed Hun, " Sehun winked as he carried Luhan up and brought him back to bed.

" you , really " Luhan chuckled.

" damn  " Sehun teased as he pulled his shirt off himself, revealing a lean, fit chest.

Luhan's eyes widened,

" no no " he said covering his eyes.

" what. did'nt you say i have a nice chest " Sehun asked.

" i did but gosh Sehun put on a shirt " Luhan spoke covering his eyes.

Sehun smirked.

" not until i get your shirt off " Sehun chuckled as he tickled Luhan.

Luhan laughed.

Sehun smiled.

" man you're seriously irristable , why . " Sehun joked , closing in to give Luhan a kiss.

" cos i'm cute " Luhan replied after the kiss,

" haha, maybe . " Sehun chuckled, between kisses.

" sehun ah, no not my... shirttttt " Luhan shouted which then turned into chuckles.

" take it off already " Sehun joked.

Luhan shook his head.

" fine then i will rip it ! " Sehun laughed.

Luhan stuck out his tongue.

" tsk ( shakes his head ) you're so dead Luhan " Sehun spoke, as he smiled slyly. 


( After about another 4 hours ) 

" what time is it already ? " Luhan asked as he buttoned his shirt.

" don't know " Sehun replied as he placed an arm around Luhan's waist.

" gosh it's already 3pm Sehun ah " Luhan replied,

Sehun nodded.

" get up we have to go find Kai. " Luhan replied.

" kai. " Sehun thought, his eyes shot opened.

" why him all of a sudden ? " Sehun asked.

" i'm worried for him " Luhan replied.

Sehun got up , 

" he is fine " Sehun replied.

" no not until i see him, now lets go " Luhan spoke,

Sehun sighed as he grabbed his shirt.


" i'm hungry can we eat first " Sehun asked 

" Sehun please " Luhan spoke.

" i really am " Sehun said.

" fine we will eat ok after we see Kai yea ?  " Luhan replied.

Sehun rolled his eyes.

" drive , now " Luhan said.

Sehun sulked as he drove to his house.


Opening the door, 

" KAI ? " Luhan called walking in before Sehun,

Luhan went to all the rooms but Kai isnt in.

" where is he " he uttered.

" he might be out i mean it's late in the afternoon already " Sehun said as he slumped onto the sofa.

" but " Luhan bit his lips.

He took out his phone.

No messages received.

Luhan decided to call Kai.

 There was no response.

" Sehun ah can you think of any places he would go ? " Luhan asked.

Sehun paused awhile before shaking his head.

" aren't you guys cousins ? " Luhan asked.

" yea but i seriously have no clue " Sehun replied.

" aiish " Luhan replied as he walked out of the house.

" yah where are you going ?! " Sehun answered running after him.

" where could he be. i doubt he went home " Luhan said.

" Kai ah " Luhan uttered calling Kai again.

" Luhan " Sehun called.

" oh " Luhan turned to look at Sehun.

" just stop will you , I mean Kai is big enough to take care of himself " Sehun replied.

" no you don't understand we are " before Luhan can finish ,

 " i know close friends, but maybe he just needs time , alone " Sehun added.

Luhan bit his lips.

" i am worried Sehun ah " Luhan spoke.

" i know, but trust me i'm sure he's fine " Sehun replied, giving Luhan a hug.

Luhan nodded.


From a corner ..

" does it have to be that obvious " Kai thought as he looked at the two hugging.

His heart felt like it was torn into a million pieces.

He turned and headed to somewhere else than home.


" now, can we go and eat ? " Sehun asked as he pat Luhan's head.

Luhan nodded.

As the two walked to the car, Luhan turned to look at the building one last time and then walked after Sehun.

In the car.

" Baekhyun ah can you help me call Kai, i can't reach him " Luhan texted.

" why? what happened ? " Baekhyun replied.

" long story, just please, i'm worried " Luhan said.

" yea. ok no prob , why ? something regarding Sehun and you ? " he asked,

" yea, sort of but baekhyun pleaseeeee , and if he replies do tell me asap " Luhan texted.

" sure. " Baekhyun replied.


Sehun looked at Luhan .

Luhan looked out of the window.


" i'll go buy food " Luhan said.

Sehun nodded as he watched the other guy ran to the shop.


As Luhan waited for the food,

" did you see? just now there was this really tall and handsome guy with a denim jacket and tan skin, he looked like he was drunk. " the shop lady spoke.

Luhan listened.

" denim jacket, Kai was wearing one yesterday " Luhan thought.

" yea. I remembered clearly well because he ordered another 10 bottles of soju from me and just walked out , drunk obviously " another person replied.

" yea and he uttered all about being rejected by someone, really sad " the shop lady said.

" rejected ? " Luhan thought.

" excuse me, did you see where this young man went too ? " Luhan asked.

" Oh? he's your friend ? " the lady asked.

" i think so. did you see him? i have been trying to find him " Luhan uttered

" the guy in denim jacket and black jeans right with tan skin " the shop lady asked

Luhan nodded.

" no clue , so sorry but he left not long ago " the other person said,

" thanks !" Luhan shouted as he ran out,

" oh wait wait young man ! your food ! " the lady shouted.

Luhan ran out of the shop without stopping,

He turned and turned trying to find Kai.


" what's taking him so long " Sehun thought , deciding to get out of the car to find Luhan,

As he stepped into the shop,

" did you see a young man just now , he was suppose to order two bowls or ramen " Sehun spoke as he adjusted his cap,

" oh , yes but he suddenly took off to find someone " the lady said,

" what " Sehun uttered.

" its fine, thanks " Sehun replied as he walked out of the shop back to his car.

" Find someone ? " Sehun thought as he took his phone out to call Luhan.

" why isn't he answering " Sehun mumbled as he stepped out of the car deciding to look for Luhan himself.


( at a nearby park ) 

" Kai.. " Luhan uttered as he slumped onto a bench.

Night has approached. 

" where are you " Luhan thought as he breathed in and out, tired of all the walking and running.


At another nearby park,

" damn it. where is he! " Sehun uttered, placing his hands on his hips.

Sehun walked on, searching for Luhan and calling him on the phone.


" finally! where are you " Sehun asked.

" Sehun ah " Luhan spoke, in tears.

" hey.. what happened ? " Sehun asked,

" where are you?! wait there for me i will " before Sehun can reply.

" is it my fault? I feel so bad towards Kai " Luhan cried.

" hey no no. how is that your fault , stop crying now really " Sehun said running as he searched for Luhan.

" where are you Han ? " Sehun asked, panting.

" i don't know ( looking around ) i can't think now Sehun ah " Luhan said as he wiped his tears.


" Kai ? " Luhan said,

" LUHAN! LUHAN?! " Sehun shouted over the phone.

" Sehun i , be right back " Luhan said hanging up.

" Luhan! " Sehun shouted.

Irritated Sehun kicked the can on the floor.

" kai ? " Luhan asked as he approached a guy who was wearing denim as well by a nearby bench.

The person turned,

Luhan eyes widened.

" sorry i thought you were " before Luhan can finish.

" don't go pretty boy. stay with me " the other guy said.

" no. sorry please let me go " Luhan spoke.

" come, have a drink with me " the other guy smiled.

" no no. " Luhan spoke as he struggled . 

Luhan then ran and ran and then .


" hey ! " a voice called as Luhan ran right into him.

In tears, Luhan looked up.

" Sehun ah " Luhan uttered as he hugged the other guy,

Sehun gave a small smile as he hugged the crying other guy.

" stop crying " sehun said.

" I dont know where is Kai , Sehun , I am so worried " Luhan spoke, fighting his tears.

" is kai that important ? " Sehun asked.

" what ? " Luhan answered.

" yes. of cos. He's a really important friend " Luhan replied.

" Luhan ah " Sehun spoke.

" Look. I know he is important but you are now my boyfriend. no ? and when we are together , dont i mean , don't show it too me so obviously that you really care for Kai " Sehun said, as he looked into Luhan's eyes.

" what ? " Luhan uttered.

 " Sehun ah He's my close friend it's normal i will care for him  " Luhan replied.

" yes! but hey aren't i important as well?! " Sehun spoke 

" the whole afternoon you have been going all crazy over Kai , and honestly i didnt like it " Sehun replied , stating his opinions.

" Sehun he's my close friend " Luhan replied.

" i know i know but , ugh forget it , i don't wish to quarrel with you now we just started dating " Sehun replied folding his arms,

The two did not speak for a few minutes.

" hey i'm sorry about just now " Sehun replied speaking first as he stepped closer to give the smaller size guy a hug.

Luhan shrugged as he stepped a step back.

Sehun looked at him.

" maybe Kai was right. Maybe i should have chosen him over you. Maybe i should have given him a chance " Luhan uttered.

" what " Sehun replied.

" Luhan ! " Sehun spoke.

" look, i like you i don't deny it and you like me too, so why should you even bring Kai in the picture " Sehun spoke, frustrated at where this is going.

" KAI IS MY CLOSE FRIEND SEHUN AH ! " Luhan shouted.

Taken aback , Sehun looked at Luhan .

" sorry " Luhan uttered as he slumped to the bench.

Sehun closed his eyes.

" Han, i really do not wish to fight with you , at least not now when we just started dating so please " Sehun uttered sitting down next to Luhan.

Sehun could hear the other guy crying.  

" Luhan " Sehun spoke as he lightly touched the other guy's knee.

" i'm sorry " Sehun spoke, apologising.

Luhan cried even more .

" heyyy " Sehun uttered.

" i really like Kai alot too Sehun ah, i do . but i like you differently, I like you alot more than him , It's a different kind of like Sehun ah . I am already sad enough that i dont even know where Kai went too and now we are fighting .. i dont know " Luhan teared.

Sehun looked down.

Bringing the other guy closer to him.

" i'm sorry. i'm sorry i can't be the perfect guy for you but i will try " Sehun replied as he pat the other guys back.

Luhan hugged Sehun tighter as he stained Sehun's shirt with his tears.

" we will find Kai alright, Together " Sehun promised.

Luhan nodded.

Sehun smiled as he cupped Luhan's face.

" don't cry anymore, you don't look cute if you do " Sehun chuckled wiping off Luhan's tears.

Luhan gave a light smile. 

" ( gives Luhan a kiss ) but you are still so irristable that i needed to give you a kiss " Sehun smiled as he looked at Luhan.

Luhan tugged Sehun's shirt.

" once you stopped crying lets go find Kai ok " Sehun smiled as he hugged Luhan,

Luhan nodded. 




haha. I made Hunhan fight a little but patched back in the end :p . ><

haha how was this chapter? haha 

Of cos there would be more jealousy between Sehun towards Kai and Luhan but thats for later ;) haha 

till then!~ xoxo

anyways the exo wallpaper , the top photo, is a little gift which i designed from me to YOUUU! ^^  to all the readers out there ^^

Hope you all like it ^^ haha

Thank you so much for reading this story!! <3333 xoxo 

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rgedan #1
update soon ~ الكثير يحب كتابتك لا تتأخري رجاءً أحبك ~
ashleylacsonexotics #2
Chapter 24: Author him u make me cry
Author-sshi, update soon
Chapter 24: I cried while reading and listening to the song
I love the song & the singer is so hot I like him he reminds me of kris and his singing reminds me of Luhan when he sings
I think Luhan saw a ring in Sehun's hand (^ω^)
Update soon can't wait for part 2 (><)
Chapter 24: I like Baek's reactions too, with the baby and baby XD

get married soon nae
aini_13 #6
Chapter 24: Yes ! yes ! yes ! yeah !!! I'm proud of you Hun !!! and Han !! ACCEPT THAT MARRYING OFFER hahahahahah... it's still part 1 ?!?! so there will be other part ??!?! yaey !!!?! update soon ^^
Chapter 24: Yeeees they are back!
Chapter 24: ~~~~Awwwwwweeee its sooo sweetttt~~~~
aini_13 #9
Chapter 23: What ? what will Sehun say ??? Will Sehun says to public that he love GUY ??? will they togheter again ??? or waiting years later when they're old then married *lol*... Update soon... i'm curious......................^^
Chapter 23: I want to know what will Sehun say Gosh I'm over reacting right now
Plz let hunhan be back (^ω^)