The Letter

A Lunatic's Lament

2014, 31 January

He opened the letter;

"2012, 17th March


There was some portraits when I saw you, between of the Canola flower beds.
I thought if I had dreamed of that moment, you looked like a butterfly the nectar and flew away from one flower to another flowers.
It was so beautiful,
..spurred my desire to pressed the shutter button for a few times.
A beautiful view.



2012, 22th May



I met you by accident at a bus stop. You, who were waiting for the bus after school complete with your uniform.
Immediently I took your photo again when my camera lens captured the soft flowing grain sweat from your forehead, temples, and down to the your beautiful neck.
There was no reason for a thief photographer like me not preserved it in to the photo film.
At that moments you were still looking awesome.


2012, 7th October

The season which I loved. My camera lens captured your beautiful scene with a pretty orange leaves were falling down as a background.
That was your portrait,
.. you walked alone in the middle of the park road,
when you lifted your head up.. a leaf touched your nose,
.. you laughed when the cold wind blew the autumn leaves such a rain,
.. you lifted both your hands to caught a piece of the dry brown sheet.
.. still awesome.


2012, 25th December


City shrouded in a white sheet.
Not made my angel reluctant to leave his house through the city. My eyes saw you walked towards a fairly quiet city park.
I got your portrait again.
You sat on a park bench alone. Like waited for someone.
My heart was numb when my brain instantly thought if you were waiting for someone.

My body was froze.

But, my guess out of the mark.
Until the town clock chimed midnight and the first snow fell on Christmas Eve,
.. you still by yourself.
Not interested to went from there.
Under the garden dim lights you lifted your head.

I got your portrait again.
Let the snow crystals melted and washed away on every curve of your face skin that felt so warmful – I guess.
It was so beautiful.
I didn’t know how many times I press the shutter.
Didn’t let one a beautiful scene.
You still like it.
My lens caught a curve lines printed on your lips.
The smile that made a dimple on your right cheek.



A year later, on the same date.

2013, 17th March

I walked on every garden which had a beautiful flowers were blooming and went to Jeju island, hope my butterfly came again.

2013, 22th May

I came to the same bus stop when a year ago my camera caught someone sat alone with his sweat was falling down.

2013, 7th October

Under the tree where you danced with the winds and avalanched brown leaves,
.. I was waiting.

2013, 25th December
At this time,

on Winter ..
I had came to the same city park.

Until the middle of the night I stayed still, hope an angel came again.
Until the first snow fell on Christmas Eve this year.

None of snow crystals that my camera lens caught and perched on the tip of the nose. There was no one who looked enjoying the white crystals melted. There was no one figure sat on the park bench. There was no beautiful figure with a sweet smile angel under the garden dim lights.

Autumn a few month ago ..
My camera didn’t catch a single figure who danced among the fell leaves.
My ears didn’t catch a jovial laugh as the autumn of last year.
The leaves were falling down on empty air.
Scattered carrying the autumn stiff breeze.

Summer a few month ago ..
My camera lens didn’t catch the sweat which were falling down from the forehead to the slender neck. The place where you used for waiting the bus are empty. Sometimes the other people cames and went.
Go on.

Spring a few month ago ..
There was no “butterfly” caught on my camera.
Only a stretch of yellow Canola flowers in Jeju island.
The figure in the spring of last year that caught by my camera wasn’t there. Let the Canola petals move alone in the wind.

Am I the stupidest man that ever exist?
Waited someone on four seasons.

I still hope you came here.
Carried the camera hope to found his beautiful objects.
Waited for someone who obviously only could he achieve in the camera lens.

I was waiting for you who didn’t know where his existence. Only could wait with a camera hung up around the neck.
Until one month later I ventured to looking for an information about you.
Finally I found this address. Address that I believed you had been there at this time.
I am just a cowards.
Only this photo that I could give to you.
Arranged in a black timber frame, you lived and go on, a shadow matte paper.
If I could turn my seconds foolish time.
I only had a one hope,
..let this eyes caught your shadow.
Saw your figure being stunned by yourself under the splash of white snow.
Only once,
..with heart,
..not the camera lens.
Maybe it would made me happy,
..maybe this time I wouldn’t be mad.
I'm so sorry.
I knew now you were only for my camera’s object.
My hope to got you in real, couldn’t accomplish.
.. you had gone.

Luhan folded sheet by sheet of white paper which was dull. Store it back in it place on a white envelope. He looked away at a large frame lying on the carpet with brown wrapping paper strewn around. Sigh then crouched next of the frame. His fragility fingers grabbed the glass cover. The glass which lined of many his brother unconscious camera pose.


" .. that was spring of last year .. "


He murmured softly. His finger pointed to several photos which showed his brother and Canola flowers blended into the one. He was still remember . That time both of them on a vacation in Jeju island .

" .. that was summer .. "

His finger switched on some of the photos under the first photo. His brother, after school were waiting for the bus at a bus stop. Luhan chuckled.


" .. that was autumn .. "


His eyes turned to a biggest photo more than the other photos which the brown looked to dominate. His brother who laughed when autumn leaves fell on him. Luhan smiled.


" .. that was winter , Xing .. "


The tear fell down on a huge photo that not less than before. The portrait of his brother who sat on a bench below the garden dim lights. He smiled. Enjoyed the snow crystals which touched his face.

Luhan wiped his tears slowly. Bit his lower lip and said, " If you were still here, you would be surprised. How could you got unconscious if someone stole your photo so much? Yixing stupid..”


"You were also not aware if that was a love. He created it in every sheet of this photos. Crafted it in a frame like assembling the pieces of his love. I could felt it. Did you feel it, Xing?"


Luhan raise up. Brought the Yixing’s large frame which showed all of the moment in the each season and walked over to the fireplace, where a small frame with a portrait of his brother, Yixing, wore a white tuxedo and smiled cheerful. Removed a tear on his cheek and then hung up a large frame above a small frame. Stepped back and looked the both of the frame. Luhan’s tear came anymore. He closed his eyes, inhaling deeply and said,

" .. that was from Kim Junmyeon , Xing .. "

The End

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shane00 #1
Chapter 1: did one of them die ? i'm really confused.
Qimimagine #2
Chapter 1: Sweet pure innocent love. Never ever will he know. great story :)