Chapter 2.

Double B.

"Oh, I'm sorry, yes, go ahead." Baekhyun thanked his boss repeatedly and grabbed his stuff, hurrying out the door to look for Bora.

Baekhyun hurried to his car, his tires squeaking like crazy as he pulled out the parking lot.

He was so worried about Bora. Secretly, Bora has been going through slight depression, and tried to harm herself a few times. But fortunately, Baekhyun found her every time and stopped her. He was scared she was trying it again this time, and he wouldn't get to her in time.

A million thoughts were going through Baekhyun's head. He was thinking about Bora so much, he was barely paying attention to the road.

He ran a stop light, thinking he could make it. But a car came suddenly on his side, crashing right into him. "Oh, ..."

"I love you Bora..."

And he went out.

************An hour later************

The first thing Baekhyun sees when he opens his eyes is a crying Bora.

"Oh thank God, you're awake! Baekhyun, I was so worried about you. What is wrong with you, you crazy bastard?!" She fussed at him.

He looked around the white room, confused at first, but then he remembered what happened.

"I was worried about you..." Baekhyun said while looking down.

Bora just looked at him with a wide mouth, taken aback.

"So... th-this is my fault..." She said, pointing to herself.

"No, no, it's not," Baekhyun said, grabbing her hand.

"It is. But all that matters is that you're okay." Bora smiled, wiping her tears.

Baekhyun returned the smile just as the doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Byun's doctor. And you are...?" the Doctor asked.

"I'm, um, Baekhyun's-" Bora got cut off by Baekhyun.

"She's my girlfriend." Bora blushed like crazy, and Baekhyun giggled at her.

The Doctor talked to them for a minute, explaining how Baekhyun was going to be fine despite having a broken leg and arm.

"You're a very lucky guy. It's surprising you're alive, with the car hitting you and whatever," the Doctor said, handing Bora his paperwork.

Baekhyun was able to go home, so he decided to go to Bora's. She helped get him comfortable with the TV remote control and some pillows.

"Make yourself at home. If you need anything let me know," Bora smiled.

"I need one thing..." Baekhyun said, looking up at Bora with his cute puppy eyes.

Bora looked at him. "What?"

Baekhyun poked his lips out. "A kiss", he said as he smiled.

Bora blushed, but still bent down to reach where Baekhyun was laying on the couch. They kissed for about 10 minutes and moved away from each other to breathe.

"Your lips are so soft..." Baekhyun said, cupping Bora's cheek. Bora smiled, grabbing his hand and closing her eyes.

That moment was over when they snapped back into reality, hearing someone knock on the door. Bora got up and checked to see who it was.

It was Hyorin.

"Hey! How's Baekhyun?" was the first thing Hyorin said as she walked in.

"He's okay now. Come on in," Bora answered. They headed to the living room.

"Broken arm and leg? Both left, too. That's not good," Hyorin said, raising her eyebrows. Baekhyun chuckled.

"Anyone want anything to drink?" Bora asked.

"Hot chocolate please!" Hyorin said with aegyo.

"Hot coffee please!" Baekhyun said with even more aegyo. Hyorin glared at him.

"I know you aren't trying to beat my aegyo. Even though you're hurt, I'll drop kick you."

Bora giggled, listening to Baekhyun and Hyorin's petty aegyo argument. They quit fighting when Bora walked in the room with their drinks.

"One hot chocolate and one hot coffee," Bora said, handing the beverages out.

"I'm gonna kill your friend, Bora," Hyorin said as she took a sip of her chocolate.

"Boyfriend," Baekhyun corrected her.

Hyorin almost choked. "You're kidding, right?"

 Bora shook her head, and Hyorin started freaking out.

"So cute!!" she said as Baekhyun and Bora laughed at her. Her face got serious and she glared at Baekhyun again.

"Better watch your back though. I'll still hurt you." Baekhyun looked at Hyorin with wide eyes and Bora rolled her eyes, laughing.


The rest of the day Bora, Hyorin and Baekhyun hung out at Bora's house, joking and laughing together.

That night, Bora helped Baekhyun to the bedroom. "Do you want something for pain?" Bora asked Baekhyun since he was whining about his arm and leg.

"Yeah, it's in my coat pocket, jagiya." Bora bit her lip, grinning at Baekhyun calling her "jagiya". Baekhyun took his pill and got ready for bed, taking his good arm and wrapping it around Bora.

She smiled, rubbing it until they both fell asleep.

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Chapter 3: aaaaaa so sweeet<33 update soon pleaseeee
natalidya #2
Chapter 2: honestly i loves baekra and wanna read more ficts about them but no ooc , but this is okay ~ i got the entertaint when hyolin join ~ wish you can update your story and create other onee ~
Lilomine #3
Chapter 2: Omg i love your stories. Update please
Lilomine #4
Update update
Chapter 1: update soon! :) like it!
I love this!!
angeljovanka #7
I hope hyorin and baekhyun ... kkkk^^
angelclass #8
Chapter 1: Aww this is cute ^.^ please update soon!