Chapter 1.

Double B.

Bora woke up with the sun shining brightly in her face.

"Aissh, stupid sun," Bora said, pulling the blankets over her head. Right when she was falling back alseep, her alarm went off. She sighed and got up, heading towards the bathroom to take a shower.


While Bora was getting dressed, her phone started ringing.

She picked it up and answered.  "Hello?"

"Hey! Want a ride to work?" Bora heard her best friend, Baekhyun, say.

Baekhyun is Bora's best friend from a fashion business both of them work at. Both of their offices are right beside each other, so they saw each other often and started talking. Bora has a little crush on Baekhyun.

Well, a HUGE crush.

"Yeah, sure!"

"Okay, great. Be there in a few minutes," Baekhyun hung up.

Bora did the same, rushing to finish dressing and start on her make up. She had to look amazing for Baekhyun.

***********15 minutes later************

Just as Bora was finishing up, she heard a car horn from outside.

Baekhyun! Bora thought to herself, grabbing her purse and phone.

Baekhyun sat in the car, waiting on Bora. He smiled as she got in.

"Hey," he said, while pulling out the driveway.

"Hi," Bora giggled. She loved Baekhyun's smile. She couldn't help but smile everytime she saw it.

"Are you hungry?" Baekhyun asked, looking at Bora.

"Yeaah.." Bora answered. She was in such a rush to get ready, she had totally skipped breakfast.

Baekhyun chuckled and pulled in at Seoul Cafe. It wasn't too far from their work so they had enough time to go in and eat.

They headed in, and Baekhyun pointed towards a table. "Go sit down and I'll get our food."


When they were done, Baekhyun and Bora headed to work.

Everyone at work thought they were a couple because they were always together. Honestly, Bora didn't mind people saying that. Really, Baekhyun didn't mind it either (...but Bora didn't know that).

Whenever someone came up to them about dating, Bora would blush and Baekhyun would laugh, shaking his head. It was like they were together, but in reality, they weren't.

Bora has been wanting to confess to Baekhyun for a long time, but she's scared he doesn't feel the same way. She doesn't want to ruin their amazing friendship, so she's kept it to herself.


They arrived at their business and walked in together, as always. Female co-workers looked at Baekhyun with major longing, but gave Bora the dirtiest looks. Jealous much?

Baekhyun noticed Bora pouting and held her closer. He lead her to her office, giving her hug (making sure everyone sees, of course) before heading to his own.

Bora took her coat off and sat down, going through paperwork.

After only a few minutes, there was a knock at her door. "Come in!"

The door opened, and a pretty looking young woman came in.

She sat down in front of Bora. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm new here. My name is Kim Min Jung. Mr. Byun sent me in here to show you my fashion portfolio." Min Jung explained. giving Bora the same dirty look that almost every girl gave her. Bora brushed it off.

"Alright, Ms. Kim, show me some of your work," Bora replied.

Min-Jung laid out the papers on the desk and Bora went through them.

"So, these are great, but they aren't really our type. I'm sorry." Bora said, sliding the papers back after to Min Jung.

Just by looking at her face, Bora could tell Min Jung was super pissed. She mumbled a quiet, "Thanks," before getting up to leave.

Bora sighed. It wasn't easy letting people down. She got up herself, feeling a bit thirsty. There was a water jug for employees out in the hallway.

She opened the door, and paused. Right down the hallway, in front the water jug, was Baekhyun and Min Jung. She couldn't hear anything, but Baekhyun had that dumb smirk on his face, and Min Jung's hand was on his shoulder.

Bora felt a knife go through her heart. She retreated back into her office, though now she was feeling as thirsty as ever.

There was no way she could ride back home with Baekhyun today, so she called her best friend Hyorin to pick her up.

"Thanks Hyorin, I don't know what I'll do without you," Bora smiled and said bye to her friend.


Bora was playing solitaire on her work computer (it was a slow day) when there was a knock at her door.

She quickly exits the card game. "Come in!"

Byun Baekhyun walks in. "Wanna go grab some lunch?"

"Nope," Bora replied. She didn't even look at him.

Baekhyun pouted. "But-"

Suddenly, someone appeared from behind him. Min Jung. "So, she's not coming, oppa?" she said, fake and sweet.

Bora looked up and Baekhyun shrugged at Min Jung. "I guess not. Let's get going, I'm starving!" He held his already pudgy tummy.

Min Jung laughed and looked at Bora, giving her a y smirk.

As soon as the two left Bora could feel a tear sliding down her cheek.


After what seemed like a long day, Bora was ready to go home. She had thirty more minutes, so she asked her boss if she could head out early. Her boss was usually cool about that stuff if the employee had been working hard, so he let Bora go.

She stood outside and texted Hyorin, telling her to come pick her up. Right then, Baekhyun walked out with..... Min Jung. He said goodbye to her, going up to Bora afterwards.

"Hey, what are you doing? You know you gotta wait on me to drive you home." he said.

 Bora felt tears forming. She looked over at Baekhyun with wet eyes.

"I don't want to ride home with you anymore. I called Hyorin, she's on her way."

Baekhyun frowned. "Why? Bora.. What's wrong?"

Hyorin drove up right then. "Have fun with Min Jung. Hope she makes you happy." Bora mumbled as she ran to Hyorin's car. Baekhyun stood there and watched, confused and hurt.

What? Why is she crying? Is she jealous over Min-Jung? Baekhyun thought. Bora had never cried in front of Baekhyun before.

At Bora's house, Hyorin was begging for a Girls' Day as she dropped Bora off.

She sighed.

"You know I have to work Hyorin..."

"Skip tomorrow, please?! Just this once?" Hyorin did poked her lip out and Bora giggled.


Hyorin squealed with excitement. She said her goodbyes before driving off.

Bora went into the house, throwing her stuff on the living room couch. She decided to retire early, sliding on pajamas and climbing into her warm bed.

********Next day at 5:30am*********

Bora's phone woke her up the next morning violently vibrating. She sleepily looked at it and saw it had 25 missed calls, 10 voicemails, 8 texts. Bora's mouth dropped and she checked to see who it was.

"Baekhyun...?" Bora whispered, remembering yesterday evening. She listened to the voicemails and read the texts. She didn't bother with replying to any of it.

She decided she was gonna ignore Baekhyun,forget yesterday, and enjoy her day with Hyorin.

She did her daily thing; take a shower, find some cute clothes, do her make-up, and fix her hair.

When Bora finished, she texted Hyorin and said she was ready anytime. Hyorin replied that she was on her way!

**********5 minutes later********

Soon, Hyorin pulled up and Bora grabbed her purse, flying out to the car.

"Heyyy!" Hyorin said excitedly.

"Hey!" Bora gave her best friend a smile. "So... Where are we going?" She questioned.

"The best clothes store in Seoul!" Hyorin answered.

Bora smiled brightly and looked out the window. She thought of Baekhyun for a brief moment before shoving him out of her head. Luckily, Hyorin cut her thoughts off when they arrived at the store.

"Woah, this place is big and so beautiful." Bora said looking around.

"I know!! And so are the dresses," Hyorin winked.


Bora and Hyorin shopped until they dropped.

"Wanna go grab something to eat?" Hyorin asked.

"Sure!" Bora felt good. Her mind wasn't stuck on that bastard Baekhyun anymore, and she had turned her phone off so she couldn't hear his texts and calls.

******Baekhyun's POV******

, where is she?!? I'm so worried about her. Baekhyun ran his fingers through his hair.He stood in his office. Bora hadn't even came into work today.
 Min Jung walked in.

"Hey, cutie! Wanna go grab lunch?" she asked and Baekhyun looked at her with disbelief, pissed off.

"No, I don't. Because of you, Bora and I's friendship is ed up. YOU ed it up. I fell for your little tricks, feeling sorry for you and ignoring Bora. Leave me alone. I want Bora back in my life. I love her."

Min Jung was shocked. "But..." she muttered, fake tears in her eyes. Baekhyun opened his office door. "Get out." Min Jung obeyed.

Baekhyun called up his boss right away.

"Sir, can I take the rest of today off? My family is having problems and I need to get to them."

"Oh, I'm sorry, yes, go ahead." Baekhyun thanked his boss repeatedly and grabbed his stuff, hurrying out the door to look for Bora.

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Chapter 3: aaaaaa so sweeet<33 update soon pleaseeee
natalidya #2
Chapter 2: honestly i loves baekra and wanna read more ficts about them but no ooc , but this is okay ~ i got the entertaint when hyolin join ~ wish you can update your story and create other onee ~
Lilomine #3
Chapter 2: Omg i love your stories. Update please
Lilomine #4
Update update
Chapter 1: update soon! :) like it!
I love this!!
angeljovanka #7
I hope hyorin and baekhyun ... kkkk^^
angelclass #8
Chapter 1: Aww this is cute ^.^ please update soon!