All's fair in love and basketball

Skoolboy Luv

Jimin had seen Yoongi the second he entered the changing room. He had been laughing at some story Jungkook was telling when he got distracted by a tuft of dark brown hair. He desperately wanted to follow the boy, but a look from Jungkook told him to stick to the plan. That was easier said than done, when all he wanted to do was run up to the boy, wrap him in his arms, and maybe make out with him until he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t think that was asking too much.


Yoongi had finished changing and was walking out the door, when he heard that all too familiar laugh again. Doesn’t he ever not laugh? But you want him to laugh. Yoongi could only sigh in annoyance. Clearly his mind was not going to shut up anytime soon. He turned slightly, wanting to find out just how close to Jimin he was. That was a mistake. Jimin was walking towards him, smiling and laughing. He shook his head, and rushed out the door. He should always smile.  


Yoongi hated P.E. It’s not so much that he hated the exercise, no if anything he hated the social cliques that formed while they were a all mashed in the gym together. It annoyed him to see kids left out, just because they didn’t have muscles, or they wore glasses. Yoongi didn’t think he looked like he would fit in either, but he was perfectly okay with that. He knew that he would be able to hold his own in whatever physical activity they did. He smirked when the teacher said they would be playing basketball. There was one thing besides music Yoongi was good at, and that was basketball. 


“I’ll go ahead and pick your captains, and they’ll choose their teams okay?” He paused to make sure everyone understood before he pointed at Jimin. “Your first captain is Park Jimin.”


Everyone cheered. 


The teacher scanned the crowd looking for anyone who wasn’t staring at Jimin waiting to be picked. When he caught the eyes of the new kid, Min Yoongi he decided that he would be the perfect opponent. “Your second captain in Min Yoongi.”


Yoongi hated this guy already. How was he meant to pick a team, when he knew nothing about the players or anyone’s name? Damnit.


In the end Yoongi thought he picked pretty well considering the circumstances. He didn’t even mind that he was the shortest guy on the team because he was the fastest. Once his team were standing on their side of the court doing their warm up, he stole a glance at Jimin the other team. This game definitely wasn’t going to be easy. 


He learned a little too late that not only was Jimin captain of the basketball team, but he had also chosen most of the basketball players at school, but Yoongi had faith in his poorly thrown together team. At least none of them seemed to be glaring at him, a fact for which he was thankful.


The coach blew the whistle and the game started. Yoongi was on form, being the first one to sink the ball in just a matter of minutes. His team clapped him on the back, and sneered at Jimin’s team. He knew they were’t going to win that easy, he had just caught Jimin and the rest of his team off guard with his skills. 


The ball was back in play, and Jimin was the first to get it. He dribbled it down the court, barely breaking into a run. He had three guys try and block him, but he sidestepped them easily. It wasn’t until Yoongi appeared in front of him that he had a problem. He stopped and pivoted, looking for a teammate who was open, they were all being heavily guarded so he decided to go for the basket. He was at just under the 3-point mark and knew he could make it, if he could just get into the right angle. He pivoted again, only to end up hitting Yoongi in the face with the ball. The smack echoed through the gym, followed by the sound of the basketball hitting the polished floor. Yoongi had dropped to his knees, while holding his face. Jimin dropped just next to him.


“Yoongi. Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise you were so close!”


Yoongi mumbled a hasty “I’m fine,” but Jimin knew he was lying. He could see the blood already pouring out of Yoongi’s nose. He felt his eyes well up. He couldn’t believe he had been so stupid.


“Yoongi, are you alright?” The coach appeared above the crouching boys. All Yoongi could do was nod his head.


“Jimin take him to the nurses office.” 


“I-i-i-i-” Jimin stuttered unsure of what to do.




Jimin reacted quickly, hoisting Yoongi up by his arms which were still clutching his face. The once white pristine shirt was now bright red, and it would only continue to get worse until the bleeding stopped. He wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s waist, trying to support the injured boy. He slowly began leading Yoongi to the nurses office. 


Yoongi’s face was on fire. He felt like he’d been hit the face with a basketball. Oh wait. He felt stupid leaning on Jimin with blood dripping everywhere. He made a mental note to apologise for ruining Jimin’s shirt later. His pride was wounded and so was his face, but hat didn’t stop him from enjoying the other boys warmth. He was in too much pain to even entertain the idea of being mad at Jimin, plus he knew it would be petty considering this was an accident and could have happened to anyone. He silently wished that it had happened to someone else though. Then wanted to kick himself for being so cruel. 


When they stepped inside the nurses office, a stout older woman with greying black hair rushed forward to grab Yoongi. 


“Oh my goodness! What on earth happened to him?!”


She pulled Yoongi to sit on the bed before rushing off to get tissues. When she returned she shoved them at Yoongi, and titled his head back. 


“Uh, I, um, I mean it was an accident, I didn’t mean to, I just, um…” Jimin trailed off not knowing how to continue.


“You what?” She needed to know the details so she could determine if there was a possibility that Yoongi’s nose might be broken


“I accidentally hit him in the face with a basketball.” Jimin looked down with unshed tears in his eyes. He felt so guilty. He couldn’t help but thinking that he’d definitely ruined his chances with Yoongi now. 


She had grabbed a medical penlight from the top drawer before shining it in Yoongi’s eyes. The boy squinted and tried to look away, but she forced his head to stay put.


“No moving, I need to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”


Jimin hopped from foot to foot while the nurse carried on her inspection of Yoongi. 

“I, um-“ he cleared his throat, “his he going to be okay?”


The nurse shot him an unreadable look, “He’s going to be fine. I don’t think anything is broken and he doesn’t have a concussion, but I am going to call his parents to come pick him up. He can’t go back to class. Will you stay with him a moment, while I make the call?” 


Jimin just nodded, while the nurse walked away. 


Yoongi still had his head tilted back, but when he heard the nurse leave it snapped forward. It gave him a headache, and he instantly regretted the move. Am I alone with Jimin? He glanced both directions before realising that yes, in fact, he was alone with Jimin. He really wished the earth would swallow him up right about now. He was so embarrassed. Here is was with blood gushing out of his face, and the guy he liked was standing in front of him watching it happen. Before he knew what was happening, Jimin had jumped on the bed with him and was holding in against his chest. 


Yoongi felt himself melt in the strong arms. He inhaled deeply, and couldn’t help but think Jimin smelled wonderful even while he was sweaty from basketball. He gently pulled the tissues away from his nose, touching it carefully. It was sore, but at least it had stopped bleeding. He wanted to look up, but realised he couldn’t because Jimin was resting his head on top of him. 


The moment felt intimate, and Yoongi just wanted to enjoy while it lasted. Soon Jimin would realise that he already had someone, and leave Yoongi with a sore face, and possibly a broken heart. He didn’t think he could handle the rejection that was imminent, so he tried to get out of Jimin’s grasp. He squirmed, and if Jimin noticed he payed no attention to it. He had expected Jimin to loosen his grip, like he’d done at lunch, instead he gripped Yoongi tighter and placed kisses on the top of his head. He whispered sorry over and over, and Yoongi felt his heart shatter.


He wanted to be the one comforting Jimin because even though he was hurt, Jimin was as well.


He pulled back slightly, trying to get Jimin to look at him. When the boy finally did look at him, all Yoongi could see was sadness. He reached out and ruffled Jimin’s hair lightly.


“Yah, stupid boy, didn’t you hear her? I’m going to be fine. Why are you so sad? You didn’t do any permanent damage.” He tried to make light of the situation because he didn’t know how else to cheer the other boy up.


Jimin didn’t even crack a smile. He was ready to start sobbing, but instead he said quietly, “Please don’t hate me Yoongi. I didn’t mean to…”


“I already said I’m fine. I think that’s the very definition of I forgive you.” At least it was for Yoongi.


“No, you don’t understand. I’m sorry for all of it. I’m sorry I listened to Jungkook, I’m sorry I stole your timetable, I’m sorry I hit you with the basketball, I’m sorry you were so upset with me, I’m sorry I’ve ruined your first day at school, but most of all I’m sorry I didn’t kiss you when-oomph!”


Jimin’s rant was cut off by an impatient Yoongi. He was sick of hearing the other boy apologise, so he had shut him up the only way he could really think of at the moment. With a kiss.


It was a soft kiss. No teeth, no tongues. The boys were not trying to convey just their passion, but also their feelings. Jimin’s lips were warm and soft, moving against his own slightly chapped ones. Yoongi had brought his arms up, slinging them around Jimin’s neck, while Jimin just tugged him closer by his grip on his waist. He tangled his hands in Jimin’s short hair, loving the feeling of the softness against his fingertips. He smiled into the kiss. Perfect. Soft mewls were heard, but neither of them cared who it had come from. They only startled apart when they heard footsteps approaching rapidly. 


Yoongi was staring at the ground, when he felt a hand on his chin. It was tilted upwards until he was staring into Jimin’s bright and shining eyes. Jimin leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on Yoongi’s lips before leaning back with a satisfied look on his face.


Yoongi was going to say something, anything, but Jimin beat him to it.


“Would you go on a date with me?”


Yoongi was shocked. In the back of his mind, he knew that they would have to talk about Jungkook but he didn’t think it would be now. Might as well.


“I-i-i-i d-don’t t-think that would be a g-good idea…” So he was back to stuttering. Great.


“What why not?!” Jimin was at a lost for words. He thought that after the kiss, he would be able to make it up to Yoongi. Yet here he was still being rejected.


“Because you have Jungkook…and I-ahm!” Yoongi was the one who was silenced by the kiss this time. Jimin didn’t want to hear what ridiculous notion the boy had come up with. He knew he was going to have to explain it, but that could wait. He playfully nipped at Yoongi’s lips before disconnecting their lips. He leaned close to Yoongi’s ear, and whispered, “There is no me and Jungkook.”


Yoongi sputtered, not quite sure what to think. He had seen them…hadn’t he?


“But I saw you…”


“Jungkook is my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were five. Anything you think you saw, definitely was not us being romantic with each other.”


Yoongi stared at Jimin with an ‘O’ face. He wanted to believe the boy, desperately. But he felt like it was all too good to be true.


“Okay, well what about my timetable and Rap Mon said someth-“


“Look, I will tell you everything on our date. That is, if you’ll say yes.” 


There was silence. Even though the clock was loud, with it’s ticking filling the room. The footsteps had faded, probably continuing down the hallway. The dull sound of voices in the distance. It all made no difference to Jimin as he waited for his answer. He would not hear anything, until Yoongi answered him. He felt like he had been waiting forever, when he started to give up, opening his mouth to tell Yoongi-



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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 14: DAMN I WAS NOT READY FOR ALL THAT. That fluff was so wonderful, I'm so sad now lol
JeminAdora #2
Chapter 12: I'm gonna punch Kai for what he did!!!I'm lit up with hateful thoughts right now...They were having a perfect date and YOONGI WAS DEDICATING A SONG FOR JIMIN(still crying for it cause it was so damn sweet and romantic ~T_T~) then all of a sudden KAI happened!!!!
JeminAdora #3
Chapter 12: O K A Y!!!The wild feelings inside urged me to talk about the fact that WHY THE DID JIMIN KISSED KAI!!!!?????????I MEAN...........WHY LET JIMIN KISSED KAIII!!!!???WTF!!WHY NOT JUNGKOOK OR TAE OR ANYONE BUT WHY KAI!!!URGHHHHHH!!!!!!
marytaehyung88 #4
Chapter 1: getting excited ill enjoy the fic...^_^
nicoletang #6
Chapter 14: Pls update!! This is ing amazing
Chapter 14: WOOWW an update. This is seriously so good. I'm so happy they could make things work out in the end, poor Jimin!! Stay well and fighting. Thanks for the update,
Chapter 14: Aghhh! Seriously poor Jimin and Yoongi! At least it seems like it's turning out good now... Hopefully Yoongi won't commit murder on Kai, hahahha!
Wow it's so cool that you're picking up on this story again after so long! Can't wait to read more!!
napigeonhae #9
Chapter 12: whua~ please tell me this is not the end~~~