If the plan doesn't work, change the plan. But never the goal

Skoolboy Luv

Cafeteria’s were noisy, crowded, and Yoongi didn’t like them. He had lost Jimin five minutes ago in the throng of people and he’d given up any hope of finding him though because, seriously this school was huge. He’d already run into multiple people, and it was bound to keep happening. Just as he went to step forward, a hand encircled his wrist and yanked him backwards. He turned to glare at whoever had grabbed him, but groaned instead. In front of him was Kim Taehyung, smiling widely and gesturing behind him.

Yoongi looked at where he was pointing and saw Rap Mon and Hoseok involved in what looked to be some kind of staring contest. He couldn’t tell though because Rap Mon was wearing sunglasses. Didn’t that count as cheating? 

Taehyung tightened his grip and pulled Yoongi toward the table where the two were seated. Yoongi noticed too late that hidden, behind Hoseok’s back was another boy. Him. Yoongi stiffened, but it was impossible to get out of Taehyung’s iron tight grasp. He’d just have to brace himself.


“You lost. Stop being petulant and go buy me noodles.”


“I did not lose! You cheated!” 


“Why is it whenever you lose, you say the other must have cheated?”


“ Because you- Yoongi!” Hoseok shouted with a happy smile on his face; his argument forgotten. He bounced up from his seat, reaching for Yoongi when he was close enough. He shooed Rap Mon and Jungkook off his side of the bench, pulling Yoongi to sit next to him.


“I heard you had to do the dreaded 100 in Mr. Hun’s class.”


Yoongi looked down, embarrassed, “Jimin warned me not to make him angry, and I guess laughing at him didn’t really help.”


Hoseok let out a bark of a laugh, while the other three just looked amused. “Why on earth would you laugh at a guy like that?” He was wiping his eyes with his shirt, looking up at Yoongi.


“He looked way to intense about maths.” 


Yoongi was afraid that Hoseok was going to fall on the floor, he was laughing so hard. He decided he’d let him fall, if he did. Serves him right for laughing.


“What’s so funny?”


Yoongi whipped his head around so fast, he’s sure that he heard his neck crack. He tried to rub the pain away, smiling lightly at the owner of the voice.

Jimin locked eyes with him, giving him a million watt smile. He nodded towards the trays in his hand, and Yoongi quickly reached out to grab them so he could sit down.


“Suga was just retelling just how he got into trouble in Mr. Huns class.” Taehyung spoke up.


Jimin quirked an eyebrow before chuckling and sliding onto the bench next to Yoongi. 

He leaned in close, his breath tickling Yoongi’s ear, “You owe me.” Yoongi felt a tightening in stomach at the sound of Jimin’s voice. He mentally face palmed for getting in the middle of the cafeteria. All he had to do now was calm down, and not think about Jimin . .


“Taehyung since when do you call him Suga?” Jimin had turned his attention to the orange haired.


 “Since last period. We’re in the same music class. I decided that Suga has so much more flair than Yoongi.”


“Don’t say stupid things. I think Yoongi has plenty of flair!” Jimin rejected Taehyung’s reasoning with a flick of his wrist. 


“You guys I-“ Yoongi started.


“It’s not stupid. I just happen to think it sounds way cooler. It’s a matter of opinion Jiminnie.” Taehyung glared at Jimin; he looked annoyed.

“It does not sound cooler! Yoongi is nice, and so is Suga. How can you say one is better than the other?!” 


“I didn’t say anything was wrong with Yoongi! I just said that I liked the sound of Suga better!” 


“Guys I don’t care what you call me! Yoongi is fine, if you prefer, but Suga is also fine.” 

Yoongi was finally able to into their argument. He breathed a sigh of relief when the two halted and looked at him.


Taehyung smirked triumphantly, while Jimin just glowered at him. 


Jimin picked up his fork, stabbing at the food on his plate while Taehyung welcomed his own tray of food from Hoseok. Yoongi stared at the food in front of him, wondering where to start. He’d never been to a school, where the lunches looked this amazing. He went to take his first bite, when he was nudged hard from behind. He fumbled with the chicken before it fell on the floor. His gaze lingered on it for a second more before he became more concerned with why no one had apologised yet. He looked up only to find that seated in front of him was Jungkook, wearing a smirk while eyeing Yoongi’s piece of chicken. 


“Oh sorry, my elbow slipped.” Jungkook said sarcastically, finally making eye contact


“Here Yoongi, you can have my other piece of chicken.” Jimin placed his drumstick on Yoongi’s plate before diving back into his noddles.


Yoongi looked at Jungkook incredulously; finally feeling like the anger he had for the boy was justified. He wanted nothing more than to punch the smug look off his face. He dug his nails into the plan of his hand, hoping that would stop him from reaching across the table. It did the trick, as he was able to focus on the dull sting instead of wanting to hit the boy in front of him. He breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down.


After a few minutes of breathing through his nose, he let himself pick up his fork and push his food around, before deciding he wasn’t hungry anymore. He was annoyed that all it took was someone making him lose his chicken to get him this riled up. That’s not the real reason. Shutup! He was sick of his minds unhelpful comments. There was a tap on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off. He didn’t feel like talking to anyone, just yet. 


“You look about ready to kill someone.” Jimin whispered to him.


“I’m fine.”


Yoongi’s curt reply had Jimin at a loss for words, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. With a determined look on his face, he slung his arm over Yoongi’s shoulder and crashed him into his side. He hugged him close, enjoying seeing the boy trying to squirm out of his grasp. Yoongi was sure his lungs were being crushed, but despite that he enjoyed being hugged my Jimin. That didn’t stop him from trying to get out of the bone crushing hug though. He was not going to let on how much he was actually enjoying it. 


“Jimin I’m sure you’ve crushed the boy enough. Let’s finish up, lunch is almost over.” Rap Mon spoke practically. Yoongi wheezed in agreement.


He loosened his grip on Yoongi with a pout, but didn’t move his arm from his shoulders.

Yoongi felt the air rush back into his lungs. It took him two minutes to breathe normally, and another 30 seconds to realise that Jimin still had his arm wrapped around him. I’m not going to blush.


“Aww Suga’s blushing!” ing Kim Taehyung.


Yoongi pushed himself away from Jimin’s body, scowling at Taehyung who just smiled in return. 

The bell rung just as Yoongi stood up from the table, he didn’t feel like going to class though. Especially since he had Accounting. He knew nothing about accounting, and couldn’t figure out when he’d actually need it. He was still wondering why it was a mandatory course at this school, when he felt a presence next to him. He half expected to see Jimin smiling ready to drag him to class, or even Jungkook looming over him with his stupidly handsome face, telling him to stay away from Jimin. He instead found Rap Mon smirking. 


“Didn’t mean to interrupt your daydream, but if you don’t hurry up you’ll be late.”


“Oh you’re in the same accounting class?” Yoongi ignored the teasing tone in Rap Mon’s voice.


“You don’t have to sound so disappointed. I know I’m not as special as lover boy over there,” he gestured to where Jimin was trying to wrestle Taehyung into a headlock, “but I thought we had something special.” The teasing was hard to ignore this time.


“I’m-“ Yoongi began.


“Yoongi!” Jimin interrupted, “Come on, can’t have you be late for accounting!” He appeared behind Yoongi, pushing him toward the cafeteria doors. Yoongi resisted a bit and looked behind him.


“Shouldn’t we wait for Rap Mon?” He thought he’d better ask just in case Jimin just didn’t realise that the two boys were in the same class.


“Don’t worry he knows the way, besides I’m sick of having to share you with everyone” Jimin waggled his eyebrows; Yoongi snorted. 

His lines keep getting worse.

They were walking down the hallway, when Yonogi had another thought


“Jimin, I never asked you, how do you know where all my classes are?”

“Silly Yoongi, I’ve been at this school for three years-“


“-No I mean how do you know what classes I have?”


“Oh, um well you see…Ikindofstoleyourtimetable” Jimin spoke quickly, hanging his head in shame.


“You what? I didn’t hear the last part.”


Jimin looked at him sheepishly before stopping to open his bag. He pulled out Yoongi’s timetable.  Yoongi looked down confused. He was sure that he had his timetable. He pulled his own bag off his shoulders, opening it, looking for his timetable. When he couldn’t find it, he looked at Jimin.


“You stole my timetable?” Yoongi asked sharply. 


Jimin cleared his throat, “Uh um yes.” he held the paper out for Yoongi to take.


He snatched it back, watching Jimin jump away as the paper was ripped from his hand. 

“I-i-i-i’m sorry. I only took it so I could-“


“-So you could what? Laugh at the new kid? Watch as he struggled to find his way around school? Leave him lost and confused, late for every class he has?” Yoongi had fire in his eyes.


“NO no no, nothing like that! I took it so that you would-“


“-You know what I don’t even want to hear your excuse. You’re an . Why don’t you go find someone else to torment. I’m sure one of your groupies would be overjoyed that you’re even paying attention to them. Or better yet, why don’t you go find Jungkook. Excuse me.” With that Yoongi pushed past Jimin intent on finding his own classroom. 


“I took it so you could rely on me.” Jimin said sadly. 


All he could do was watch as Yoongi walked away from him. He had honestly thought that he would be able to slip the timetable back in Yoongi’s bag during next period. It never even crossed his mind that Yoongi would ask why Jimin knew his schedule. How could he have been so stupid? He could have lied, but he didn’t think that would have gone well either. Yes, he was driving Jimin crazy with his mood swings but he liked him. He was sure that Yoongi liked him. He just needed to get the boy to admit it. With that thought in mind, he grabbed his bag throwing it over his shoulder and took off down the hallway. He had to find Jungkook.


Jimin ran around the school for a good twenty minutes. He’d long since given up making it to class. He had more important things to worry about.

‘Damnit Jungkook. Don’t tell me today is the one day you decided to stay in class.” He mumbled to himself. As he rounded, yet another corner he felt a sense of relief. Jungkook was leaning against a wall with headphones in his ears. Jimin marched up to him and ripped the headphones out of his ears.


“Yah! What the hell man?” 


“Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere?!” Jimin was pissed it had taken this long to find the boy. He was running out of time.


“Aww did you miss me?” Jungkook made a kiss face, only to have it pinched off a moment later.

He rubbed his cheek, trying to ease the sting.


“This is no time for jokes . Yoongi found out I stole his timetable and ran off.”


“Well did you explain to him why you stole his timetable?”


“I tried! He wouldn’t listen.” Jimin said exasperatedly. 


Jungkook pursed his lips, “He’s just being stubborn. Just wait to talk to him in P.E.”


“I don’t see why you’re taking my problems so lightly. You’re the one who said I should take the timetable in the first place. In fact this whole stupid plan was our idea! I wanted to be upfront and just tell him that I liked him, but no, you said he wouldn’t go for that. ” Jimin narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him.


“Hey don’t blame me because you’re stupid!” Jungkook said snidely. He hated getting the blame.


“You are stupid. Now not only does he want nothing to do with me, but he also thinks you and I are some kind of item!” Jungkook choked back a laugh. 


“Well I’m glad this is amusing to you. I hope that when you like someone, some comes and screws the whole thing up.”


“Jimin, stop being such a baby! It’s not my fault that the boy you like is stubborn. If all you are going to do is complain about my advice, then maybe don’t ask for it okay? ” Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest.


Jimin sighed and ran his hand through his hair, messing it up even further, “Kookie, please. I like him. I don’t know what to do…” Jimin looked to be on the verge of tears.


Jungkook sighed, taking pity on his friend, “Okay. Here’s what we’ll do. In P.E. I’ll make some ridiculous comment about how good you look, maybe even try and flirt with you.” Jungkook made gagging noises, and Jimin slapped his arm.


“Okay, and then what?”


“Well then my dear Jiminnie, we wait for him to act jealous and tell me to stay away from you. Then you’ll have your confession, and you can make out with him freely. It’s a foolproof plan.”


“You said that about the last plan…”


“Hey! Do you want my help or not?”


Jimin sighed, “yes.”




The plan was in motion. Jimin just hoped this one worked better than the last one.

Authors note

Hi everyone! I tried to make this chapter slightly longer than the others, which is why it switches to Yoongi's POV to Jimin's POV. Sorry if there was any confusion. I hope it makes sense. Thanks for sticking around. Much love 

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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 14: DAMN I WAS NOT READY FOR ALL THAT. That fluff was so wonderful, I'm so sad now lol
JeminAdora #2
Chapter 12: I'm gonna punch Kai for what he did!!!I'm lit up with hateful thoughts right now...They were having a perfect date and YOONGI WAS DEDICATING A SONG FOR JIMIN(still crying for it cause it was so damn sweet and romantic ~T_T~) then all of a sudden KAI happened!!!!
JeminAdora #3
Chapter 12: O K A Y!!!The wild feelings inside urged me to talk about the fact that WHY THE DID JIMIN KISSED KAI!!!!?????????I MEAN...........WHY LET JIMIN KISSED KAIII!!!!???WTF!!WHY NOT JUNGKOOK OR TAE OR ANYONE BUT WHY KAI!!!URGHHHHHH!!!!!!
marytaehyung88 #4
Chapter 1: wahhh...im getting excited ill enjoy the fic...^_^
nicoletang #6
Chapter 14: Pls update!! This is ing amazing
Chapter 14: WOOWW an update. This is seriously so good. I'm so happy they could make things work out in the end, poor Jimin!! Stay well and fighting. Thanks for the update,
Chapter 14: Aghhh! Seriously poor Jimin and Yoongi! At least it seems like it's turning out good now... Hopefully Yoongi won't commit murder on Kai, hahahha!
Wow it's so cool that you're picking up on this story again after so long! Can't wait to read more!!
napigeonhae #9
Chapter 12: whua~ please tell me this is not the end~~~