You look like candy, only sweeter

Skoolboy Luv

Yoongi couldn’t help but shake the feeling he was missing something. He was standing in line to get food with Jimin when once again he felt people glaring. He was getting pretty sick of it. He shuffled closer to Jimin, and tugged on his sleeve.

“Jimin why is everybody staring at us?” He watched Jimin look around. Whenever he would catch someones eye, they would turn away as if they had never been looking. Interesting.


“Maybe they are just entranced by your beauty.”


“I can’t believe you called Hoseok a creep, when you’ve got lines like that up your sleeve!”


Yoongi was sure that by the end of the day, his face would be a permanent shade of pink.

All the while Jimin was holding his stomach from laughing too hard. 

Yoongi hit his arm, and glared, “I’m serious. Everybody in this school has done nothing but glare at me since I got here. I didn’t do anything to them, so I don’t see why I’m so interesting.” He felt his voice rising. He wanted people to hear him. He didn’t take kindly to people trying to intimidate him.


“You should learn to just ignore it.


“Or maybe you should just tell me why they do it. You obviously know.”


Yoongi watched Jimin stiffen, and for a moment felt that he should have been nicer. But he wanted answers. 


“Look, it’s just that…they…umm…-“ 


“They’re jealous of you, new kid.” Jimin was cut off by a strong voice. Both boys whipped around and found Rap Monster standing behind them. Had he been there before? 

He felt the uncontrollable urge to laugh because really, no one had ever been jealous of Min Yoongi. Why would they start now? His laughter brought the attention of everyone with earshot, but he could care less. His laughter subsided after a minute and he looked between Jimin and Rap Mon, but saw no trace of a smile on either of their faces. Okay, he was definitely missing something. 


It seemed that Rap Mon and Jimin were having a silent conversation, that Yoongi could not understand. He tried to, but there was no use. It was over almost as soon as it started. 

“Hey Yoongi, I’ll buy your snack. Go find a table. I’ll be there in a minute.” Jimin turned away from Rap Mon and flashed Yoongi, that brilliant smile. Yoongi nodded unsure, but started walking to an unoccupied table nonetheless. He watched from afar as Jimin and Rap Mon re-entered their heated discussion, this time with low hisses and wide gestures. What am I missing?

Soon enough Rap Mon stalked off, and Jimin turned back around in the line. It was finally his turn.


Yoongi had let his mind wander to what they could have been talking about when Rap Mon appeared next to him. He had to crane his head to stare up at the boy; the questions on the tip of his tongue. Before he could voice anything Rap Mon spoke quickly, with a hint of seriousness.


“Look, all you need to know is that most of them want Jimin. And our boy always uses the excuse that he just doesn’t have time. It’s been that way for 3 years, but all of sudden in walks you and that excuse means nothing. You’re the first boy outside of our friend group that he has taken an interest in. 


“B-b-b-but he’s only showing me around because the headmaster t-t-t-told him to."


At that Rap Mon snorted. He looked at Yoongi, like he'd grown four heads.

“No. If it was just that, he would have showed you to your first class, and shoved a map in your hand. Believe me, I know. He would not have introduced you to us. He likes you. That is why everyone is glaring at you.” With that he stalked in the other direction.


Yoongi was about to call out to him, but just as he opened his mouth Jimin appeared in front of him waving a candy bar in his face. Yoongi smiled gratefully, and took the candy bar. He’d have to remember to talk to Rap Mon later. Peeling back the wrapper, he took a big bite out of the chewy candy. His face contorted in pure bliss. The slight bitterness of the dark chocolate mixed with the salty caramel, made Yoongi’s taste buds explode. He almost moaned out loud, but held it in just barely. He chewed, and let his eyes roll back in his head instead. He hadn’t had any candy in so long. He’d almost forgotten how much he loved the sugary goodness that came with candy. He finished chewing and his lips. So good.


He looked Jimin, only to find him staring at him wide eyed. Surely he hadn’t been that messy with the chocolate. 

“What? Do I have something on my face?” He asked wiping his face subconsciously. 


“No no no. It’s just you seem to really like sugar.” There was a hoarseness to Jimin’s voice that had not been there before. 


Yoongi smiled widely at Jimin, “My nickname is Suga. Partially because I’m so pale, like sugar. But mostly because I love sweets. It’s one of the few things I’m addicted to.” 


Jimin cleared his throat, “It um, it…suits you.” He looked down; Yoongi swore he saw him blushing.  


Yoongi was in the midst of folding the wrapper over the rest of the candy bar and tucking it in his bag when he heard the bell ring. Jimin bolted upright, grabbing his bag and Yoongi’s hand. Jimin yanked Yoongi out of the cafeteria and down the halls.


“Jimin why are we rushing?” Yoongi said almost out of breath. God I’m unfit.


“You have Maths now, and you DO NOT want to be late for that. Mr. Hun, he’s ex-military and will force you to do 100 press ups, while doing multiplication problems if you’re late. The man is insane! I had him last year. It was torture.” 


Jimin halted in front of a classroom with students rushing in. He pushed Yoongi in forcefully, all while shouting, “I’ll see you after class! Don’t make him angry.” He was gone after that, and Yoongi was left with the question of just what he was getting himself into by being in Mr. Hun’s class.



As it turns out Jimin had been absolutely right. Yoongi found that out the hard way. Mr. Hun had strode in the room looking like he’d killed a man. He had this crazed look in his eyes, which on any other person would have looked hilarious. Yoongi snorted, thinking that the man looked seriously intense about doing some maths problems. He couldn’t help but chuckle quietly to himself at his own thoughts. Unfortunately this was to be his downfall. Mr. Hun rounded on him quickly, forcing him to stand, introduce himself, and recite the 12 times tables. Yoongi failed. 

As punishment he had to do 100 push ups, just like Jimin said. The most humiliating part, was Mr. Hun did not continue his lecture while Yoongi did his push ups. No. The bastard waited until Yoongi had finished before he continued. It took Yoongi almost the entire lesson to do 100. Too much exercise in one day. In fact Yoongi was sure, that today he’d had more exercise than he had in over a year. At the end of the lesson Mr. Hun said that thanks to Yoongi wasting the whole lesson the class had to complete 3 chapters worth of problems by tomorrow. While Yoongi was huffing in his seat, he could again feel the glares. This time though, he felt that he might have deserved them. 


The bell rung, and Yoongi was the first one out of his seat. He rushed out the door, running head first into Jimin in his haste to get away from this horrible place.


“Yah! Watch where you’re going!” he shouted at the other boy. 

“Yoongi wait!” he heard Jimin shout behind him, but he couldn’t stop.


He ran to the nearest bathroom, ing his shirt as he went. He quickly yanked his shirt off his sweaty body, letting it drop to the floor. He was sure that he hadn’t sweat this much since he was a kid. He was in the middle of splashing cold water on his over-heated body when Jimin burst through the doors. 


Yoongi turned around quickly; his eyes watching Jimin’s every movement. Jimin had his hands clenched at his side, he was biting his lip, and looking at Yoongi with lust filled eyes. 

When their eyes finally met, they both released the breaths they hadn’t realised they were holding. He looks beautiful.

Jimin took a step towards Yoongi, then another, until he could feel Yoongi’s breath on his lips. He could smell the candy bar that Yoongi had during the break; he couldn’t wait to actually taste the boy. Jimin his lips and leant forward, hoping to feel the softness of Yoongi’s lips. He would have too, had the second bell not startled them, making them each leap backwards. Yoongi touched his lips, still being able to feel Jimin’s breath on them. He had wanted that kiss. Damn bell! Jimin looked down at the ground shuffling his feet, before pulling his bag off his shoulder, pulling a clean white shirt out, and chucking it in Yoongi’s direction. 


‘You can um…” he cleared his throat, “wear my extra one, cause yours is sweaty.” 


Yoongi thanked him quietly, and began pulling the shirt on. Once he was finished, he bent down to pick up his soiled shirt, and shoved it into his bag. He’d have his mother wash it tonight. The two boys walked out of the bathroom in silence. The silence was deafening to Yoongi, but he didn’t want to be the first one to speak. As it turns out, he didn’t have to; Jimin was the first to break the silence, “I’ll be waiting for you. See you after class.” He waved goodbye; walking away slowly. 


Yoongi let out a sigh, letting himself drift into his classroom. 

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mrlasagna #1
Chapter 14: DAMN I WAS NOT READY FOR ALL THAT. That fluff was so wonderful, I'm so sad now lol
JeminAdora #2
Chapter 12: I'm gonna punch Kai for what he did!!!I'm lit up with hateful thoughts right now...They were having a perfect date and YOONGI WAS DEDICATING A SONG FOR JIMIN(still crying for it cause it was so damn sweet and romantic ~T_T~) then all of a sudden KAI happened!!!!
JeminAdora #3
Chapter 12: O K A Y!!!The wild feelings inside urged me to talk about the fact that WHY THE DID JIMIN KISSED KAI!!!!?????????I MEAN...........WHY LET JIMIN KISSED KAIII!!!!???WTF!!WHY NOT JUNGKOOK OR TAE OR ANYONE BUT WHY KAI!!!URGHHHHHH!!!!!!
marytaehyung88 #4
Chapter 1: getting excited ill enjoy the fic...^_^
nicoletang #6
Chapter 14: Pls update!! This is ing amazing
Chapter 14: WOOWW an update. This is seriously so good. I'm so happy they could make things work out in the end, poor Jimin!! Stay well and fighting. Thanks for the update,
Chapter 14: Aghhh! Seriously poor Jimin and Yoongi! At least it seems like it's turning out good now... Hopefully Yoongi won't commit murder on Kai, hahahha!
Wow it's so cool that you're picking up on this story again after so long! Can't wait to read more!!
napigeonhae #9
Chapter 12: whua~ please tell me this is not the end~~~