
Kai's P.O.V

Here we are, seated at the car. Some are awake, and some are asleep. I stared at the view around me; crystal blue water, and a huge bridge. We're at Han RIver right now.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To S.M. Entertainment" Suho said
"I see.."

~~~~~~5 minutes~~~~
"Guys, wake up! We're here!"         

"Already?" Baekhyun said

"Do I have to say it twice!??"

"Our leader's angry, so scary~~" said Baekhyun

"Let's go WITHOUT Baekhyun."

"Just kidding."


Eunhae's P.O.V.

"Hmm...You've got potential, actually. You could be next to BoA, as I can see." said the CEO happily.

"Thank you very much! But I don't think I can be next to BOA" I said

"It's a possibility! You cannot tell the future."

"I can't imagine it, sir." I said awkwardly.

"Hello Mr. Jin!" A voice said.I haven't heard this voice-no,I think I heard this voice before.

Kai's P.o.V.
"Hello Mr. Jin!" I said

"Excuse me Mr. Jin, is it her?" asked Suho

"Oh, yes."

"Huh?" Chanyeol asked

"Oh. Sorry forgot to tell you guys. She is Choi Eunhae. A trainee." Suho said

"Hello! Eunhae here! And you guys are..?" Asked Eunhae

"Starting from the left, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Kai, Baekhyun, Sehun and I'm Suho."

"EXO here!"
 we all said at the same time.

"Oh.I see, Nice to meet you guys!" Eunhae said

"I forgot to tell you Eunhae, EXO will be the one to introduce you to everyone and make you familliar to the surroundings."

"Really??" We, even Eunhae said at the same time except for Suho. 


"S..sorry Mr. Jin...Forgot to tell them."

Luhan's P.o.V.

"Let's go rest in the hotel!" Said by Chen

"We're already here! Could you please stop that?" Luhan said

"Lulu's angry again~" Chen said 

"We should call K."

Kai's P.o.V.

"Lulu?" Eunhae asked

"Yup. But if you call him that he'll be angry." I said

"Oh.." Eunhae said 

"Yo, okay-"

"That's my ringtone." Beamed Suho.

"Hello? M!? Really? Oh. Okay bye!"  Was the words we heard from Suho

"What was that?" Chanyeol asked

"Who called?" Suho asked

" M." Suho said

"M? What did they say?" Sehun asked

"They're at the Riverside Hotel." said Suho

"That's the hotel that my mom booked for me!"

"Great! We can introduce you to them!"  We all said at the same time

Luhan's P.o.V.

"I'm so tireeeed!" said Chen

"You've been saying those words around 9 times already!" said Tao

"Kekeke~" said Chen.

Seven figures approached as I slowly recognized all of them.

"K!" Xiumin said

"And she is??" We all asked.

"Choi Eunhae. trainee." Suho said

Eunhae's P.o.V.

"Hello! We are M! starting from the right. Luhan, Xiumin, Kris, Chen, Tao and lastly, Lay."  They all said.

"Hello there. I hope we could be friends!"
  I said

"Let's eat!" Suho said

"We don't have enough food!"
 Tao said

"I'll buy!" Baekhyun voulonteered

"Wanna go shopping?" Kai asked me

"Sure!"  I said 

"Well then, Eunhae and I will go to!" Kai shouted

"Let's go!" Suho said

Suho's P.o.V.

"Let's see what the members like.... " I murmured as I looked at the list: Meat, desserts.

"Desserts eh?" Eunhae said while ponting to a shop 'DESSERT STORE'.As the door's creak was heard, chocolate,ice creams,candies,cakes welcomed us.

"All ot them looks delicious!" Eunhae said while looking at the ice cream shelf.

"But we have to pick." Baekhyun said

Kai's P.o.V.

"I guess I have to pick eh?" Eunhae said. I am now looking at the chocolates. But one chocolate caught my attention. 'Prestige'

"You picked something over there?" asked Suho

"Yeah. This one that is named Prestige." I said to them

"How about cakes and ice cream?" Baekhyun asked

"I picked some already." Eunhae said to them as Suho paid it in the cashier.

"Annyeong! Have a nice day!" The guard said

"Same to you!" We all said as we bowed to the guard.

We we're finding fresh meat. Then I saw one.

"Hey guys, I saw some fresh meat there.Wanna take a look around?" I asked them
"Sure." They all said

As we enter guards and staff welcomed us. 

Murmurs were heard as well.

"Wait. Isn't that EXO?" one staff said

"think so!" A staff replied

"Who's that girl?"

"Trainee I guess."

"Uh-oh we've been seen." I said

"Here comes troubleeee~" Baekhyun said

"Hey! It's not joking time right now!" Suho said

"We better run. I...guess??" Eunhae said

We ran away from the store. But it's too late. Fans now know that we are here.

Baekhyun's P.o.V.

"We better run run run~" I said 

" Faster!!" Suho said

"Let's dupe them! We'll confuse~" Kai said

"That's fun!" I said while laughing

"Let's run and run until we lose them!" Eunhae said

~~~After 10 minutes~~~

"I can't believe it! We actually lost them!" Kai said

"Let's go back to the hotel. I'm sure they're hungry right now." Suho said

As we enter the hotel the members welcomed us.

Luhan's P.o.V.

"What took you so long?" I said to them. They were panting and their faces have gone pale.

"Fans chased us." Suho said 

"Oh...That's tiring!" Chen said

"How did you escape out?" Chanyeol asked

"We misled them." Kai said

"Wow. It actually worked out!" Kyungsoo said

"Of course!" Baekhyun said

"Did you buy meat?" Kris asked 

"Uhmmm... We only bought desserts because fans found us when we were buying meat." Eunhae said

"Oh. I better go now. It's getting late." Eunhae said.

"Is that so? I thought we could eat with you." Lay said.

Eunhae's P.o.V.

"Oh. Then I guess I could eat with you before going to my room" I said. Smile lingered on each members face except for one, Luhan.

"What's the matter, sir?" I asked him.

"None of your business." Luhan said coldly.

"Ah, I see." I said as I looked away, focusing on the other members.

"Hey Luhan, What's the matter with you? Youre acting cold today!" Chen said

"I told you it's none of your business!" Luhan said and stomped back to his room.

Luhan's P.o.V

"What's her problem?"

"Aish. I hate that girl." I said to myself as I slept.

Suho's P.o.V.

"Don't mind him Eunhae." I said to her as she nod

"But why is he like that?" She asked

"No idea." I said

"Well,I think I better go. Good bye!"

"Bye! See you tommorow!" We all said to her.

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