
I'm Kim Kibum. Keep that in Mind.



Sunghae kept running, but she was no longer crying. She slowed down to a walk. That guy’s got some nerve to make stupid guesses like that, she thought bitterly. Despite the anger she felt towards him, she couldn’t help but feel impressed and shocked by him too. Before he started guessing, he basically got her entire profile down.

Kibum might be a pooface, but he’s super smart and observant, Sunghae thought and turned into a small coffee shop.

“What can I get you honey?”

“Oh, I think I’ll go with a latte. Extra whip cream please!” Sunghae threw out one of her famous smiles. The lady smiled and started making her a latte. Sunghae sat down and look at the mirror hanging on the wall. A tear-stained face stared back at her. She sighed and wiped her face with a tissue from her bag.

Thank goodness I don’t wear makeup, or it would’ve been disastrous, Sunghae thought gratefully while wiping the tears off her face.

“Jjang (Ta-da)! Here you go sweetie,” The lady handed her her latte, which was topped with a lot of whip cream. Sunghae marvelled at how awesome it looked and tasted.


“Waaah, Ahjuma kamsahamnida!!! This is daebak!!” Sunghae exclaimed while happily sipping her latte. She handed the sweet ahjuma the money, but she refused. (N/A: quick Korean lesson! Ahjuma- auntie; kamsahamnida- thank you; daebak-jackpot/awesome)


“No, this is my treat for such a sweet little girl,” She smiled. Sunghae hugged her gratefully.

She heard a bell ring and the door slam, signalling another customer came in. She had a feeling it was Leeteuk oppa, so she put her head down, hoping he won’t see her.

“Hi, what can I get for you?” The kind ahjuma asked.

“I’ll take an Americano, no milk, sugar or cream,” Sunghae was surprised to hear a female voice.

“Just plain coffee? Isn’t that too bitter for you hun?”

“No. I like it like that.” The woman was probably older than her by a few years, and she had long auburn hair. So pretty, Sunghae thought as she touched her own plain, mouse-brown hair. Sunghae looked at her clothes and found it peculiar. She was wearing a long trench coat, but Sunghae saw she was wearing tight black pants underneath, like the woman was trying to hide something. Sunghae heard the bell ring again, and this time she saw Leeteuk coming in. He saw her and ran to towards her.

“Sunghae! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Leeteuk cupped his hands around her face.

“I’m so sorry for what Kibum did,” he said slowly. The woman on the other table perked up.

“He didn’t know,” Sunghae sniffed, smiling. “Kibum didn’t know what really happened, it’s ok.”

“I’m sorry, did you say Kibum? As in, Kim Kibum?” the woman turned around and looked at Sunghae.

“Yeah, do you know him?” The woman pursed her lips before answering.

“Yeah, he was a classmate from university,” She mumbled and got up.

“Thank you ahjuma!” the woman put some money on the table and left. Leeteuk hugged Sunghae.

“C’mon, I’ll bring you home,” Leeteuk said. Sunghae lit up.

“Yay! Did you mess up the place since the last time I saw it?”

“You bet,” Leeteuk ruffled her hair.

“Aishhh, now I have to spend the holiday cleaning up!” Sunghae pouted. Leeteuk laughed and squeezed her cheeks as they walked out the door.

“Oh goodbye Ahjuma! I loved the latte!” Sunghae waved and Ahjuma waved back. When the door slammed closed again, Ahjuma sighed and shook her head sadly.


“Wowowow, Leeteuk this place is cleaner than I thought,” Sunghae said, putting down her suitcase.

“Aishh, you spent too much time in America. Leeteuk oppa, Sunghae, oppa…” Leeteuk chastised. Sunghae looked at him and rolled her eyes.

“We’re like 12 years apart. Doesn’t that make you my ahjusshi?” Sunghae giggled.

“Yah!!! I’m not that old! Oppa is fine~” Leeteuk replied.

“Whatever you say grandpa,” Sunghae smirked. Leeteuk pretended to be offended. (Heehee that rhymes^^)

“Why you little—” Leeteuk started tickling her and Sunghae squealed in surprised. She jumped on Leeteuk’s back and they paraded around the whole house, laughing and hollering.

“Phew!” Sunghae threw herself on her bed, dead tired. Leeteuk was on the floor, also exhausted.

“You’ve gained weight since last year,” Leeteuk commented. Sunghae threw a pillow at him.

“You’ve gotten older,” she retorted. Leeteuk thought of something else to say, but Sunghae was already asleep. Jet lag must’ve caught up with her, he thought. Leeteuk tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead.

He started cleaning the messes they made from playing and cleaned the house a little more. Sunddenly he dropped the broom and ran to the door.

“Crap! I forgot about Kibum!!!”



“Sup,” Kibum answered his phone. He heard honks and screeches in the background.

“Kibum are you still in the restaurant?” Leeteuk’s voice came weary and frantic through the line.  

“Nah, I knew you’d forget me. I’m in the arcade,” He replied casually.

“Oh okay I’ll come get y—!!!” Kibum heard a loud honk and screech.  

“Don’t die before you do,” Kibum hung up and continued playing his game. Leeteuk came through the door five minutes later. Kibum raised his eyebrows.

“That was fast,” he mumbled. Leeteuk grabbed his arm and dragged him into the car.

“Okay, about my cousin,” Leeteuk started. Kibum interrupted.

“I’m sorry, I got carried away,” Kibum said. Leeteuk nodded.

“Heck yes you did,” Leeteuk agreed. “But she reacted so badly because both of her parents died two years ago,”

“Omo, I feel so bad now… How did they die?”

“Sunghae never told me, and I don’t want to ask her,” Leeteuk replied, his head down.

“Ugh, where is she now?”

“Sleeping. She’s still jetlag,” Leeteuk explained. Kibum nodded, but didn’t reply. Leeteuk started the engine, breaking the silence.

“C’mon, I’ll send you home,” Leeteuk said, picking up speed.



The cold wind blew through her hair as she walked to the edge of the roof. It was already dark outside. She put down the thin case she was holding and sighed.

The best was to break someone’s spirit is to take away the people closest to them, she recalled her boss’s voice as she clicked open the case.

Once done, they will be hard to talk to, to confide to, to confess.

Bom started to assemble the sniper, as she’d done so many times before. She had no heart to kill anyone that was innocent, and she vowed not to. However, her boss had assigned her to… and she couldn’t disobey.

But you are disobeying him! A little voice screamed at the back of her head. She ignored it as she slipped the dart into place.

It’s shaped like a bullet, plus the sedative will make her very sick for a bit, Bom told the little voice.

HE will find out, and will be so pissed! You will die!

“Shut up,” She muttered out loud. Bom lifted the sniper and positioned it on the balcony edge of the roof. She stretched and peered through the eyehole. All she had to do now was wait.



back with another chappy xDD

telll meeee, was it awesome? boring? cool? terrible?

comments are always appreciated :)

love all of you readers! 

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keyz_locket #1
i just realized that this was sorta like the sherlock holmes movie..or is it just my imagination..?
keyz_locket #2
subscribed:) good plot:D
sapphirewing #3
update soon >.<
jaywalkit #4
i really love your poster ^^ who made it?
Emerald #5
siwon is gone isn't he?<br />
so i really wonder wat happened *deep in thought*<br />
update soon ^^
Emerald #6
Does sunghae relate to Bom in any way?<br />
*pouts* i wanna know please<br />
update soon