Attempt Three: In Slow Motion

Of Fried Chicken and Nonexistent Dance Battles

Today was the day. EXO had just begun their comeback not two weeks ago, and as usual, was scheduled to perform on Music Bank. More importantly, Taemin would be there too.

Jongin had spent the last three days furiously perfecting each and every movement, down to the slightest flick of his hair (because with a face like his, covering it up with hair even mid-dance was a sin.) Luckily, s had, through negative reinforcement, learned not to disturb him in such circumstances so he was able to train in utter peace.

They arrived at KBS. Jongin shooed his fellow members away and immediately surveyed his surroundings.


Jongin spied his target leaning casually on the neighboring van. He bent down in preparation to spring forward, propelling himself through the air until his body slammed into something. Rubbing his head, Jongin propped himself up. Hm...the floor was surprisingly soft and lumpy. And perhaps it was due to him hitting his head, but the floor also seemed to be moving.

He opened his eyes. There, beneath him, was a girl. As in, a member of the opposite , thin with a long neck, wide grin, and the glazed eyes of a giraffe in heat.

"Kai," she whispered reverently.

He let out a (manly) scream and jumped straight up into the air from his horizontal position. Once upright, Jongin was besieged by a feeling of impending doom. He quickly began plotting an escape route, whirling around only to end up face to face with two, and then four more star-struck beings. They were sprouting up in a circle around him with disturbing speed.

Heart plummeting faster than a lead balloon, Jongin realized his mistake. He had forgotten the number one trait of fangirls: once one of them sees you, they begin multiplying faster than rabbits in the springtime. They were also ready to pounce.

He braced himself for the impact.

It can't end like this...I can't perish just yet, not before my dance battle.

"Noooooo," Jongin cried to the skies above.

One second. Two seconds. Three...

He pried his eyes open for the second time in a two minute span. He was alone; there was absolutely nobody frolicking in his personal bubble.

Where did they all go?

 A quick scan provided the answer. Sticking out from the middle of a gushing ring of girls was Kris, as if he was the stigma in the middle of a bundle of squealing anthers. (Jongin took a moment to congratulate himself on such an apt simile. He was a MASTER of flower anatomy).

Kris turned to Jongin in slow motion. He raked a hand through his hair in slow motion. A water bottle appeared in his other hand, and he tipped the bottle over, letting the liquid inside waterfall into his open lips, all in slow motion.

By now, girls had all melted into hysterical puddles. Jongin could feel his own knees growing weaker by the second, as if all his energy was being into the throbbing body of masculinity that was Kris, who was now undoing his top button. Breathe, Jongin, remember to keep breathing.

Kris' voice snapped Jongin out of his reverie, causing Jongin to choke on his own saliva in a dignified manner.  "We need to go inside," Kris said. He looked down, tsk-ed, and then carefully stepped over the pile of twitching bodies.

"Uh…" Jongin nodded, incapable of speech.

Then he remembered his mission. Of course, Taemin was long gone, leaving behind a van that was still shimmering, illuminated by the lingering remnants of his presence.

Jongin cursed. Darn it, foiled once again. Grumbling, he caught up to the taller member (which was easy because Kris even walked forward in slow motion), making sure to keep his eyes averted for fear of joining the mass puddle.

Don't think this is it, Taemin. We still have...have…have...

Any coherent thoughts promptly disintegrated when he accidentally glimpsed Kris again.


In the middle of getting his eyeliner painted on, Jongin got an idea, one so devious and dastardly that he couldn't help but cackle, ignoring the makeup-noona who was startled into leaping back and crashing into some other unimportant person.

Of course, Music Bank would be the perfect stage for their dance battle because it was, in fact, a stage, complete with thousands of viewers to witness Jongin's domination over Taemin. What better place to demonstrate his dance prowess than a broadcasted music show?

Excellent, Jongin thought, steepling his fingers.

"What's excellent?" Kyungsoo popped up, looking way too cheerful for someone who had black streaked across his face. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that his makeup-noona was currently entangled in a pile with Jongin's...Nah, thought Jongin. Must be some new style they were trying out.

Suho answered instead. "Oh, are you guys talking about how we have a decent shot at win-"

"-Nothing," Jongin told Kyungsoo. "It's nothing."

Just you wait and see.


It was the end stage now, with every artist and group crammed onto the stage in such close proximity Jongin could smell the stench associated with strong lights bearing down on bodies with overactive teenage hormones. But he endured it, because out of the corner of his vision, he could see his target.

Taemin was smart, alright, dressed in an inconspicuous white jacket and wearing a youthful grin that allowed him to camouflage into EXO, but he was no match for Jongin's keen eyesight and inherent Tae-dar. Just as Jongin was about to bulldoze his way over, there was a stir. Suddenly, everybody started pressing against him, hugging him and slapping his .

Taemin was on the move, though rather than running away, he seemed to be heading closer and closer. Jongin clapped his hands, sending subliminal messages of encouragement to Taemin. Yes...that's it, just keep coming over.

"You won! Congratulations," Taemin said as soon as he was within earshot.

Jongin blinked. They hadn't even had their dance battle unless...did he completely black out during the entire thing? But he had waited so long to witness his own victory…

"Ahh, we won!" said Sehun loudly.

Then Jongin noticed Suho talking (or crying, however you wanted to put it) into the microphone, giving some kind of speech. Oh. EXO had won on Music Bank. That explained why everyone else was suddenly bowing to him.

Well, that just made it even more perfect to have their dance battle then and there, where all the attention would be focused on him. "Taemin, let's go. It's time for our epic dance batt-"

"Congrats~" Taemin was off hugging Minseok. And then that one called Tao. And Kyungsoo.

That's not fair, Jongin wanted to say, feeling his eyes prickle at the unjustness of it all. There it was, the most opportune moment they could ever ask for, and Taemin was busy throwing himself into the arms of other members? No, he had to hold in his tears. There was still a chance. All he had to do was remain patient, and wait for the crowd to dissolve.

Then, at last, the familiar twangs of 'Wolf' sounded. The stage cleared. Jongin tried a couple of movements. Good, he was raring to go. He located Taemin and sidled over. "Let's have our dance battle now."

"Okay," Taemin agreed happily.

This was it.

Jongin took to the stage, preparing himself. It was his moment to shine. He inhaled, feeling his abs tighten and then-

The chorus of Wolf played.

No, he screamed at his muscles, don't do this to me! But it was to no avail. His body naturally shifted into the motions for Wolf, having been trained to respond to the chanting and howling by making bunny ears with his hands and ing his chest out.  Taemin joined him for a bit before offering, "Oops, looks like I have to get off the stage" and disappearing.

Why me? Jongin sobbed internally. Whyyyy?


A/N: So...Jongin might not be as knowledgeable about flower anatomy as he think...XD

Also, next chapter should be fun~ hehe

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Chapter 4: Kai as a girl...mmmmh...>w<
yoongles #2
Chapter 4: Omg!!! Aff is never cooperating with my account,

and for some reason i keep on unsubscribing... NOT THAT I WANT TO

Chapter 4: Ahahaha! Another amazing chapter! Thank you, author-nim!
taekai69 #4
Chapter 3: Yeah kai is the lead ~~~
Chapter 3: ahaha, in your dreams (well not) Kai! Tae's the lead xD
yoongles #6
Chapter 3: Hahahahahaha Jongin got de swag

This story is so askflsdjakds cute!!! ;~~;

Please update soon!!!
Nice story!
yoongles #8
Chapter 2: 11 backup dancer?! Hahahaha Kai you douche bag

Please update soon! This story is amazing!!!
And omg, Kai thought he had 11 back up dancers? OMFG LOL I don't know if Kai is too thick headed or into having a dance battle with Taemin or what xD