Deepest secret

Stop denying and kiss me.
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Xiumin’s POV

I stared at the clock hanged up in my room while laying on my bed. It is 2:45 pm now, still 15 minutes left. I was already dressed and ready to go. I watch the clock arrows move so slow. “Why am I so inpatient to meet him?” I asked myself while still focusing at the clock. “Maybe because I felt a strong connection with him, or maybe because he always laughs at my jokes or maybe because of his half lip smile that is the iest thing I ever saw on a man.” I tried to find an excuse for myself. “What?! Smile? y? MAN? I must have gone crazy.” My voice started to get louder from shock. I still watched the time go by so slowly. Finally it is 3:00 exactly. I jumped off bed and headed straight to the door. He was already outside his room waiting for me. Seems like I’m not the only one who was so excited.

“So where shall we go today?”  Luhan asked while we were on our way outside the campus.

“Ummm, since I haven’t exercised for 2 days now, let’s do something with a lot of movement.” I explained.

“How about soccer?” He answered quickly with a wide smile across his face.

“Yes! But where exactly?”

“That ain’t a problem for me.” He said with a confident smile.

We rode the bus. Luhan didn’t look at me the whole journey even though we were talking non-stop, he didn’t even have a glance at me which was really weird since we always have eye contact while talking but the moment we got off the bus he was back to normal. Just like last time when we rode the bus he was a little awkward. We walked a few blocks away from the bus stop and then I found a huge soccer field.

“Are we going there?” I asked while pointing at the soccer field.


“No way! Woah.” I was amused; the field is huge just like a real one. “But wait, how will we get in? Don’t we need a membership or something like that?”

“Yes yes we do need a membership.” He smiled mysteriously. “But that ain’t a problem because I own one.”

“! Really?” My jaw dropped in excitement. He laughed.

We went inside the field and my eyes were just looking here and there trying to enjoy the beauty of the huge field. We changed into the soccer team outfit that Luhan brought from his lockers and started searching for teams to play with and against.

We started a match and the fun finally started. I watched Luhan carefully while playing because he seemed to be like a great player and I discovered that he really is. I can see his veins popping out when he tries to score a goal or run. He ran across the field just like a tiger and he caught the ball with his foot and strongly kicks it right through the goal like a fighter. I watched him play in amuse, my eyes were following every step he was doing. The way he breathes so strongly while his diaphragm strongly pushes his chest out showed off how passionate he is towards the game.

He was scoring goals after goals and I’m just a fail running across the field doing nothing but miss really easy chances to score. I have always been such a loser at soccer. The only thing I’m good at is music.


Luhan’s POV

We finally finished the match and our team won thanks to me. I searched for Minseok and he was just standing in the middle of the field while bending his back 90 degrees and his hands are attached to both of his knees with force. I rushed to him not caring about me being so tired after all the running.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked him while catching my breath.

“Yes, I’m fine.” He straightened his back and our eyes met. He grabbed a water bottle that was right nex

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Chapter 19: Im glad this chapter wasnt an cliffhanger
laili_3 #2
Chapter 19: that fact that luhan is kyungsoo' crush really shock me.... but i love this story so much since luhan had suffer from minseok. generaly when i read xiuhan, minseok is the one who suffer by luhan kekekeke
please update...
bunny5760 #3
please finish this story
bunny5760 #4
please update
bunny5760 #5
Chapter 10: hahahaha the title is so funny " I'm gay!" LOL
Ypyoloser #6
Chapter 19: I like the fluff in the story so much and also the drama. Plz update soon
thatsnotme #7
Chapter 19: I read the 19 chapters one shot and it was AWESOME. the fluff killed me. Update sooooon plz
fjjgalaxyyo #8
Chapter 19: Your story is amazing. I loved every bit in it.
Update please ^^
Chapter 19: "I don't care if you're a boy or an alien" Isn't that from Coffee Prince?
bora_xiuhan #10
Chapter 19: Finally Umin ah \^_^/
I love it <3