
Transfer Star

Riko was extremely happy that Yuya and you were friends again, but she felt that Yuya was avoiding you for some reason, and it had been like that for the past couple days.

Yuya and Riko had finished a scene, so you walked up to them and smiled, “That was really good! You guys are so natural now!”

“Really?” Riko cheered.

“Yeah!” you nodded. You looked over at Yuya who wasn’t looking at you. “Yuya-kun!” you said, poking him on the shoulder. He turned brushed you off and walked away. *What the heck! Is he mad at something?* You looked over at Riko, “What is wrong with Yuya-kun?”

“I think he is avoiding you.” Riko said looking sad again.

“But why?” you looked over your shoulder.

Yuya turned a corner and sighed. He put his hand over his heart. *That was not natural at all! I am natural in acting but not with her! She probably thinks I hate her!* He turned around and hit his head on the wall. “Baka…” he sighed and slid down the wall.

A couple minutes later, you saw Yuya walk back in and he didn’t even look your way. You rolled your eyes. *He is so immature* Spike crawled over and started chewing on your shoelace. You laughed and leaned down, picking him up. Spike stuck his tongue out and tried to your face. *At least you wont ever hate me* You smiled as Spike your cheek.

Another scene started with Yuya and Erika. She was a guest in the drama and was acting as Yuya’s character’s girlfriend. Riko also didn’t have to be in the scene so she came over and sat by you and Spike to watch the scene.

Erika was walking around the living room straightening up everything. She bent over and smelled some flowers and Yuya came walking in. Erika glanced over her shoulder at him and smiled sweetly.

“Hi!” Yuya walked over and gave Erika a hug.

Erika smiled and stepped back, “Um…”

Yuya looked at her, “What is it?”

Erika took a deep breath, “I got promoted.”

“What that is great! Why do you seem so depressed?” Yuya looked concerned.

“I have to move!” she blurted out. Looking depressed, she looked up at Yuya who was stunned. “What I mean is we should take a break!”

“Why?!” Yuya suddenly shouted.

“You know how long distance relationships work!” She exclaimed. Yuya stepped back looking hurt but angered. “I don’t want us to be held back by anything!” she yelled.

“So you’re saying, I am holding you back!” Yuya yelled furious.

“No! Just forget it!” Erika looked away, fuming. “Just go! Go!” Yuya turned and stormed out of the room.

“Cut!” the director shouted. Yuya came walking back out from the door, thinking they did a pretty good job. Yuya and Erika came to the edge of the set. “It’s wrong,” The director muttered.

“What?” Yuya and Erika both asked together, confused.

“The feelings, they are wrong!” he said. The director continued to talk to Erika and Yuya. They did the take several more times, changing how they acted and moved each time, but the feelings were still always wrong. “Think about your feelings tonight and lets try again tomorrow. Remember you are dating, and in love.” Erika said goodbye and left pretty fast, heading for a photo shoot. Yuya stuck around the set reading his lines over and over again. Every one began to leave but Yuya stayed. You finished cleaning up late but Yuya was still there. You turned to walk away then stopped. *Even though he is ignoring me, I need to help.* You sighed and turned around.

“Do you need help?” you asked. Yuya looked up at you then quickly looked back down at his script. “It won’t kill you to let me help you!”

Yuya sighed, “Fine…” You smiled as Yuya stood up and you both headed for the set thinking, *This is going to be hard*



Did you get anything from the lines? Be prepared for the next chapter full of emotion. PLEASE COMMENT!

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
I will read this
qwiyowo #3
visiting old stories
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Great story
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #7
m0zarts0nata-- #8
KPoPfAn4EVA #9
I like this fanfic!! Nice job!!