Chapter 3

Come Back Home~

"heyyy, excuse me~" suddenly one girl approached him.

"yes?" Jaejoong look at the girl who just talk to him. fair skin with long black hair, wearing jeans with shirt and cardigan..she's wearing spectacles too..her hands holding 2 cans of coffee..

"" the girl asked again while giving the can to him..

Jaejoong look again at her, confused...who is this girl..he asked to himself.

"thank you..who are y...." without he able to finish his words..

"Hee name is lee hee young.." she said while sitting beside Jaejoong. "and you?"

"Kim Jaejoong" he answered..                         

"oh..can I call you Jaejoong? I have noticed you here since waiting for someone from the missing flight right? well me too.."

"ye..yes..oh~ I see" Jaejoong open up the can and drink the coffee in one shot.

"are you okay?" asked hee young again..

"........" he just keep silent.

"sorry..what a bad question I ask huh~ there's no way we are okay in this kind of situation.." she drinks her coffee..

"do you know any news about this.." Jaejoong asked

"well..from what I know right now, other countries are helping us too, sending their ships and planes to find the airplane...but, still.."

"the plane is nowhere to be found huh.." he continue her words and sigh softly "who are you waiting for?"

"my parent." answered hee young.

Jaejoong look at her with shock and sympathy...'I'm sorry to hear that.."

not only him who is in agony in waiting for their love one..definitely the others too..anxiety and worry fill in each of the person here who are waiting any news about their missing family..they might be waiting for their parent, brothers, sisters, friends, husband, wives, son and daughter or even their lovers.

"'s okay..there's nothing we can do..and how about you? you waiting for?"

"my lover..he supposed to fly to UK for work matter."

"that's nice...she must be a lucky have her boyfriend anxiously waiting for her..I'm jealous.." she said with a smile..

"my lover is..a...a guy." Jaejoong said softly but hee young still can hear clearly and now it's her turn to look at jaejoong with her shock face..

" I disgust you?" said Jaejoong again softly.

'huh? no no no~ I'm not..I don't have any problem with that kind of thing..I just don't expect this answer...but really, I have no problem with people like don't need to be sorry..." she said with smile.

"oh..I'm glad to hear that..thank know what~ I’m a guy and yet I feel weaker than you..i don’t know how to cope with this..this anxiety inside me makes me wanna lose control...where are they~ where is the plane~ how they can missing like that~ are they still alive~ all these questions keep bothering me and it’s pushing me to think of the worst..and I’m not ready..never be ready..” said Jaejoong.

“I totally understand you, jaejoong..but there are still hope..don’t ever give up on it even if it’s just a tiny hope..they are doing their best to find the missing plane in open sea...and I believe in them..there’s nothing we can do..but we can keep on praying and waiting for them to come back home..safely to our’s gonna be alright, ok? Well~ I’m saying this to my own self also..” hee young sigh softly.

“I don’t have anyone else if I lose him..he’s my everything..”

“he will come back to you..after all, he’s a lucky guy to have you, right?”

Jaejoong just smile at her...feeling a little bit better...”You’re such a nice girl, hee young...thanks..I feel much better..”

“ we are in the same we must support each other too~ I mean,,I feel so much better after talking to someone..if not, I might lose my sanity too..” Hee young look at the clock...”I gotta relatives must be worried about me..nice talking to you jaejoong...stay strong! Bye..”

“ohh..okay~ nice talking to you too hee young...and umm~ you too..stay strong! ”said Jaejoong while smiling.

They bid farewell to each other before hee young went out of his sight. Jaejoong sit on his place again..he’s checking his phone..the time now is 4pm...the flight departure at 11pm yesterday and it supposed to be arrived at UK around this time already...17 hours has passed...and still no news about the missing plane..his tears threaten to fall again but he quickly wipe it..he have to be strong..there are still hope..hee young is right..he just have to believe in them and praying.

he doesn’t feel sleepy or hungry at all and he doesn’t intend to go back home, not without he know anything new...he look at the big windows in front of him..there he can see a big airplane is ready to takeoff..while he watching the plane, his mind start wandering again.


p/s: minor character created..just need someone to talk to chapter will be flashback again~

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Chapter 10: this is so beautiful,a sweet story i loved it.
Chapter 10: This is so beautiful. I'm glad yunho is safe and able to make up his mistake~ hope they'll always be like this forever. Such a sweet story :"))
phinea2009 #3
Chapter 10: I enjoyed reading this story very much.
Chapter 10: I'm crying reading this fic. But glad yunho is safe! Beautiful story! Keep up! ✌✌✌✌✌
kimchijejung #5
Chapter 10: Oooh my~ this is so beautiful. Glad yunho reject the offer.
Thanks for the story :)
ShoJoongia #6
Chapter 10: Oh my *sob*sob* so beautiful
kimchijejung #7
Chapter 9: Oh my God... This is made my day! Not long after read prev chap then you update it!
And glad! Ofc yunho will never leave jaejoong, yes yunho safe.
I'll wait the epiloge :)
kimchijejung #8
Chapter 8: ㅠㅠㅠ cliffhanger..
Let yunho safe
And update soon heheh
ShoJoongia #9
Chapter 8: Aigooo girl ~please update soon my heart can't take it
Chapter 8: i hope Yunho is safe....poor joongie :(