
Come Back Home~

3 weeks later...

“Hello~” Jaejoong pick up his cell phone that ring just now..

“Hee young ah! How are you? And your parent?”

“I’m fine, thanks...and they are doing fine..kinda busy these past few weeks with many relatives has visited us...so~ do I disturb you? Sorry for calling..” said Hee young from the other line.

“no..you’re not..in fact, I’m happy you are calling...and I’m glad you and your parent are fine..after all that happened.” said Jaejoong

“yeah~ it’s not that I don’t want to forget it...but~ it will always remain in our lives huh.... well, lets skip about that, how’s your boyfriend? Is he fine? Let me tell you this, what a hottie boyfriend you have there Jaejoong~ I don’t want to disturb you at that time so I just let it be...hhahh~ I’m so jealous..what am I as a girl~~ haha..when you’re going to introduce him to me?”

Jaejoong blush a little then he laugh softly hearing Hee young’s words..

“He is fine, Hee young ah~ maybe we can meet somewhere at coffee shop so that I can introduce Yunho to you...and sorry for that, there’s nothing I can do for your jealousy” he laugh again.. “but I have some other friends, if you are interested, I can help you..”

“yeah yeah~ do that~ and make sure your friend is handsome like your boyfriend.....and straight.” She laugh..”sounds good..call me if we can meet somewhere later..”

“haha..okay~ okay..I will make sure of it..”

“oh sorry~ got to go now...bye..take care!”

“okay bye..take care,Hee young..” said Jaejoong before he hang up the phone. He sighed softly...3 weeks has passed since that tragedy..Hee young was right..that moment will always remain in their lives even if he tried to forget about it...wishes like ‘have a safe flight’ or  ‘come back safely’ have been extra meaningful to him now..he don’t know what the future will bring to him...remembering about the passengers that doesn’t come back and their families, he prays silently for them.


“Hee young? Who’s that? You looks so happy talking to her.”  Said Yunho who just come out of nowhere..Jaejoong looks startled when he heard Yunho’s voice.

“Yunhoooo~ don’t surprised me like that..oh god~ she’s just my friend..”said Jaejoong while slowly massaging his chest.

“Just  a frienddddd?” asked Yunho trying to start his teasing again.

“what’s that supposed to mean? Of course she’s my friend..we met at the airport during that time...we support each other ok while waiting for you all..her parent was on the same board with you.” Said Jaejoong

“Owh..I see..I would like to meet her then..to thank her for giving support to my beloved person..” said Yunho while smiling cynically.

“are you trying to tease me again~~”

Yunho went towards Jaejoong, still smiling...then he hug him closely..


“lets just stay like this for a while..I still can’t get enough of hugging you like this..”

Jaejoong blushed a little..He link his arms together around Yunho’s waist, replying his hug...his head fits perfectly at Yunho’s chest so that he can hear Yunho’s beating heart.

“You hug me everyday, you know~

“I know...but it’s not enough..I want to hug you every minutes..cuddles with you like this every second..”

“that’s impossibble~” Jaejoong hide his face in Yunho’s chest trying to hide his blushing cheeks.



“There’s something I want to tell you..” said Yunho..his voice turn soft.

“what is it?”

“My boss just called me...despite what happened about the crash, even though I can’t handle the project last time..my boss still want me to handle their next big project at London..they said I will still get promoted to be a higher position in their company..”

Jaejoong stay silent for a while before he let go his arms that wrapping Yunho’s waist..He tried to smile but he guess he failed...he turn his body, his back now facing Yunho...is he going to be left alone again..because Yunho will be busy again...London? that’s far..what if that things will happens twice..what if there will be a tragedy again...how can he persuade Yunho so that he wont go..will he get angry again..

“oh..rea...really? that’s......that’s great..Yunho.” He not sure if he sounds sincere while saying that..

At the back, Yunho just smiling at his lover..

“but I reject their offer.” Said Yunho

Jaejoong’s eyes get bigger..He turn back his body towards Yunho..


“You heard me...I reject their offer..” Yunho take jaejoong’s hand and pull him closer..

“If I accept it, that means more works, more projects, and less time to spend with you..and I don’t want that. I don’t want to take you for granted, Jaejoong ah..I want to fix our relationships..I want us to be just like the past...I already think about it long enough..my current position is already enough..enough to make living for both of us..I don’t need more than that...”said Yunho again


“no..I was no forced...I want to do this...I want this..I don’t want to repeat my mistake like before..ok”

After a few seconds, he nodded..

“umm...I’m glad..thank you..I love you Yunho” Jaejoong hug him again..he is happy with Yunho’s decision..Yunho hold Jaejoong’s face dearly and kiss his foreheads..

“I love you more Jae~......oh..one more thing, how about our plan? We don’t go to any vacation yet..”asked Yunho.

“you’re right...where do you want to go Yunho ah..” asked Jaejoong happily..

“I don’t mind...anywhere is fine..where do you want to go? Well, as long as we don’t need to take a flight, anywhere is fine...I don’t think I can take a flight for quite some time..” said Yunho

“I don’t want it either...then how about this...let’s go to.....”

with his big smile, Jaejoong is telling him numerous idea for their vacation...Yunho just smiled while looking and staring at his beloved person who’s being excited, talking about this and that..

he said to himself...

“I know I already said this..but I want to say  it again..God, thank you for giving me a second chance to live, for giving me a chance to come back home safely where he’s waiting for me..thank you.”


p/s: for those who read this fanfic from chapter 1 until now..thank you! thanks for reading and for your comments and subscribe..lets meet again for my next fanfic..\(^__^)/


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Chapter 10: this is so beautiful,a sweet story i loved it.
Chapter 10: This is so beautiful. I'm glad yunho is safe and able to make up his mistake~ hope they'll always be like this forever. Such a sweet story :"))
phinea2009 #3
Chapter 10: I enjoyed reading this story very much.
Chapter 10: I'm crying reading this fic. But glad yunho is safe! Beautiful story! Keep up! ✌✌✌✌✌
kimchijejung #5
Chapter 10: Oooh my~ this is so beautiful. Glad yunho reject the offer.
Thanks for the story :)
ShoJoongia #6
Chapter 10: Oh my *sob*sob* so beautiful
kimchijejung #7
Chapter 9: Oh my God... This is made my day! Not long after read prev chap then you update it!
And glad! Ofc yunho will never leave jaejoong, yes yunho safe.
I'll wait the epiloge :)
kimchijejung #8
Chapter 8: ㅠㅠㅠ cliffhanger..
Let yunho safe
And update soon heheh
ShoJoongia #9
Chapter 8: Aigooo girl ~please update soon my heart can't take it
Chapter 8: i hope Yunho is safe....poor joongie :(