Not More Than Ally, But Less Than Enemy

Heaven's Hell

Hana’s eyes fluttered open, and she tried to recall where she last was, but using her brain hurt too much, so she gladly drank from the cup being offered to her.

At least until she realized that it was the pretty girl from before that was holding it to her lips.

“You!” Hana snarled, jumping up despite the sensation of prickling needles running down the length of her body from the pain.

The girl jumped too, and landed, instead, on the ground next to the bed that Hana had been lying on.

“Leave the boy alone.”

“Boy?” Hana squeaked, holding her head as the migraine came back after the momentary rush of adrenaline.

“He gets that a lot.” A voice piped up from beside the bed, and Hana turned her head to see a pretty boy smiling motherly, showcasing an adorable dimple on his left cheek. “Drink up, you’re probably thirsty.”

“The I will.” Hana swore, dragging her body across the room and straight towards the door. A gentle tug made it clear that the door was locked, so, frustrated, Hana brought her leg up and rammed it into the door, ignoring the pain shooting up her leg.

Hana didn’t know what went through her mind, because all she did was ram her leg into the door over and over again, refusing to acknowledge the fact that her leg was nowhere as sturdy as the door. She was frustrated, and at the moment, it seemed like a good enough reason. She was venting out now, frustrated at everything happening to her.

“Stop that.” If possible, those words only fueled her anger and annoyance, leading Hana into another fit of attacks on the door, which clearly, was not going to open.

Hana flung off the arm that wavered near her shoulders, trying to pull her back from her attack on the door.

“You are stupid, aren’t you?” A yellow haired boy called, not understanding why this girl was so displeased with staying in the same room as them.

“At least my muscles are proportional to my height.” Hana snapped back, finally having stopped abusing the door. She braced against the pain in her leg, and refused looking at the bed seeming awfully comforting at the moment.

“Well, you’re such a pleasant young lady, aren’t you?” A deep voice asked sarcastically, the owner rising out of the chair he had been occupying to walk over to the fuming yellow haired boy. His tall frame cast a long dark shadow over Hana, and despite all she’s been through, she felt a little intimidated. The boy had hair reaching just beyond his nape, and the hair curled inwards tenderly at the ends, giving him an air of aristocracy. His large eyes and sharp facial features reminded Hana of a prince, but she silently admired the muscles hinted every time he moved his arm to pat the yellow haired boy on the back. This tall prince was very different from the shorter, golden haired boy, although both seemed to have a series of impressive muscles. 

“I can’t believe I just got called short by a girl barely up to my shoulders,” Jonghyun muttered, stomping over to the bed so that he could sulk.

“Barks the dog that never bites,” Key said, rolling his eyes as he tries to smile at the frowning Hana. “Don’t mind him.”

Hana stood stubbornly, arms crossing in front of her chest in an act of defense. “Who the are you. And who the is this non-boy-almost-girl person? Why the ery am I here?” Hana would argue that she's usually not this childish, but hell, she didn't exactly feel like being polite, either. 

Minho fought back the need to scold her for her language as he leaned against the door and decided to ignore her. They wouldn’t get anywhere with her. This girl was stubborn enough to run in front of a moving subway to stay away from them! He appreciated Key’s attempts though, and he noticed that both Key and Taemin already took a liking to this girl. Amazing really, as Key was usually not the most trusting person. Taemin however… He could only sigh at that.

“Where’s Onew hyung?”

The deep baritone voice had Hana leaning in to catch all the words, but she casually tucked a hair behind her ear as she started to calm down. It wasn’t like her to break down like this. The swearing was normal, but it usually only happened in her head. At second thought though, it wasn’t like they were going to let her go if she was polite now, would they?

“Where do you think?” Jonghyun scoffed. “Ever since we found her, he’s been hiding in the damned library.”

“Is she awake? Is she awake?” A voice piped up, slamming the door open so that it almost hit Hana square in the face. She shrieked and jumped back so that she unknowingly stepped on Minho’s foot, causing the latter to wince at the added weight.

“Off.” He said at once, not appreciating personal contact. Minho had never been someone that liked other people. Picking her up by her waist, he hauled into another boy running excitedly into the room, almost tripping over his own legs.

“Is she awake? Is she aw-” He broke off awkwardly as Hana bumped into him and fell past him onto the floor.

“Aigoo~” He shook his head, giving the group of boys a disapproving pout. “Are you guys bullying her already?”

“No, not me hyung!” Taemin called out suddenly from the bed, his body sprawled eagle- like across the white blankets.

“Why are you sleeping? Wasn’t she-”

He broke off again as he sensed Hana’s glare burning into his head, making him feel uncomfortable.

She is right here.”

The boy chuckled nervously, hands tugging at his shirt as he directed his brightest smile in Hana’s direction.

“I’m Onew.” Hana quietly analyzed the boy before her, eyes scanning past his messy boyish haircut, dreadlocks falling past his eyes, his smiling crescent eyes, to his dazzling smile. It was a wonder that someone would be able to radiate such happiness.

For a second, Hana felt like she was bathed in sunlight as she took in the rest of him, dressed in faded jeans and a plain t-shirt, she hardly could think of him as anything other than a cute classmate.

Much less some psycho that decided to jump in front of a subway just so he could kidnap her here, and leave her in a room with a bunch of seriously whacked up people.

Well, the blond haired boy with catlike eyes was still holding a cup of water, eyes trailing to a tray that lay abandoned on a nightstand near the large bed. It wasn’t until now that Hana noticed the sweet fragrance of food, possibly cookies, circulating lazily in the small room.

On the other hand, the girlish boy that had squeaked earlier when she pushed him off was still sprawled on the bed, apparently having fallen asleep. Hana didn’t blame him, because this Onew guy here seemed to have a calming presence, and it made Hana think that everything would be solved. His voice was soft, contrasting deeply with the snores leaving the sleeping figure.

Muscle boy was still perched on the edge of the bed, a look of deep betrayal flushing his face. He made a move to complain to Onew, but was silenced with a gentle smile. Onew seemed to say ‘we all love you’ from just that one gesture.

Warm. That’s how Hana felt, and she suddenly realized how sad it was that this feeling felt refreshingly foreign.

The tall prince next to her scoffed before turning on his heel and heading for his unoccupied chair, giving Onew an eye roll before picking up his book, ‘Frankenstein,’ and continuing where he left off.

The entire group’s eyes followed him as he the tip of his thumb before daintily turning the page.

Prince, Hana confirmed to herself, giving herself a slight nod.

Every move to escape had appeared futile so far, so Hana settled for glaring at everybody until an amazingly loud snore was heard from the bed, and everybody burst out laughing. Hana tried to compose herself and keep her glare, but another snore broke through the silence, and she found herself letting out a long withheld laugh. It had been so long since she genuinely laughed. It wasn’t even that funny, but the laughter of the people around her made her feel very comfortable with laughing for no reason.

With the laughter breaking off to a few awkward chuckles from Onew, the atmosphere grew heavy again, but Hana found that the questions once at the tip of her tongue, the swear words she had so unwittingly included in her argument, were caught at as she wondered if it would be suitable for her to swear in front of someone as innocent appearing as Onew.

She had sensed Minho tensing when she swore earlier, so it would be shocking for Onew to be comfortable with such profanity.

“Questions?” Onew asked gently, tilting his head so that he directed his widened eyes at Hana.

Nodding quickly, Hana felt her face flush as he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her out the opened door, although she hadn’t realized this fact ever since he had rushed in.

“You guys…stop bullying Jonghyun.” Onew smiled, giving Key a small shove on the shoulder before closing the door with a gentle creak.

“Before you run away,” Onew started once they were out of earshot of the others, “I would just like you to know that we wouldn’t hurt you. We really won’t.”

“Then why did you kidnap me here?” Hana asked quietly, following Onew as he paced around the building, looking for a particular room amongst the fifty.

“Taemin tried to talk to you on the train, but you kind of ran away.” Onew said, raising his eyebrows at the memory. “You shouldn’t do that again; by the way, you could’ve broken more than just your arm.” He pointed at her arm, which was tightly bandaged and seemingly angled in a way that was certainly not normal.

“Why are you looking for me then…If not to kill me?” She asked, letting ‘like the rest of them’ break away into a whisper.

“Believe it or not, Hana, we’ve been trying to get a hold of you for a very long time. That news report… It helped them find you, but it helped us find you as well.”

“I don’t get it!” Hana yelled, exasperated. “Why is everybody looking for me? What the heck can I do for them? They killed mom, and dad, and my friends! They killed my landlady; they killed neighbors that I never talked to!”

Instead of apologizing, as Onew had always believed made the person feel worse, he pulled Hana into a small hug, patting the other on the head before letting go awkwardly.

He didn’t miss the red creeping up Hana’s face, and for a moment, he didn’t understand what he did wrong. After all, he pulled Taemin, Key, Jonghyun and Minho into hugs whenever anybody felt down.

But then again, he had never interacted with anybody other than these four.

Hana felt tears brim her eyes again as she thought back to the life she once had, but Onew keeping an arm around her shoulders was really distracting, and she peeked up at him to see him smile kindly at her, fingers gently pulling at the hair that fell out of her ponytail.

The rare affection made Hana especially warm, and she felt heat rise to the roots of her hair, reminding her of the fact that here she was, being half embraced by a guy that was supposedly her enemy.

But this guy looked so much like an angel…

“Let me tell you something, Hana,” Onew sighed, finally seeing a golden plaque with ‘Room 33’ carved in silver. “These…things that are looking for you… They want to use you for something that… That-”

Just as the door opened, a odd squawk was heard before a bundle of midnight black feathers collided with Hana’s face, rendering her completely defenseless as she heard flapping from all around her.

“Out!” Onew cried, swatting at the overexcited ravens, so that he could get Hana out of their predatory grasp.

“They get excited whenever they smell someone other than Key. Key reminds them of a cat.”

Hana nodded understandingly, shaking her head so that the remaining feather fell from her hair. “And?”

“But they like Taemin, because Taemin’s always feeding them. No wonder they’re so fat…”

“I meant about why I’m here.”

“Oh! Well, the thing is…We can’t let them get you, because it would be disastrous! Most of them don’t know what they’re doing, but… When you stabbed Taemin years ago… It changed him. It woke him up.” Onew bit his lip as he tried to retain information that he knew Hana wouldn’t be able to take right at this moment. At least… Not when she just met him.

Stumped, Hana leaned back in the chair, staring at the rows and rows of books as she wondered what he meant. It was oddly annoying, not understanding why Onew talked to her like she could be shattered at any moment.

She wasn’t used to being treated so kindly.

“He was there when they burned the bus.” Onew whispered, clutching Hana’s hand as he realized the memory must be awfully painful for her.

And suddenly, as if those were the key words, realization dawned upon Hana and her face lit up in a moment of pure ‘hallelujah.’

“He was the one I stabbed with the broken bus part?” 




Sorry for any grammatical errors! Thank you guys so much commenting... it really motivated me to write again :P 


Thanks :) 



sweetieheart2 Thanks so much for commenting and omg what was I thinking :P It's Ear... sighhsss... Hope you liked it so far :) 

ieatrexandace Thanks for commenting :) I really hope you like it so far hehehe... These comments really do make me want to write more :P 

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she casually tucked a hair behind her hair as she started to calm down

^ did you mean "hair benind her ear"? xD
LOLLL poor jonghyun xDDD
and onew is so kind and lovely and beautiful <33333 i just hope he isn't secretly evil xD
odg ok so that was taemin hell yes ok /sobs
what ;~~~; omg please continue sjhshdfjgshdfjhsdfgjsd please ;~~~;
yayyyy you finally updated~~~ ^^
aslkdjfha;skjd shinee have been introduced :D
so excited for the next update~ 8)
It sounds so interesting. Please PLEASE!!! Update soon.