Arrival in Seoul

Kim Suho's sister

Looking out the window Akiyama really wanted to go back to Japan but not as much as she wanted to see her step father and older step-brothers. She's going to be staying in Korea for five months which is almost half a school year. Her brother Joon myun doesn't go to the same school as her. She's going to Neulpalan High and Suho goes to Chenon High. As the plane landed the plane attentant spoke over the loud speaker.

"Welcome to Seoul, South Korea. Please wait until the plane has come to a complete stop to get your belonggings. If Seoul is not your final destantion please enjoy it when you get there." The lady said. 

Immeditaly Emiko thought of what George Carlin said about airplanes and the crew. She gained a little smile on her face followed by a giggle. The giggle woke up the sleeping boy next to her. 

"Are we there yet?" Jong jin sprang awake. 

"Just got here. We'll get off in a while." Emiko replied. "So who's picking you up?"

"My mom and maybe my brother if he's not too busy." Jong Jin replied

"My brother and father are getting me." Emiko said petting his head.

*Back at the dark creed base*

"Okay guys, I'm going now." Suho said grabbing his car keys. "See you tomorrow!"

"But we still have an hour left!" Chao pointed out. 

"What could be so important?" Yesung asked.

"Going to meet my father." Suho said leaving his friends no time to reply.


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Hai guys, I know my username is Choi_KaeLi but Akiyama Emiko is my main OC. Just a little fyi


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