

Authors Note: This is the little extra I mentioned in the forword. THIS IS NOT AN ENDING! It's just a simple addition I wrote to the story. I wanted to leave the ending open, so everyone can decide for themself how they wanted it to end. Maybe I'm just lazy, but I couldn't decide how to end it >////< I'm sorry *hides in a corner* I would be happy about comments I already have some other Oneshots in my head, but I'm not too sure when/if they will be on here. One is finished already, but I still need to edit it and I'm rather slow at that >3<


Love isn’t an easy emotion. It makes one incapacitated. Does your heart beat as fast as if it would burst, too? One feels  like the biggest idiot even though what they had said or done had made perfect sense. The ever so little things are embarrassing and makes you feel insecure. Light touches can already be dangerous.

The mirrors in their practice room weren’t only handy if you had to learn dance moves. They were also quite helpful when you planned to observe a band member. With this method no one was able to notice you staring at him. Even if that person realized that someone was observing him, it was hard to make out who it was. The song ended just as Minseoks gaze shifted to the younger. He couldn’t stop taking glances, no matter how short they were. He felt jealous when he saw Baekhyun putting his arm around the boy who was nearly the same height as himself. Baekhyun praised him for his performance, told him how much he had improved. Xiumin wanted to be in his shoes. Of course he knew that Baekhyun was no threat to him, but he still had a hard time to mask his jealousy. Even if Baekhyun and Chanyeol believed their relationship was well hidden, they all knew about it. The members realized rather quickly that something happened between the two of them. It had been strange how much value the rapper had suddenly put on his skinship with Kai (or even anyone except Baekhyun). He still couldn’t manage to hide the small gestures towards Baekhyun thought. No matter how hard he tried. They were simple things like a gentle smile or carrying Baekhyuns bag, but they were obviously there. When Minseok noticed these little things, he couldn’t do anything else then envy the couple. He also wanted to show his affection towards his person of interest in the open, but that was impossible.

"Jongdae works really hard. It 's almost scary how much he improved, isn’t it", Luhan said. He had stepped next to Minseok, looking at Chen and Baekhyun. "What?", his friend asked and looked at him. Luhan pulled an offended pout. He didn’t like to be ignored, but who actually did anyway. For just a moment he thought about not repeating his statement, but did so nevertheless. "I only said that Jongdae has been practicing really hard lately and it's almost scary how much he improved in dancing. What if he surpasses us all?" The last sentence wasn’t all that serious. Again there was this stitch in Xiumins heart. The jealousy gnawed at him as he smiled at his friend and nodded approvingly. He hadn’t missed the looks Chen has given Luhan. They had increased a lot lately and he felt as if he stood in his friends way. As if he blocked his way to happiness.

Minseok couldn’t help, but to accept all the attention he got from Luhan. He knew that the older one gave his attention especially to those who otherwise would be overshadowed by everyone else. It wasn’t hard to be overshadowed in a band that consisted of 12 members. There were others that danced better, once that sang better. Someone as quiet as Xiumin was easily overseen. Not everyone could get the same attention. He had never felt the urge to be in the spotlight, but Luhans kind, silent offer to help him out made it impossible for Jongdae and Luhan to get closer. That’s why Minseok accepted it in the first place. It was selfish and yet the oldest of the group couldn’t simply act different. If he couldn’t have Chen, no one should. "You should watch out for him, Luhannie. Eventually, he will get even more popular than you are.", the older of the two joked what made Luhan laugh. "I’m fine with that.", he said before he stretched briefly and then looked around the room. Minseoks eyes went to Chen . He could understand that Luhan would be happy to loose some of his popularity. Popularity came with the high price of having absolutely no privacy. You couldn’t even go outside the SM building without at least a small group of followers. Being less popular may could mean a bit of rest. At least one could hope for it. It was a complete different matter for Xiumin. More attention towards Chen would also mean more followers, more fans and more admirers. His chances would get smaller and smaller, but had there ever been any chances to begin with? Quietly he sighed before he felt an arm around his waist. Luhan pulled him gently to his side and looked at him worriedly. "What's going on?", his friend asked with equal concern in his voice. Minseok looked back at him and smiled. "Nothing. Everything’s okay.", he replied and although his friend knew that there certainly was something, he didn’t ask any further. Luhan knew it was no use to ask if someone didn’t  want to talk about his problems. Or talk in general. That's why he let go of Xiumin. Not even a minute later their break was over again and they had to devote themselves to practice once more.

Minseok felt the gaze of one of his friends and as he looked around his eyes met Jondaes, who looked up at him from his sitting position a few steps away from him. They both smiled at the same time what made them grin even brighter. Xiumin showed the younger a "thumbs up" to signal him that his last practice results had been very good. An overly happy smile crossed Jongdaes lips which let Minseoks heart beat faster for a moment or two. He would have loved if this smile would have been reserved for him only. He knew how much Chen trained, how hard he worked and sometimes he was really worried about him. The eldest of the group didn’t want him to get sick (or to loose his precious smile). He was sure that Jongdae would collapse at some point if he would keep up with his hard-working attitude. He would have forbidden him to work so hard, but in the end he didn’t have the status to do so. He wasn’t part of his real family and even thought they were somewhat of a family they all knew that they had to work this hard. If he would have been his lover Minseok may would have been able to tell him to slow down, but the one being closest to this was probably Luhan. Xiumin, however, could only hope that he could eventually take this place in Jongdaes heart when it would get available again. The chances weren’t very high thought. Since they came back to South Korea the younger started to distance himself from Minseok. It was as if he would make sure that they wouldn’t have to much contact. As if he would avoid him. Xiumin had wondered if he had done something wrong, but his conclusion was that Jongdae wasn’t happy about the fact that he spent so much time with Luhan.

It felt as if they were meant to be distant. Maybe it was karma that let them drift apart. Minseok tried to get as much distance between Jongdae and Luhan as possible and his own distance to Jongdae grew as a result, too. It didn’t matter that much, though. As long as he could see Chens smile and hear his laugh, he was alright. It wasn’t as if this love interest would ever bloom to a relationship. Minseok was pretty sure that Chen didn’t feel the same way and this kind of love was still a taboo after all.

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Chapter 1: Omg this has so many feels of mine mixed into it. I ship Xiuhan but I also ship Xiuchen. And poor Suho >.< Good story though! I do hope you post the latter!