
Fighting Rumors

Onew stared at Taemin with puppy dog eyes - no, scratch that, they were pleading Dragon eyes mixed with near human whines. The Dragon kept him, crying and howling, begging him not to leave.


"I'm coming back, you silly goon," Taemin teased but Onew wasn't very convinced. He nuzzled against Taemin again, hugging him tightly with his tail and refusing to let go. "I need to get you some food or we'll both starve," Taemin explained. Onew gave another whine, sniffing at Taemin. This Dragon definitely had attachments issues.


"I'm not leaving you here to die, alright? I swear I'll be back. You can guard my shield and sword while I'm gone. I'll bring a deer back for you." Taemin pat the Dragon softly. If he were being honest, he didn't want to leave the Dragon alone either. He knew that leaving the creature alone, he would come back to more injuries from new Knights-in-training who would come to claim his scales. The Dragon was already healing up thanks to the speedy effects of the Dragon's own tears, and to think that he might return to see Onew all hurt again made his heart squeeze. He couldn't stand the way the Dragon would cry afterwards while he cleaned up the deep wounds. If he could, he would stay and keep the Dragon safe. The Dragon gave another whine, and Taemin was almost sure he saw the beast tearing up.


"Really," he answered the whine. "On my Knight's oath, I'll be back in less than 5 days. I promise," Taemin raised 3 fingers to his lips and then up in the air. Onew let out a pitiful sigh and his grip on Taemin finally loosened. The downcast look of the Dragon's eyes was heartbreaking. Taemin really did not want to leave. "I'll leave you the rest of my food and I found some other abandoned bags around with some food. It's not much but eat up." Onew gave a grunt, turning away from Taemin as if it were childishly ignoring the other from the betrayal.


"Stay safe, alright? I'll be back soon," Taemin said as a parting. He pat the Dragon softly on the tail and Onew gave a small whimper as he walked further into the cave with his head down, clearly sulking in displeasure. Taemin furrowed his brows as well. He felt his heart tug at the sight of the upset creature. He hadn't expected his departure to have impacted the Dragon this much. He knew the Dragon was protective; but that the Dragon would become so upset when he left was another matter. After all, he had only been with the Dragon for barely three days. Taemin sighed softly, mounting his paragliding equipment and throwing the Dragon a last look. Still, Onew didn't look back as if it were afraid of goodbyes. "Bye..." Taemin whispered softly before leaping off the cliff. When he was falling through the sky, he could hear the sounds of the Dragon howling brokenly after him.




Taemin didn’t know what he had expected when he arrived back in town, but it was definitely not the scene of his own funeral. He had landed in an open field, running down home to find that there wasn’t anyone awaiting his arrival. Although puzzled, he packed up new ropes in a huge basket, and some scrap metal pieces. He knew he had to set out fast if he didn’t want the Dragon to starve to death while waiting, especially since he needed time to climb back up the mountain.



With his basketful of things, he stepped out the house again. He knew he needed to report to his master and his parents to at least know of his whereabouts, so he headed down town. It was only when he arrived at the academy did he take notice of the huge board placed before the school with his smiling face in black-and-white on the “Honorable Knights that will be dearly missed” board.



He didn’t know exactly how long he stood there staring dumbfounded at his own death picture before his feet took flight towards the cemetery. The town wasn’t that huge, and Knights-in-training who have passed away were always buried in the same cemetery with huge funerals conducted in their honor. From the distance, he could already see people dressed in complete black, crying over what seemed to be a statue of him. He didn’t know whether to be disgusted or to be honored that these people cared for him; but at that moment, seeing his own tombstone, he just wanted to retch.



“It was my fault,” someone spoke in the microphone. “I claimed the Dragon’s scale and stirred him up. I managed to escape, but comrade Taemin had just arrived and he had no clue. The Dragon was supposed to be after me, but comrade Taemin had been so unfortunate. If it were not for me…” a sob echoed down the field of tombstones. “I should have gone back and checked! Maybe at least then… Maybe I could have recovered his body.” A series of sobs broke out by now and Taemin wanted to bury himself under the ground in humiliation there and then.



“Mum! Dad! I’m not dead!” Taemin shouted across the field but he was still too far away for anyone to hear. The microphone was passed on to the next person.



“I saw comrade Taemin just yesterday. It was not that Knight’s fault – it was mine. I believe comrade Taemin was hiding in the lair, waiting for a good timing to attack the Dragon in his sleep, but I came in and soiled his plans. I attacked the Dragon first and it became furious. Comrade Taemin came out, telling me to leave and I saw the Dragon drag comrade Taemin back into the lair while I got away. If it were not for me, maybe comrade Taemin would have been able to slay the Dragon,” a pretentious sob entered and the microphone and amplified. Taemin dashed for the platform, snatching the microphone in heavy pants. He could hear the murmurs and gasps from the crowd which only grew when he straightened up from his heavy breathing.



“I. Am. Not. Dead!” He emphasized each word strongly. “I am very much alive, thank you very much,” he hissed angrily. Loud sobs and gasps cried out from the crowd before him, and everyone was turning into a crazed frenzy. He could hear his parents sobbing loudly, calling his name over and over again in hysterical cries and soon everyone was on the platform hugging the life out of him.



“Thank heavens,” everyone seemed to drone in his ears. Taemin tried to explain that the Dragon wasn’t as bad as they thought it was but no one seemed to be listening. All they did was complimenting him on his abilities to escape the ‘ferocious Dragon’. Between tight hugs and relieved sobs, his parents huddled him right back home despite his urgent pleas to leave. He told them that he needed to return to the Dragon quickly, but they reprimanded him instead.



“I’m not losing my son a second time. Leave the slaying to someone else!” his mother shrieked in horror.



“I told you, Mum, the Dragon doesn’t hurt me! Onew is a really gentle Dragon!” Taemin protested. “He is as docile as a kitten and whines like a puppy! You should have been there to see it! When the other Knights-in-training come to attack, he protects me from them even though he is already hurt. He has to most undeniable puppy dog eyes and he never wants to hurt anyone. Just because he is a Dragon doesn’t mean that he is bad! Have you seen a Dragon cry? Onew cried when I told him I had to go! Mum, Dad, not even you cried when I left on my mission!”



“You’re blinded, Taemin. You left with our trust that you would return, and return you did. We aren’t going to send you away once again. There is no way we are letting you face that Dragon again. Your mother and I have thought it over. We just need you by our side; we don’t need a Dragon-slaying son,” his father enforced sternly.



“I’m not going to slay the Dragon, Father! Onew is hurt! He needs my help or he’ll die!” Taemin exclaimed.



“Then your job is done,” his father finished firmly. “The Dragon will be dead and you will be safe. End of the conversation, Taemin.”



“But Father!”



“I said it’s the end of the conversation, Taemin. Let’s just thank the gods that you have returned unharmed and live the rest of our lives quietly,” his father interrupted before Taemin could protest. Taemin rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh in exasperation. He needed to get back to the mountains. There is a starving and injured Dragon awaiting for his return. Taemin hated the idea, but he knew he had to runaway from his own house. He knows his parents meant well - they always do. But Taemin wasn't going to live with the guilt of leaving an innocent, lonely and totally misunderstood Dragon to die alone while waiting for his promised return. He had to go back to Onew even if it meant defying his parents.





I kept thinking about Beauty and the Beast when I was writing this. kekeke.

Updated Mar 11, 2014

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I have decided a character for Minho!! He should be coming soon... I think... 151125


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Chapter 10: wow, can't wait for next update..
hope author-nim didn't forget about this story ><
curious of jinki's wish and status of OnJongTae
Chapter 10: Poor jinki, i feel really bad for him TTTT but somehow i thought he was a human before, bc otherwise he is too good to be a dragon and bc he was a human before thats why he refuse to hurt them TTTT my poor heart TT
hwaiting author nim!! <3
Chapter 10: I couldn't ever imagine Jinki being greedy, I wonder how Jinki's wishes end up turning him into a dragon; and what does he have to do to turn back; can't wait for more update soon hun I love this story. <3 XD
Chapter 9: OMO i'm so so soooooooooo happy that Onew used to be human, that means he can/could be again one day and he and Taemin can be together, yay, keke; poor Jinki, his parents were . ;-/ did they even notice when he disappeared, were they even bothered. :-(
Chapter 10: Key is so wise. *nods* i so get what he means.
Becareful Jinki, its good to be cautious.

btw, i did this strange squealing sound when i saw that this was updated lol XD keke *hugs*
shinminji #6
Chapter 10: Omaygahd I could finally comment. I saw this notif at work and kind of squealed. I miss Dragon Jinki! ♡♡♡
Chapter 9: Please, please, please update soon I fell in love with this!
Chapter 9: Even though it's so sad to read, its interesting to go back and read Jinki's story. He had a rough life.
Key is a pretty cool character. Guess we will be seeing more of him.
I miss this story! Glad you updated. <3
Chapter 9: ohhh cool so he is the one that made him that way.
I like the way it ended... a cliffhanger style ;)