
I Choose You!





Jiyeon can't even think how all things happen in just a blink of an eye. She was scare of what she was doing but she can't stop herself now that she was sure of her feelings. Hongki and Jiyeon entered an relationship secretly.


They were together and all they know was to be happy. Hongki change for Jiyeon. He stop being cold, he stop being arrogant and being playboy. He wants to be clean in Jiyeons eyes.


They are now inside of Hongki's room and its already late at night. It happens always. Hongki ask her to come into his room and everything happens there. Jiyeon gave everything she has to Hongki and Hongki did the same. In that same room was their hiding place.


They fill the room with love and nothing more. Hongki and Jiyeon are now lying on Hongki's bed. They are tired and exhusted..they just finish . Hongki cuddles her letting her feel that she's protected and no one can harm her.


"Hongki-ah..I mean young master..I'm going back to my room."Jiyeon whisper then try to stand but Hongki stop her by pulling her more closer. "Just stay what you always do"Hongki said playfully. "I can't..young master please.."Jiyeon whine..."Stop calling me that..I told you call me by my name or oppa."Hongki said hugging her tightly not letting her go.


"But.."Jiyeon try to whine again but Hongki silent her by kissing her. She return the kiss. They pull back forehead still connected with each other eyes closed. "Oppa.."Jiyeon whisper panting.


"Hmmmm"Hongki answer her with a hum.


"I love you."Jiyeon said..


"I love you too.. I promise not to hurt you."Hongki said then put her head at his chest then he start to her using his fingers.


"Sleep now..I now you're tired."Hongki said for the last time before they drifted into a deep slumber.


The next morning the two was startled when someone knock at the door.. Luckily Hongki lock it last night to avoide being busted. Jiyeon was the first one to wake up. She stand immediately rushing to gather all her clothes that was on floor..she quickly wear it all then wake Hongki up.


"What.."Hongki ask in his sleepy voice..


"Someone is outside..what should I do...what time is it now..oh my god."Jiyeon hysterically said nervously..


"Don't worry I locked it."Hongki said then went to wear his clothes back...


"Calm down sit...they will go soon."Hongki said then push her to sit down. They can hear some noises outside like calling his name while knock but after a few minutes it vanish. Hongki smile when the knocking stops.


" don't need to be scared..I always locked it."Hongki said then when to his batroom to wash up..


it was 6:00 in the morning and he needs to go to school. Jiyeon sigh hardly then a tears start to flow.. She was scared to be found out.. She don't want Hongki's parent be angry because of what she did. They trust her and she don't want to disappoint them.


She sneak her head out side Hongki's room and when she saw that no ones around she quickly when out of the room then run as fast as she can't just to reach her room without someone seeing her. Hongki went out of his bathroom and he's expecting to see Jiyeon still there but she was gone. He pout then went to his closet. He took out his school uniforn then wear it.


After finishing he went out of the room and start to go at the kitchen to eat his breakfast. He smile when he saw Jiyeon there. She already wash up and now helping the other helpers to make breakfast. Hongki sat on the chair while observing Jiyeon's every move. Jiyeon saw him watching her so she avoide to make eye contact to him. She place a plate in front of Hongki then went back to work.


Hongki's parent leave early so he's the only one eating. He start to eat then after that he call jiyeon to clean the table. She do what he order still avoiding him. Hongki feels something wrong. She's acting differently. She's not like that every day. But Hongki didn't make some big deals about it then stand and before he leaves he look at Jiyeon the smile at her. After a minutes when Hongki left she receive text massage from him saying.


** I love you..don't over work..let's meet later..I'm going to buy you some clothes.** Jiyeon sigh sadly..


"Young master I'm sorry but I need to end this already..I'm scared of the consequences we need to face because of our selfishness. This is wrong and I need to make it right. Were totally different. You're my boss and I'm just your maid. I need to stop being young girl.


Tonight I'm turning back to be your maid. Nothing but a maid. I love you but this is wrong."Jiyeon thought sadly then went back to her work.





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