
Letters to Hell...

"No, PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!!!"

"Hello? Anyone there?" Wooyoung ignored IU. IU was panicking and desperate. She kicked and flailed her arms all around to escape. But Wooyoung was too strong. Then someone opened the door. IU immediately stopped crying, silencing, and hiding her face, scared to death. Wooyoung smiled sweetly at the tall man who he guessed to be IU's dad.

"Who are you." The man demanded coldly.

"I'm Wooyoung. IU's classmate. Nice to meet you." He said sweetly. The man didn't say anything, just glared at the girl in his arms.

"I'm here to inform you that your daughter was attempting to use violence on another student and she needs to learn a lesson." He politely said. IU let out a sob but immediately silenced, still not looking at her father.

"My daughter? IU? Is that what she goes by?" The man suddenly grabbed IU's hair and literally dragged her head into the house. IU sobbed.

"PLEASEPLEASE! I'M SORRY! PLEASE!" IU managed to cry out.

"Laurie, shut the door." He coldly demanded to his wife.

A woman with a purple bruise and swollen eye came to the door, scared, and closed the door. She gave Wooyoung a scared look but Wooyoung was too shocked. Had he made a bad decision? What will the man do?


"John, please don't do anything to my daughter...Please...I beg of you, not Jieun." I begged him. I went on my knees and begged.

"SHUT UP!" John kicked me hard in the ribs. I couldn't breathe. I clutched my ribs and whimpered, falling to the ground.

"Please...please...please...." I managed to whisper. My heart hurt more than my broken ribs hurt when I saw my beloved daughter, my lovely and sweet daughter, Jieun get pushed onto the ground and kicked by John. Anger and sadness sweeped through me. Even though my ribs were in pain, I couldn't let my daughter beat like that. I stood up and ran for the kitchen to get a weapon. But John caught me by the hair.

"WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!?" John yelled. "WHAT." He pulled my head back and looked into my purple eye. "Why, you're gonna kill me? WHat?" He pushed my head onto the tile wall and I grunted. I felt dizzy and my head was in such triumphant pain that I couldn't move or open my eyes. I fell to the ground as if I was unconcious. I WAS concious but I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. It was like I was paralyzed.

"MOM!!!! MOM!!! MOM!!! MOMMMM!!!!!" I heard my daughter's voice cry out. I curved my lips up, trying to smile and show her that I'm okay. But my head hurt again and tears fell from my eyes. My head hurt again, sooooo so much but I couldn't do anything about it.

Please, God I prayed. I don't care if I die.....I don't care if John kills me.......I don't care if John gets away with this. Just....Lord, dear Lord, please protect my daughter. YOUR daughter. Please protect her. She's pleading for your protection and love, God. Please, please PLEASE help her!!!

I was sobbing and my head hurt even more. It felt like a huge nail being hammered into my brains.

"MOM!!! MOM~!!!!"

"SHUT THE F*** UP!!" John smacked Jieun on the head.

And those were the last words I heard before I was sent to hell.

Everything was white. I saw my life before my eyes. I remembered a memory when my little baby Jieun was born. She was beautiful. But that was when my sins started. I would always pray to God to kill me and not my daughter. This is God's punishment to me for hating my life, asking God to take me away to let Jieun live.

This was my time to willingly walk down to Hell on the stairs of knives.


"MOM! MOOOOOOM!!!!!!" I yelled with all my might. He smacked me, pinched me, pushed me onto the wall, cussed at me, kicked me....but nothing could stop me from crying out for my mom.

I suddenly remembered a memory from when I was only seven years old.


My mom took out a gray picture out from her wallet.

"What is that?" I asked, sitting next to my mom on her bed. She looked at me and smiled lovingly.

"It's your baby picture. You wanna see?"

"Yes! Yes, Yes!!!" I jumped on her lap and looked at it. "Woahhhh!" I was fascinated.

"Yes, right? Very cool." She chuckled and held me tight in her arms. "When I first saw this, I was amazed too. I was so amazed that I....I even cried."

"You cried? CRYBABY~!!!!" I giggled. She laughed and patted my head. "I'm just kidding mom. I love you." And I hugged her. She teared up and hugged me back, so tight that I couldn't breathe. "Why are you sad?"

"I'm not sad. I'm happy."

"Oh. YAY!" I hugged her around the neck again. "What about dad?"

"Dad?" Her face hardened. I knew not to ask, but I was too curious.

"Yes! How did dad react?" I excitedly asked. I saw her tearing up again. "Did he cry too? Are you crying because you're happy of how he reacted? You're crying because you're happy again!" I clapped.

But she shook her head. "No, honey. THis time, I'm crying of sorrow."

"What does sorrow mean???" I wondered. But she quickly smiled and shook her head.

"Nothing. Don't mention dad. He's.........somewhere else. Let's go eat some apples."

She lifted me up and carried me outside to our cozy living room.

-end of flashback-

I fell to the floor. I lied down and looked into my mom's face. Then she opened one eye. Even though the rest of her face didn't move, her eye seemed to cry.

"Don't be sad, mom." I whispered to her. He kicked me once and left to his room. I didn't respond to him.

Then that's when I began to panick. I don't know why and how...but I had a sudden feeling. I never had this feeling before.

"Mom, don't die." Those words popped out of my dry lips before I even realized it.

Her one eye was still open. The eye that was not bruised. This time, that one eye seemed to be smiling at me. But my heart was not at ease.

"Mom....Mom..." I sat up quickly. I paused to clutch my head and groan in pain. My head felt heavier than a car. But I had no time to waste. I dragged myself with my arms to my mom and took her head slowly on my laps.

"Are you okay? DOes your head hurt a lot?" I asked, worried. She just looked at me with her one eye. I was glad she was still alive. "Mom, stay with me, okay? Stay with me...I'll call the ambulance right now." I slowly put her head back down and ran to the sofa to get a pillow for her head. Her head felt cold. I hurried into my room and got a thick blanket and tucked my mom in and I massaged her. I quickly went to my phone and called 911.

I kept looking at her face to see that her one eye was open. It stayed open. I continued to massage her.

"Hello? Hello? My mom is sick. She's hurt. PLEASE hurry." I begged on the phone. "I-I-I-I don't remember where this is. Just track my phone down, please!" I babbled. My own hands felt cold because I was so scared and in a rush. I looked at my mom's face again. Her eye was still open. I felt a bit relieved but I was so afraid that she could close that eye in any second.

"Mom, stay with me. Stay! Try hard! You can do it!" I encouraged her, still massaging her all over the body. Her body has become light purple and her skin was deathly cold. BUt her eye was still open.

I kept doing that hurriedly until the police and ambulance finally came five minutes later. I was scared that he would come back out and see that we brought the police, but I guess he was sleeping because he didn't budge from his room. Stupid.

A man in a white suit ran inside the living room and checked my mom. I was still massaging her cold legs.

"Is she okay? She's alive so please take her to the hospital or heal her right now before she leaves......leaves here." I sobbed.

I looked hopefully into the doctor's eyes. He looked at me with a bad expression.

She can't be....she can't be.... I looked at her face. Her eye was still open.

"No, she's still alive! She's still alive!"

"Her eye is still open, I know.....But....."

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blue_angel_wings #1
annyeong!new reader here actually i read this fic in a long time..but i didn't know that i didn't subscribe in this story..I just recognize it..please please please..update your story!
MilkyCouple4ever #2
Wheb r u gunna update? It have been a long time since u haven't update!