Everyday Love~

Everyday Love



Filled with love

Monday, Tuesday, I’ll be there

Wednesday, Thursday, Loving you more

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

[To] a free love that goes across the distance




“Thank God Yul decided to go back home now Yoong could see her again…” Tiffany thought aloud when she saw Yuri looking past them and probably was staring at Yoona.



“I told you she will come…” Jessica smiled.






“Hi Jessi!” Jessica heard Tiffany’s joyful voice on the other line she smiled.



“Hello my love what’s up?”



“Yoong’s watching the videos again…Do you think she will come?”



“She would be…she’s an idiot if she didn’t”



“I hope so…are you there now?”



“Yup, actually I'm leaving I'm waiting for the helicopter to arrive”



“Ah so how did it go?”



“Good? I don't know really...”



“I really hope she will come Yoong really wants to see her...”



“It feels like Deja vu don't you think” Jessica said remembering how Yuri asked her a favour the day before she found out that Yuri was going to confess to Yoona.



“Deja vu?”



“Yeah remember when we are at the cafe where we set up those two but it's just the other way around”



“I remember it now back then it was me who came to Yoona to tell her that we're going to go out because you said Yul wants to see her but you didn't tell me that she was going to confess I was so surprised”



“That’s because she just told it to me the moment we entered the cafe and I can't tell you because Yoong's already with you”



“I think then it's exactly like back then”



“You mean…”






“Oh~ then looks like everything will fall into its place then but Fany ah~ I already miss you” Jessica pouted while rocking back and forth using her feet like a child.



“Don't pout! Someone might see you and fall for you in there!” Tiffany scolded she knew Jessica too well.



Jessica suddenly remembered the older girl that she met earlier, Taeyeon and grinned wanting to fiancé.



“Then what if there actually is? And I like that person too that I will run away with her using the helicopter and not go back home?” Jessica bit her tongue to stop herself from laughing.



“I would like to see you try Jung Sooyeon...” Tiffany answered with a husky voice and a bit of a growl, Jessica gulped at the sound of Tiffany’s threatening husky voice it really turns her on despite it being threatening it was still y nonetheless.



“But really I miss you so much...” Jessica said suddenly not wanting to unleash HellFany.



“I miss you too so much just wait until tomorrow you'll stop missing me after then”



“I think that's not possible, I miss you even if you’re just a few steps away from me”



“Oh cheesy that's why I love you”



“Oh? I thought you love me because I'm pretty and cute?”



“That's just a plus hehe! So get your back here now so I could see you”



“Yes my love, my that you really love will be there in a few the helicopters here bye bye I love you~”



“I love you too be safe” Tiffany made a kissing sound before hanging up.




“I just…well…” Tiffany couldn’t think of what to say.



“She would, I trust she would, all she needed is a push anyways and I already gave it to her…”



“A little push like what we did before?”



“Yup!” Jessica briefly kissed Tiffany on the lips.





Everyday Everyday love

Everyday Everyday love




“I suddenly remember when Grandpa Hwang caught us making out in your room…you know…that night?” Jessica stated embarrassed when her gaze caught chairman Hwang looking at them as she placed a brief kiss on Tiffany’s lips.



“That was really…embarrassing seriously!” Tiffany turned red.





Jessica and Tiffany made out the moment they stepped inside Tiffany’s room not even caring if they locked the door or not, or if there is even a single soul who is inside the room before they went inside it, which there is—Chairman Hwang.



“Err…Miyoung?” Hearing her grandfather’s inquiring voice Tiffany abruptly pulled away from the kiss and faced her grandfather in utter surprise, horror and most specially embarrassment.



“I...g-grandpa...” Tiffany stuttered and gulped while all Jessica could do was to wipe the corner of her lips with her thumb and bow her head in embarrassment this is the second time that they were caught by Tiffany’s grandfather making out, which is greatly embarrassing like seriously.



“Don’t worry about it…” Chairman Hwang waved his hand.



The two girls nodded.



“But why are you here grandpa?”



“Ah yes, Pardon me for interrupting your time together Jessica but I needed to talk to you Miyoung”



“Erm...I-it's okay chairman…” Jessica replied blushing deep red.



“It's fine grandpa but about what?”



“Miyoung-ah?” Chairman Hwang called out distress covering his face.



“Yes grandpa?”



“Kwon Yuri...” Chairman Hwang stated and Jessica's eyes widened on hearing the name.



“Looks like you know her too Sooyeon-ah tell me everything about her and Yoona...I want to know...”



“How...why all of a sudden grandpa?”



“You knew from the start but why have sudden interest on her?”



“I wanted to know about the person that captured my youngest granddaughter’s heart to the point that she said that the love that that person gave her is more than enough than what she needed from her family combine and it was more than what she deserves while crying uncontrollably…the one that she had hurt so much but still came back and love her without even having a second thought and the one that thought her how to love…” Chairman Hwang stated sighing before running his hand through his grey hair.



“Yoong did?” Tiffany asked upset and Chairman Hwang only nodded with the same look of distress on his face, Jessica rubbed Tiffany’s shoulders.



“So…tell me about her…and where she is now”



“W-why do you need her location sir?” Jessica asked, hesitating if she’s going to tell him about



“So I could personally thank her for giving my Yoona something that I failed to give…Love…” Chairman Hwang answered.




“But at least we knew that he really loves Yoongie…and he’s okay with Yul”



“I never doubted his love for her…because Yoong is her granddaughter also and Yul was the person who gave so much love to our maknae so he’ll surely like her…”



“Oh like me?”



“Probably more than he likes you”



“Ouch then should I stop Yul from coming back to Yoong?” Jessica joked.



“Yah I was just kidding!” Tiffany hit Jessica’s shoulder lightly.



“Just kidding also plus there’s no stopping those two since Yul is already here” Jessica laughed.






Monday, Let me hear your dream

Tuesday, I want to be closer to you

The Wednesday

I want to know more about you

Thursday, I wish upon a star

Friday, to let me dream [of you]

The night rains of endless feelings

To you...Everyday Love




“Yeah there’s no stopping those two…and they had enough of pain already they deserve to be happy now…”




The Hwangs are gathered around inside a room while a Chairman Lee who was obviously upset and humiliation showing on his aged face while in front of his livid son that is being held down on the chair by Eric and Tim Hwang.



“How could you do this to us! To our Yoona!” Chairman Hwang roared in great anger throwing the paper that held the data of falsified medical documents from the Lee’s hospital into the air that was given to him by Jessica after he entered the room.



“What that document says isn’t true—Father tell them!” Seung Gi denied even though the evident nervousness on his face and actions tell it all.



“I have enough of your irresponsibility and childishness Seung Gi! Be a man for once and accept your mistake what you did was really unforgivable!” Chairman Lee roared glaring at his shocked son.



“W-what do you mean?” Seung Gi stuttered.



“I know all the things that you did, the falsifying of Yoona’s illness, the hurting, blackmailing on the doctors and lies that you made up do you really think that I wouldn’t know? I asked butler Hans to find out if the document that was sent to me by Jessica was really true and yesterday when I found that it was indeed true, you have no idea how embarrassed I was for having you as a son I didn’t raise you to become like this! You are a disgrace to our family!” Chairman Lee stated making Seung Gi cower.



“How could you black mail and bribe Yoona’s doctor to say that she’ll be dying soon and the headaches that she is experiencing isn’t a type of chronic migraines but a tumour?! You’re really a pathetic and despicable man! Are you even human?” Mrs. Hwang slapped Seung Gi i’s face hard leaving a red mark on her cheek and a cut on his lip, but despite the feeling of pain he just laughed at it and a abhorrent smirk graced his bloody lip that’s contrasting to his angelic features.



“Okay! Fine! I did it! But whatever it’s too late now! were married! And I won't sign a damn divorce contract even if you torture me! She’ll be mine forever!” Seung Gi cried out struggling crazily to get off from the people who are pinning him down.



“No need for your sign, your marriage isn't official because the priest that was in the ceremony wasn't real you know...” Jessica smirked placing her head on her upheld hand and crossed her legs at the sight of Seung Gi’s red fuming face.



“How did that happen?! I don’t believe you!” Seung Gi shouted again making Jessica’s smirk break into a full grin. Jessica’s gaze fell into Tiffany the girl nodded and opened the door.



“Oppa!  You can go in now…” Tiffany said and a man wearing a black coloured glasses appeared on the doorway.



“You…really forget easily don’t you Seung Gi?” T.O.P entered the room and clicked his tongue when he saw the confused expression on Seung Gi’s face.



“Tsk I’m hurt …How could you forget your old friend?” T.O.P stated removing his black glasses and laughed as he saw the way Seung Gi expression turned into one of horror upon recognition.



“C-captain…H-hyung what are you doing here?” Seung Gi muttered turning paler.



“Oh you still had the guts to call me that after what you did to me huh?” T.O.P stopped in front of Seungi and reached for his face which Seung Gi tried to turn away from and tried to run away but it was futile as he was being held firmly.



“Hmm...Based on your reaction you still remember me…but do you still remember what you did to me…” T.O.P said a smirk playing on his lips while trailing his fingers against Seung Gi i’s cheek.



“Did you enjoy being the captain and star player my little dongsaeng? Was it fun toying me when I was the lowest point of my life being told by the doctor that I wasn’t allowed to play anymore because my Achilles tendon injury is severe?” T.O.P. stated his gaze was piercing and hardened at every word he said.



“Wait Seung-hyun? I haven’t seen you for years you have changed so much…” Chairman Lee said confusion was written on his face.



“Hi uncle! Yeah long-time no see…” T.O.P waved and flashed a smile towards the older man.



“You know him?” Chairman Hwang asked and Chariman Lee nodded.



“He was his best friend…What are you doing here?”



“I was just here to say see my old friend and let him know that doing something like this to me is a sin that I could forgive but doing the same thing to an innocent girl is really unforgivable” T.O.P pointed his index finger towards Seung Gi.



“What is he talking about Seung Gi? You did this something like this before?”



“Do you want to be the one to tell them of what you did before or should I tell how them how I found out about the truth?” T.O.P asked staring expectantly at Seung Gi’s pale face but the lack of reaction from the said man ushered him to talk instead.



“Okay I’ll be the one to tell the tale then…I will tell them how you kindly offered to pay for all of my check ups and therapy, how I foolishly accepted all of it and praised you for being so kind to me only to know that you did it for your own desire to take me off the team, how you paid them to alter my results and tell me that I won’t be able to play anymore because my ankle won’t take it anymore…How you played with me for all those years telling me going to America far away from home could help me even though you knew how depressed I became to the point that I tried to take my own life…you knew how much important it is for me to play so I could get a scholarship…” T.O.P. gritted his teeth as pain and anger crept into his heart remembering all the things that he live through.



“How could you do things like this and sleep at night? Thanks to Jessica and Tiffany that I accidentally met at that time that I came to overcome everything, they took me to a friend of theirs a doctor that told me the truth and when I came back here fully recovered without telling you I came across with the doctors that you paid off and heard the truth from their own mouths…you don’t know how devastated I was…you were my best friend how could you do this?!” T.O.P screamed letting his composure drop with his tears that are slowly making its way down his cheeks.



Everyone was stunned speechless at what they heard.



“I studied to take my mind off things then got a well-paying job and through time I was able to forgive you…thinking that it was okay because you are a very good friend and little brother for me when we were kids…but when I heard about Yoona’s case one time from the same doctors that you paid to lie to me when I asked them about it after Jessica and Tiffany told me about Yoona’s case and whom were the doctors that did the medical reports…it was so unforgivable that I was about to storm into your place to beat you up until you die but I didn’t because the respect and fondness that I have for uncle stopped me so instead of doing that I sent everything to Jessica and agreed to a plan…a plan to stop the wedding of yours  by telling that I’m Yoona’s man in the middle of the wedding but we figure it out that it would be more—let’s say devastating for you to be happy and proud for getting what you want and win knowing that you own Yoona then let you know that it really wasn’t like that instead it was the complete opposite…so I played as the priest for your wedding as a payback…you have lost everything… Seung Gi you lost …”



“That’s right you have lost Seung Gi so admit your defeat and beg for forgiveness” Tiffany said.



 “No…no…you…specially you two! God won't forgive you for this! Do you think it’s okay to be gay? It’s not right!” Seung Gi shouted.



“God forgives, and don't worry we already confessed to God whatever it is that we've done we promised to attend mass regularly in exchange for it so give up Seung Gi you’re done you have lost”



“And we don’t care about what you think is right we rather become gay than to marry someone like you” Tiffany said glaring hatefully at Seung Gi.



“I—“ Seung Gi tried to talk back but was stopped by Yoona’s voice.



“How could you…” it was all Yoona could say when she heard everything, it was so shattering, disappointing and hurtful for her. She gave up everything—her love, Yuri for this, she was so tired and doesn’t want to cry anymore but with the overwhelming feelings that were swirling inside of her heart tears escaped her eyes continuously falling like an endless river.



“Yoong…” Tiffany hugged Yoona tightly she loosened her hug when she heard Jessica’s words.



“What? What do you mean she left? To where? Airport? when? An hour ago? Okay bye” Jessica spoke on her phone with crossed eyebrows.



“What is it?” Tiffany asked.



“Krystal called me saying Yul told her Goodbye and when she asked where she would go she said that she was going far away and now headed to the airport…”



Yoona was so lost in her thoughts, so many things have happened at the same time then she suddenly looked up when she heard the name of one the most important person in her life.



“Unnie…Yuri…Yul…” Yoona muttered immediately standing up upon processing what Jessica just said.



“I-I need to go to her…” Yoona wiping her tears away and composing herself.



She turned to his uncle and auntie and received a nod then she turned to face her grandfather who gave her a very tight hug and with that she knew that it was a sign of approval on what she was going to do so she smiled and opened the door but was stopped by Seung Gi who pulled all of his strength to get away from the grip that was holding him.



“Don’t leave Yoona! I—“ Seung Gi held into her wrist but the way Yoona’s eyes bore into him made him let go. What was told to him earlier was true, He had lost. So slowly he loosened his grip on Yoona’s wrist letting her go.



Yoona run out of the room followed by T.O.P, Tim, Jessica and Tiffany.



“Let’s use my car!” T.O.P offered as they were running receiving a nod from the three he quickly opened it and everyone hopped in quickly.



“So…” Tim started awkwardly when they abruptly stopped because of the traffic and the tense silence was making him more nervous.



“So what?” T.O.P asked.



“Yah! You didn’t include me in the plan!” Tim whined.



“Oh don’t worry we’ll include you next time in the future”



“In the future…but who’s wedding then?”



“Hmm…how bout those two?” T.O.P pointed at the backseat using his thumb.



“Yah! Who?!” Jessica was the first to react.



“What? You don’t want to marry me Jessi?” Tiffany pouted and looked outside the window not wanting to see Jessica.



“It’s not that! And T-that’s not the point!” Jessica blushed and gaped at Tiffany while Tim and T.O.P sniggered.



“Are we still far?” Yoona asked a few minutes later.



“We are actually here so—“ T.O.P didn’t have the chance to finish what he was saying because the girl that she was talking to quickly rushed out of the car.



“It’ll take you about ten minutes if you run!” T.O.P shouted but all he can see is Yoona’s fast running figure and when he looked behind him to ask what just happened it was already empty as Jessica and Tiffany was already outside the car running behind Yoona.



“I kind of hate running…” Tim said and shrugged when T.O.P’s eyes fell into him.



Yoona was panting heavily when she entered the airport followed by her unnies. Her heart was pounding heavily against her chest, she had a bad feeling but pushed it aside as she needed to find Yuri.



“Excuse me miss but you can’t enter without a ticket” An officer stopped Yoona when she cut the line and tried to go pass the officer.



“It’s okay let her in” Jessica said and the man’s eyes widened in recognition.



“Ah right away Ms. Jung…you didn’t go with Ms. Kwon this time?”



Yoona halted her steps when she heard that, she can feel her hopes about finding Yuri to ask for another chance slipping away from her like the sand that is being held by a hand.



“Did you see her?”



“Yes Ms. Jung She boarded the plane she was actually a bit late—“



“So did she left?”



Yoona’s heart dropped.



“Yes Ms. Jung she made it before her flight departs so…”



Yoona cried for the second time that day. She turned around and walked aimlessly then she closed her eyes. It was painful, too much painful for her. She had lost Yuri again. She opened her eyes that revealed a blurry image of her surroundings then she felt her legs weakening, she heard some distant voices calling her name then there’s nothing, darkness surrounded her.






“I sent him to Switzerland where he could think about what he did”



“I'm really sorry that something like this happened, I'll make sure that Seung Gi would think about what he did and atone for his sins I’m really ashamed because of this I beg for your forgiveness specially you Yoona…”Chairman Lee bowed and was about to kneel but Yoona quickly stopped them and ushered him to stand up.



“You were a great father-in-law Chairman Lee and I forgive Seung Gi for what he had done it was already in the past…I just hope that he’ll find someone who can change him and find happiness…” Yoona smiled.



“You’re a very kind and sweet girl a perfect daughter in law to me and for anyone it’s a shame that my son really doesn’t deserve you…I would love it if you were my daughter in law” Chairman Less said making Yoona smiled even more.



“I could say the same for you Chairman Lee” Yoona answered.



“Let’s go now Yoong…” Chairman Hwang stated standing up and with a bow Yoona walked out of the room.






“Like what my granddaughter said it’s all in the past now and you are a great friend of mine Lee…” Chairman Hwang patted Chairman Lee on his shoulder before following Yoona out of the room.




“So I guess we’ll need to prepare another wedding eh?”



“No doubt about that!” Tiffany answered excitedly while Jessica sighed.



“What’s wrong?”



“I don’t want to wear another gown again…” Jessica grunted.



“You won’t…so cheer up!” Tiffany rubbed Jessica’s back.




Everyday, Everyday love…




Yuri closed her eyes for a few seconds as Hyoyeon sang the last lyrics before opening them again. Calming her thumping heart she Let out a breath as she slowly stepped out of the little stage her eyes and gaze were only fixed on Yoona’s beautiful orbs, the eyes which are staring at her making her feel as if she was bare in front of it, and like the said girl she felt like everything and everyone around her moved into an unsteady pace and only the two of them were visible. She stopped walking when she saw that there were only a few steps between them then suddenly she felt fear and worries coursed inside her again but then looking up at the face which was looking back at her made all of the fears disappear replaced by warm butterflies flying spinning around her stomach. The sensation was strange for her since it has been a long time since butterflies filled her stomach but she loved it because it only means that Yoona is near her as Yoona is the only girl that can make her feel  such a sensation. Now all she wanted to do was to run towards the girl and hugged her tightly in her arms never letting her go.



“Yuri…” Yoona managed to keep the tears from falling as she gazed into Yuri’s eyes that are staring yearning for her.



"Yuri..." Yoona whispered the older girl’s name again.



Chairman Hwang patted Yoona's back urging her to go to Yuri.



"Go on Yoona" Chairman Hwang placed his hands on each of Yoona’s shoulder pushing her lightly.






"Go on and get your girl!"



“Grandpa?” Yoona questioned again.



“Oh come on! Go and get what makes you happy! Be brave don’t be a coward! You won’t be able to get what makes you happy if you became one grab the chance while it is still there Yoona”



Yoona hugged her grandfather tightly before smiling widely her tears welling up on her eyes, this time it wasn't because she was feeling hurt and trying to bear the unbearable pain that was eating her up every day but because of the unexplainable bliss that she's feeling upon hearing the acceptance of her family for what she is and upon seeing the girl that she's been searching for half across the globe since the moment truth came into her.



“You sacrificed your own happiness for me for our family and you’ve suffered so much…its time you do what really makes you happy…” Chairman Hwang whispered.



“Thank you…thank you grandpa I love you…” Yoona began to sob.



“I love you too Yoona, My granddaughter” Chairman Hwang laughed but the visible wetness on his eyes and the hoarseness of his voice told them that he was about to cry.



“Forgive me Yoona” Chairman Hwang said holding back his tears.



“It’s okay grandpa past is past you can’t change it what’s important is the present and the future” Yoona replied she was slowly freed from his grandfather’s hug, She turned around and saw the way Yuri looked into her, her eyes bore to her.



Yoona wanted to run but her jelly legs and fogged up mind can't seem to work together, so she just let herself walk slowly towards Yuri who have the same look on her face. They stared at each other eyes talking instead of their mouths producing words that were unexplainable for their mouths, for the two of them words aren't needed  and it was like their surroundings was a flimsy blur and time had stopped leaving just the two of them.



"Hi…" Yuri greeted simply but her eyes spoke a thousand words.



Yoona replied it with a kiss, a deep passionate kiss. Yuri caress Yoona’s back. The chilly wind around them produced by the cold night had been replaced by the warmth of the older girl’s touch around her and the lips that moved against hers.



“Yoona…” Yuri wanted to cry for all these years she was unable to call out Yoona’s name fearing that she wouldn’t be able to take it if she was to do it.



“Yuri…” Yoona called out as she cries for all the times that passed, on days and years that they missed each other so much.



“Tell me…” Yoona whispered leaning in closer, her dark eyes searching Yoona’s.



Yuri attempted to open to reply but failed when she felt Yuri's lips against hers again drowning her with unexplainable emotions. It’s as if she doesn’t need a verbal reply for Yuri as she could tell Yuri everything through their kiss.



Yuri wrapped her arms around Yoona’s neck as she deepened the kiss hungry for Yoona’s lips and it was then that Yuri felt she couldn’t control her tears anymore as it dropped down her cheeks one by one. She missed Yoona so much. Yuri pulled back from Yoona’s lips but she keeps her face close to Yoona their foreheads touching as they both slowly opened their eyes and catch their breaths.



"We've been through a lot of pain, haven't we?" Yoona hugged Yuri as her own tears dropped from her eyes mixing with Yuri’s as the memories from the past starts appearing on Yoona’s mind playing like an old movie.



"Yoona..." Yuri began whispering the name in a gentle voice as if saying it loudly would break it.



“I haven't been able to scream your name for so long... for all these years I've been screaming it and calling your name over and over again only to myself here inside my heart” Yuri placed Yoona’s hand against her chest.



Yoona didn’t say anything; she knows how much Yuri loves her and how much she had hurt her. It pained her that she was the one who had hurtled the person she loves. Yuri cares for her; Yuri thinks of her every time, Yuri thinks of what is good for her instead for her own self.



“It pained me deeply...not even being able to call your name…not being able to say I love you…" Yuri held Yoona’s hand.



Yoona nodded she knows what Yuri’s talking about as she was like that too, she couldn't stop the tears that were falling slowly down her cheeks.



“But now that I've got the chance to do it again I want to call your name, speak of your name, scream your name, whisper your name to no end, and then tell you I love you for as long as I like” Yuri whispered and Yoona can’t help but to feel the overwhelming happiness that was consuming her.



“I felt so lonely without you Yoona” Yuri managed to whisper again, before Yoona’s lips met hers again feeling the flying of butterflies in their stomach, and the tingles which travelled along their spines.



Yoona had become breathless, while Yuri’s breathing didn’t have a chance to return to normal. Yuri pulled back again.



“Yoona…Yoona...Yoona…” Yuri called out again and again her breathing quick and Yoona knew that it was a voice that she could listen all day forever, a voice that makes her knees weak and her heart tremble.



“You, you made me feel calm, so weak and strong at the same time Yuri…” Yoona whispered meeting Yuri’s gaze.



“I want to stay with you forever so tell me Yoona…” Yuri whispered when she met Yoona’s gaze. Yuri felt her heart beating against her ribs and Yoona felt something in her stomach stir as she opened .



“Kwon Yuri….” Yoona’s lips curved into a lovely smile.



“You know your smile was enough to make me fall every time…” Yuri smiled her own stunning smile while Yoona cupped her face.



“Yuri, Yuri-ah, Yul…” Yoona called out loving the way Yuri shuddered every time she called the older girl.



“Kwon Yuri I love you…” Yoona closed the gap between them and placed a kiss on Yuri’s lips before hugging the girl tightly pulling her closer.



“I love you too…” Yuri closed her eyes and rested her head against Yoona’s heaving chest relaxing her mind drifted to their past. The first time they met, the first kiss they shared, the way they hugged and held each other’s hand, Yoona’s cute laugh and pouts, the little fights they got, the many days she fell in love and the painful days that they had to go through. Yuri opened her eyes no longer worrying about the regrets and what if’s because the person she had been longing to see, hear and touch was now here in front of her promising forever.



“Kwon Yuri, I love you so much, more than anything else in this world” Yoona feels so much happiness because she can now say what she’s been wanting to say since forever to the girl that she loves.



Yoona tilted Yuri’s head so she can stare at Yuri’s eyes.



“Be with me forever?”



“Never let me go Im Yoona…”Yuri nodded several times and kissed Yoona again.



“Because forever I will hold on to you”



“So will you marry me and say I do in front of God and the altar?” Yoona asked as she leaned her forehead against Yuri’s and stared into her charming eyes.



“Yes, I will, I do” Yuri’s lips curved into a smile like Yoona’s when the other girl heard her answer.






“Im Yoona, do you take Kwon Yuri as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”



“I do” Yoona answered flashing a wide smile and gazed at Yuri.



“Kwon Yuri, do you take Im Yoona as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?”



“I do” Yuri answered blushing at the way she saw Yoona staring at her.



Hearing Yuri’s answer Yoona’s smile grew wider if that’s even possible and her cheeks was painted with a deeper shade of pink, Even though she knows what Yuri would say it was still different hearing it from her. Her heart was dancing, skipping, and turning summersaults inside her chest and by the way Yuri smiled when they faced each other to say their vows she was sure that she too was feeling what she’s feeling right now.



“Yuri in finding you, my dreams have come true. In your love, I have found a home for my heart and soul. You are the one I choose to spend my life with. You are part of me and the best part of me. With you by my side I have grown so much. We have evolved and transformed together. We have endured together, laughed and cried together.  You are God’s gift to me, my priceless treasure, my blessing for life. In the future we’ll raise a beautiful family together. Beloved, please take my hand. In the presence of God, our families and friends, I promise to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, in happiness as well as in sadness. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your aspirations, and to honour and respect you. I promise to bring you joy and to love you more each day, through all the days of our lives. This is my solemn vow” Yoona vowed while sliding the ring on Yuri’ ring finger her hands were shaking from both nervousness and excitement earning a soft laugh from Yuri.



“Yoona in finding you, my dreams have come true. In your love, I have found a home for my heart and soul. You are the one I choose to spend my life with. You are part of me and the best part of me. With you by my side I have grown so much. We have evolved and transformed together. We have endured together, laughed and cried together.  You are God’s gift to me, my priceless treasure, my blessing for life. In the future we’ll raise a beautiful family together. Beloved, please take my hand. In the presence of God, our families and friends, I promise to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, in happiness as well as in sadness. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your aspirations, and to honour and respect you. I promise to bring you joy and to love you more each day, through all the days of our lives. This is my solemn vow” Yuri vowed confidently unlike Yoona who was obviously feeling nervous. She slid the ring on Yoona’s ring finger and gave her a quick wink having Yoona let out the smile and giggle that she loves so much.



“Ladies and gentlemen I now present you Mrs. Im-Kwon Yoona and Yuri!” The priest announced as both Yuri and Yoona turned to face the crowd with smile and bliss etched on their faces. Then everyone stood up and applauded.



“You may now kiss the bride” The priest stated and before the crowd in front of them could even chant for the new couple to kiss Yuri already took the initiative.



Yoona blushed wildly when Yuri swiftly placed both of her hands on each of her cheeks and then pulled her for a deep kiss. Her eyes widened in surprise but then slowly, it eventually closed like Yuri’s closed ones. The scene caused an uproar and teasing from the crowd. They clapped their hands loudly as whistles and different chants of ‘YoonYul’, ‘They can’t wait already!’ and ‘So sweet’ came from them.



When they felt both of their lungs lacked oxygen to breathe they slowly pulled away from the kiss but then when Jessica’s distinctive voice shouted ‘One more!’ they laughed a little and went at it again slowly and passionately as their hearts beats fast as one earning another exultant cheer from their friends and guests.



“I love you forever Yoona”



“I love you too, always Yuri”



They didn’t speak anything yet their eyes showed so many emotions inside then Yuri snuggles into Yoona's embrace.




“Told you I’ll wear one…and you’re gonna be the one to wear a tux cause you’ll be selected as the kind of like best man and I the maid of honor…”



“Well yeah but come on it’s our favourite YoonYul’s wedding bear with it for a while okay?” Tiffany said.



“I know, I am…” Jessica answered before sneezing and rubbed her hands against her arms warming it against the gush of freezing wind that was making her cold.



“Oh My Jessi is cold~” Tiffany shifted and placed their daughter to Jessica’s arms before placing a coat on Jessica’s shoulder earning a smile from her wife.



“Thank you” Jessica placed a quick kiss on Tiffany’s cheek.



“Always welcome! Care to give me another kiss hmm? Yoona got one from Yul I want one too~” Tiffany pouted her lips and leaned forward but was met with Jessica’s palm.



“Can’t Hyun’s here it wouldn’t be good for her to see if she wakes up” Jessica said as their daughter stirred from her sleep snuggling more on her neck.



“Aish…fine” Tiffany groaned but smiled when she saw her daughter’s serene sleeping face.



“Ah I wonder what name they will give for their baby…” Jessica said suddenly when her eyes caught Yoona and Yuri’s dancing figures.



“Oh you mean…?” Tiffany trailed off her eyes wide.



“We checked last night the last visit was a success” Jessica nodded.



“Does Yoong know?”



“Yul will tell her during their honeymoon on Christmas eve as a gift”



“Oh sweet! Did she already have a name in mind?”



“Not yet they’ll decide together but last time she said that if she was to decide it’ll have something like a combination of Yoong’s name and the Hwangs, and then hers for the second one” Jessica explained grinning.



“Really? Yoong was really a top priority when it comes to her” Tiffany chuckled.



“Yeah unlike you who named our daughter after your favourite Seung Hyun oppa” Jessica said pursing her lips.



“Yah he’s your favourite too! And my most favourite is still Tim Oppa plus our daughter’s name has a J for you…”



“Yeah but still Hwang-Jung Seo JooHyun it’s like the S and H came from T.O.P oppa and it’s too long!”



“But you agreed with it!”



“I said yes because you asked me when I was in labour and was about to leave me to look for a name in case I didn’t like the name you picked and I would’ve agreed on anything just to make Hyun come out healthy and safe”



“Fine but you still agreed!”



They glared at each other with knitted eyebrows before Tiffany sighed.




They glared at each other with knitted eyebrows before Tiffany sighed.



“Are we really arguing about this?” Tiffany asked having the both of them laughing as they realized how absurd and childish it was for them to argue about that.



“Aish I can’t believe we are arguing about this…” Jessica laughed with Tiffany as the girl placed her arms around her and JooHyun.



“Hey but what do you think? What name would they form from it?” Jessica asked then Tiffany puffed her cheeks and closed her eyes, thinking before she opened them again and answered with a wide smile.







149795 characters 3737 words 259 pages
So how was it everyone? I know there's not much of a YoonYul on this one as it's more of JeTi's P.O.V's but atleast there's the happy ending right? ;)
again sorry for not updating for so long and I really hope that you'll like this one! =) 

P.S. Sorry for troubling you readers! It was devided into two parts because it can't seem to save properly if It was only placed on one page. I've tried to create a whole page for it but it was always being cut halfway so I just decided to place another chapter as a continuation :)

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Chapter 3: still waiting T^T
Trackstar #2
Chapter 3: When is the epilogue bonus chapter coming out? I really wants to know Yoona's reaction when she knows Yuri is pregnant!
Chapter 3: update soon please
Chapter 3: Hehe i came looking for ma JeTi BABIES! >~<
The only thing i was confused about was how ya described Jessi as DA MAN in JeTi's relationship being all sooo BRAVE, CHEESY, ROMANTIC AND A SOCCER GURL, BUT ya kinda end up giving Tiff da title of being da hubby...... (ME LIKE JESSIHUBBY)! O_O
And YoonYul, poor poor them too having to SUFFER a LOT, TOO MUCH! >_<

Ya know, i was reading NONSTOP and had many SLEEPLESS nights 'cause of your SUPER LOOOOOOOONG CHAPTERS!!!! That's a HELLA LOT to read! XD
bettelovestina #5
Chapter 1: This is the longest chapter I've read in a fanfiction ever..just like reading a novel..love it!
Chapter 3: Yeayy epilogue!!!
Update soon please :)
bambam88 #7
Chapter 3: well, what can i say O.O i'm so speechless! O.O

the way you write yoonyul's stories is great! ^^ i love how your wonderful mind create this things. and i'm so happy on how you ended this trilogy ^^ woooh! you're such a great author! ^^ i'm one of your fans already! ^^ looking forward for your next stories! excellent work author! ^^
Chapter 1: Yay!! Sobraaaaaaang Habaaaaaa. XD babasahin ko nyan to once a day haha.
Btw diko pa binasa first chapter mamaya nalang xD