Everyday Love~

Everyday Love

“Every day Love” 



Stay by my side

We don’t need promises

Forever, just like always,

We look up at the sky together




The sun had arisen declaring that morning have come basking everything and everyone in Seoul under its warm sunlight including the Hwang mansion, Every room in it is being lit up by the streaks of sunlight little by little coming through the transparent windows covered by thin blinds and curtains except for one room, a closed room where windows were shut covered by thick curtains to make sure no light was to pass by through it and inside it a certain girl was sleeping on a couch, light illuminating her pale white face. The light wasn’t from the sun but from a projector that is continuously playing videos that she was watching the night before until she eventually fell asleep.



Yoona’s eyes fluttered open but she immediately closed it again blinded by the sudden light that entered her sight brought by the projector. She blinked a few times her eyes finally adjusting on the bright light that was emitting from the projector that was now showing one of the most beautiful sunsets she ever saw. It was the image of the sunset they always see back then when they used to go to the beach. The audio was capturing the howls of wind as if someone was breathing from behind the camera. Exactly eleven seconds had passed shown by the moving numbers of the duration of time on the left corner of the screen before a familiar face showed up, the face of the love of her life that she’s been missing to the death making her cry of regret every night, praying, hoping and, wishing that she’ll find her and see her again which clearly proved unheeded as she hasn’t find even the shadow of the girl for the past few months that she’s been searching for right after she recovered from her surgery and received a go from her doctor to travel. Sounds of breathing were heard from the speaker before she heard Yuri’s voice emitting from it.



"Hey...Hi Yoong! Baby~" Yuri waved energetically a couple of times while smiling at the camera showing her beautiful face being illuminated by the setting sun rays before her.



"Ahh...I’m cold you know...everything’s cold because you're not here with me..." Yuri sighed and showed a sad smile before showing a cute little pout.



“Especially here…” Yuri pointed to her heart with her free hand as her other hand was holding the camera up her face, She closed her eyes in a moment before slowly opening them displaying clear sadness within it.



"But you’ll stay by my side even something like this happened to us right? right? right my Yoong?" Yuri's expression then changed into a cute sad frown.



Yuri stopped talking her face positioned side wards gaze directed in an unseen distance where the camera can’t capture, her long hair was cascading freely with the wafting wind, face glowing from the light emitted by the orange sunset. Howls of winds were heard again from the speaker as the video shown Yuri languid, clear sadness adorning her light orange coloured face contrast to the vibrant light coming from the sunset.



"Next time we fight my Yoong…I’ll make sure to just held you close in my arms and kiss every tear that escapes from your eyes away…” Yuri smiled a bit.



"I’m sorry it’s my fault I became childish and selfish again…I made you cry…” Yuri turned to the camera.



“Please forgive me~ pretty please?" Yuri showed a small pout with a puppy eyed look.



“How could you be so cute even if you’re saying sorry? Aren’t you supposed to look sad or something?”



Yoona heard her voice boomed from the speaker and after a few seconds her very own face showed up on the screen.



“Do you want me to see looking sad?” Yuri pouted even more and emphasized her puppy-eyed look.



“Of course not” Yoona shook her head laughing and sat beside Yuri.



“Yah how can you just leave like that?” Yuri asked but her gaze was on the camera in her hand.



“The important thing is I came back right?” Yoona answered closing her slightly red eyes and slumps her back on the sand.



“Still, you left…” Yuri did the same as the camera wobbled making the video shook too.



“No I didn’t I just walked away and when I turned around you were already gone do you know how much I’ve ran just to come back and see you?”



Yuri must have lifted the camera in the air as what was shown now in the video was their closed up face while lying on the white sand behind them.



“I’m sorry…I’m at fault” Yuri apologized staring at Yoona who was lying beside her conveying how sorry she was with her eyes.



“I’m at fault too…I’m sorry” Yoona opened her closed eyes and returning the same gaze that Yuri was giving her.



Their stare lingered for a few seconds until Yuri moved on top of Yoona and placed the camera beside them its lens facing towards them showing their faces in a very close proximity.



“Listen Yoong, I don’t want to ever keep track of all the fights and falls that we have and will may have in the future because the only thing that I will be keeping track of now is the minutes and the numbers of sunrises that we’ll be seeing together…” Yuri whispered before closing her eyes and kissing Yoona passionately as Yoona did the same.



A loud sound echoed throughout the room as the video shifted and the previous scene disappeared on the screen replaced by another video, this time it was showing a soiled ground letting anyone as the viewer know that the camera was facing down.



"Wait...be quiet fany they're here!" Jessica's hushed voice can be heard behind the camera as the camera shook as the video showed a lot of leaves; the filmers might be hiding behind some bushes.



"I'am quiet!" Tiffany defended herself with her loud voice; Jessica quickly covered the other girls mouth and shushed her.



"Yeah, yeah whatever you say...oh wait they're here! Duck!" Jessica's hushed voice was heard again, the video blurred momentarily as it had been zoomed out from the green leaves and was being zoomed in towards a standing Yoona and Yuri on the green covered stairway in their favourite green house.



Yoona chuckled at the antics of her two unnies. She remembered that day really well it was their 1st anniversary, She remembered that Yuri acted like nothing was special on that day and didn't even bother to greet her that morning saying she’s late for her morning practice that later on she found out didn’t take place. She was upset the whole day because of it but she was surprised that at the end of their council meeting Yuri held her hand and dragged her towards the green house that they always went to.



"Wait, just stay there" Yuri said and skipped a few steps downwards away from a confused Yoona, When Yoona took a step to follow Yuri down the green filled stairway creating five steps between the two of them.



"Why? and What are you doing?" Yoona asked with a hint of curiosity on her voice, she frowned and furrowed her eyebrows to show her confusion as if the tone on her voice isn’t enough.



“Just stay there and listen to what I’m going to say okay?”



“Okay?” Yoona answered and nodded unsure.



Yuri closed her eyes and muttered Yoona’s name then she opened them again and stared straight at Yoona’s eyes.



"If you need me and there are ten steps between us, just take one step and I'll take the remaining ten steps to be with you..." Yuri said while taking a step forward, there are only four steps between the two of them now.



Watching the video, Yoona felt shivers on her spine but in a good way upon remembering the memories of how she felt at that time.



"If you call for me and there are one hundred steps between us, just take one step and I'll take the remaining ninety-nine steps just to see you..." Yuri said again as she took another step forward, there are only three steps between them now. Yoona looks like she just really wants to take that one last step towards Yuri and kissed her but seem frozen on the ground.



Yoona felt her breathing hitched at the overwhelming feeling that she’s feeling at the moment on hearing those words again with Yuri’s voice and even though it’s just through the video that she heard those words again it still sounded like Yuri’s voice and still it happened.



"If I see you crying missing me and there are one thousand steps between us...just take one step and I'll take the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine steps to hug you and kissed you're tears away..." Yuri said as she stared lovingly towards Yoona’s watery one.



"Yul..." Yoona heard her raspy voice called out and stretched her arms wide open to hug the older girl.



"These three steps I just took...means I love you, will you take the last step and be with me?"



Yoona nodded quickly stepping forward.



"I love you, happy anniversary my Yoong..." Yuri said beside Yoona’s ear before she hugged Yoona tightly and as those words escaped Yuri’s lips, suddenly the whole greenhouse lit up surprisingly with illumining lights surrounding the two girls with different colours, they are like standing in the centre of a garden surrounded by rainbows as the piano piece that Yuri recorded earlier played softly.



“Yul...What to do?” Yoona said hugging Yuri.






“What to do…I think I have fallen for you so deep now that try as I might to get out I won’t be able to”



“Never get out then…I’ll make sure you won’t even want too”



To Yoona It felt like time had stopped at that moment, her eyes watered again as her memories played inside her head the same time as the video played, she smiled remembering the sweet words Yuri have told her.






A series of knocks averted her attention towards the door away from the video in front of her.



“Yoongie are you awake?” Tiffany’s voice called out followed by another series of knock on the door.



Yoona quickly stood up and cleared before answering making sure that she wasn’t to be found out by Tiffany about to cry again though she perfectly knew that the older girl eventually will, well she was hoping not today because after all it was her special day and Yoona doesn’t want to ruin the blissful mood Tiffany was having.



“It’s open unnie come in” Yoona shouted enough for Tiffany to hear on the other side of the door and with that the door opened revealing Tiffany who was smiling brightly. She stepped forward walking towards Yoona and positioned herself in front of the girl, her gaze then fell on the video that is now playing a laughing Yoona and Yuri.



“You’re still watching it? Again?” Tiffany said as Yoona wrapped her arms around her waist and buried her face into her back.



“Aren’t you getting tired Yoong?” Tiffany placed her hand on the arms that are wrapped around her waist.



“I wish, but it seems like I never get tired when it comes to her” Yoona replied albeit a bit muffled because her face was still buried on Tiffany’s back.



“What are you thinking?” Tiffany Yoona’s hair when the girl didn’t talk but stopped at what she heard next from Yoona.



“I just remembered again, you know how I always became shy when I smile towards her right? I still remember the way she looked at me when I smiled at her at that time…she smiled so much like it was the last time she’ll show it to me…I used so much self-control to not cry right there in front of everyone but then come think of it I should’ve everyone would think it’s tears of joy anyway, the way her tears fell while looking so heartbroken after she sang always came back to me every time and the way she kissed me that night, the way she looked, the way she turned around to leave and the steps that she took to walk away everything of it flashes back to me like a movie played in slow motion…I don’t know what to do anymore unnie…I’m so lost…I to be with her again love her too much and if God would give me another chance to be with her again I swear I’m never gonna let go” Tiffany tried to turn around but Yoona’s hug tightened not allowing her to move. Tiffany didn’t force herself out of the hug because she knows that at times like this it was best to just let Yoona say it and listen, at least now Yoona isn’t crying so much unlike before. So she just Yoona’s hair as it’s the only thing that she could do for now letting the silence engulfed the both of them.



“Unnie are you sure you’re going to wear a tux?” Yoona asked suddenly to lift up the gloomy atmosphere feeling guilty that she’s making her unnie remember the sad past again forever left a scar for them.



“Yeah I will look gorgeous with it” Tiffany grinned.



“That’s not what I meant… I mean wearing that will be the start of you being the husband right?”



“Well yeah…after all I was the one who proposed anyways so hehe” Tiffany giggled sheepishly while scratching her head.



“So the one who proposed will wear the tux?” Yoona asked innocently.



“No, but…well…” Tiffany trailed off thinking about it and what would the right answer be.



“Then if I see her again I guess I’ll wear the tux then?” Yoona giggled.



Tiffany didn’t reply instead she just smirked continuing to Yoona’s brown silky hair.



“But looks like it will still be long in the future by the way things are right now”



“Life gives tons of surprises Yoong you’ll never know when it’ll gift you with one”



“Just hang in there Yoong, just a little more…”








“Yuri-ah” Jessica called out and kept her eyes on Yuri who was lying on her bed wearing a simple tank top and an old pair of shorts, her hair messy.


“Finally you’re awake”


Yuri had just woken up, and it was already 5pm, Jessica was surprised that the girl’s sleep exceeded the number of hours she herself usually uses on her slumber to rest whenever she’s free.





Yuri’s eyes were looking to her but she didn’t give any response, not even a nod. Jessica could see the distant look on the girl’s eyes but more than that, she could clearly see the emptiness on it.


It was so empty, like there is no soul living inside Yuri’s body.



“Yuri-ah” Jessica called out again, this time Yuri blinked a few times her expression changed upon recognition seeing Jessica’s face.





Jessica simply nodded.



“How—“ Yuri asked but got cut offed by Jessica, their instinct on what the other will say or in mind is kicking in.



“Your new friends Taeyeon and Hyoyeon let me in” Jessica answered looking around the unsurprisingly neat and plain room, everything almost covered with white and few things were placed in some places inside like a room on a hotel where you know that you wouldn’t stay for so long.



“Oh…”  Yuri simply replied as she positioned herself to sit on the edge of her bed beside where Jessica was sitting staring at her.









“Really how—“



“I told you they let me in”



“You know I was asking how did you find me here?”



“I thought you’d let the topic go if I answered differently…but yah! are you seriously asking me that Yul? Its china, where my family is more influential more than in Korea do you really think I wouldn’t be able to find you? But I’ll give you a credit though you’re really good at hiding that it’s been another three years until my most favourite dongsaeng Krystal found you last night…”



Yuri let out an ‘ah’ when remembered that last night when she was working with Taeyeon and Hyoyeon she was found by Krystal wandering around while on break and had a chat with her giving up her current location and address to the maknae.



Silence enveloped the two of them for a minute before they heard several loud knocks on the door.



“Yuri-ah its Taeyeon!” The duo heard Taeyeon said as she knocked on the door several times more.



“Yes?” Yuri answered.



“Food will be ready in a few minutes” They heard a few shuffle indicating that Taeyeon wasn’t alone and most probably with Hyoyeon.



“Ne we’ll go out in a few”






“Y’know Taeyeon’s cute” Jessica said suddenly, looking at the door as if the girl whom she’s talking about is visible right in front of it.



“Yeah, Why? interested?” Yuri teased when she saw the way Jessica said it, after all it’s very rare for someone to catch Jessica’s attention moreover make the girl go vocal on what she thinks about that someone.



“Yah!” a faint blush covered Jessica’s cheeks as she slapped Yuri’s shoulder hard that echoed like a clap of thunder  around the roomand leaving the hit girl wincing in pain.



“Oh my gosh you have a crush on her!” Yuri exclaimed her eyes widened.



“I don’t!” Jessica denied but Yuri just laughed with a teasing stare giving Jessica another reason to hit her continuously with the pillow that she got a hold off.



 “Oooh~ Hell fany’s going to come out if she’s seeing you right now!” Yuri laughed making Jessica hit her continuously.



“I’m not saying I have a crush on her I just said she’s cute!” Jessica defended.



“That’s the point you never found anyone cute let alone be vocalized that they are cute except for Tiffany but now maybe for Taeyeon too!”



“They are really nice people you should introduce them to Sooyoung and Sunny I bet they’ll get along well or could even be more than that” Jessica said changing the topic making Yuri’s lips form a knowing smirk.



“Actually they’ve been bugging me about that ever since we saw all of you on the News and they found out that the same Kwon Yuri that you mention as your best friend was me” Yuri let out a raspy chuckle.



“Good then!” Jessica stood up walking a few steps towards Yuri’s night stand grabbing the glass of water on top of it and drank it but spat it out as she heard Yuri’s next words. 



“But seriously Taeyeon has a crush on you too it was you that she wanted to oh so meet and she wouldn’t shut up on how beautiful you are whenever you’re in news or an interview”



“R-really?” Jessica’s voice was in between of unbelieving and bliss making Yuri laugh again, seems like Tiffany will have a rival if Jessica has really been sent to china before.



“You just admited that you have a crush on her”






“Yah! Remember you’re already engaged!”



“And getting married in less than twenty four hours now moron” Jessica added watching Yuri’s smirk turn into a surprise one with jaw unhinged.



“Wait what?” Yuri asked a forming smile gracing her lips, Jessica just nodded.






“Yes” Jessica answered nodding as she put the glass on her hand down on top of the table.



“And you didn’t tell me?” Yuri shook her head on how stupid her question was of course Jessica couldn’t.



“That’s why I said it on the interview I know that you’ll be listening to it”



“Well they didn’t tell the date I didn’t know that it’ll be tomorrow already”



“I don’t want to announce to the whole world where and when will be my wedding you know, I want a romantic wedding not one that will look like a press conference swimming with reporters and camera flashes plus chooding do you think I could personally tell the date to you when I don’t even know where on earth are you until this morning when krys came back?” Jessica clicked her tongue in annoyance and flicked Yuri’s forehead.



“Our wedding is tomorrow and you’re coming okay?” Jessica looked at Yuri who averted her eyes on the wall and watched her smile fade away quickly into a small sad smile.






“It’s not okay to skip my wedding Yul and it will be okay when you see her again” Jessica crouched down and grabbed the thing that was lying open just beside Yuri’s bed that caught her attention the first time she entered Yuri’s room, a leather covered notebook with neat golden letters that is engraved on its front cover.



“You knew everything, this explained everything to you right?” Jessica said placing the notebook open on its first occupied page to be read on Yuri’s lap and met the younger girls’ distant eyes before their gaze fell down on the handwriting on the paper.



“Also I perfectly knew that you were informed on what happened from the past three years…”




September 28, 2007


Right now. <3 Tomorrow. <3 Forever. <3

Let’s be together! ^^~





“I know you haven’t—wouldn’t—forget Yul” Jessica turned several pages showing it to Yuri this time it was her very own neat handwriting.





“You're the reason why I love Im Yoona because before you, I can't truly understand what I was looking for and what it is to love someone, but now that I’ve found you, we've found each other. You’ve given my past and future with new purpose and meaning.  We are the young lovers that our older-selves will cherish and reminisce about. The time we spent together was the most magical times of my life and I can’t imagine being with anyone other than you.”




“I miss her Sica-ah…” Yuri muttered sadness was reflected on her misty eyes seeing this Jessica’s heart clenched sinking a little bit more.



“How is she?” Yuri swallowed she still can’t say her name.



“Wouldn’t it be better to be the one to see and check on her?” Jessica replied urging Yuri to come back.



“I can’t…It’s too much” Yuri looked away.



“You’re not a coward Yul never been one”



“I became one” Jessica placed each of her hands on each side of Yuri’s cheeks turning the younger girl’s head so Yuri was facing her.



“Our doubts are traitors Yul it make us lose the good things that we might have letting us fear attempt so much making us lose our chance, you’re the one who told me that years before…You won’t be able to do anything and get what will make you happy if you’re going to be like that”



“Jessica I’m just…scared you know”



“Of what?”



“Of everything…”



“Don’t be…” Jessica leaned forward and placed a kiss on Yuri’s forehead a sister-like gesture the she likes to do when comforting Yuri even way before, Yuri smiled at this.



“Everything’s gonna be alright” Jessica stood up placing her hand on Yuri’s head patting it and placed an envelope from her coat to Yuri’s bed before walking towards the door and turning the knob.



“Just close your eyes for a moment and say her name then go for it” Jessica said before leaving, hearing those words from Jessica she chuckled it was the words that the older girl told her before when she found out that she was about to confess her love to the girl she has fallen in love, to an angel with doe eyes and lovely smile that is turning into a chooding angel like her when they are together.



“Can I do it again this time though?” Yuri muttered as she turned random pages from the notebook showing very familiar writings that she always read every night until she fell asleep, at first she doesn’t want to see it as it was the cause of the countless tears that she shed after reading it but now it was the one that made her love stronger and deeper making her long for her every second of her life but fear and pain was stopping her from seeing her again like what she truly wants.





September 28 2009

Happy First anniversary My baby chooding! ~ :)

“If you need me and there are ten steps between us, just take one step and I'll take the remaining ten steps to be with you...”

“If you call for me and there are one hundred steps between us, just take one step and I'll take the remaining ninety-nine steps just to see you...”

“If I see you crying missing me and there are one thousand steps between us...just take one step and I'll take the remaining nine hundred and ninety-nine steps to hug you and kissed you're tears away..."

I will love you forever despite your cheesiness! Hahaha <3




April 2011

You're still sleeping today baby~ so I would just write in this notebook again that you gave me until you woke up so you would know what I was doing when you're still sleeping in that bed of yours for a looong and I mean a very looong time now.

I hate that pillow you know? You used to sleep with your head on my lap Yul tell me do you love that pillow more than me now? Oh I'm jealous with your comforter right now because it was already hugging you for a day now. Is it warmer than my hug? I ‘am really jealous with your night gown...but oh well let's skip that topic. I’m blushing right now aish...Yah! Don’t smirk at me Kwon Yuri! Ah I'm going crazy you must be laughing hard now…

Because you now know how much I ‘am head over heels in love for you, But oh well I'll tell you what I did today tomorrow cause I’m going to sleep beside you for now  =))




May 2011

Yull I went out with Tiffany unnie, Jessica unnie and Sunny unnie today, We went to the mall to eat and then into the karaoke and they sang to their hearts content…don’t worry I didn’t sing, my beautiful voice is only for you to hear ; D You know Tiffany unnie is really drunk that she went outside and chase the flirty waitress with the tip of her heels because that waitress is flirting with Jessica unnie all night unaware of Tiffany unnie’s eyes shooting laser beams at her.

It was really funny but troublesome as I have to pull Fany unnie out of the bar just so she would stop. Don’t worry I didn’t have a single scratch I’m really great right? You must be proud of me! ^^

Do you know what today is? Of course you would! Right? Right? :3 How could you forget?

I miss you Yul please wake up. It’s the only wish—well other than your love— that I want for my Birthday.

I love you always…. Always <3




February 2012

Yul baby~ I miss you…I’m tired from work so I’m gonna sleep now sweet dreams, dream of me only~ ^^~




April 2012

Yul…it hurts…it hurts here inside my heart.

I miss you.

I miss you so much that it hurts.

When will you wake up and see me again?

I need you.

I only want you.




September 2012

Today I saw how Jessica unnie smiled towards Tiffany unnie. I badly miss your smile… :(((((((((




December 2012


Seang il chuka hamnida~

Seang il chuka hamnida~

Sarang ha neun Yul my love~

Seang il chuka hamnida!

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday to you~

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday!~

Happy birthday to you my love!~


I brought your favourite cake Yul I made a wish and blow it for you but I won’t tell what it is! ;D

Okay I’ll tell a little bit about my wish to you after all it was yours but is kind of stole it hehe ^^~

I wished for more time…time so I could be with you longer.


Because…I’ll just tell you when you woke up :)

I hope my wish will come true~





January 2013

It’s New Year Yul…

I wish I watched the fireworks show with you they are really beautiful, there’s a lot of colours throughout the sky.

Let’s light some of those someday when you’re here by my side again.

But I’m confused and a bit hurt right now… Yul I had an argument with auntie, they said that it’s wrong for me to love you and waiting for you is useless Yul but I don’t believe it, I don’t want to.

Is it really wrong Yul? Is it wrong to love and wait for you? If it is so wrong then I don't want to be right anymore…




May 2013

Yul...Today one of my birthday wishes came true I finally met my grandfather as I always wished, he was as handsome in the picture and intimidating as Tiffany unnie would say you knew that she and Tim Oppa are allowed to visit him in America unlike me who always go there wandering around hoping on my luck that I would pass by him and catch even a glimpse of him. You know that all my life I've been longing for my grandfather's attention right? To see him because he's the one who provided everything for me when I was growing up. He took me in when my mom and dad got into a car accident that took them away leaving me alone as a child in this world. He kindly took me in even though I was just an illegitimate child of his son, a child that everyone hates in the house except for Fany unnie, you know her she's really kind hehe, As I was growing up I wanted to make him proud so I've worked hard to please him in every way to make him proud of me and to return his kindness that he gave me. I studied hard ever since and got into a good university (where I met you and proved that love at first sight happens hehe ^^~) got good marks to the point that I graduated with honours, I tried to be the most perfect granddaughter for him by both looks and actions hoping one day when the time had finally come that it was allowed for me to meet him face to face, he would be so proud of me that he would say the words 'Thank you my granddaughter, you made your old man and dad proud of you' to me with a proud smile and then we will hug each other really tight then I will smile widely at him (the smile that you always love Yul I hope you wouldn't get jealous! hehe :D he's my grandfather after all). All this years I wondered how warm it is to feel his arms around me while hugging me. How happy I would feel hearing him say that. How comforting it is to be in his presence. I imagined it to be like a snapshot picture that would be remembered forever but today all of this wondering and imagining ended when I finally saw him. I finally met him Yul, I also felt his hug as he hugged me as tightly as I’ve imagined. I felt the warmth on his hug but my heart...it’s different, it feels different. He even said “Thank you my granddaughter you helped our family a lot and made your old man proud, I bet your father is really proud of you right now wherever he is” it surpasses what I always imagined him saying to me and I felt happy.


I’m happy Yul, I’m really happy but my tears started flowing uncontrollably down on my cheeks because I never thought that this meeting that I’ve been wishing for all my life would be the end of what we have…




December 2013

Seang il chuka hamnida~ <3

I miss you, I love you, I miss you.

Yul what are you dreaming about? I hope it’s a happy dream seeing your faint smile.

Are you dreaming of me?




July 2014

Yul I visited you at the hospital today! I’m so happy to see you there awake that I even cried; it’s been a while since I cried without feeling the heavy weight of emptiness and sadness.

When I saw you there with Sooyoung unnie laughing I wish that it was me beside you. :(

You know? I want to hug you tightly in my arms… to hold your hand and entwined our fingers, I want to feel your warmth, I want to kiss you deeply until these worries disappear and say I love you but I didn’t…I can’t let myself do that… I can’t do that, I’m not worthy for you. I’m a coward. I watched you for a long time before leaving since I need to attend something.

I didn’t show you myself because I know you would only be hurt, and seeing you hurt is the last thing I wanted to see. Believe me Yul I want to rush inside and kiss you senselessly, be the one who was next to you but…I’ve made a decision already…Goodbye Yul…Yuri…




Yuri stopped reading the notes that was written years ago, a blissful and incomparable love that had been hers from the start but sadly need to let go. There is this shattering feeling inside of her, hope, love, nervousness and worry mixing together in an unexplainable knot on her stomach, memories from those days came back to her mind like an old movie switching from one film to another, she lied on her bed and closed her eyes.


“Should I? Could you Kwon Yuri?”




Jessica and Tiffany are in front of the holy altar and the priest pledging their love for each other.



“Jessica will you have Stephanie as your lawfully wedded wife, to live together with her as friend and mate, love her as a person, respect her as an equal, share your Joy as Sorrow and keep her beside you in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live till death do you part?”



“I Do” Tiffany answered.



“Stephanie will you have Jessica as your lawfully wedded wife, to live together with her as friend and mate, love her as a person, respect her as an equal, share your Joy as Sorrow and keep her beside you in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live till death do you part?”



“I Do” Jessica answered.



They faced each other and started their vow looking lovingly at each other’s eyes.



“I love you as I love no other, all that I am I share it with you, I take you as my wife now and forever, in sickness and I health, through joy and sorrow till death do us part” Tiffany and Jessica vowed in unison as they slid each of the wedding rings into each other’s left ring finger.



“Ladies and gentlemen I now present you Mrs. Hwang-Jung Stephanie and Jessica” Jessica and Tiffany both turned around smiling widely, Everyone stood up and applauded as they chanted for a kiss.



“You may now kiss the bride” and as predicted Jessica blushed madly when a blushing Tiffany too lifted the veil and placed a chaste kiss on her lips, but ‘ooh~’, ‘too fast’ and ‘again!’ was chanted over and over again—mostly on their friends side—urging them to kiss again so they did it again and this time they did it slowly and passionately, their hearts beating abnormally fast as one.










They were moving around and around greeting thanking people that are congratulating them for getting married. They went to a huge greenhouse that were taken by under the Jung’s care, it was a very huge greenhouse used for formal gatherings as the sight would really amaze you from the trees and different types and colours of roses and flowers surrounding the place to the magnificent arrangements of the chairs tables and stage, and when you look up you’ll see past through the clear glass panels to see the boundless twinkling bright stars shining above you from the inside it would look like you were in a forest for a nature lover species like the fairies from a fairy tale. This was Jessica’s favourite place of all she always felt safe and relaxed whenever she’s here but not tonight as she was getting tired on walking around wearing a dress and a pair of heels, after all she wasn’t really used on wearing these things it was Tiffany’s thing not hers, she will only wear this type of clothing if she was forced to or she needs to attend a formal gathering.



“I wished I was the one who wore that it looks so comfortable” Jessica whispered as she tugged on Tiffany’s clothing with a pout.



“It is that’s why I chose to wear this hehe but bear with it for now Jessi I’ll make sure to reward you for it later” Tiffany whispered beside her and winked making Jessica blush. Jessica can’t believe it after all this time Tiffany can still make her blush like she was a teenager going out for the first time with her crush. But despite the blush she managed sent a small glare to the girl about what at the first few words that she said seeing that Tiffany gulped changing the topic.



“But seriously you look tired want me to carry you?”



“Can you?”



“Oh Can’t I?” Tiffany grinned suggestively.



“…” Jessica rolled her eyes playfully.



“I didn’t say anything~” Tiffany kissed Jessica’s temple before standing up intending to greet some guests but she stopped at Yoona who wore a frown expression on her face.



“Erm…I don’t mean to disturb you two but can you help me unnie?” Yoona then tilted her head sideways gesticulating for the two look at the forming crowd composed of boys and men obviously wanting to dance with her.



“Not having fun are we?” Jessica chuckled along with Tiffany when they saw the cute nod and pout of their dongsaeng.



“Oh but why don’t you try to dance with any of them? Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…”



“Not interested unnie…” Yoona refused her pout deepening.



“Oh there you are Yoona! President Park is asking me if I could get you to have a dance with him oh you too Miyoung” Chairman Hwang said surprising the three of his sudden appearance.



“Unnie~” Yoona whined while sending a save me look to Tiffany.



“Grandpa I’m married now” Tiffany’s eyes fell over Jessica and her hand Jessica’s hair.



“I know but it’s not like I’m going to hand you to a marriage it’s just a dance after all I’m already way more contented with Sooyeon here” The chairman smiled warmly along with his eyes that were now warm and jubilant unlike the first time she laid her eyes on them.



“Oh Thanks grandpa Hwang!” Jessica returned the smile.



“Still I think I would pass on that grandpa” Tiffany giggled as she looked at Yoona who was looking at her like she had mercilessly abandoned her when their grandfather turned to her expectation clear on his eyes.



“Grandpa I…” Yoona pursed her lips racking her brain to think quickly for an excuse and she was more than thankful when her time to think for an excuse lengthens more when the hosts Sooyoung and Sunny spoke on the mic.



“Ladies and gentlemen I’d like to gather your attention for a few minutes, could the newlyweds walked towards the centre please?” Sooyoung requested then Tiffany and Jessica followed walking until they were in the centre in front of the stage.



“We’re here now!” Tiffany waved her free hand smiling at the two.



“What is it?” Jessica asked



“Well a trio wanted to sing a song for the two of you as a gift and... apology?” Sooyoung said in a questioning tone as she turned to her side looking at someone covered by the curtains.



“Ah that’s right apology” Sooyoung smiled.



“Who is it?” Jessica asked smiling, she fairly had an idea on who is it.



“A secret” Sunny winked.



“What the song do you want then?” Sunny asked grinning widely.



“Everyday Love!” Jessica answered.



“But it’s a Japanese song my love are you sure?” Tiffany asked while placing her arms around Jessica back hugging her. Jessica just replied with a nod, Tiffany looked at Sunny and nodded too.



“Then Everyday Love it is, but before we begin one of our beautiful singers wants to give you a message I’ll read it so here it is ‘Sica-ah! Fany-ah before you two kills me for missing your wedding I wanted to say that I’m really sorry for being late only showing up now I know unforgivable but I really tried my best and Thank you so much I owe you big time I love you and congratulations! From your beautiful dongsaeng and best friend, and that’s it did I do good? I’m awesome aren’t I?” Sooyoung thumbs up on whoever it is that’s being covered by the huge curtain beside the stage and by the huge grin that appeared on her face the other person must’ve undeniably agreed to it.



Jessica and Tiffany smiled and entwined their fingers tightly in excitement they have a big guess on whom it came from and they were proven right when Yuri walked on the stage wearing a dress—she looked so stunning with it—followed by Taeyeon and Hyoyeon. Sunny moved aside as Sooyoung moved to ready herself to play the drums, as for Yuri, she went in front of the piano that was ready on the front side of the stage while Taeyeon and Hyoyeon fixed the guitars slinging it on their body as they moved in front of the mic.



“It’s better late than never and we love you too Yul!” Jessica shouted while Tiffany was back hugging her.



Yoona, hearing that three lettered nickname snapped from her trance, did she hear it right? She might be hearing things again. She quickly closed her eyes and chuckled to herself for imagining things again but when she opened it again it was like her world stopped. Everything stopped moving and became a flimsy blur except for the slowed motion on the movement of the girl smiling on stage that looked past the crowd, her eyes moving as if scanning the crowd for a certain someone. Her—she hopes.



“Of course it’s better to be late than to never coming back home again…” Yuri said on the mic and boomed at the speakers around them letting out that stunning smirk she shows.



Hearing that soft husky voice Yoona was sure now, it was her, it is really Yuri that she’s seeing, she wasn’t dreaming and hallucinating like before. Yuri’s here she found her now. The love of her life was finally home.



“Let’s give them a round of applause everyone!” Sunny’s voice boomed on the mic as the instrument started playing.




“Everyday Love”

By: SNSD (소녀시대)







Yuri whispered using her husky voice her eyes found the person that she was looking for since the she stepped on stage, the one person who is the reason for her fears and at the same time strength. Yuri smiled seeing the surprised expression on Yoona’s face and the gasp that the girl let out when their eyes finally met.



“Yul…” Yoona breathed out. Those eyes stared at her like it was staring right through her, her heart thumped wildly, her heart was pounding so much, she found it hard to breath, like the air was taken away from her lungs making her feel like she’s going to collapse any second now and the way Yuri looks at her made her feel like she was going to melt on the ground while her stomach felt like it was slowly being filled with flying butterflies,




You call my name

I ask again, what did you say?

I pretend not to hear you,

Because I want to hear you again





“She’s here, she came…our work was done now right?” Jessica said as she placed her head on Tiffany’s shoulder hands placed on Tiffany’s arms around her.



“Yep so now we’ll have our us time” Tiffany replied cheerily and even if Jessica didn’t look she knows that Tiffany was smiling.



“Remember the first time you said I love you Jessi?”



“Clearly it was the same time as my confession I was so nervous at that time you know…”






“Tiffany” Jessica called out nervously to the girl who had a textbook on her right hand busily reading it while twirling a pencil on the left.



“Yes Jessi?” Tiffany simply replied bringing her pencil down to take a sip at her coffee.



“I have something to say to you so please listen to it carefully okay?” Tiffany nodded and brought the book on her hand down. Jessica was already thinking not to say whatever she is planning to say the moment she finished her words and just told Tiffany a ‘it’s nothing’ or ‘never mind I’m just kidding but Tiffany’s given full attention to her gave her a little courage that she needed just to stay firm as her eyes that’s staring at her made her more nervous, she gulped and opened .



“I…thinkIloveyou…” Jessica confessed but she said it as fast as she could, her face turning read as she felt warmth creeping into every inch of her face.



Tiffany just stared at her face reddening, her lips twitching upwards but it was stopped when she bit her lip stopping herself from smiling.



“What?” Tiffany said leaning forward her head a bit feigning confusion.



Jessica can’t believe it she needed to repeat it again.



“I…Ithinkiloveyou!” Jessica repeated again turning redder than before.



“Sorry I didn’t catch it would you please repeat it slowly”? Tiffany said again but the way her lips and eyes curved into a smile let Jessica know that she was perfectly heard by the younger girl.



“Why are you doing this? You heard me” Jessica stated in frustration.



“Aniyo, I didn’t so what did you say again?” Tiffany denied.



“Please don’t do this to me right now…Fany-ah…I’m dying of embarrassment right now…” Jessica said placing her hands on her burning cheeks covering it.



“Well I didn’t hear anything then” Tiffany lifted her book again intending to pretend to go back to reading the text book again.



“Aish…” Jessica stood up walking towards the small stage where one of her friends named Sunny who just finished singing a song. Tiffany can only stare in confusion though her face was showing.



“Oh it’s Sica! Captain! Are you going to sing us a song too?” Sunny said in front of the microphone so the whole café that her team members had occupied up to the single seat to review for the upcoming exam that day and well to see the stunning eye smiling angel who’s  with her have heard her and cheered loudly.



“No, move aside I just have something to say to someone” Jessica stated simply grabbing the mic as she step on the girls place before.



“Oh~ someone?”  Sunny teased.



With that said everyone’s eyes turned to Tiffany before going back to Jessica to pay their attention to whatever she was going to say.



“Am I that obvious?” Jessica whispered lowly to the girl beside her, Sunny just smirked and stared at her as an answer.






“I just wanted to say Hwang Tiffany! Will you be my girlfriend? Cause me, Jung Jessica, have fallen for you and will continue to fall for you to an endless limit of time do you hear me now? I love you!  I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! How much more do you want me to repeat it?”



Loud series of Ooh’s and whistles were heard with the clapping of hands when Jessica finished saying her words.



“I hear it now, very clearly and as for being your girlfriend…” Tiffany trailed off with a serious face making the atmosphere tense that it silences the  wild crowd.



“I would regret it in my whole life if I wouldn’t say yes and I love you too Jessi!” Tiffany shouted actively in reply making a heart shape on her head before standing up to go in front of Jessica smiling brightly along with her eye smiles, the crowd then cheered again for the two.



“Not how much but how long will you be able to do it…and I love you so much Jessica Jung you have no idea how long I’ve waited to hear those words from you” Tiffany whispered in English that only Jessica could hear before hugging her tightly.



“Aish you made me scared me for a second there…” Jessica whispered hugging Tiffany back.



“Psh, you became so scared when you already know what I’ll say”



“By the hate and love past that we had I can only guess plus it’s because I really love you that I become scared of what you might say…”



“I love you Jessi…”



“I’ll say I love you and I love you too for the rest of our lives together”





“Yah! I remember how you played with me at that time” Jessica furrowed her eyebrows before giving Tiffany’s shoulder a light slap.



“And again you still became nervous when you already know what I’m going to say since it’s you and it’s not that I’m playing I’m just making a lame excuse to hear you say those words to me again and again”



“I told you I became scared and fear came through me first but it’s really good that you smiled at that time because it gave me a little courage to say it again” Jessica grinned remembering the rollercoaster of emotions that she felt that day.



“That’s what I kind of don’t like with some people, they will think and torture themselves with what if’s not having courage until the timing passed away why can’t they be a bit bold and set aside fear? If you love someone be brave and say it quickly you won’t ever know when is the last time you’ll see them”



“Every person is different Fany-ah they have different kinds and level of fears and added with the crazy feelings you’ll go through of being in love it’ll really be complicated that’s why…”





It tickles in my ear,

The wind brings me to

The beginning of our story.





“Oh that makes me remember our first meeting” Jessica said.



“Yeah it was really a literally cold meeting that we have there…” Tiffany giggled.




It was nearly winter break; the wind is blowing lightly carrying it’s coldness on whatever it comes across to including Tiffany who is currently walking outside heading towards the field at the moment regretting that she said yes to her professor to go in search of a certain jet black haired girl but being the obedient and kind one Tiffany said yes without thinking twice. She walked towards one of the snow covered bench near a tree with a huge pile of snow in front of it scanning the area for that certain girl who should be resting in here now according to her team manager Sunny. Tiffany stuffed her hands on her pocket feeling the cold creeping up to her. She cleared the snow on the bench with her hand before sitting on it, she stayed there for a few minutes hoping she could see any signs that might indicate where the girl was but not seeing even one she stood up and accidentally stepped into something, she quickly took a step back looking at whatever it is that she had stepped on and to her shock it was a glove, a moving glove at the moment. alarmed she quickly looked where the glove was connected making her more surprised as the pile of snow that she saw earlier crumbled revealing a snow covered girl wearing a very thick coat with a muffler, a hat and a pair of signature boots, her wavy jet black hair was splayed on her shoulder’s and her chest going up and down as she inhale and exhaled. Tiffany walked towards the girl worried if something happened or the girl was just plainly sleeping, but who would be sleeping here outside the cold snow? Apparently, it was this girl.



“Excuse me?” Tiffany touched the shoulder of the girl shaking her lightly, when the girl didn’t give any response she tried again.



“H-hey a-are you okay?” Tiffany said again shaking the girl lightly again and when the girl stirred and lean her head upwards revealing her pale face to Tiffany, Tiffany’s eyes widened in recognition, this girl is none other than Jessica Jung the ice princess who liked to sleep a lot and now the famous captain of the soccer team who was the star rookie of her time as a beginner and the person that she was looking for all afternoon.



Jessica’s eyes fluttered open and it focused its brown orbs into Tiffany’s brown ones, Tiffany unconsciously held her breath on how those eyes looked so lovely, she opened to speak but nothing came out. On the other hand Jessica stared at the undeniably beautiful angelic face of the girl that is kneeling beside her but it soon turned into a glare as she realized that this girl was the cause of her disturbance from her most wanted slumber. No one moved a single inch, their eyes into a lock and puffs of air from their mouth as they exhaled hits each of their faces until they heard a professor spoke.



“Oh Ms. Hwang! Great you’ve found Ms. Jung!”



“Professor Park!” Tiffany stood up quickly facing her professor but Jessica just stayed sitting on the snow covered ground, she just looked up to look at the professor with a bored face.



“I personally went here I forgot to tell you that this kid is most probably here sleeping” The professor apologized waving the book on his hand.



“I-It’s alright sir but is she okay?” Tiffany replied worriedly looking at the unmoving Jessica in front of them.



“Don’t worry she’s okay she could tolerate coldness but it’s a good thing that you’re concerned because Tiffany you’ve been assigned to tutor Jessica for the remaining weeks before exam”



“What?” Tiffany gaped.



“What do you mean what? I showed you her record before”



“Yes but you didn’t say that it was her—”



“And now you know so you will be her tutor begin today okay?” Professor Park stated firmly and walked towards Jessica who had her eyes closed again seemingly drifting off to her dream land again.



“Yah Sooyeo-ah wake up!” hearing her Korean name Jessica opened one of her eyes and sighed.



“Oppa Using first name basis in school to me and possibly revealing our relationship besides being a teacher and student is prohibited by the headmaster you know”



“I know but I’m talking to you as a cousin right now plus no one is around so get up and study or auntie will lecture me again for not taking care of you!”



“Class president is here” Jessica said non-chalantly looking at Tiffany.



“I know but she’s a good person she won’t tell it to the others right Ms. Hwang?” Professor Park turned to Tiffany seeing her nod.



“See? Now get up and study, and change all of your clothes it’ll be troublesome if you’ll get sick again”



“Aish this ahjussi…” Jessica muttered as she stood up stretching and yawning.



“Yah who’s an ahjussi? Be thankful that you’re my favourite dongsaeng! I’m leaving now take care of her Ms. Hwang and report to me what happened during your tutoring time and you cooperate I’ll report everything to uncle and auntie” Professor park stated before leaving.



“Fine, Fine…” Jessica said and dusting her pants and coat off of snow before removing them little by little until she was just left with a simple shirt and a pants that is about to be removed. Tiffany turned around embarrassed to watch the girl undressing in front of her.



“Y-yah can’t you change in your locker rooms or something?”



“Too far can you hand me that back pack on that bench?”



“What back pack?” Tiffany turned her head around but quickly looked away seeing a slightly shivering Jessica wearing only a boxer shorts and a shirt as if like it was a summer season.



“Over there look at the bench could you please hurry?” Tiffany walked to the bench seeing a small pile of snow and when she cleared the snow she saw a waterproof backpack.



“Why didn’t I see this before?” Tiffany thought out loud getting the bag planning to hand the bag to Jessica properly but she decided against it and throw it instead before sitting on the bench her back facing Jessica.



“Because it was covered by snow” Jessica stated the obvious with an innocent face grabbing the bag and opening it to get her change of clothes.



“By the way my name is Tiffany Hwang I’m your assigned tutor for now” Tiffany spoke when the silence made her awkward but it startled her again when she turned her head side wards she felt Jessica’s puffs of breath hitting her face, Jessica was already sitting close beside her.



“And as you probably know I’m Jessica so where do we start Tiffany?” Jessica said smiling and seeing that smile Tiffany found her heart beating so fast.



“No way…am I? Absolutely not Tiffany, aniyo! You won’t! Ever!”




“Ever huh?” Jessica smirked.



“Whatever, I fell in love no one could predict when and where you’ll fall especially to whom…merong!” Tiffany playfully stuck her tongue out.





Your smile,

Your voice,

Is like a flower in full bloom

Every day you’re in my heart





“And the nth time we spend fighting just because of a simple thing…”



“Well it was because you’re too much of a lazy sleepy head but really it was like we got tired of fighting with each other so much that we didn’t even fight after we got together or even if we have we’ll make up after an hour or so but nothing more than that”



“Well we can’t help it I guess hehe”



“Yoong and Yul too were like that they got it from us right?”



“Yeah we’re such an awesome Unnies!~”




The library is filled with students who are busily preparing for the upcoming exam that will decide if they are going to move to the next level or not, Tiffany too is inside it but for a different purpose she’s with Jessica—after a much unwanted banter here and there until eventually Jessica gave up—giving her a lesson and now checking the solutions that Jessica used to the problem that she gave earlier while Jessica was just leaning her head in her palm watching Tiffany with her intensive eyes.



“Woah! You answered it all correctly and this was a hard question!” Tiffany said smiling brightly, happy that all of the answers are correct.



“Mmmh…can I sleep now?”



“Wait no, no you can’t yet!” Tiffany stopped Jessica’s head that’s about to lean on her arms again intending to sleep.



“Oww why~” Jessica whined.



“Can’t you just tell Je—I mean Prof. Park that I finished it all? I wanted to sleep…”



“No I won’t lie, so you can’t sleep yet not until you finished everything” Tiffany said firmly.



“I wanted to sleep~” Jessica said in a sing-sang voice.



“I don’t understand why your grades are dropping if your this good” Tiffany frowned facing Jessica with a questioning eyes.



“Lack of inspiration I guess” Jessica simply answered slumping her head on her arms.



“Then you should find one soon cause exams are coming up”






“Yah! Don’t sleep yet!” Tiffany slapped Jessica’s head in irritation no one acted like this whenever they are with her in fact they were all actively answering her questions with a wide smile on their faces.



“Ouch! Why you!” Jessica growled in irritation facing Tiffany but her eyes quickly softened when she saw a hint of fear and something else in Tiffany’s eyes. Jessica then leaned her head forward so close to Tiffany’s face that they can practically feel each other’s breath bouncing on their faces, it was really a wonder to her on how those eyes could make her calm in an instant and how clear it was that she could predict what the other girl is thinking by just looking at it.









Jessica just stared intently at Tiffany’s eyes for a few seconds before leaning backwards and then sleeping on her arms leaving Tiffany dumbfounded and with a racing heart.







“You…you already fell for me at that time right?” Tiffany smirked this time.



“Yah! Don’t be so full of yourself”



“But I am right? right? right ?right? right?”  Tiffany repeated again and again until Jessica covered and answered.



“Gosh Yes! Now stop it!” Jessica winced.



“Tsk your so in love with me!”



“Can’t argue with that…”





Monday, Let me hear your dream

Tuesday, I want to be closer to you

The Wednesday

I want to know more about you





“Why are you laughing?” Tiffany asked curiously when she heard Jessica suddenly laughed.


“I just remembered when I told Yuri that I was going to confess for you and then the first day she told me about Yoona with her eyes sparkling like never before”




“Nice work Yul! You’ll be a captain in no time by the way you play today coach was really impressed!” Jessi patted Yuri’s back.



“Haha yeah but it’s because you passed me the ball every time thanks for giving me a chance” Yuri grinned.



“That’s because your place is always open but Yul anyway…” Jessica trailed off as she leaned her shoulder in front of her locker, her dried lips.



“Yeah?” Yuri lifted her jersey up intending to remove it.



“Yul…I-I think I’m gay too…” Jessica stuttered out. Jessica doesn’t know how her best friend would react or what she will say on her personal confession but Yuri is important to her so she needs to know.



“Mwo? Gay?” Yuri stopped undressing her jersey half way up revealing her tone abs and stared at Jessica with crossed eyebrows making Jessica’s chest pound harder than before in nervousness.



“I-I mean you know…someone who likes girls?” Jessica explained rubbing her neck with one of her hand as she stared at Yuri.



“I know what it means babo! But so?” Yuri answered leaning her back on her own locker beside Jessica’s.



“So?” Jessica raised her brow.



“So what if you’re gay?” Yuri shrugged her shoulders.



“Nothing just wants to let you know…cause you know…I decided to confess today when I see her…” Jessica answered stopping herself from blushing.



“Aish finally! You’re so slow Tiffany must be waiting for so long how could she like a pabo like you?”



“Wait she’s—Yah! How did you know it was her?!” Jessica was surprised she had no idea that someone would see her and Tiffany that way when all they do is study together and stare well that’s mostly on her part.



“Duh the whole team knows!”



“They know?!”



“Stop answering back with questions I just said it right?” Yuri slapped Jessica’s head.



“Yah that hurts! But What? when? how?” Jessica bombarded Yuri with questions.



“Obviously long before you found out yourself that Soo, sunny and I were betting on how long would it take for you to know!” Yuri answered and Jessica was left gaping at what she just heard speechless.



“But Sica yah I’ gonna ask you a serious question” Yuri said standing upright before placing each of her hand on Jessica’s shoulders and then leaned a bit forward with a serious look on her face.



“What is it?” Jessica gulped uncomfortably, Yuri’s question seemed really important.



“Do you think I’m hot?” Jessica frowned at the question and smashed Yuri’s face with the towel she had in her hand.



“Doesn’t mean I’m gay for Tiffany that I would like all girls specially you that’ll be !”



“Eww no, no! That’s not what I meant it’s because you know…” Yuri threw away the sweaty towel.



“What?” Jessica raised an eyebrow at this it wasn’t every day that you’ll see Kwon Yuri fidgeting.



“I kind of…like someone too?” Yuri answered.



“Who? And is that a blush on your face?” Jessica laughed.



“It’s not! I don’t know her name yet but I think she’s new here I saw her being bullied earlier by a worthless gang so I kind of helped her?”



“Oh~ super hero Yul again? That’s why many falls for you! But tell me about her?”



“No they don’t they just want my body not me…” Yuri feigned a hurt and crying look.



“Yah don’t be so assuming! Now tell me about this girl” Jessica hit her head. Yuri laughed while rubbing her head.



“Well she’s cute you know…clear doe eyes, pretty smile, cute nose, silky hair, Innocent face but I don’t think she’s that innocent I mean she’s a bit boyish when we talked a bit heck she’ll be a lot stronger than me I think?” Yuri explained wearing a goofy smile and her eyes sparkling.



“Sounds like Yoona” Jessica laughed when she remembered Tiffany’s cousin that the girl introduced to her when she visited her home and a few incident’s that involved jars that are impossible to open for her but was opened because of Yoona.



“Im Yoona?”



“Yeah Tiffany’s cousin? Im Yoona?” Jessica said.



“Yul you’re always updated on who’s who especially if they are pretty right?”






“Then why on earth you didn’t know one of the most beautiful and smart students here since last month?”



“Oh! Yoona! Right! I’ve heard about her but I never got to see her you know with all the things that I gotta do” Yuri smiled sheepishly.



“Well she’s really pretty as they say so…”



“So introduce me to her? Please~” Yuri pleaded with aegyo while Jessica just smiled widely thinking on how far Yuri would go for her to introduce her to Yoona.





“Ah that was when she became you’re errand girl for a month to just be introduced to Yoong right?”



“Yeah I just remembered how deeply she likes Yoong to even skipping part time works just to finish what I told her to do so she could tag along with us and had an excuse to spend time with Yoona”



“To spend time with Yoongie with mostly her just staring at Yoong while she talked about everything”



“But that’s how Yoona fell for her right?”



“Aniyo it was the first time she laid her eyes on Yuri that she fell for her”






Thursday, I wish upon a star

Friday, to let me dream [of you]

The night rains of endless feelings

To you...Everyday Love




“But hey remember how Yul confess her love for Yoong at the cafe?”



“Yeah I was surprise too that I couldn’t close my mouth!”




“Me too, I seriously didn’t know anything about her plan she just told me about it when we are already at the café I beat her into a pulp after that because she didn’t tell me anything it’s so unfair!” Jessica pouted.



“What’s so unfair about it?”



“Because I told her when I will confess to you”



“You did?”



Jessica nodded.



“What did she say?”



“She said that I’m slow and how could you like a stupid person like me” Jessica answered frowning a bit while Tiffany laughed and nodded.



“Indeed you are slow and stupid at times”






“But how? That’s something I can’t answer really because I don’t know the answer myself…maybe it’s because it’s you…it’s because it’s you that I fell in love”



“You and your words…” Jessica smiled as she traced Tiffany’s lips with her index finger.



Tiffany shook her head.



“Not my just my words, my heart…” Tiffany placed Jessica’s hand on her chest and smiled.




“Tiffany Unnie remind me why we’re here again? I need to finish filing some council papers for our meeting tomorrow” Yoona sighed as she was dragged by Tiffany using their entangled arms to a night cafe.



“Because you wanted to see Yuri” Tiffany answered opening the door.



“I’ don’t!” Yoona said though the visible blush on her face says otherwise.



“Yeah yeah but where’s my—Jessi!” Tiffany squealed when she found out what she’s looking for before untangling their arms leaving her cousin behind, Yoona can only huff at this as she follows Tiffany, she needs to finish the files that is due tomorrow and she’s sure that they’ll be going home late so she’s gonna stay up late doing it but at least Yuri is here she could see her and talk to her again while her heart do summersaults every few seconds which greatly confuse her the few times but she finally realized it last night when Yuri’s stunning eyes suddenly crossed her mind when she was lying on her bed with closed eyes.



“Jessi!~” Tiffany called out, she skipped towards her seemingly upset girlfriend that is busily hitting her best friends shoulder with a book.



“Oh Fany-ah!” Jessica stood up followed by Yuri.



“Why are you hitting Yul? Is there something wrong?” Tiffany creased an eyebrow at Jessica.



“Well—“ Jessica started but decided against it when she saw Yoona stepped forward in front of Yuri.



“Yoona-ah!” Yuri grinned happily like the sun upon seeing Yoona in front of her smiling too with her reddened cheeks.



“Yuri-unnie” Yoona smiled too blush creeping up on her cheeks.



“It’s nothing…” Jessica sat again before placing her arms on Tiffany’s waist and pulling her so she would sit on her lap after that Jessica buried her face unto Tiffany’s back inhaling the scent of strawberries coming from the younger girl.



“What’s wrong Jessi?” Tiffany asked pulling Jessica’s head away revealing the pouting lips of Jessica then cupped her cheeks using her hands.



“Nothing I just miss you…”



“I’m here now and I miss you too!” Tiffany eye smiled before placing a swift chaste kiss on those pouting lips of Jessica.



“Ehem…” Yuri faked a cough to get Jessica’s attention and it succeeded as Jessica’s eyes that are staring at Tiffany in fascination turned to her. Yuri signalled her thumb to the stage where Sunny and Sooyoung are already testing the instruments that they are going to use smiling every now and then to those girls and boys who are cheering them.



“Okay…I will be back okay?” Jessica kissed Tiffany’s forehead after she stood up and followed Yuri. Tiffany was going to ask Jessica but Yoona’s question silenced her.



“Where are you going?” Yoona asked Yuri who is behaving strangely and nervousness etched on her normally happy face, but instead of answering where she was answered by a nervous smile and a wink from Yuri.



“Come on Yul” Jessica said pulling Yuri with her until they were at the stage which caused a buzz around the crowd.



“Oh~ its Yuri and Jessica!”



“Hi everyone! Tonight two of our friends here will sing along us” Sooyoung spoke on the mic then she pushed Yuri in front of her.



“Yuri-ssi! Jessica-ssi! saranghae!” some girls and boys shouted loudly in unison.



“Ahaha thanks!” Yuri replied embarrassed while Jessica just nodded blankly her eyes never left Tiffany’s shining ones.



“But we are not just going to sing a song, tonight is special because Yuri here will sing a song of love for her special someone right Yul?” Sunny grinned as the crowd went wild excluding a gaping Tiffany and a surprised Yoona at the back.



Yuri nodded and her lips that became dry from her nervousness.



“Ah this is for the girl that I fell in love with who made me smile so much that my cheeks hurt already, That person is so beautiful that I myself wonder how someone like her can be here existing right in front of me, she’s kind, optimistic, smart a genius even, sweet and patient. I can tell all of you a lot about her but I guess it’ll take the whole night and I know all of you wouldn’t want that so I’ll just say this to that person that I fell in love with I love you…please be mine?”



“Just For love yuhngwontorok majimagil sarang geudaegil baraeyo”


“To make my life complete”


“Cause you make my life complete~”



After Yuri had sing the last line she stood up from the stool that she’s sitting on and jumped down the little stage, she walked until she was in front of Yoona and held her right hand.



 “I love you Im Yoona…please be mine?” Yuri asked her voice shaky.



Yoona just stared at the girl in front of her in a few seconds with her surprised doe-eyes that made Yuri even more nervous before slowly opening .



“I love you too Kwon Yuri….”Yoona finally replied then she lunged forward kissing Yuri.



“To make my life complete…” Yuri whispered looking into Yoona’s eyes with so much happiness.



“You make my life complete” Yoona whispered back in a grin.



“What just happened?” Tiffany mouthed towards Jessica who was smiling sheepishly at her.



“Love” Jessica mouthed as an answer laughing a bit at Tiffany’s mouth that can’t seem to be closed.




“Fany-ah, to make my life complete~”



“You make my life complete Jessi~”




Hey, stay by my side

We don’t need promises

Forever, just like always,

We look up at the sky together.





“Thank you Jessi…”



“For what?”



“For having faith on us, on our love”



“Thank you too…”



“For what?”



“For breaking up because I won’t know how much you and my family loves me if it weren’t for that”





Tiffany was going to break up with her.



Tiffany is going to leave.



This were the things that she wished and prayed not to happen somewhere in their future because it’ll hurt her so bad that she thinks she will end up dying, and by just hearing those words from other people she already felt like she was stabbed a hundred times on her heart what more if it was Tiffany herself is the one who told her that?



Jessica willed her heart to stop throbbing so painfully in her chest as she drove home from Yuri’s apartment, but her effort was futile when she felt the pieces of her heart falls tearing her apart, she felt everything fragment away, every little piece leaving a jagged mess inside her.



“I’ll be okay…I should be okay…” She said before going out of her car entering her house where she was informed that her parents and Krystal was back waiting at the living room for her but she wasn’t in the mood to see them right now. Not when she was on the verge of crying and being torn apart.



“Unnie welcome back—” Krystal was greeted her cheerfully but she avoided it.



“Sooyeon your sister—“ Jessica looked down and walked past them without sparing them even a glance wanting to get to her room as soon as possible.



“What’s wrong with unnie? I just came back from L.A. didn’t she miss me?”  Krystal pouted.



“I don’t know but I’m sure she missed you Soojung maybe she’s just tired” Mrs. Jung patted their maknae’s head.



“Sooyeon-ah…” Mrs. Jung called out worrying it wasn’t on her daughter’s character to not pay her respect to them when they are in the house especially to her and Krystal but tonight she didn’t even spare her a single glance.



“Sooyeon your mother is calling you don’t you dare turn your back” Jessica halted mid step hearing her father’s voice, her hands shaking from holding back her tears for so long. She’s about to lose control and she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to cry not when she’s outside her room, not when she’s in front of her whole family specially her dongsaeng. So she inhaled calming herself, trying to stop her body from shaking but it was futile when she felt the stings of the tears that were gathering on her eyes ready to fall any second now.



“Stop…not here…please”



“Sooyeon face us when we’re talking to you” Mr. Jung commanded Jessica, her daughter is really acting odd and he wanted to know why.



“Appa…not this time…please” Jessica tried to sound as normal as possibly but her voice broke, she can’t hold it anymore her tears fall from her eyes, she feels so heartbroken—never in her life she felt something like this. Her weaken legs unable to support her let her collapse on the floor crying, letting out the tears that she tried so hard not to fall in front of her family in front of her.



Everyone was surprised at this specially Krystal who came to her immediately hugging her tightly clearly worried.



“Unnie! What’s wrong ? It’s okay if you don’t miss me! Just stop crying…you never cry…” Krystal said innocently, she chuckled at that her dongsaeng must be really surprised, come to think of it she never cried in front of her before, she never cried in front of any of her family members before appearing to be cool and tough but despite hat like other girls she have a fragile heart. Mrs. Jung hugged her too.



“What’s wrong Sooyeon? What’s happening and don’t you answer with nothing” Mr. Jung kneeled beside her daughter beside her wife and daughter who was already hugging Jessica.



“Appa what to do…I just think I will lose someone important…” Jessica continued to cry her hands covering her face.



“Then go and prevent it from happening and if it can’t really be stopped then just win her back Sooyeon-ah…” Mr. Jung said giving her wife a look. 



“Mwo? Her?” Jessica lifted her head and removed her hands that were covering her face revealing her tear stained face for her family to see, she was surprised.



“It’s Hwang Tiffany right?” Mr. Jung smiled.



“You knew?” Jessica said.



“Of course we knew! we always know what you’re doing even if your far away from us Sooyeon-ah, We’re just waiting for you to say it to us before we tell you but were a bit hurt that you chose to hid it to us you know” Mr. Jung patted her daughter’s head showing his care for her.



“I’m sorry Appa…” Jessica apologized but she smiled.



“Your appa and I understand Sooyeon-ah you’re still young and you were scared”



“So Win her back don’t just cry in here like a coward do everything to win her back you won’t have her again if you’re just going to be in here you know, go chase her do everything so you’ll have no regrets and Jung Jessica remember this no matter what happens you’re my daughter you’re a Jung I don’t care about what others will say about you or what are your preferences the only thing I care about is if you’re happy or not and right now we could see that you’re not so do it, do anything that will make yourself happy life is too short to waste it on crying here” Jessica could feel her tears coming out more but this time it wasn’t because she was sad and broken but because she’s happy, very happy that she was a Jung and this was her family.



“Appa…” Jessica hugged her father tightly.



“That’s right Sooyeon-ah” Mrs. Jung smiled at her daughter wiping her tears away.



“Umma…” Jessica smiled.



“I have no idea what’s going on but unnie go for it!” Krystal shouted dorkily.



“Soojung-ah…” Jessica chuckled as she cupped her sister’s face kissing her on her forehead.



“Okay unnie that’s eww!” Krystal pushed Jessica away from her face making their parents laugh including Jessica.



“Thank you….Thank you so much I love you all”




Jessica and Tiffany were cuddling on Tiffany’s bed.



“What were you thinking?” Jessica nudged Tiffany’s hand when she saw Tiffany looking outside for a while now completely zoning out, it was rare for her to do that.



“Hmmm..."Tiffany just hummed in reply not wanting to answer the question but knowing Jessica she would bug her until she say it.



"C’mon tell me"



“I’m thinking on why can’t we just love and live like this?  Why can’t we just be together freely like other couples?, Why is it that such a strong emotion like this known as something forbidden, humiliating, and disgusting? , why do they label our love so easily? When they don’t even bother knowing how we feel? Why? How can some people say those things so easily like our love were just something worthless?”



"Nothing" Tiffany smiled her eye smile showing but Jessica wasn’t going to be fooled by that.



"Fany ah~" she continued to whine brushing her face into Tiffany’s shoulder blade.



"Family Again?” Jessica guessed.



Tiffany just nodded in reply.



"Don't think about it right now okay? Just think about us and our future.



“That’s the problem Jessi...I'm thinking a future without you...”



“By the way you smelled really nice…” Jessica whispered when again Tiffany was zoning out.



“Thank you,” Tiffany replied smiling with her eye smile again she knows that Jessica loved to see it and then she reminded herself of what she’s going to say to the loved of her life; just thinking about it was too painful already. Could she really say it?



“You know I was happy that you’re here with me but it was a bit upsetting that your mind was on the other side of the planet you keep zoning out…are you really okay?” She smiled happily, Tiffany’s heart sank here she was thinking about breaking up with her yet her girlfriend is only thinking about her.



Jessica was smart, she knew that she was but when it comes to feelings she was really naïve and it often lead her to face troublesome things. She’s really slow when it comes to feelings for something or someone heck it even took her months to realize that she fell for Tiffany while her teammates already knew it after a day they’ve seen them interact and this is one of the times that she wished, hoped and prayed that what her feelings is telling her is wrong, that Tiffany wasn’t going to leave without telling her like what she overheard on Yoona and Yuri’s conversation the other night, that Tiffany wasn’t planning to break up with her but the way Tiffany is acting now the answer was most likely obvious for her.



“Fany-ah?” Jessica called out.






"I heard you're going somewhere where exactly?" Jessica asked and by the way Tiffany froze Jessica could only think that it was really true.



"Jessi..." Tiffany faced her without an expression but surprise and sadness was evident on her eyes, Tiffany’s eyes never lied to her.



“Where?” Jessica swallowed the lump on including the doubts and fears she’s feeling.



"I'm going to L.A." Tiffany answered.



“Aren’t you going to tell me why you’re going to the states without a word?” Jessica asked calmly despite the whirl of emotions she’s feeling inside.




“I’m sorry it was so sudden” Tiffany ducked her head.



"I'm really sorry Jessi..." Tiffany repeated again perhaps it was time to tell her.



“For what?” hearing that Jessica then felt her entire body shattered so it was true then, she was right, Tiffany is going to break up with her she felt every part of her body turn cold, every part of her skin burned.



"I'm sorry for what I'm going to do now..." Tiffany shifted uncomfortably her teeth chewing her lower lip as tears fell from her eyes one by one.



"It's okay" Jessica answered simply and entwined their fingers holding into it tightly.



"Jessi...I-I'm trying to break up with you..." Tiffany choked back her tears facing down.



"I know..." Jessica tilted Tiffany’s head to face her.



"Jessi..." Tiffany wanted to cry but what she right does she have? She’s the one who’s breaking up, she’s the one who chose to let go for the sake of her family.



"And it's okay"



"I can't make you wait for me, I'm not going to do that, I’m not going to make you wait on that unknown endless amount of time where we can finally be together" Tiffany can’t breathe it’s like something had blocked the air that she needed especially at the next words that she heard Jessica say.



"You don't have to because I have faith on us and at least I know we're gonna end up being together again anyway so Fany-ah...Don't cry, it’ll be okay, I'll be okay..."



Jessica untwined their fingers before letting go, she placed her hands on each of Tiffany’s temples and then placed a kiss on Tiffany’s forehead, a one last kiss that promised her that they will be together again—in the future that is.



Tiffany closed her eyes, as she placed her hands on top of Jessica’s warm ones, memorizing the feel of it between her hold and the warmth of the kiss spreading on her whole body making a tingling sensation on her and the kiss that will be forever engraved on her heart.




“And also for loving me, for being you…”



“You need to thank yourself for it too because if it weren’t for you we won’t be here” Tiffany kissed Jessica’s forehead which made the older girl smile.





Monday, Tuesday, it threatens to rain

Wednesday, Thursday, even though it continues to rain




“But you know Jessi…when I confess to mom about us and she told me to break up I wanted to fight back for us but then we were so young at that time and feelings and fear clouded my decision specially when I heard that she was going to do something to you, I love you but that time I was so scared…” Tiffany trailed off her eyes remorseful.




Tiffany sighed and paused before knocking on the door to her mother’s workroom. She gripped the doorknob tightly leaning her head on the door made of wood and as she heard those words permitting her to come in, she wonders what her mother would say to her.



“Sit” Tiffany was ordered by her mother and she followed sitting on the chair in front of her.



“Mom about what you’ve seen in the pictures yesterday…” Tiffany started unsure.



“What about it?”



“I can explain…” Tiffany gulped the large lump on .



“It’s alright your father told me”



“He did?” Tiffany was surprised she didn’t expect that her father would tell it to her and she will calmly react like this.



“Yes and he explained to me that it’s normal nowadays to be curious of those things…but still I wonder why the young generation right now is curious about those things”



“Curious?” Now Tiffany was really curios, what is her mother talking about?



“You two were just curious about it that’s why you were kissing yesterday and there’s no meaning behind it” hearing that Tiffany understood, her father didn’t tell her about the two of them instead he lied to prevent her from knowing and she was thankful for it, but sooner or later her mother would eventually know about it. She was tired of lying and confessing the truth to her mother always crosses her mind but she quickly dismissed it over and over again fearing on what her mother would do and feel. So she lied, made a façade that she’s not interested yet on having a relationship thus refusing everyone that was arrange to be her date or asked her to go out. It was tiring to lie and the guilt that was creeping up her heart every time she lied to her became unbearable, she needs to let her mother know, she loves her so much though she doesn’t show it often. What is the right thing to do? Should she confess to her or lead her mother to another lie that will prevent her from knowing what she really is?



“No, mom…listen” Tiffany started she wanted her to know she didn’t want to lie anymore, she couldn’t bring herself to assume for the worst right now but still a little part of her wanted to believe—hope that everything is going to be alright, that she will be accepted, that her love will be accepted, that her mother will accept her for who she is so holding the necklace that was given by Jessica she said the truth.



“I was kissing her because I love her, she’s my girlfriend” Mrs. Hwang paused from typing, she didn’t say anything but Tiffany felt the rising tension on the atmosphere, hear heart was beating fast.



“I will pretend like I didn’t hear anything about what you just said” Her mother said. It was just simple words she heard but it was all it took for her to break her heart as hope and belief started to slip away from her breaking heart. She didn’t hear a more direct rejection like a ‘No’ or don’t’ but it was clearly a rejection of her feelings, her love and a rejection of who she is.



“Mom…” Tiffany muttered as she felt the stinging feeling of tears on her eyes, her breathing became uneven.



“Just break up with whoever that girl is and continue living like how you should like before, how could you do something like this? Aren’t you ashamed? Don’t you think of how would other people will look at you? ”



"I don’t care anymore mom and her name is Jessica Jung mom she's not just someone…" Tiffany replied in a small voice.



"I don't want to know her name break up it’ll cause a big scandal for us”



"Mom is that all you think about?" Tiffany was becoming more upset by what she’s hearing.



"Break up or I'll forbid you to see her and send you back to L.A. and this time for good"



"You can't do that!" Tiffany shouted her body was trembling with anger and pain inside her.



"Oh believe me I can, try me Miyoung? You know me”



Tiffany didn’t answer instead she just cowered and thoughts of Jessica being hurt because of her own mother saddened her.



“Why are you being like this? I know that little half cousin of yours is gay but It never occurred to me that you are too…I know you…you’re not like this…you never have any interest on these things so why? Maybe she's the one who influenced you to become like this isn’t it? From now on you should stay away from her”



"Yoona has got nothing to do with this!" Tiffany argued, it wasn’t her cousin’s fault in fact Yoona only felt like that to Yuri and no one else. She started feeling like this earlier than Yoona. It was since the first time she saw Jessica when they were still on seventh grade but she never entertained it not until she talked to her when she was assigned as her tutor and at first she tried to disregard it thinking that it was just temporary that was proven wrong every second and minutes that she spend with Jessica.



“Break up! You have a father who shouldn't be with any scandal right now and a grandfather who had a delicate heart condition he won’t be able to handle it if something scandalous as this happens”



“But mom! Please…”



“Please think of them before you do more stupid things Tiffany” Tiffany heard the finality in her mother’s voice, it was the end and any words that she speak to her wouldn’t be heard anymore as she had created a decision already.



Tiffany turned around and wiped her tears on her cheeks before walking her way lifelessly to the door wondering what she’ll become after this.



“Miyoung” Tiffany turned around quickly her eyes showing hope that her mother changed her mind but it was quickly washed away when she saw the stern look she was giving her.



“Break up with her tonight and I will let you see her as long as you like until I found someone suitable for you and if you don’t…you know what will happen now go I need to finish my work”



Once again Tiffany turned around her eyes breaming with tears.



“God, please it hurts, please take this away, it hurts a lot please...” Tiffany was angry, sad, so hurt and scared her body slumped down on the floor.



“Why should I be ashamed of the love that I feel for you Jessi? Is it right to just suppress our feelings and live with regret thinking of what if’s? Tell me…Was it wrong on being honest to our feelings? Why can’t some people accept us? Is this really wrong? Then why? Why does it felt so right?” Tiffany wiped her tears as a new set of fresh tears came out flowing down her cheeks.



Will I be happy living without you Jessi? Or will I be happy with us on each other’s side together yet knowing that the family that I love is hurt and doesn’t accept us?



“What to do Jessi? Should I just see you as a friend—that I know wouldn’t happen, so we could still be together until the time you and I will be with another person or should we continue this wonderful thing we have until I have to leave?”



“It’s like I don’t have a choice…cause whatever the choices is we’ll still both be hurt…the only difference is just by how much” Tiffany smiled bitterly when she saw the name of the caller on her phone.






 “Hi” Tiffany croaked out.



“Are you asleep already? Ah that’s why you’re not replying to my texts I’m sorry I disturbed you I’m just calling to say I love you and I’m home now just go back to sleep okay? bye bye”



“I…love you too Jessi…goodbye” Tiffany clutched her phone tightly on her hand holding her breath so Jessica won’t hear her sob.



“Okay, okay Goodnight!” Jessica replied cheerily and hung up. Whenever Jessica comes from work tired or about to fell asleep she always make sure to still talk to Tiffany and says she loves her every time and every night.



“Let’s...not be together anymore? You will just be hurt with me…and knowing you’ll be hurt just because of me breaks me…”




“Ssh…It’s all in the past I’ll probably do that too if I were in your place, your—I mean mom is really scary you know” Jessica said her gaze on a certain woman who is just a few steps away holding a wine talking to her own mother.



“The Important thing is what we have now and what are we now” Jessica said placing her head on Tiffany’s chest feeling her heartbeats, she knows that Tiffany is still feeling guilty and hurt about what happened to them in the past and she doesn’t want that for the girl she wanted her to move on, to accept what was in the past and be happy.





Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

Sunshine appears from a break in the clouds





“I doubted you too thinking things like are we really meant to be together? Would the pain be worth it? Maybe what happened to us was just a huge mistake and fate separated us because we’re never meant to be together Things like that always comes to my mind but then you miraculously appeared in front of me smiling brightly like you never felt hurt because of me and then fight for me…for us”



“Well how could I not smile when I finally saw you after so many months that felt like hundreds of years to me?”






Tiffany was about to go inside her house now, it was already late when she came home because she decided to drop by on the park near her place. She usually go there after she finished her work when everything became too much and felt heavy to her, her mind, her shoulders and mostly her heart. It was the park that she used to go with that someone that she greatly missed and love hoping that walking around here and dropping by from time to time will decrease the amount of emptiness and pain that she feels—lessen the feeling of missing her so much to the point that it hurts. Tiffany continued her steps slowly inhaling the cold scent of the night, she felt her cell phone vibrated because of an incoming call from an unknown number and answered it.



“Hello? Tiffany Hwang speaking” Tiffany answered her phone but there are only air sounds that can be heard as the caller wasn’t responding thinking on what they are going to say or she was just being pranked by some stupid person who couldn’t find anything to do, she was about to hung up when a melodious voice spoke on the phone. Tiffany halted her steps as she felt her legs go weak and her heart pound hard against her chest, she knew that voice very well; she couldn’t be wrong not when it is the voice that came from the only girl she fell for, Jessica.






Tiffany’s hand trembled; her lips quivered a sign of an impending cry so she cupped with her free hand attempting to stop any kind of sound escaping from .



“Fany-ah…” Jessica called out again but Tiffany was still unable to say anything in reply as pain, guilt and happiness invade her at the same time creating a messy whirl of emotions inside her.



“I missed you so much you know…” Tiffany could hear the yearning that was coating Jessica’s voice and it pained her even more and made her wish that she could hug her securely around her arms, she pressed the phone closer to her ear and cheek imagining as if it was Jessica’s hand but the lack of a certain kind of warmth and scent of perfume tells her that her imaginings and reality really doesn’t match.



“Didn’t you miss me?” Jessica spoke on the phone.



“Everyday Jessi…every single time… You have no idea how much I’m missing you” Tiffany finally answered—honestly in a whisper, she tried to hold her tears but it was futile as drops of tears fell from her eyes. Tiffany missed Jessica so much that it hurts already, she wished that she could see her and have another chance to be with her but at the same time wishing against it because she knows that when that happens, she’ll surely won’t be able to stop herself from holding unto her, making her stay by her side forever that will eventually break her promise to her mother and family.



Jessica didn’t answer and it greatly saddened Tiffany, she let out a bitter smile. However after a few seconds she was surprised when she smelled a familiar perfume invading her nose when a gust of wind hit her then she felt her entire body froze when a pair of arms slipped around her waist before that person placed her head on her shoulder. Tiffany didn’t need to turn her head to know who’s behind her so instead of doing so she just lowered her phone and smiled as she let herself breath in the scent of Jessica around her.



“Then show me how much?” Jessica whispered and hearing that from her, Tiffany turned around to place each of her hands on each side of Jessica’s cheek before kissing the older girl’s forehead gentle and long pouring everything that she feels within it while Jessica just closed her eyes enjoying the sensation of Tiffany’s lips and the warm love that is emitting from it as she held into Tiffany’s arms.



“Jessi we shouldn’t—“ Tiffany started but Jessica stopped her from talking further by putting her index finger on her lips.



“Let’s not talk about it yet?” Jessica smiled.



“S-sure…” Tiffany nodded unsure.



“When are you going inside?”



“R-right now…” Tiffany stuttered looking down she cannot bear to look Jessica in the eyes.



“Can I take you? Just until we reached the door…” Jessica’s voice was full of hope that Tiffany couldn’t say no.



“Okay…” Tiffany nodded again and bit her lip as Jessica casually held her hand and entwined their hands just like in the past.



Jessica walked slowly taking her steps as slowly as possible purposely taking the time to reach their destination so she can spend more time with Tiffany who was tightly holding her hand while following her, and when they reached the front door Jessica stood in front of Tiffany head bowed looking at the ground and biting her lower lip.



“Tiffany…” Jessica lifted Tiffany’s chin and cupped her cheeks so she could look at the other girl’s eyes but her loving gaze was met with Tiffany’s tearful gaze, it pained her more seeing her like this.



Tiffany swears that she tried so hard to contain the feelings that are just wanting to hug the older girl and kiss her senselessly and forget everything else but the way Jessica was looking at her with so much emotions was too much for her to handle so she kissed Jessica slowly and sensually conveying her feelings to other girl but after a while it turned into a rough and hungry type of kiss as they felt that it was already so long since they felt their lips on each other, they kissed like they were separated for years but in reality it was only a few weeks and months. She really can’t remember much instead of the sad and goodbye kiss that they last shared before parting. They both missed each other and they wanted nothing more but to be drowned with the happy feeling from being reunited again, but their most wanted kiss was cut short when they heard the door opened followed by a loud voice shouting at them.



"Miyoung! What’s happening here?" Mrs. Hwang bellowed completely shock at what they just saw beside a Mr. Hwang who just sighed in frustration and a Chairman Hwang who was wearing a cold expression.



Tiffany turned around swiftly the moment she heard the voice revealing her tear strained face to her family.



"G-grandpa? Mom? Dad? I—this—it's not—" Tiffany struggled she doesn't know what to say and do. She was panicking inside and out while Jessica showed the exact opposite, well not exactly the opposite as she was nervous and scared as hell too despite the calm and composed look that she was showing right now.



Jessica was scared, nervous and worried right now especially on what she was about to do but it was now or never so she did it, Jessica held Tiffany's hand entwining them as she step in front and bowed formally.



“Good evening Chairman Hwang, Auntie and Uncle” Jessica said earning a nod of acknowledgement only from Mr. Hwang.



“My name is Jessica Jung and I’m here to ask your permission to see your Miyoung, I love her with all of my heart please give us your blessing please let me be with her…” Jessica bowed formally and as low as she can with her heart pounding fast against her chest.



“Jessi…” Tiffany cupped with her free hand both in surprise and awe. Mr. Hwang too was surprised and impressed at the courage that Jessica was showing however it wasn’t the same for Mrs. Hwang who was red probably from anger and Chairman Hwang who didn’t react at all but instead just called Mrs. Hwang’s attention.



“Miyeon bring Miyoung outside while I talk to her…guest” Chairman Hwang ordered not taking  his cold piercing gaze away from Jessica, a gaze that is par with Jessica’s very own cold glare.



“No wait, Grandpa” Tiffany tightened her grip on Jessica’s hand as her mother tugged on her arm to drag her outside.



“No Jessi don't you dare!” Tiffany yelled when she felt Jessica let go allowing her to be drag away from the room. Jessica held into Tiffany's hand until she can no longer feel Tiffany's fingers on her and sent her a small smile before the door closed separating them.



Chairman Hwang moved and sat in Tiffany’s pink couch at the same time observing Jessica who didn’t move an inch from where she was standing and was just staring back at him with clear eyes.



Jessica stared at the eyes that were observing her, she could see that it was the exact same colour of eyes that Tiffany and Mr. Hwang have, but unlike Tiffany’s warm and clear ones this pair of eyes is cold and intimidating a lot like hers when she was around a stranger. She knew then that those eyes are like hers, it appears cold to others that are unfamiliar for it but will eventually grow into something warm and something lovable if it could see sincerity, so she smiled inwardly as the feeling of courage and hope filed her heart little by little.



“Now Speak” Chairman Hwang asked as he crossed his legs while Mr. Hwang stood behind him.



“I’m asking for your blessing sir to let your granddaughter Tiffany be with me…please allow us to be together” Jessica said unwaveringly.



“What makes you think that I would allow that to happen?” Chairman Hwang intimidated Jessica with his cold gaze but Jessica remained cool reminding herself over and over again that this was for her and Tiffany’s future and love.



“I know that you want her to be happy…” Jessica said staring at those set of eyes similar to Tiffany hoping to convey what she really feels and her sincerity towards Tiffany.



“True but there are some things that were needed to be removed whether it’s a thing or a person—from her life in order for her to grow and have what is way more better for her…”



“Pardon me chairman but if you’re gonna ask me it shouldn’t be the thing that’s better for the person but whatever makes them happy life is too short to spend the time that won’t make us happy” Jessica stated earning a curious gaze from the man in front of her.



“Who told that to you?”



“It was my father who told me that and I believe in it too”



“What could you do for my precious granddaughter?”



“I'll take care of her, give her everything she wants and including my soul and heart” Jessica answered honestly.



“I don't want to hear your plans in the future rather than wasting your time on planning isn’t it better to see progress?”



“You could say that planning ahead for the future isn’t necessary—a waste of time, but it won’t hurt to have one because it is better to be prepared than to panic and not know what to do a plan must be made in order to progress properly”



Chairman Hwang nodded his head in thought.



“But how can you take care of my granddaughter if you are just another teenager who's still studying using her parent's money?”



“Yes I might still be a student chairman and the money that I was using is from the Jung corp. that my parents run but sir I work for it”



“It may be so…but you are the heir of the Jung corporation you too came from a well-known family too you fairly know that what you want to do right now could damage your family’s reputation right?”



“I know sir and I’m ready for anything that could happen nothing can make me give Tiffany up” Jessica answered determinedly.



Silence engulfed them for a few seconds until Mr. Hwang’s voice broke through it.



“See she's not that bad appa, she really loves Miyoung how about giving them your blessing?”



“Yes and she’s not bad but smart and charismatic if I may say” Chairman Hwang answered earning a cute confused frown from Jessica.



Jessica frowned in she doesn't know what is happening for a minute there she was being pressured by their piercing stare and countless different random  questions and now was being praised by the men in front of her.



Chairman Hwang and Mr. Hwang smiled at the obvious confusion on Jessica's face.



“I’m sorry about my daughter” Mr. Hwang said suddenly surprising Jessica.



“She’s pretty weak when it comes to love as it was something that we kind of lacked on giving her” Chairman Hwang said.



Jessica stared at the two men in front of her still confused.



"She's not weak it's just that she thinks of her family first before anything else..." Jessica stated.



Mr. Hwang smiles proudly at what Jessica said, she was obviously defending Tiffany.



Chairman laughed showing the eye smiles that was running on the Hwang's blood.



“You...Jessica must be really in love with our Miyoung she gave you up, left you , hurt you and yet you are still on her side...you are still here risking everything just so you can have her again”



Jessica shakes her head as tint of blushes covered her cheeks.



"I never lost her sir as she was always inside my heart... and what she did before made her quite happy, seeing her family happy makes her happy and if it was something that makes her happy even just for a little then so be it I would rather feel pain and suffer for her to see her happy than to see her suffering just because of me"



Chairman Hwang was impressed at the sincerity on Jessica's eyes and voice when she said those words.



“You’re still young and naïve, young people's feelings are quick to change are you sure that your feelings won’t change?” Chairman Hwang questioned.



“I know what you’re saying sir but what I feel for her...I've tried, we've tried to ignore it but what I feel for her didn’t change a single bit instead it just grew, it grows every single day so please, please give us your blessing…”



“Then Jessica, I expect you to be a good daughter-in-law in the future we expect so much for you two”



Jessica turned silent, she was speechless did she hear it right?



"P-pardon? D-daughter in law?"



"What you don't want to? I thought it was what you were asking before?"



Jessica's milky white cheeks was slowly coloured by red.






"If you’re wondering on how this is so easy it's actually not you know...you two have gone through so much we aren’t happy with it but we want to see how strong is your love for each other before making a decision and you Jessica really proved that you were worthy of our Miyoung…” Mr. Hwang explained.



“Now let’s go out so you could tell Miyoung the good news hmm?”



“But Appa Miyeon—“ Mr. Hwang started but stopped when they heard loud voices arguing outside.



Jessica and Chairman Hwang quickly followed Mr. Hwang who opened the door that revealed the scene of Tiffany and her mother in a tense atmosphere



“Are you crazy?! What is she doing here? I told you to break up with her a long time ago!” Tiffany’s mother screamed loudly clearly fuming with anger.



“No…” Tiffany answered as she stared into space, her breathing becoming heavy from holding back her tears that are caused by the pent up emotions such as fear, sadness, regret and hurt that are reeling inside of her the moment she let Jessica go added by the paranoia of Jessica leaving again.



“What did you just say?”



“I'm not breaking up with her! No! Not again!” Tiffany can’t hold it anymore. She needs to fight; she wants to fight for the two of them, now that the fear and doubts that had been pestering her mind for all these years had completely disappeared the moment Jessica appeared in front of her within her reach and bravely fighting for the two of them—again. Tiffany doesn’t want to lose Jessica, no not again.



“Are you crazy?!” Tiffany’s mother shook her vigorously as if shaking her that much would make Tiffany obey whatever she tells the younger girl.



“Yes! I'm going crazy! Crazy because you keep telling me to break up with the person that I love like crazy! The only person that made me smile even if were not together, the person who made my heart beat wildly without even doing anything, the person that I missed so much every second of my life, the person that  keeps me hoping that one day we’ll be together freely, the person that makes me regret every day of my life for giving up on us for letting go, the person who keep smiling even if I broke her heart and doubted her, the person who suddenly appeared in front of my eyes smiling brightly like I never hurt her, the person who was fighting for the two of us inside that room, the only person that I love and want to be with for the rest of my life and the person that I will never forget even if I die!” Tiffany shouted back, Never in her life she shouted back to her mother because of her love and respect for her but right now it’s becoming too much for her—everything that was held inside of her for the past few months of being away from the one she love was screaming to get out of her while her mother stayed frozen unable to believe what she heard.






“I don't care anymore mom...even if I was far away from her for a long time I still want her, I still need her, I still love her! I don’t want to do anything that will break our relationship again and hurt Jessica”



“Do you really call that kind of relationship as love? Break up with her you won’t get anything from having that kind of thing!”



“I told you mom no and there’s nothing you can say or do to make me change my decision!”



“I'm just trying to protect you!” Tiffany’s mother said.



“You’re not! You’re just being ashamed that me your daughter who you had so high expectation with is like this but I don’t care anymore!”



“Then can you bear the consequences of your immorality huh? Can you keep your head up high while walking around with people judging you huh? Can you live up knowing that I won’t be able to accept you? That you had disappoint and hurt us…”



“I don't care what people will say to me mom, and do you even know why I'm hurting so much right now mom? It’s not because of those people who tried to hurt and judged us, No” Tiffany shook her head and pursed her lips as tears were endlessly falling from her eyes.



“It was because the mom that I love so much too is not even trying to accept me of what I'am and the person that I love so much that even if I tried to forget her countless of times because mom wanted me too because I’ll disappoint and hurt her, dad and grandpa I still can’t because every second that I breathe I think of her…Umma…every second…I think of Jessica and every second I fell even more than before if it’s even possible by how much I love her…”



“Then choose us or that girl!”



“Umma…I love her! And I will still love her even if I die…so stop...please stop... stop it don't make me choose because when it comes to her I don’t think there’s even a choice!” Tiffany said while clasping her hands together as if praying in front of her face.



“Fany-ah…” Jessica called out and Tiffany quickly turned towards her with her red tear stained face, shock and pain evident on her face.



“Jessi…” Tiffany called out when she saw the older girl looking so worried. She tried to calm herself and wiped the tears that are continually flowing out of her puffy swollen eyes.



“Fany-ah pabo…I told you before…Family is important, we begin within it so we should never forget the bond that we share with them cause no matter what happens, our family is our family if not for them we won’t be here...” Jessica cupped Tiffany’s face and traced away with her thumbs the remnants of tears from Tiffany’s swollen eyes that are normally creating her eye smiles. It saddens Jessica so much to see that it was b with sadness than curving into little crescents of happiness but she believes that after this it’ll show those little crescents again that she loves.



“Everything’s gonna be alright Fany-ah trust me…” Jessica whispered before letting out a smile and so does Tiffany though she’s starting to tear up again, Jessica entwined their hands and gave it a squeeze before slowly letting go.



“I’ll be leaving now, thank you for the time that you gave me” Jessica bowed respectfully and walked away.




“I’m really sorry for those days Jessi…I’m sorry for hurting you…” Tiffany bit her lips a sign that she was trying not to cry.


“Stop apologizing will ya? You fought for me, you fought for us that night remember? We did everything we could and showed them our love that they allowed us to be together again” Jessica kissed Tiffany’s cheek and it brought a small twitch on Tiffany’s lips.


“And it was thanks to you that I’m married now to the most kind and beautiful woman who became my life and proposed to me in such a uniquely and loud type of proposal consisting of police, shattered glass and a wanted criminal so come on smile baby~” Jessica peck Tiffany’s lips several time until Tiffany’s lips curved into a smile and a chuckle came out of the both of them.




Your world,

Your future,

Is like a melody echoing together

Every day you’re in my heart




“It wasn’t my fault though I really wanted that night to be perfect and unforgettable but…” Tiffany chuckled embarrassingly and Jessica joined her both remembering of the unexpected events that happened night.





Tiffany and Jessica were dining on a restaurant in L.A. again, after long months of work and busy schedules of meetings they finally had the time to have a vacation together though it was just a week they were still happy about it because they spent every single day of it on a sweet and romantic dates that will end up in a very and I mean very passionate night, and like the past few days they went out on a date again, after it they went to eat on a new restaurant of the Hwang’s that Tiffany placed a reservation on after watching a movie. Tonight was their last night before going back to New York for Tiffany and Shanghai for Jessica for a quick meeting before going back to Korea. The restaurant was really huge on the outside but it was separated by different kinds of rooms for meetings, dates and other kinds of purposes and every room could only consist of a few tables specially the VIP area where Tiffany and Jessica was currently at.



"Fany-ah~ this is amazing you designed this one?” Jessica said while her eyes were busily looking around the place, it was a room that can only fit a few tables for VIP reservations. There is a fountain at the centre of the room while around it the tables were arranged with quite a huge distance from one another to keep the privacy of the clients and the room was coloured with different shades of pink from the curtain up to the ceiling.



“Yes!” Tiffany replied proudly.



“Well I couldn’t doubt it because of the…pinkness all over the place” Jessica laughed, she looked at Tiffany but she wasn’t laughing along with her but was looking at her plate uneasily instead.



“Hey is there something wrong?” Jessica asked worry evident on her voice.



“Jessi…I have to tell you something so please listen okay?” Tiffany said after she made an eye contact with Jessica’s curious ones.



“I love you…I know you know that and I—“ Tiffany was interrupted by the sudden appearance of some men who are playing violins for them, she smiled at them momentarily dazing them with her smile.



“So I was saying…” Tiffany sighed inwardly.



“Wait I think I know this song! Is it our song?” Jessica beamed listening to the music that the men were playing around them.



“Yes it is because what I’m going to tell you tonight is really important for the two of us…what?” Tiffany started again but stopped when she saw the uncomfortable look on Jessica’s face.



“Fany-ah…I know what you’re going to say is important but…can I use the bathroom first?” Jessica said.



“S-sure…” Tiffany answered mentally face palming her forehead.



“I’ll be back in a few sec.” Jessica walked briskly away from their table.



Tiffany sighed, she was really nervous on what she’s going to do tonight that she can’t even concentrate on the movie that they’ve just watched before coming in here, She sighed again.



“I now felt what Jessi is feeling when she confessed to me…Aish…but this was a bigger step than that right? I mean confessing your love and mar—“



“I’m back! sorry bout that so your saying?” Jessica smiled to her increasing Tiffany’s nervousness.



“Okay so Jessi I was talking about how much—“ Tiffany started again but was interrupted again by the waiter who arrived with their orders.



“Here’s your order ma’am…enjoy!” The waiter said cheerily when he finished placing their food. The man received a kind little smile from Jessica but a glare of daggers from Tiffany making him cower in fear and quickly left.



“Seriously…” Tiffany rubbed her forehead in frustration.



“Fany-ah…” It was only what Jessica could say when she saw the way Tiffany’s eyes glared at the poor waiter HellFany is coming out and she doesn’t even know why.



Tiffany sighed for the umpteenth time.



“I’m going to kill the next person who’ll interrupt me…seriously…”



“Jessi…since there are so many distractions I will just say what I’m dying to ask you way before…” Tiffany grabbed a little black box and placed it on the centre of their table, she was about to open it but a loud crash was heard behind them that resounded inside the room making everyone stop what they were just doing. They all turned at the source of the sound and they saw a broken floor to ceiling window, a man came through with it like a villain from a movie with his dishevelled look and black coat holding a gun on her right hand.



“Don’t anyone of you dare to scream, move or call the police you wretched and vile rich people! Do so and I will shoot you straight on the head!” The man shouted as he pointed his gun at a young girl who covered to muffle her cries.



They were all shocked at what just happened except Tiffany who seemed to look really irritated instead of feeling frightened or shocked. Several fearful looks were thrown at the man as he swiftly and cautiously walk a few steps without putting his gun down towards the nearest table to him which was Jessica’s and Tiffany’s table, his eyes quickly caught the black box that was placed on the table, he  grabbed it and lifted it near his face examining it.



“Oh~ looks like this is worth a million dollars…” He grinned evilly before placing it inside his jacket pocket making Tiffany’s temper rise in an unimaginable state, she’s seriously pissed off.



Jessica could only stare at the man in front of her in terror and shock, she wanted to move but the fear coursing on her entire body froze her making her incapable of doing any movements, she could only look fearfully at the man and then to Tiffany who was obviously fuming.



“O-oh…Fany-ah don’t do something stupid!” Jessica looked at Tiffany hoping she would convey what she’s thinking trough it like every time, she knows Tiffany would do something irrational when mad—and she was right.



“Hey you! Leave this us alone right at this moment and I wouldn’t press any charges against you…” Tiffany glared as coldly as she could at the man but the man just smirked amused at the amount of bravery that the girl in front of him is showing.



“Stephanie Hwang Miyoung!” Jessica muttered in a warning voice.



“Oh? Stephanie? And a Hwang? My, my I am so lucky tonight…you could cause a hundred millions of dollars…or should I just play with you?” The man snickered as she played with his gun twirling it on his fingers before pulling another one from his back pocket.



“Come here now…” The man said as he stepped towards Tiffany and stared at her with utmost malice.



“Don’t you dare!” Jessica screamed and tried to stand up but failed when once again she was unable to move when the man turned to her and pointed his gun near her face and the other to Tiffany’s.



“Hah! Stephanie Hwang the granddaughter of the infamous chairman of that Stupid Hwang Corporation and you…” The man turned to Jessica.



“That Jessica Jung who appeared on news several of times I presume? Her gay of a girlfriend…” The man laughed at the hateful looks that he’s receiving from the two.



“Do you know how much I hate people like you?”



“I don’t need your opinion you’re nothing get lost” Tiffany calmly replied while her eyes were continuously looking hatefully at the man.



“Tsk, wrong answer!” The man walked behind Jessica and placed his arms around her neck his gun pointing directly on her head.



“You know you wouldn’t gain anything good with this…” Tiffany calmly said but inside her she was now a bit scared—albeit still angry—at the current situation when it sink into her that this man is armed and probably out of his mind to the point that he would shoot anyone without a second thought, she looked at Jessica’s nervous eyes before briefly looking past the man to a corner where a hidden CCTV were surely installed, she purposely requested it to be installed in a manner where no one would be able to notice that there is a camera there so the costumers wouldn’t be uncomfortable, she stared at it knowing that the police were alerted already before standing up and bravely stepping forward in front of the man and smiled.



“T-take another step and I’ll blow her head off” The man stammered bewildered on Tiffany’s unfearful actions.



“Are you sure you’re brave enough to do that? You know that I won’t forgive you and make your whole life into hell until you die and suffer on the actual hell in case you did that to my future wife…” Tiffany stated calmly and walked a few steps towards the man while staring at the man with her cold fuming stare. The man gulped as he pointed the gun on Tiffany with his shaky hand he put his index finger on the trigger preparing to shoot when the door banged open revealing a large group of men dressed in combat uniforms with guns and lasers were visibly pointed around the man’s body.



“L.A. police! Don’t move!” One of the SWAT like police screamed. The man became distracted and turned his head side wards to the group of policemen who are pointing all of their guns to him, seeing the opportunity Tiffany quickly pulled a round house kick releasing the gun on the man’s hand and stumble a few feet away from them then Jessica followed it with a strong elbow on the man’s stomach making him yelped loudly and curl down clutching his stomach in utter most pain. Tiffany acted quickly and kicked the other gun that is still on the man’s hand away and held Jessica’s wrist dragging her away guiding her behind her back.



The police swiftly seized the man before he could recover and placed cuffs around his wrist.



“Jessi…are you alright?” Tiffany turned around and cuffed Jessica’s sweaty face.



‘Yes…thank you…” Jessica nodded swallowing the lump of fear that formed on when the man got a hold of her.



“Jessi…I know this is kind of inappropriate to ask now but seeing you in that kind of scary situation made me want to ask this to you, way more than before…” Tiffany said as she focused her gaze on Jessica’s eyes.



“What is it?” Jessica hugged Tiffany but she pulled away and turned to the police who are holding the fallen man escorting him away.



“Officer excuse me but I just wanted to take back something that belongs to me…” Tiffany said as she pulled the box from the man’s jacket packet before allowing him to continue being escorted outside.



“Fany-ah?” Jessica tugged on Tiffany’s arm, Tiffany turned around and smiled before slowly kneeling in front of Jessica getting the attention of everyone who are inside the room panicking or not. They stared at the tow bewildered at what’s happening to Tiffany and one of the police even tried to stand her up thinking that she was hurt but she waved her off.



“Actually I prepared a speech and rehearsed it a lot of times when you were asleep but now that I’m here I can’t even remember a proper word from it except the words that I love you…So I’m just going to say what comes to mind right now, Jessica, Jung Sooyeon, Jessi, My love, You own my heart, ever since you entered it…I’ve hurt you a lot and then left thinking that I could forget you but it didn’t happen because every single day my heart screamed for your name…I guess I was just saying that I love you so much and I will continue to love you even if it takes forever and nothing could ever change that not even until my heart stop beating so…” Tiffany breathed out and then swallowed at the way Jessica’s misty eyes stared at her.



“Jessica Jung Sooyeon will you please marry me?” Tiffany finally asked and she held her breath waiting for Jessica’s answer.



"W-what did you just say?" Jessica stammered unable to believe what was happening in front of her.



“Will you Jung Jessica marry me, Hwang Stephanie the one who love you so much?” Tiffany asked again nervousness evident on her face and voice as Jessica just stared at her with opened mouth for a few seconds that was like an eternity for her before being pulled by Jessica to stand up and hugged her as tightly as she could and snuggled into her neck.



“Fany-ah…I love you so much…My sweet angel” Jessica whispered and sniffled.



“So what’s your answer Jessi?” Tiffany asked as she Jessica’s wavy hair while hugging her back.



“Don’t you know yet?” Jessica answered a bit muffled.



“Nope, I wanted to hear your answer” Tiffany grinned.



“Of course! Of course I would marry you, I wanted you since the first time I—” Jessica was cut offed by Tiffany who swiftly pulled back from the hug and kissed her with so much passion.



The people who saw them clapped their hands seeing this and some took a picture of them while shouting their congratulations to the two.



“I love you…” Tiffany smiled along with her eyes.



“I love you more” Jessica replied breathlessly.





“It’s alright it’s not every day that you’ll experience something like that…and you obviously succeeded on making it on the really unforgettable part you know…My knight in shining black dress…”





Monday, Let dreams bloom

Tuesday, to become bigger (with the previous line)




“Fany ah~” Jessica whispered.






“Would you please stop breathing on my neck?” Jessica bit her lower lip.



“Waeyo…” Tiffany asked teasingly and huskily on Jessica’s ears making sure that her breath hit the older girl’s sensitive spot.



“Aish stop blowing on my neck or else…” Jessica trailed off gulping.



“Or else what?” Tiffany smirked.



“Or else I don’t think I’ll be able to last until we came inside the room tonight!”



“Then why wait?” Tiffany whispered although wanting to laugh.



“Do you seriously want to get ed by me right at this moment in front of this many people?” Jessica inquired.



“Yes, no, maybe?  And it’s making love not my love…” Tiffany giggled.





Jessica was kissing Tiffany, sensually placing light kisses up and down from her neck towards her collarbone they were just watching a movie earlier but unsurprisingly ended up doing playful kisses that turned into a few short kisses until they came up to what they were doing right now.



“Jessi…you know I think Yoona likes Yuri…” Tiffany muttered when it suddenly came to her mind before letting out a small moan.



“Hmm…Really? I think so too…” Jessica replied busily placing feathery kisses on every inch of Tiffany’s neck and collarbone.



“You think Yoona likes Yuri too?” Tiffany asked leaning her head side wards giving Jessica more access to her neck.



“Ahm no”



“What?” Tiffany stopped Jessica by placing each of her hands on her hot flushed cheeks, their chests heaving along with their uneven breaths.



“I mean Yuri likes Yoona like so much I guess?”






“Well since she kind of asks me every time about her and she obviously looked flushed whenever Yoona comes around or is saying hi to her”



“The same with Yoong, and she’s now constantly watching Yul while practicing”



“Looks like they really like each other...but do you think?” Tiffany raised an eyebrow.



“It’s up to them if they really love each other that much Fany-ah, now where were we?” Jessica stated as she was leaning forward wanting to kiss Tiffany again but she was stopped by Tiffany’s hand on her face and mouth.



“But they could use some little push right? You know how stubborn and uptight Yoong is…” Tiffany suggested.



“Hmm…but just a little okay? Now can we please go back to what we were doing?” Jessica bit her lip.



“My pleasure…” Tiffany whispered huskily but Jessica giggled.



“You do know how ironi—“ Jessica was cut offed by Tiffany’s chaste kiss on her lips.



“Just shut up and kiss me” Tiffany placed her arms around Jessica’s neck pulling her for a kiss.





“You…are the only one who could be such a tease and irrefutably seductive at the same time…every time…” Jessica groaned.



“Well…Because someone is always getting seduced…” Tiffany lightly and swiftly blew on Jessica’s earlobe greatly making Jessica’s face redder than before.



“Tiffany!” Jessica growled making Tiffany laugh.




The Wednesday

There’s no such thing as never-ending rain, right?




“But I’m not the only one who’s a tease you know…” Tiffany said.





Tiffany walked out of her room planning to go to Yoona’s room checking if the younger girl was back already after all it’s already the wee hours of the night so she should be back already. It wasn’t rare for Yoona to go missing on her room during these past few weeks and being found alone sitting on their garden staring at the stars unable to sleep like her, After all who would on what was happening around? She already can’t sleep by just seeing how things were but how much more so if she’s the one in her cousin’s place?  But then when she arrived at the front door she heard a song playing loud enough to cover any sounds coming from the room but no matter how loud the music was you can still hear the loud sobs that were so distinguishable from the music attracting her attention, it wasn’t the first time hearing sobs coming from Yoona’s room though, the first time was when she was about to go to the bathroom one night and she accidentally hears Yoona crying and like always she felt like someone’s tugging at her heart like slowly pulling it out of her chest, leaving her with only the immense pain to feel brought by the pity and guilt that she feels for the younger girl specially because after Yoona accepted the proposal she became so distant from her and every time she asks Yoona if she’s alright she would only smile and say the most obvious lie of ‘Yeah don’t worry about me’ and whenever she hear those words and see that Yoona was drowning herself with lies more and more each day her heart sinks more than before. She doesn’t have the courage from the past few weeks because of the guilt that was creeping up on her heart every time she look into Yoona’s eyes but this time she’s ready to overcome whatever she’s feeling to be able comfort Yoona as it was the only thing she could do for her so she quickly knocked on the door.



"Yoongie?" Tiffany was leaning her forehead on the door feeling hopelessness wash over her as her hearing is being drowned by Yoona’s sounds of sobbing.



"Yoongie?" Tiffany called out again after the music had been silenced but Yoona didn’t respond to her.



"Yes unnie?" Yoona answered obviously muffling her sobs.



“Are you okay?” Tiffany asked as Yoona's muffled sobs died down that she can’t hear it anymore, she waited again but Yoona didn't respond.



“We can talk about it…” Tiffany spoke out quietly her hands clenching on the door knob she's holding.



“I’m okay, don’t worry about me unnie” Yoona replied, of course Tiffany knows that her dongsaeng was lying.



“You’re not Yoong…please don’t shut me out let me come in…” Tiffany pleaded her own tears gathering at the corner of her eyes ready to fall. She opened the door even if the younger girl didn’t gave her permission to her to do so but she wished that she didn’t because the moment she opened the door she was greeted by Yoona’s red swollen eyes and tear stained face. Tiffany’s heart clenched tightly upon seeing the sight guilt sadness and regret feeling her up. She wishes that she became more mature and just accepted the proposal for herself but then if she did it she would let go of her happiness and heart too. She was confused, is it right to pass on the responsibility that should be hers? Or was it right if she just took it reeling herself into the world of regret and immense sadness for leaving Jessica.



“Yoong…” It’s the only thing that Tiffany managed to say.



“Unnie don’t worry I’m okay…” and like always Yoona swallowed her emotions and lied again because for her it’s the only thing that she can do, lie and take all the pain inside her but Tiffany could see right through it feeling the pain that was eating her cousin up too.



Tiffany didn’t say anything as she closed the door and walked her jelly like legs towards Yoona hugging her tightly, conveying what she’s feeling through the hug. Yoona didn’t push her away but instead hugged her back tightly letting her tears out and Tiffany was glad with it that Yoona didn’t shut her out like she was doing before, she could finally help and comfort Yoona like when they were young when Yoona was first brought into the house where she found her crying so much alone with no one to hold on to but herself and from then on she made a promise to herself to make whatever pain that this girl was feeling away or at least for it to be bearable even a bit for her.


“All these time I could only function properly in front of everyone with him because every time I look at him I imagined that it was her, it was Yuri that was with me holding my hand…but tonight…Yul…I…she…” Tiffany didn’t say anything she just let Yoona cry and cry until she can no more and eventually fell asleep.



Tiffany felt that Yoona was holding something so she reached behind her grabbing whatever it is that Yoona was holding and upon seeing it she saw that it was a notebook, it was the notebook that the two always used to write things, it was their diary as they said when she and Jessica asked the two what it was. She touched it tracing the symbol in between of the letters that was engraved to it an infinite symbol signifying the everlasting unity between the two.



“Tiffany-Unnie…” Yoona called out in a raspy voice startling Tiffany.



“Yoong I didn’t mean…”



Yoona’s other hand clenched on her shirt and she clenched her own on the notebook when she saw another tear drop from Yoona’s eyes.



“Unnie sorry I’m okay now you could go back to your room…please?” Yoona pleaded when she saw the refusal on Tiffany’s eyes on her idea and with the pleading voice of Yoona Tiffany nodded and pulled away from the hug before sitting at the bed handing Yoona the notebook that Yoona didn’t take but instead looked away.



“Unnie please throw that away or do whatever to it…”



"Are you sure?" Tiffany asked clearly shocked.



“Yes…now unnie please leave me alone for now…” Yoona replied.



“O-okay…” that’s the only thing that she could reply, holding on to the notebook she went out of the room and shutting the door closed. She walked towards her room unable to believe what she just heard; she blankly opened the door and closed it before leaning her forehead and body on it facing the door. She sighed then squealed when something or rather someone pinched her on her behind making her turn on her back in shock and anger planning to beat up whomever it is but she changed her mind when she was faced by a pouting Jessica that her face is so close to her, she opened to ask but it remained unsaid when Jessica leaned forward capturing her lips into a short yet passionate kiss.



“You’re so tense…and I’ve been standing here for a minute now what’s wrong?” Jessica asked a closed eye Tiffany when she pulled away from the kiss.



“Everything is wrong these past few weeks…what are you doing here so late? And Yah! Did you climb on my veranda again?” Tiffany asked seeing the sliding door on her veranda open letting the wind hit the sprawling curtains as it blew.



“So whiny…I came here 30 minutes ago where did you go?” Jessica muttered as she pinch Tiffany’s nose and dragged her girlfriend towards the bed before freely slumping herself on the other side of the bed beside Tiiffany.



“From Yoong’s room, really why are you here?” Tiffany asked as she straddled Jessica’s lap before capturing Jessica’s cheeks between her hands.



“I just wanted to hear your voice so I came here…” Jessica looked away preventing eye contact.



“It’s about Yul isn’t it? You cried…” Tiffany guessed tracing the underside of Jessica’s eyes.



“So are you…care to tell me why?” Jessica replied swiftly switching their position so Tiffany was underneath her now.



“Yoona was crying too so much that it reminds me of the first time I saw her cry when she felt that she have lost everything…”



“Yul too it was the first time I saw her cry like that well that’s after the funeral of her parents…at first I thought that it’s a good thing that she finally let it out cause you know how she is even when I told her about Yoong but when I went inside her room I couldn’t handle it, it was so…”



“Heart-breaking…why does it need to be them Jessi?” Tiffany cried.



“Ssh don’t cry…I love you Tiffany don’t cry please in time everything will fall into its place sshh” Jessica coed while kissing Tiffany’s cheeks  making Tiffany smile at the care and love her girlfriend is showing her.



“I love you too but I’m guessing something happened between those two?” Tiffany replied.



“I guess so…she left early in the morning only to come back now crying like that…”



“Jessi we must stop the wedding tomorrow aren’t everything ready yet?”



“I’ve sent the papers this morning but looks like the chairman haven’t read it yet but T.O.P Oppa is ready…” Jessica grinned and chuckled making Tiffany smile her eye smile visible more on her swollen eyes.



“Too bad we can’t humiliate him in front of everyone…”



“We can’t help it, it’ll ruin their company image and Chairman Lee is a powerful and good man so we really shouldn’t plus what we’re going to do is already considered as sacrilege…” Jessica kissed Tiffany’s temple.



“I know so let’s finish this Jessi and then expiate for it to God…oh and by the way I wanted you to give Yul something” Tiffany pointed at the fallen notebook on her bed beside them when she was pulled by Jessica.



“Yeah, Oh? This…okay I’ll give it to her later but before that…” Jessica leaned in so Tiffany closed her eyes expecting for her to kiss her.



“Let’s sleep, aigoo I’m so tired…” Jessica said as she buried her face comfortably on Tiffany’s chest.



“Aish you are such a tease!” Tiffany hit Jessica on the shoulder but the girl was already fast asleep.



“Looks like you’re really tired…Goodnight Jessi…” Tiffany kissed Jessica’s forehead before closing her eyes hoping sleep will come to her.




“Yah! I was just really tired that night!”







Thursday, As if singing to the moon

Friday, Playing the dreams

The night rains a series of feelings

To you...Everyday Love





“Jessi remember when you climbed up into the tree near my room and sleep with me?” Tiffany let out a small smile.



“You mean the one that we initially intended to sleep but ending up staying up all night?”



“Yeah the first time you gave me a goodnight kiss”



“Yep very clearly”




It was a clear night the streets were quite empty as both big and small bright dots of light lay scattered across the darkened navy blue sky stars that made a trail overhead in simple magnificence. Tiffany opened the sliding door that is separating her room and her veranda cell phone in her hand. She went out and stopped to look up the stars twinkling as she inhaled the scent of the cold boundless night.



“Fany-ah~” Tiffany heard Jessica’s whining voice on the other line.



“Jessi~” Tiffany whined back missing the older girl’s warm hug around her, she grasped her phone tightly and pressed it closer into her ear as if that will make the great distance that separates them disappear and make Jessica close to her.



“The stars are beautiful tonight don’t you think?” Jessica said on the other line clearly in an amused voice making Tiffany wonder what Jessica is doing at the moment.



“What‘s so funny? And hey, doesn’t she miss me?” Tiffany pouted.



“Yeah they are beautiful, I suddenly miss you Jessi” Tiffany sighed sitting at her chair outside on her veranda still looking up the stars in the sky that is like hypnotizing her from twinkling simultaneously.



“Really?” Jessica answered breathlessly.



“Yes really! Really~ what’s wrong with you Jessi? don’t you miss me too?” Tiffany was beginning to get upset now frown adorning her face.



“Aish don’t frown it doesn’t suit your beautiful face” Tiffany’s eyebrows furrowed more wondering how did the older girl knew that she was frowning. Then she heard a whistle, she looked at the source of the sound seeing a waving Jessica one hand holding the phone and the other busily waving towards her sitting on one of the branches on the tree near her. It was so near that the end of the branch was touching the edge of the veranda where Tiffany was standing.



“Jessi?” Tiffany smiled so brightly and prettily that could compete with the bright beautiful stars that are endlessly twinkling above them still doubting if what she was seeing is real.



“I ran all the way here since you said that you missed me” Jessica grinned towards Tiffany.






“Yah is that all your gonna say after I ran just so you can see me and stop missing me?” Jessica said before hanging up then she stood up on the thick branch that she was sitting earlier, she walked carefully towards the veranda and jumped beside Tiffany. When Tiffany didn’t give any response she flicked Tiffany’s forehead bringing Tiffany back in reality.



“Thank you Jessi but I won’t stop missing you even if you’re here you know” Tiffany hugged Jessica tightly not bothering if she’s even crushing the older girl with her tight hug.



“Hey, are you drunk or something?” Jessica asked her cheeks and ears turning a bit pink.



“Stupid hormones…”



Tiffany shook her head with a slow movement rubbing her face on Jessica’s chest and then looked up smiling along with her eyes that she guess makes Jessica’s heart skip a beat and it just prove her intuition right when Jessica stared at her dazedly red colouring her white cheeks and ears.



“I…” At loss for words Jessica Just grinned at Tiffany giving the same effect to her.



They stared at each other their hearts beating loudly against their chest reverberating up towards to their ears, Tiffany completely in trance followed that force that’s pulling her closer to Jessica’s face and eyed her lips making her want to kiss the older girl, it was the feeling that she always felt whenever Jessica stood too close to her or just plainly there staring at her or whenever she stared at the older girl.



“F-fany-ah W-why don’t you sleep?” Jessica suggested stuttering just as Tiffany was just an inch away from her own.



“I can’t sleep” Tiffany lied she was actually sleepy feeling the comfort that Jessica brought on her and though her heart was beating wildly it was still comfortable enough for her as she was already used to it whenever she’s with Jessica.



“You can't sleep?” Jessica held Tiffany’s hand and guided her inside the room before closing the glass sliding door.



Tiffany nodded though her eyes are clearly betraying her when they fluttered close and opened again in half lidded appearance.



“Right…you’re not” Jessica let out a laugh obviously knowing that Tiffany was lying. She then led Tiffany to the bed Tiffany lied on the bed and slipped into the soft comforters as Jessica did the same afterwards Jessica slipped her arm around Tiffany’s waist hugging her close while her other hand was placed under Tiffany’s head and her hand busily ruffling Tiffany’s curls.



“Hmm…” Tiffany shook her head and buried her face on Jessica’s chest breathing Jessica’s intoxicating perfume.



“You said you're going to give me my goodnight kiss tonight where is it?” Tiffany muttered said trying to change the subject. Her words were a bit muffled as she spoke with her face buried on Jessica’s chest. Truthfully Tiffany was surprised when Jessica said it to her the other night as Jessica is not that vocal and rarely the first one to initiate any type of skin ship let alone a kiss because the older girl was so timid when it comes to physical affections. Surprising or not Tiffany thinks it was a good thing because that means Jessica is opening up to her more, little by little.



“Ah...that one... Jessica stopped her ministrations and pulled out from the hug making Tiffany pout from the loss of contact and diminishing warmth. Jessica smiled as she cupped Tiffany’s cheeks with both of her hands. Then Tiffany froze her mind in a blank and stomach whirling as she felt Jessica’s soft lips was placed on her forehead kissing it tenderly and lovingly, Tiffany closed her eyes feeling the warmth and love that she was feeling from it.


“Now sleep will you? Or else it will really be dangerous for the both of us…especially to you” Jessica whispered before going back to her original position.





“I’m still not that vocal about what I feel at that time so I did what is the easiest thing for me to do, let my actions speaks for me” Jessica chuckled.



“And I clearly received the message Tiffany whispered back as a huge smile crept on her face and she placed a kiss on Jessica’s cheek.



“You know I spent the whole night thinking about that”



“Me too”





It’s fleeting and painful, right?

It’s little twinkle star

Your wish isn’t that far




“Yul’s voice is really good at singing…I remember when she sang at the wedding.” Tiffany praised Yuri.



“She is…but back then it was really heart breaking that I was trying so hard not to cry and because we still need to follow the plan” Jessica replied while Tiffany just sighed.





Jessica and Yuri are standing facing the huge white double doors that is separating the hall and the altar of the church where Yoona’s wedding will take place in just a few seconds or minutes from now.



“Yul…are you sure? You know I can see right through you, You’re not okay” Jessica inquired while looking straight at Yuri’s eyes she knows that the girl is only forcing herself to be okay, after all who would be when the one person that they love and wanted to be with forever is going to pledge their love to someone else and all you can do is to watch and sing a song for them.



“Yes…It’s the last wish I can grant for her before I forget all of our promises and lost her forever” Yuri answered smiling bitterly obviously trying so hard not to cry and project the cool kkab Kwon Yuri the image that all the people sees and loves.



Jessica slowly opened the double doors and motioned for Yuri to walk towards the black piano that she is going to use on the left corner of the aisle.



“Just bear with it Yul…Just a little more…and you’re going to be with her again…don’t you give up yet…” Jessica thought as she exchanged a look with the priest’s eyes and nodded before positioning herself beside Tiffany who kissed her on her cheek and entwined their hands, and then the ceremony began.


“Everything’s set…”




Tiffany tightened her grip on Jessica’s hand when she heard the way Yuri sang the song; it was really heart-breaking, like a cry of pain and strife. Jessica squeezed back a way of wordlessly comforting Tiffany and herself.



“Yul is crying and Yoong knows…” Tiffany said as she looked at Yoona who was biting her lower lip probably holding her tears back staring past her supposed to be husband to Yuri who has tears in staining her beautiful face.



“I know…but it’s not time yet…we can’t do anything rash…” Jessica replied.



“Where is the notebook I gave you last night?”



“I slid it inside Yul’s bag this morning before going here, she’s acting really odd you know…like she was going to leave or something?”



“Maybe it’s just because of yesterday?”



“I hope so…”



Everyone clapped their hands as the newlyweds walked and they formed a crowd around them congratulating them.



“I lost Yul where did she go? We need to find her Jessi…” Tiffany frowned when she saw the empty space from where Yuri was just standing at a few seconds ago.



“Later we need to talk to chairman and gather all the elders Fany” Jessica replied walking briskly to talk to the Hwang’s and Chairman Lee.



“Where are you Yul?” Tiffany followed Jessica.




“But is she better than me?” Jessica questioned puffing her cheeks.



“Of course not, in my eyes you’re better than anyone else in the world especially when you sing using your love for me” Tiffany replied pinching her Jessica’s light pink cheeks.



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Chapter 3: still waiting T^T
Trackstar #2
Chapter 3: When is the epilogue bonus chapter coming out? I really wants to know Yoona's reaction when she knows Yuri is pregnant!
Chapter 3: update soon please
Chapter 3: Hehe i came looking for ma JeTi BABIES! >~<
The only thing i was confused about was how ya described Jessi as DA MAN in JeTi's relationship being all sooo BRAVE, CHEESY, ROMANTIC AND A SOCCER GURL, BUT ya kinda end up giving Tiff da title of being da hubby...... (ME LIKE JESSIHUBBY)! O_O
And YoonYul, poor poor them too having to SUFFER a LOT, TOO MUCH! >_<

Ya know, i was reading NONSTOP and had many SLEEPLESS nights 'cause of your SUPER LOOOOOOOONG CHAPTERS!!!! That's a HELLA LOT to read! XD
bettelovestina #5
Chapter 1: This is the longest chapter I've read in a fanfiction ever..just like reading a novel..love it!
Chapter 3: Yeayy epilogue!!!
Update soon please :)
bambam88 #7
Chapter 3: well, what can i say O.O i'm so speechless! O.O

the way you write yoonyul's stories is great! ^^ i love how your wonderful mind create this things. and i'm so happy on how you ended this trilogy ^^ woooh! you're such a great author! ^^ i'm one of your fans already! ^^ looking forward for your next stories! excellent work author! ^^
Chapter 1: Yay!! Sobraaaaaaang Habaaaaaa. XD babasahin ko nyan to once a day haha.
Btw diko pa binasa first chapter mamaya nalang xD