
The Faithful Wife

Junghwa buttoned Haru's dress and looked at her little baby girl. "You're so cute," she cooed and tapped Haru's small nose. Haru let out a small, light giggle and looked at her mother with her big, innocent eyes that made her heart melt.

"Honey, help me, please." Sunggyu came out of the closet in his favorite pair of black skinny jeans along with light white v-neck along with his light blue cardigan and Junghwa let out a small laugh as she looked at her husband who was struggling trying to fix his hair at the same time as buttoning his jeans.

"Why are you worse than Haru?" She placed Haru in the middle of their bed before she walked towards her husband and began to fix his hair for him. Sunggyu let her do her work and he watched her with gentle eyes. "Stop staring at me, will you, Gyu?" She asked as she looked at him with a small pout on her face.

"I'm sorry," he let out a chuckle. "You're just so beautiful." Sunggyu pecked Junghwa's lips and smiled in triumph as he saw her cheeks redden. "That dress really suits you though, love." He said as he admired her white tee-shirt and her wool, long sleeved, periwinkle sweater with her cotton, pastel, floral shorts that matched with her light brown and white oxfords that Sunggyu had bought her the other week. Her long, dark brown hair cascaded down her back in soft curls that seemed to emphasize the youthful look to her face.

"Whose party is this again?" She asked him as she patted his hair then taking a step backwards to see if he looked decent and, as always, he looked handsome.

"Just a friends party. He wanted to see the family so he invited the three of us." Sunggyu told her with a light smile on his face before he pecked her lips then going towards his daughter who was trying her best to sit up on her own. "Aigoo," he exclaimed. "My baby is so big now! Are you ready to meet your uncles?" Sunggyu lightly tapped her small, button nose, making her giggle. "Let's go now before we're late," he said as he took Haru off of the bed and held her and Junghwa picked up the light brown and pink diaper bag along with her black, leather Chanel shoulder bag.

The family got in their car, Sunggyu coming in a few minutes after buckling Haru in her car seat while Junghwa sat in the passenger seat of their silver, Honda CR-V. A few months before having Haru, Junghwa had persuaded Sunggyu into buying a new car that'd be more baby appropriate than his Aston Martin, which took a lot of convincing after Sunggyu had said multiple time that his car was fine for having a baby with, but, of course, he let his wife win the argument and bought a new car.

Halfway through the ride, Sunggyu took hold of Junghwa's hand and interlacing their fingers together. "His name is Kim Myungsoo," Sunggyu said, making Junghwa look at him, confused at his words. "The one hosting the party," he clarified for her.

"Myungsoo?" Junghwa cocked her head to the side and dug deep in her memories for the name. "Ahh," she said quietly. "Your good looking friend?" Jungwha asked as she looked at her husband.

"No," he answered. "He's quite an ugly friend of mine," he smiled at his wife.

Sunggyu brought her hand up towards his lips and placed a light kiss on her hand. Junghwa smiled at Sunggyu and sat in her seat with a content smile on her face. She had everything in the world and she could not be any happier with her life, but there was an empty space in her heart and she knew what it was from. No matter what she did to push away the feeling, she couldn’t. Junghwa couldn’t abandon that part of her heart-- not yet that is. She knew it wasn’t right, especially since she had Sunggyu and Haru by her side. A complete family. She had all the money in the world, a handsome-- and not to mention talented-- husband who loved her with his entire being and Haru, her beautiful daughter whom she loved in the entire world.

Sunggyu stopped the car in front of a big house-- not as big as their own that is-- and parked the car in an available spot for them to easily get in the house. He let go of Junghwa’s hand and unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car and went to get Haru out of her car seat while Junghwa got out of the car, following Sunggyu’s actions but instead, she grabbed the two bags from the back seat then closed the car door and walked towards the front of the car and met up with Sunggyu who held a sleeping Haru in his arms.

“Oh, my baby is tired already,” she sighed as they trio made their way to the door. Junghwa rang the doorbell to the house then stepped back next to Sunggyu. The family waited for a few minutes before the door opened and they were greeted with a young male with dark brown hair and a black tee-shirt on along with a pair of black jeans-- similar to Sunggyu’s-- and a small smirk as he greeted the guests, inviting them inside the house.

“Hyung, the guys are in the living room,” he told Sunggyu before his attention turned to Junghwa. His smirk turned into a small, gentle smile as he bowed his head. “Sorry, Hwa, there’s no other girls here today,” Myungsoo gave her a small smile then asked if she wanted him to take the bags from her which she kindly declined. Myungsoo nodded as an answer before returning to the living room where his friends were.

Junghwa watched at Sunggyu as he tried his best to hold Haru as he took of his shoes. She let out a small snort before she took Haru from her husband so he could take off his shoes easier than struggle to hold Haru and himself up and have trouble at his feet. Sunggyu took his shoes off then took Haru back from his wife so she can take off her shoes.

Once she was done, the family of three made their way into the house with Junghwa following closely behind Sunggyu as she admired the simplicity of the house with it’s many glass walls and big, open windows that showed the pretty yard of Myungsoo’s estate. She began to hear laughter as they neared the living room and when they arrived, they were welcomed with big smiles and dying laughter from the group of four men. Junghwa bowed her head and gave them her bright and pretty smile that she seemed to show off to everyone.

“Hello,” she greeted as she sat besides Sunggyu on the sofa. She placed her purse and Haru’s diaper bag on the ground.

“Hello, Misses Kim,” a chuckle followed the words as she made eye contact with Sungyeol, the joker of their small group of friends they had. “How’s my Haru doing?” He asked as he stood up from the sofa, placing his bottle of beer down on the sofa.

Junghwa opened to protest since he had just gotten done drinking, but Dongwoo stopped her by saying how that’s his first one of the night and there was absolutely nothing to worry about. She watched with hawk-like eyes how Sungyeol carefully took Haru from her father and made his way back across the table to where he originally sat. She was still paranoid even after having Haru around for 7 months.

“There’s food in the kitchen if your wife and you want to eat,” Myungsoo explained as he stood up from the sofa and made his way towards the kitchen but stopped when Junghwa told him she could get the food. “Suit yourself,” he said as he returned to his seat on the sofa and continued to play with Haru, who was now in Hoya’s arms.

“Do you want to eat, Gyu?” She asked as she looked to her husband who nodded his head. “Okay, I’ll be back.” Junghwa stood up and fixed her shorts as she made her way into the kitchen. She looked at the island covered in trays of appetizers that he-- Myungsoo-- probably heated in the oven of his. Junghwa grabbed a plate from the end of closest to the kitchen door and began to pile the plate with food for Sunggyu and her to eat. Looking at the overflowing plate, she deemed it as good enough to not have to come back to the kitchen. Junghwa returned to Sunggyu and placed the food on the table and glanced at Haru who was now on the ground playing with her four uncles while Sunggyu sat on the sofa watching them interact with his daughter.

“You’re back,” he said softly as he pulled Junghwa onto the sofa, making her sit on his lap. Junghwa blushed heavily at the sudden action and pried Sunggyu’s arms off of her waist before any of his friends saw.

“Not here, Gyu,” she reprimanded him as she stood up from his lap and fixed her clothing. Sunggyu let out a sigh, but nonetheless, nodded his head and promised nothing would happen.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Myungsoo stood up and ran towards the door the moment the he heard the second ring. Sunggyu furrowed his brows and looked at his friends asking for clarification as to why he was so eager to reach the door when Sungjong answered: “There’s a new friend of his he wanted to introduce to us.”

“Who is it?” Sunggyu asked as he took a bite of a fruit from the tray of food from the plate.

“Not sure,” Hoya replied as he continued to play with Haru.

Junghwa turned around when she heard Myungsoo’s voice along with a familiar chuckle. Her eyes widened and her heart stopped beating for a second as she saw who it was.

“Everyone,” Myungsoo said as he stopped in front of his friends. He placed an arm around the male’s shoulder, pulling him closer to his side. “This is my new friend, Nam Woohyun.” A proud smile etched its way on Myungsoo’s face as he looked at everyone’s smiling faces but failed to notice one person rigid as a stone by her husband who was now on his feet.



I've updated, loves~! I would like to thank you all for not unsubscribing to my story. Please look forward to more chapters to come! 

Happy reading, loves! 

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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 6: Add more please
I'll be cheering for you to complete the story. New reader here! :)