Chapter 3:

Pieces of Time

I brought Hyuk home with me because I knew I couldn’t watch him cry his heart out here in public. When we got to my apartment building, he lay on the couch and continued letting the tears fall. I made him some tea and held out the cup. He took it and put it on the coffee table, otherwise, doing nothing else. I sat on the small wooden chair that was positioned almost next to the couch and waited.

    It was almost an hour before he stopped crying and by then his tea was cold and so were my feelings for that Jihye girl. I don’t think I ever hated anyone with such intensity before then. He sniffled and looked at me, his eyes red as a tomato. I sighed.

    “Can you tell me what happened?” I asked. This Hyuk was totally different than the one I was so used to. He was so different then the smiley, hyper Hyuk who I became friends with when I was a kid. 

    “I-I don’t want to bother you with my problems…” he trailed off. I almost made a little joke, but I decided not to, since it would probably make the whole situation worse than needed. I shook my head instead and told him, “You’re not bothering me at all.”

    He took a minute to regain his senses, breathing heavily and wiping his eyes. I got up and heated the tea for him so that he wouldn’t be drinking it cold. He sipped it a bit before starting, still looking like he was about to cry again.

    “You know how I said she stood me up and when I came into school, she acted like I wasn’t even there?” he asked, making sure I was caught up on all the details. I nodded. “Well, afterwards, she got some of her guy friends to come and taunt me about it, saying it was all my fault… they said things and I--” he cut himself off, letting out a tiny squeak, thinking about the other kids. I moved over to sit next to him, putting my arm securely around his shoulder.

    “What did they say?” I questioned. I wanted to know so that I had a good reason to beat up whoever these kids were, not that making Hyuk cry wasn’t bad enough. He swallowed down his newly formed tears.

    “They told me that I… I was a useless piece of and they called me gay because we hang out so much…” he whispered, almost as if he didn’t want me to hear it. I pulled back, shocked. I knew he was referring to me. It was true we hang out a lot and true that I have taken quite a liking to my friend, but to just come out and say that was kind of harsh. 

    “Who were they?” I stood up and demanded. He looked up at me and shook his head.

    “Don’t worry about it, hyung. Jihye hurt me more than they did. I don’t mind it; it just bothered me because Jihye sent them to say that.” He made a grab for my hand, trying to stop me from doing anything too rash, but at the moment, I was so angry that I pulled out of his grip. I hated that girl and those kids who went along with her. Actually, the only people who I didn’t hate at the moment were Hyuk and the rest of my friends. 

    “They deserve to be beat up for making you cry.” I shouted, furious. He stood up beside me, looking me straight in the eyes. I suddenly felt myself calming down.

    “Hyung, believe me. I said it’s okay, please.” He begged me and I sat down again, breathing heavier. He, as well, returned to the sitting position, but this time he was hugging me. I hugged him back, hoping that he wouldn’t leave my grip for a while. I couldn’t believe that Jihye would do such a thing, but I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. She was notorious for breaking boys’ hearts. I wasn’t angry at Hyuk for falling for it-- I could never be angry at him.

    After a few minutes of hugging, he pulled back and smiled at me. The old Hyuk seemed to be back, but I could tell there was still some hurt deep inside of him. I ruffled his soft, short hair and smiled back. I knew Hyuk too well and he wasn’t one to hold a grudge on anyone. I was just the opposite, though. I could hold a grudge for the rest of my life if needed to. He took another sip of his tea and soon finished it. I took the empty cup to the sink and he followed me into the small kitchen. 

    As I was cleaning out the mug, he back hugged me and I froze. I wasn’t much on skinship except if the person was a close friend. He nuzzled his head into my shoulder while I stayed still, turning my head a bit to look at him.

    “Thanks, hyung. You’re the best.” He eye smiled and in that moment, he looked so cute that I couldn’t help but kiss his cheek lightly. He lifted his head and looked at me, but his reaction wasn’t a shocked one, instead his smile was still plastered on his face. I got confused for a second and wondered why he wasn’t asking lots of questions as he usually does. “Hey, hyung?” he started. I blinked.

    “Y-yeah, Hyukkie?” I responded, a bit taken aback by his calmness.

    “Can I stay here for the night…? I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind.” He asked. I moved back into the sitting area before I answered him. He watched me from the kitchen. 

    “Yeah, uh, sure. You can stay.” I said, smiling slightly. He nodded and ran into my bedroom, plopping himself onto my small bed. I followed him in and saw him lying sprawled out. I pouted a bit, wondering if he was thinking about taking over my room.

    “Your bed is comfy…” he commented, his eyes closed. He seemed as if he was about to fall asleep right here and now. I watched him for a bit and he eventually did fall asleep. I decided to go out and buy some food for tonight’s dinner, since I’d be making a meal for two today.

    The convenience store was pretty empty by the time I got there. There were only a couple other people shopping. When I walked in, a little bell rang and startled me slightly. I laughed at my nerves and just started shopping. I got supplies for making kimchi. I bought the food and had a small conversation with the ahjumma at the counter, who recognized me immediately when I came up to pay. As I left, I felt a small rain drop and sighed as I knew it was going to start raining. 

    I walked home quickly but when I walked in and found Hyuk gone and only a note that read: 

Sorry, hyung. My mom called and I have to head home. Something came up. See you tomorrow… which is Saturday, so that means we can hang out. Enjoy dinner!


    I sighed, disappointed. I really wanted to spend time with Hyuk, but now he had to help his mom. I know I sound selfish, but lately, all I’ve wanted to do was hang out with Hyuk. He has become the reason my heart beats recently. I didn’t realize it then, but I realize it now… I was terribly and utterly in love with my best friend.


((This wasn't one of my favorite chapters, but I just wanted to update. Sorry about that, but please look out for the rest and thank you for all the support I've gotten so far! I really appreciate it! Also, I forgot to add, there will be some Ravi/Hongbin later on or sometime soon...))

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hsh0795 #1
I loved it! and there is a sequel, better yet!
Chapter 15: I need a sequel! I am not done with this story! I neeed romance!!!!!!
devillish-angel #3
Chapter 15: asdfghjkl yes I need a sequel ;AAAAA;
Chapter 12: Yayy! They kissed! :D Too bad Hyuk is moving soon... :(
ultrablue999 #5
Chapter 3: What happened?!?!?! Ahh, I need to know!!
Chapter 3: Oh gosh, what happened?? Please update soon ^^
terezadelveccio #7
Chapter 2: love it tbh !!!! continue pls ( :