Part Jaemin (OC)x JB (GOT7)

Oneshot Request Shop! -Now Open-

Guy: JB of GOT7/JJ Project

Girl: Park Jaemin 

Plot: Jaemin is the little sister of Jr. but is a year older than Youngjae (making her older than the Maknae line). When Jaemin went to visit them and stay the night, Jinyoung (Jr.) was sick and he didn't want her to sleep in his room or she'll get sick so she ended up in JB's room. Jaemin couldn't sleep so she asked JB if he could sing her a song, he said yes of course. He sang a song he made; his confession song (My Girl) (Don't now if its a real song >.<) for her. Jaemin didn't no that song so she asked him, he answered my confession to you. JB asked Jaemin if she wanted to be his girl and she said yes !!!!! (XD). And in the end they fell asleep on JB's bed cuddling But wait what about Jr. ? The members (including Jr.) saw that they where cuddling and they all new JB liked no loved Jaemin. It was ovious (XD) THE END 

Note: This isn't their (Got7 and Jaemin) first time meeting, in fact all of them are close to Jaemin.



Jaemin scurried around her room, packing her essentials into her little night bag. She picked up a photoframe on her nightstand and smiled happily. It had been a while since Jaemin had seen her older brother JR, what with his debut and all, and she missed him dearly so after weeks of begging JYP, he relented and allowed her to stay for a night at the GOT7 dorms with her brother. The doorbell rang, startling her out of her thoughts. 

"COMING! PLEASE HOLD ON!" she called, throwing her hair back in a high pony tail and straightening her floral shirt as she opened the door.

"Ready?" asked their manager.

Nodding, she let him into her apartment, only to sneak out with him through the back door where the company van was waiting, hiding from any prying fans. Their manager was an amicable man; easy to talk to, and Jaemin fully enjoyed chatting with him during the hour long ride to the dorms. Arriving closer, the manager told her to throw a jumper over her head so nobody could see her identity, so she looped the arms of the jumper around her neck and flung the body over her head, allowing manager-nim to lead her out of the van and through the thick crowd of fangirls. She was pushed, prodded and bumped through all 50 metres to the dorms. C'mon, c'mon oppa open the door! she thought frantically. The fangirls were starting to make her feel claustrophobic. Just as the door opened, a particularly enthusiastic fangirl bumped her forwards, making her trip in through the door as it closed again. 

A strong pair of hands caught her by the arms securely before she could faceplant, but she couldn't see over the edges of the jumper. However, unable to move her own arms out of the grip of the person, she just waited a few seconds till the person lifted the jumper off her face. Immediately, she turned several shades of red darker and looked down shyly as JB chuckled, jumper in hand. Are you kidding me, she cringed internally. Her biggest crush had just seen her shabbily covered by a jumper and under the jumper, her messy hair.

She loosened herself from his grip with a sheepish grin, stepping backwards while brushing back her hair, again bumping into someone. Twisting around she realised it was Youngjae who stood there stiffling his laugh, along with the rest of GOT7 except for her brother. 

"Yah!" she exclaimed, smacking him on the arm, annoyed, as he laughed harder because of her disheveled appearance. This sent the rest of the boys into peals of laughter as well. Jaemin tried to look angry but at their smiles she cracked and laughed with them. These boys had known her ever since JR was a trainee and she all thought of them as her brothers so she could never be mad at them. Except for one boy.

Through the years, this one boy had made her heart flutter and she DEFINETLY didn't think of him as a brother. She had grown through her teenage years with him and he had been there through the ups, the downs, the good times and the bad and in turn, she had been there for him too. She gazed at JB's twinkling eyes, the heart stopping smile on his face making her breath catch in before someone cleared their throat and then sneezed, breaking her trance.

There stood JR, all wrapped up in a blanket with his beanie sitting lopsidedly over his brown hair.

"OPPA!!!" squealed Jaemin, launching herself at him to give him a bear hug, before realising he had sidestepped her and was now holding her at arms length.

"-cough- Yah, I'm sick! Don't come near me dongsa..." was all he could get out without collapsing into coughing splutters. Jaemin cringed. He didn't look so good and her heart clenched to see her brother in bad health.  

Soon enough after eating dinner with the seven rowdy boys crowded around the television, they all headed off into their respective rooms to sleep. Jaemin followed her brother to his room only to again be held at arms lengh.

"Nope sweetheart you're going to get sick," insisted JR. She frowned.

"So then where do I sleep?"

JR motioned to JB with his eyes and winked discreetly at her, having already picked up on her favouritism towards him. Her eyes widened. Was he insinuating that she sleep in the same room as his best friend!? 

"JB!" called JR. "Can she sleep in your room on the floor just for tonight?" he asked. JB just nodded and headed into his room to change whilst Jaemin waited outside with her brother.

"Oppa...I can't sleep in a room with him. Besides, - " she was promptly cut off by her brother.

"Oh c'mon he's known you since FOREVER. Besides. You're like his sister. So its fine!" he said, ushering her towards the now open door.

Jaemin frowned. Thanks for the reassurance oppa, she thought. Of course he only thinks of me like a sister. It really hurts to know that, she thought. Stepping in, she caught a glimpse of his walls, plastered with songs and posters of girls generation and 2ne1, as well as his desk, scattered with music and pencils. Sitting down on the sleeping bag laid out on the floor, she heard an exclamation.

"Hey! No! Get up Jaemin the floor is mine for today," whined JB. "You're a girl; you can't sleep there!" 

Jaemin turned around to see JB holding a pillow by his side, in a black shirt and grey trackpants and blushed. Quietly she nodded and shifted onto the single sized bed next to the wall, snuggling into the sheets which smelt like the JB's cologne that he always wore.

After he flicked off the light and left the lamp on, the minutes ticked by in silence, with the occasional sound of shuffling. She stared at the blank ceiling wide eyed, but felt a nudge to her arm.

"Can't sleep?" asked JB, propping his chin up on the bed next to her face.

"Mhm," nodded Jaemin, a red tint growing on her cheeks due to their close proximity. JB pulled her from the sheets and made her sit up before grabbing his guitar. 

"Here. I'll play you something", he smiled.

[Play this: ]

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.

I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.

Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I don't need no money, fortune or fame.
I've got all the riches, baby, one man can claim.

Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

He finished with a laugh at a grin and Jaemin clapped loudly.

"Oppa, see this is the reason you're a vocal in GOT7" she praised. "That was amazing!".

JB scratched the back of his neck and his face flushed at her compliments but the atmosphere soon grew awkward as he stared at her expectantly and his expression dropped. Jaemin gave him a questioning look, wondering why he suddenly looked down.

"Uhm, that...It's  my confession song," he explained. Jaemin's heart dropped and clenched in her chest. 

"Oh!", she put on a smile. "Who for?" she asked hesitantly, not really wanting to hear which beautiful idol girl's name he called.

JB looked truly puzzled.

"Jaemin, it was for you. I understand if you don't like me but please don't pretend not to know. Just tell me if you don't like me..." he trailed off, squeezing his eyes shut, waiting for a rejection. Instead a soft pair of lips came into contact with his cheek. Turning his head and opening one eye tentatively, then another, he met eyes with a grinning Jaemin sitting next to him on the floor.

"I like you too," she looked down shyly, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. "I've liked you since 7th grade," she mumbled.

"I should have confessed you then because I liked you then too," he grinned back at her. "But I hope this makes up for the time delay," he mused.

JB gently lifted her chin and kissed her right on the mouth tenderly, making both their heartrates sky rocket through the ceiling.


The members bustled around the dorm at 7 am, getting ready to go out for an mcountdown recording.

Wondering why JB wasn't up, Youngjae flung his door open, only to have his eyes widen. He froze up and then grinned as he leaned against the doorframe. Curious, the rest of the members including JR came to see what was so interesting this early in the morning. There, on top of a mess of sheets, slept the innocent couple, Jaemin's head laid lightly on JB's chest, his arm holding her loosely around the waist.

"Hyung, I don't know if she's going to be happy if she realises you faked being sick to get them together."

"Hm, Youngjae, looking at her now, I think she'll forgive me. Besides. She'll kill us all if she realises we helped JB set this up."

"Oh true. Okay. We knew nothing." chorused the rest of the members mischeviously.


Hi there! I hope you guys liked this oneshot! Sorry for the late update....I have exams on at the moment...still have two tomorrow and one on the day after :( And I had a bit of a mind blank on this oneshot, so for who requested it, I tried my best and I hope you enjoy!

Everybody, please feel freee to comment and tell me if you enjoyed this oneshot and feel free to request more oneshots!

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Chapter 1: Sorry I asked too much T_T it's just your writing is really good <33
Male : exo's Kim joonmyun
Female : Kim yu me
Plot : where joonmyun the leader of exo-k gang falls in love with yu me the best female fighter yet she is a really cold girl and won't give him a chance to even talk to her,
Chapter 1: Male: exo's Kim joonmyun
Female : Kim yu me
Plot : when yu me is soo tired that she can't get her self off the couch
Chapter 1: Male: exo's kim joonmyoon
female: kim yu me
Plot: where it's yu me and suho's engagement party and they were going to tell everyone about their engagement that night (friends and family don't know)
Male: Byun Baekhyun(EXO)
Female: Han Minmi
Situation: About an idol who is having an affair with his fan.. Hope the best from you.. =3
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwww~~~~~ Thank you !!!!!!!!!!! This is sooooooooo adorable !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you again ^^ I'll request again but I'll do at a time your not busy !!!!!!!!
Thanks for the oneshot, it was such a cute little scene between the two :) Thanks again
Guy: JB of GOT7/JJ Project

Girl: Park Jaemin

Plot: Jaemin is the little sister of Jr. but is a year older than Youngjae (making her older than the Maknae line). When Jaemin went to visit them and stay the night, Jinyoung (Jr.) was sick and he didn't want her to sleep in his room or she'll get sick so she ended up in JB's room. Jaemin couldn't sleep so she asked JB if he could sing her a song, he said yes of course. He sang a song he made; his confession song (My Girl) (Don't now if its a real song >.<) for her. Jaemin didn't no that song so she asked him, he answered my confession to you. JB asked Jaemin if she wanted to be his girl and she said yes !!!!! (XD). And in the end they fell asleep on JB's bed cuddling But wait what about Jr. ? The members (including Jr.) saw that they where cuddling and they all new JB liked no loved Jaemin. It was ovious (XD) THE END

Sorry if its rushed >.<

Note: This isn't their (Got7 and Jaemin) first time meeting, in fact all of them are close to Jaemin.
Chapter 2: Wow, I didn't expect it to be this good. Thank you for the wonderful one shot~ Action isn't really your genre? Then why was it so good? haha
Thank you again!~ :)
Male: Kai
Female: Krystal Jung
Situation: you can have the freedom to decide :)
Male character: Yongguk pf BAP

Female character: Jin Nari (OC)

Situation: Yongguk is the leader of a powerful gang group called B.A.P. and the group is looking for a girl that will help them earn the title of being the King of gangs, but Nari is a difficult girl and is very slick. She has something that makes every gang want her. And she won't let anyone have it. Will Yongguk be able to get her? Or will Nari escape yet again?

Note: I know mine is more of an action story but I'm an action fan and so this is what I cam up with but if you can't do it, I understand. If you have any questions don't be shy to message me :) Thanks in advance :) ~