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One hundred after World War III's nuclear holocaust nearly destroyed the Earth, survivors have finally rebuilt their world to something that stood stable in pushed mankind towards progression. However all is not well in the restored Earth, where warring monarchies stab each other in the back in the middle of peace talks in an unrelenting quest to expand their own borders and take back the glory they once knew. It's a battle for possession when most of the world has nothing, and it's a battle for survival.





recovery and destruction

In 2020, the totalitarian republic of North Korea had finally reached its end after over 70 years of existence. The regime had been falling apart long before that, due to economic problems and food shortages, from their failed state. For years the U.S and other United Nations had be orchestrating a method known as ‘soft landing’ that was meant to help promote peace and an end of the totalitarian regime. It was successful in it used economic incentives to reduce the country’s nuclear exports, and allowed the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to collapse on its own without military inclusion. However, in its country’s last breath, it targeted its remaining missiles towards the U.S, Europe, and China invoking a war. All three of their responses was to return missiles of their own to the country, an impulsive decision meant to get back at the collapsed state for their citizens lost lives. It resulted in former North Korea and parts of upper South Korea to become a toxic waste zone, and the beginning of the nuclear war that was feared in the 20th century, was brought alive this next millennium. The most stunning consequence of the war was its effect on the environment, forcing the Earth to recreate another little ice age to preserve and replenish itself. Most people that hadn’t died from the war had faced an icy death at the hands of the climate, and the greatest surprise was that humanity survived it. Weakened, angered, but alive by the time the Earth started to thaw itself again. Humans again began to live in ‘packs’ of population as they tried to rebuild society. They nominated leaders to rule over them, who later had children that would take over the position through birth right. It was monarchy again, but people had little fate in the political systems that had brought them to this disaster. For the most part they banned all sorts of nuclear technology, never wanting to repeat this mess in history again. They did their best to rebuild any structures, remnants of the technological world that survived, and succeeded with electricity and other minor electronics. However, the world wasn’t expected to return to its former glory for another thousand years.



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Can't wait to read it!
Please start the first chapter soon!
aristokey #2
So exciiiiiited, I can't hiiiide it!