
My Mother & I

Luhan snickered. He was munching a slice of apple after having a dinner with his old friend and her son. He felt welcomed despite this is the first time after a long time he didn’t even see his old friend. Deep in his heart, he always missed his another friend’s presence.

When he looked at her closely, he felt she has changed into another different person. Gone with shoulder-length hair and boyish clothes, she is wearing more feminine clothes now. Her long hair is passed her shoulder and letting it rest on her shoulder. She passed the plate to her son with caring look.

For time he forgot, she’s already married and certainly, her attitude changed into more softer and with her son as a substitute for his father, she looked even more fragile. He felt sorry for not being there for her when her husband gone but seeing her smile, he wondered if her son gave her a strength she need to move on.

He smirked as a sudden thought occurred in his mind. “Baekhyun, do you want to know something?”

Baekhyun was dumbfounded. “What? Is it concerning of eomma?”

He nods; receiving a wide grin from him. “Did you know that your mom used to be a rebel student? Even the teachers were afraid of her.”

Seohyun glared at him while gesturing to hit him. “Don’t you feed my son with false stories, Luhan! Baekhyun dear, don’t you believe what this old man said to you. I’m nothing like that.”

“Eomma, he knew you much longer than I am. You never told me about your past. Go on, Uncle Luhan. I’m really eager to know the real eomma. Once appa used to said to me that eomma could be a witch when she get mad. It’s terrifying when imagined that.” She quickly hit her son’s head with a soft pillow.

“There, you don’t have to imagine it.” She smirked and glaring at Luhan who is laughing.

“Ah, that nickname! It’s all started because of there was a group of juniors showing off by tormenting other student. The news reached her and she immediately found them. Do you know what happened next?”

“She kicked their ?”

Seohyun hides her face with both of her hand. “Luhan, I will kill you!” She clenched her teeth.

“Indirectly. The fight was mostly done by her male friends. The leader was left behind and Seohyun gave him a loud slap on the face causing the side of his mouth to bleed. The witch name arise because she grinned like a witch and her hair was flow over the place. It caused a chaos since she hit the son of police officer and everyone thought she would sent to jail. However, his father make a wise decision by punished his own son. He said he was going too far by using his title as a son of police officer and thanked Seohyun for hitting him instead.”

Baekhyun looked at his mother with awed expression. “Really, eomma? You did that? No wonder appa respected you the most whenever we got into problem at States. I’m really proud of you!” He hugged his mother.

She ruffled his hair. “It’s time to go to bed, honey. Have you done doing your revision yet?”

He makes a face as he slumped his body. “Eomma, that’s the last thing occurred in my mind.” But seeing her rigid face, he obeyed. “Okay, okay. I’ll take my leave first. Good night eomma, Uncle Luhan. I’ll see you later.” He shook his hand with Luhan and kissed his mother’s left cheek before leave to his room.

After making sure her son went up to his room, Seohyun exchanged sneaky look with Luhan as a wide grin appeared on her face.

“Shall we?”

I woke up with my eyes barely opened. I glanced at my phone and it showed me 5:00 a.m. I groaned silently as I brace myself to get up. The room is still dark because I drew down the curtain and if I still lying on the bed, there is no guarantee I will get up on time.

I forced myself so I could study for Spanish and Chinese. Cover those subjects a bit before proceeding to calculation. Chorong noona is already showed me how to do calculation and Sunny noona had summarize a short note for several subjects I’ve taken.

Oh, what am I going to do after they graduate later? Are they going to crown me the key to the broadcast room since I’m the only who stayed behind. I let out an evil laugh before hurried to the bathroom.

Today I had nth papers to answer which I don’t count how many because all of them were made for university students if you know what I mean. Seriously, we’re only high school students but to give us hard questions is out of hand. However, all my classmates seem to get used to it. Their faces looked so calm unlike mine who is keep glancing left and right.

There were other classes who already finished their paper and celebrated at the garden. I frowned seeing how happy they are and I still have a few papers to answer before I could be like them.

Damn exam!

I dragged my feet to cafeteria where I met Taeyeon noona and a Chinese female student based on her facial feature.

I greet them both as I took a seat across them. “Noona, have you finished your paper yet?”

She nods; throwing me a soft smile. “Good luck with the remaining papers. Oh, this another member of broadcast club that I forgot to mention. Vic, this our youngest member; Baekhyun and Baekhyun, this is Victoria. Same year as me but in different class.”

Both of us exchanged smile and I was attracted to her immediately because her smile was so pretty than eomma. I hit myself mentally. If eomma found out about this, she will surely kill me and I got to meet appa in Heaven.

God, please bless me.

“Oh, I’ve been having this question on my mind for few times but I didn’t get a chance to say it to you. How do you know Mr. Luhan? I saw you interacted with him and Chanyeol at second floor.” Taeyeon noona asked.

I raise my eyebrow. “Uncle Luhan? He’s my mother’s old friend. Do you know him?” I asked her back and was taken aback with her surprised look. Victoria noona was also stunned.

“Baekhyun, did you know anything about this school? Who is behind this successful private school? Wait, don’t tell me anything. I bet you aren’t researched anything about it. Mr. Luhan is the principal of this school but rarely seen wondering here because he had a personal matter to take care of in China. No wonder you could attended this school despite you’re only commoner. He knew you.” She concluded.

I was dumbfounded. “I guess. I don’t really care which school I attended though. Wow, Uncle Luhan is the principal in this school? He looked normal to me. I can’t imagined him as a principal. He showed me a different side of him.”

Both of them snickered. “Describe normal. Oh, the bell has ringing! It’s time for the war, Baekhyun. Fighting!” Both of them showed me a fighting gesture and my body slumped down.

“I don’t know what to reply but thanks? Bye!” I bid them goodbye as I left the cafeteria.

A few weeks have passed and here I am; lazy around at the living room while playing game console with eomma knitting besides me. I took a quick glance at her who is absorbed in creating a sweater since it’s going to be winter soon.

I decided it’s time to raise the topic once again although I know her reply. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath while waiting for the screen to load.

“Eomma, why are you not accepting his proposal? I mean both of you knew much longer; the same times as appa. Are you afraid to get married once again? You don’t need to worry about me. I really like him and we get along like a father and son does. So, why?”

She stopped her movement before resuming. “Baekhyun, I’m contented and happy the way I am right now. I don’t think it’s a good time to be together after a long time has passed.”

I let out a desperate sigh. “Eomma, if appa were here; literally, I think he is in the same page as me. Be happy and build a new life with him. He’s not any normal person; he had a few houses at Seoul and China. He is owning the private school I admitted but still down-to-earth and didn’t bragged about his wealth. Where the hell in the corner of world, will you find a man like him?” I debated.

She put down the knitted sweater and glaring at me. “Why are you insisting me to be with him? Does he bribe you with anything? Baekhyun, how many times do I have to tell you I don’t want to get married to Luhan! I see him as a friend; not more than that. The past is past and I don’t want to dig back our memories.”

“Don’t lie to me, eomma. I might be a 17 years old boy but I have a sharp eyes like appa does. I can see the sparks between you especially when both of you were playing Scrabble in the middle of night. You are a grown up adult, eomma. You had my permission to be happy with whoever you want. Except my friends.” I bit my lower lips when I reminisce how Chanyeol’s face when he told me the rejection.

I shook my head. “Eomma, please be happy. For me.” I pleaded. Uncle Luhan may didn’t say anything when we meet sometimes at school but his eyes cannot lie. I know those sad eyes whenever his eyes met mine.

“I’m happy.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I don’t.”

I crossed my arm with disapprove look. “I knew you better. It’s been a while, right? Let’s make a deal. If I placed first in this exam, would you reconsider his wedding proposal? I know it sound selfish but you know how I am.” I showed her a faint smile and she did the same.

She leaned in and ruffling my messy hair. “I’ll always love you, you know that right? And I love your father too. So much that I don’t think anyone could replace his place in my heart but I’m still a human who yearn for care and love.” She sniffed and pulled out a happy smile she could. “It’s deal. If only you placed first, I will reconsider it. If you don’t, the deal is off.” She threatened.

I swallow a big chunk of saliva. “O – okay. You’re quite persistent.”

Chanyeol is throwing the ball at me and with fast movement, I make a second goal into the hop. The cheering from the students was outstanding that I thought we’re in National Championship or something. All my teammates were drenched with sweats and so do I. I glanced at the score table and our school is leading with two different point.

Oh, curious what I’m playing? Our school is competing with opposite school in basketball event. I’m not a part of member but they are short with players and I played as one of the substitute since I learned a bit of basketball skill at Los Angeles.

I might reconsider about joining the sport to kill the time. I looked at the crowds to find her and I caught her glimpse who is sitting next to a man who is wearing a cap. I grinned towards their way and resuming the game.

At last after passing the ball to one another, our school won. Thanks to Chanyeol who managed to make a slam dunk at the last minute. Did you know that he is part of my family now? I could never imagined I would see his face every day if he came to visit me.

I’m in the last year of high school and currently holding a President status in Radio/Broadcast Club. Taeyeon noona congratulated me with short text message because she was absent at the time Sunny noona awarded me the status. Every members came and give me a gift. Not only that, a book that consisting list of songs that I should play from time to time.

There is also an additional information I forgot to include. I’m one of the candidates for valedictorian this year. That’s right, I secured first place in the previous test which Miss Bomi proud off and bought me an expensive dinner for being a first student of her to won the bet.

While wiping the bead of sweats on my face with clean towel, Chanyeol locked my head in his sweaty armpit which smell horrible. I almost puke at the stadium now and there.

“Yah! Get off me! My fans would running away from me.” I exclaimed and receive a snort from him.

“Right~ Oh, eomma! Did you watch the game? I’m awesome player right?” He asked to my mother who is approaching us with happy smile on her face. She extended her hand to give us two bottle of water which we drink it in one gulp.

She clapped her hand. “Congratulations for winning the game! I didn’t know my son could conquered the game well. I thought he only knew about studying but both of you nailed it. Right, Luhan?” She gives her husband a contented look.

I smile gratefully. Remember the deal I made with my mother? That’s right, I won the deal! Even myself were surprised to see my name in the first position and full mark for all papers? Daebak! I must be born to be a genius! In fact, I could beat Albert Einstein. Just kidding!

She accepted Uncle – eh, wrong! Father’s proposal two days after since father at China for business trip. She was happy and guilty at the same time since she thought she had betrayed her late husband by marrying their old friend but I think appa won’t mind.

That might be his last wish too, right appa?

I throw a last glance behind my back before heading home with my new family; eomma, father and Chanyeol who is claimed himself as my brother. I really don’t know what to do without him since he is the first person who makes me felt welcomed to be here; my hometown.

Well, this is it. My farewell story about my mother and I. Bye everyone!


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm really sorry for rush update and look, it's already complete! *hide myself* I thought a lot about how to end this story and this is how I ended up with. Luhan only makes a few appearance in here is because I wanted him so. :P Well, he is not the main character in this story so I don't see the importance of his character. Thus, the end. Err, I think that's it. Bye(?) *running away*

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newfishevil #1
Chapter 8: woah... I really... really... love your story author-nim~
you are daebak 👍👍👍
thanks for write this beautifull story.
and I love your another story too ❤❤❤
romeotakeme #2
wow nice story.
another good job author!
btw who is baekhyun father?
Chapter 8: Damn it, this such a great story!!! I was out of words right now...you're great writer, author nim!!! Eomo, saranghae!! For making my overnight worthing for read the whole story at once!! Saranghaeyo author nim muah muahh~~
farahhudasyamimi #4
Chapter 8: This is the best story i ever read.... thank you author-nim..... ^ ^
Acebabymilky #5
Chapter 8: Aigooo even this whole story is about Baekhyun i still can feel that Seohan feels!:3333 this story is very light and sweet,i want to have Son like Baekhyun and for his brother is Chanyeol! Aamiin haha
ssulseul #6
Chapter 8: i loved this story><
mylovefromneverland #7
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3
mylovefromneverland #8
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3
mylovefromneverland #9
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3