
My Mother & I

A scent of curry wakes my sense as I abruptly opened my eyes. I aimlessly grabbed my phone placed on the table and squinted my eyes to see the time.

7:34 am? My mother has been acknowledged as an early riser but today is weekend for heaven sake! I thought I wanted to watch some horror movies with her. Humph!

Wait, is she working today? Great! I forgot to ask her shift.

Forcing myself to get up from the soft mattress, I grabbed a towel and almost slipped over my slipper which have been throw until there. I was probably have a bad dream if I started to throw stuff.

“Mother would be furious if she saw my messy bedroom.” My body is already shivering thinking about her angry face.

Because there was one time I let all my clothes scattered all over the places because the lazy Baek mood is crashing the town. I was about to sleep when I felt someone dragged my feet from the bed and my face hit the floor right away with loud thump. I was about to curse at whoever dragged me when I saw her face but her smile was scary that I tidied my room in less than 3 minutes.

Unbelievable, huh?

Anyway, after checking my appearance using the tall window, I sort of ruffled my hair until it becomes messy. The kind of hairstyle I like it.

Every girls would fall so hard for me. Well, except for this girl.

“Good morning, eomma!” I greeted her with my lousy voice.

She frowned as soon as she saw me took a seat at the counter table. Letting the fried egg burnt a bit, she leaned to me and fixed my hair right away. After making sure all my hair is intact, she broke into a genuine smile I know before flipping the egg and placed on the plate along with toasted bread.

“Eomma!” I whined.

She laughed while pouring me a glass of orange juice. “What? I like this kind of hairstyle even more. You remind me of your father. But when he wanted to get rebel, he would change his hairstyle just like yours just now.”

My eyes widen. “Really? Oh-ho! I didn’t know father could behaved like that.” I laugh while taking a sip of my drink.

“That old man sometimes act like he was young but with that old bone of him, who would? Nevertheless, he is the man who always true to his words.” She said; her gaze is turning softer as she brings up the topic about father.

I just realized that I have reached the border line so I changed the topic fast so she won’t be sober anymore. Aish, Baekhyun! You stupid, winny, loser, wimpy!

A restrained cough from me managed to attracted her attention. “Eomma, are you working today? Since you are waking up early.”

“Aren’t I always the early riser?” She smirked before continue. “Oh, yes I am! I’m going to be late today so I already cook some foods so you can re-heat them later.” Her face was so delighted that I can’t help but frowned. “What is it?”

“No way I’m going to eat by myself! What are you going to eat later?” I asked; more in worried tone.

“Oh, there’s a store nearby or I just eat the leftover cake at the café. It’s not a problem at all. No need to worry about me.” She smiles reassuring but I don’t bought them.

“At what time are you going off to work? I will sending you.”

She giggles before pinching my cheek as hard as she can. I don’t know what kind of sign she was trying to imply but I didn’t even like it. Not at all.

“I’ll be fine by my own. Go do whatever you want. Aren’t you always told me that you want to be independent man without holding your mother’s hand anymore? Now it’s the time. If I am going to be really late, then I will text you so you can fetch me up. Deal?”

I puckered up my lips before nod. “Deal.” I said half-heartedly.

The song Mack The Knife is playing at the background to lift up the study mood. I swear I could collapse any minute now seeing how many homework I have to finish first before going to see my mother.

First homework to be done is Spanish by Mrs Hwang.

*Traducir esta condena en Inglés

  1. Mi comida favorita es espaguetis a la boloñesa
  2. Cada minuto, segundo es rencuentro
  3. Madre, eres la mejor persona del mundo.

My eyes went widen as I tried so hard to understand the sentences. If my mind is still fresh, I was sleeping in her class throughout the syllabus because I had absorbed too much formulas in my mind that there was no small space for Spanish.

Urgh, what is this private school?! Expecting me to be multilingual or expert in seducing woman by using Spanish? Wait, it could be advantageous for me. Yeah! Ha ha ha.

Second homework to be done is Literature by Miss Jung.

Using the given excerpt below, write an essay worth of 300 number of words. No plagiarism or mark will be deducted.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…” - Dr Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

Okay, is this work legal for high school-ers like us? I mean if you read this excerpt, how are you going to write an essay with 300 words because Miss Jung is not an ordinary teacher I ever meet. She is generous with smile but when it comes to Literature, her main priority over relationship, the world could be turned upside down.

I did enjoyed her company but not her class though. Aigoo, I should called Chanyeol or Kibum to finish this homework together. Then, I would go to mother’s working place and we should get something to eat together.

Yessu, wait for me eomma! Your grown up shining knight shall come to rescue you.

While waiting for Chanyeol to pick up his phone, I went to fridge and took out a Tupperware which contained strawberry dipped with chocolate made by her two days ago. At last after three ring, he picked up with only a grunt sound is heard.

My face is delighted with a sourness of strawberry and bittersweet of chocolate in my mouth. “Chanyeol-ah, it’s me! What are you doing right now?” I said with happy voice.

He answered it in husky voice. “I just woke up. What do you want?”

I glances at the clock on the wall which showed time 8.45 a.m. “Hey, it almost 9 a.m.! What the hell are you doing on the bed? Get your lazy up! I had an important question to ask you.” I scolded him although it’s my fault to woke him up at the first place.

“Tch. It’s Saturday, okay? I’m really damn tired after playing game console with my brother until late night. Give me some space, man!” He groaned loudly.

“You complaint like a girl! Anyway, have you done homework given by Mrs Hwang and Miss Jung? I’m stuck and barely started on the first page so I thought we could have done them together.”

“Ah, you mean translating Spanish sentences into English and writing a very stupid long essay? I’ve done it on the day they given the homework. Now, can I sleep back?” He was about to hung up but I stopped him from doing so.

Wait, he had done it?

Without consulting me?

I barely write one word but he had already finished the homework on the same day they given the work?

What is wrong with him?

A maniac robot?!

“NO! This is a matter of life and death. You have got to help me in finishing my homework or I couldn’t go to my mother’s working place and you’ll never know what kind of men she would serve today. Please?”

I swear his voice is higher right now. I assumed he’s already up. “I can’t hear you. Your voice was too loud and the reception here is bad.”

“What kind of men she would serve? What kind of work she is having? Waitress?” He bombarding me with many questions which left me dumbfounded which one to answer. Who is the real son here?

“She is waitress or soon-to-be barista at local coffee shop. Why are you asking me this kind of questions?”

“Oh, barista! You have should said that clearly instead giving me indirect answer. Wait, give me 10 minutes to get dressed up and I will going to your house.”

“Do you know where my house is?”

“I’m the son of Mayor this town, okay? I should know which houses or where do my friends lived since I’ll soon-to-be thoughtful Mayor. Do you want me to bring Kibum together?”

“Nah. I don’t want to disturb his morning so I’ll be waiting for you. Don’t be late, okay? You have to teach me from beginning until the end or I will never graduate from SM Private School with flying colours.”

He was laughing over the phone before hung up. I looked at my phone with grateful smile before heading to my room and gathered everything to bring them at living room. As a token of gratitude because his willingness to help me in doing my homework, I went to the kitchen and make a French omelette.

In the bowl, I stirred two eggs with a half cup of milk. A dash of salt and pepper to go in with a fine chopped parsley. The smell was good that I can’t wait to pour the mixture in the hot pan as I already heat it with two spoonful of butter instead of oil.

Probably because my father left me at the round of age that I should be much closer to him, I trained myself to be independent while my mother worked to support us both. The result is I can cook like any chef in the restaurant but I hide the fact from my mother. I don’t want to bring her spirit down if she knew her son is much better cook than her.

I love her cook, personally.

“Woah, what is this delicious smell? You can cook, Bacon?” A loud voice belongs to none other than Chanyeol is heard from my back. I was about to flip the egg when he came in without making any sound.

“Damn it, Chanyeol! You should have at least knock or singing or rapping or whatever you must do because I was taken aback with your silent step just now! How the hell are you enter the house anyway?” I throw him a spiteful look while placing the perfect omelette on the plate.

He gives me a playful look. “I had my way. Anyway, is this for me? Since I’m very hungry and didn’t eat anything on my way here.”

“Why won’t you?”

“Hurm? I already promised you, didn’t I that I’ll come in 10 minutes. I am a man who is holding his words. Thanks for the meal!”

I looked at him with admiring look. Despite his status of being a son of Mayor or wealthy background, he didn’t complained about my house at all and makes himself comfortable in here. Seriously Baekhyun, you should taught yourself to never looked down any rich people because some of them might be kind like him.

Okay, I know it sounds weird but I understand his lectures than our own teachers at the school because his explanation is believable and easy to understand especially when he used a very easy example for me to understand.

Does he had a skill to be a teacher one day because I think he is. His voice wasn’t loud or low when speaking to his student which is me. Probably because his background teach him to behave this way.

“Do you understand of what I’m saying?” Chanyeol asked with curious stare. I hurriedly nod and quickly jotting the notes so I will look at them time after time.

Finally, my homework is done after struggling at there and here. Everything is possible because of this gigantic man over here! My soon-to-be bestfriend, Chanyeol!

“Do you want to come with me to visit my mother or you would go home instead?” I asked.

He lost in his own thoughts before agreed to follow me. He is very curious to my mother because I’m acting overprotected over her. Well, who doesn’t?

“How is she? I mean – how does she looks?” He asked while we walk together to go to the local coffee café at the town instead of riding in his car. I had explained to him that it’s very hard to find park at a time like this so it’s very beneficial for us to take a walk there.

“She is very pretty for her own age like that. She had a long black hair and chubby cheek that sometimes be mistaken of dumpling stuffed in .” I laugh as I’m trying my best to describe my mother to him. I assumed he understand based on his nod so I continue my explanation.

“She is very tall but I’m much taller than her. She had this round eyes like a marble and trust me, she could swallow you in a second if she saw I didn’t clean up the mess I made.”

Then, he stares me with an empty look. “Are you sure she is your mother because it seems like you were describing your ideal girl at me.”

“Hey, this is my mother I’m talking about! Of course she is my mother but I even dreamed of finding someone similar to her but my mother rejected the ideas that there shouldn’t be another clone of her or the world will be doomed.” I said in casual tone and his turn to laugh.

Even louder than I am.

After composing himself, he wipes the tears across his face before speak up. “She must be a wonderful person to you, eh?”

At that moment, I knew I already had found someone who could understand me most. “Yes, she is.”

Both of us exchanged smile as we crossed the road to get to the café. From outside, I could saw a long queue and mostly consisted men. This is why I hate to let her work at this kind of place. Why couldn’t she worked at morgue or hospital like she used to? She won’t be attended so many men like them.

I enter the café and got greeted by a female worker who is already used to my presence. “Hey, Luna!”

Luna, a girl in her early 20’s is working part time to support her school fees. “Good afternoon, Baekhyun and your fellow companion. I assumed you came to have a lunch with her.”

“Oh, yes! Luna, this is Chanyeol; my classmate and Chanyeol, meet Luna; one of my friends here.” I said as I introduced them both. They exchanged smiles before she diverts her gaze on me.

“Currently, she is busy taking up orders from the customers. You have to wait for someone else to replace her. At the meantime, should I get both of you a drink while waiting? It’s going to be a very long day.” She said with acknowledging smile.

“Usual for mine. Chanyeol, what do you want?” I pat his shoulder but his attention is fully on someone. I followed his gaze and gasped when the stares stopped at a very familiar person behind the counter who is currently putting a spoonful of cream on top of someone’s drink.

Don’t tell me…

“She is beautiful woman I ever seen in my life. More beautiful than my own mother. Just look at her long, fragile fingers when doing the work in fast but still neat. The innocent smile plastered on her face when greeting her customers. I think, I think I’m already fallen in love with her, the ascending angel from heaven.” His eyes were sparkling as he seems to see a very beautiful creature.

This is bad! This IS BAD!!

Luna is already gone to make us a drink and I had to carry him to take a seat but his eyes never tore up from looking at my mother. I had to change the topic.

“Hey, Chanyeol! What do you think about me joining Radio Club? Sunny sunbae-nim said I could audition for new recruitment since I have loud voice and very talkative. I could be entertaining DJ for upcoming festival.” I said in hope he would give me an attention but failed. He is still looking at her who is currently served her last customer before another worker replaced her so she could have her break.

Eomma, what did you do to my friend?! Are you casting a spell on him or what? Are you sure you aren’t a normal human? Does the late father said about you could be a witch when I was a kid is true?

After hanging the apron behind the door, she walked out from the door and approached us with welcoming smile. As usual, she hugged me and gives me a peck on the cheek to show her affection.

“Eomma! This is a public place. You shouldn’t kissed me all of sudden. What if my future girlfriend saw the action you just did?” I whined but she knows better that I was joking.

She lets out a soft laugh. “I’m very grateful of you to come here. Have you done your homework?”

“Done it. Eomma, this is my friend slash my classmates; Chanyeol. Chanyeol, this is my mother.” I introduced them in reluctant because I know the real feeling of him towards my mother. Urgh, why did I brought him here at the first place?!

He didn’t utter anything and still speechless to see his ascending angel standing in front of him.


*Translate this sentences in English.

1. My favourite food is spaghetti bolognaise.

2. Every minute, second is count.

3. Mother, you are the best person in the world.

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newfishevil #1
Chapter 8: woah... I really... really... love your story author-nim~
you are daebak 👍👍👍
thanks for write this beautifull story.
and I love your another story too ❤❤❤
romeotakeme #2
wow nice story.
another good job author!
btw who is baekhyun father?
Chapter 8: Damn it, this such a great story!!! I was out of words right're great writer, author nim!!! Eomo, saranghae!! For making my overnight worthing for read the whole story at once!! Saranghaeyo author nim muah muahh~~
farahhudasyamimi #4
Chapter 8: This is the best story i ever read.... thank you author-nim..... ^ ^
Acebabymilky #5
Chapter 8: Aigooo even this whole story is about Baekhyun i still can feel that Seohan feels!:3333 this story is very light and sweet,i want to have Son like Baekhyun and for his brother is Chanyeol! Aamiin haha
ssulseul #6
Chapter 8: i loved this story><
mylovefromneverland #7
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3
mylovefromneverland #8
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3
mylovefromneverland #9
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3