
The Tragedy of Oh Sehun


It was a cold November evening in the busy town of Seoul. Autumn had sneaked up on Oh Sehun like a thief in the night. The air became chilly and the nights gradually got longer. He noticed the beautiful blood-stained leaves that painted the lonely sidewalks. He was taking a stroll through the troublesome part of town where drug dealings, , muder, and others cimes often occured. The man was an police officer who only saw the world in shades of black, white, and crimson. Sehun took in a long, deep breath, inhaling the scent of the food the vendor was selling down the street. He heard a deep rumble within his stomach, yet he couldn't bring himself to eat. It felt like a millennium had passed since the incident had occurred, but in reality, it had only been a week ago.


“We live in such a cruel world,” he muttered underneath his breath. It was the last thing he remembered that night as the world went black.


That night, he dreamed of the happy life he used to live. Sehun had a beautiful daughter, Mihan who had doe-eyes that matched her mother's and a smile that could light up the world. He also had a wife. A wife that he loved so very dearly. The day that he met his true love, was ironically one of the worst days of his entire life. He was so close to killing himself, but she saved him. Sehun swore she was an angel.



A high-school Sehun was devastated after hearing both his parents had passed away in a house fire while he was out grocery shopping. He had no urge to eat, sleep, or live and decided to watch the world in silence until he could muster up the courage to end his life. All of a sudden, a breathtaking girl with sleek black hair and stunning brown doe-eyes asked to join him one day at lunch. Sehun was genuinely stunned. Several of the boys and girls warned her saying he was a loser. A freak. A waste of time. But the girl was determined. She was different from the other girls who would nod and walk away, afraid to ruin their reputations. She cared. That was the moment in which Henry fell in love.



He found out her name was Luhan. She was from China and had come to live with her uncle, a well-known businessman in Seoul, while her parents dealt with the cost of medical bills spent on her cousin Wifan who had gotten into some trouble at a local bar and was on life support. Sehun comforted her and treated her to ice cream. They became the best of friends and were inseparable, even into their early adulthood.


“Hannie?” Sehun said. It was a hot July afternoon and both agreed on sharing an ice cream on the park bench.

“Yes, my love?”

Sehun got down on one knee, arms trembling as he pulled out a silver box, “Will you marry me? I know this isn't the most romantic place to propose like Paris or anything, but this is where we had our first date, our first kiss..” said the young man nervously. He was rambling on and on, and when he finally could shut his mouth and wait for a reply, there was a bone-chilling silence as she stopped to look at him. It took him a few moments to notice the tears of joy spilling down her pink cheeks. He heard the faintest “yes” and hugged her tightly. Four years later, they had an angelic baby girl who they named Mihan) after Sehun's mother.


Five years later, they lost her.


Their world had been turned upside down at the loss of their precious daughter. Nothing was ever the same after Mihan had been kidnapped while Luhan was at work. Sweet conversations turned into bitter, cold arguments over their child's well-being. Six days later, the police found little Mihan. 



Found at the bottom of the Han River.



and beaten.


Life was numb for the next seven years. Sehun dedicated his life to finding his daughter's vicious killers, he had even became a police officer to show how serious he was. But to him the badge made no difference. He was the same Oh Sehun. Luhan disagreed.



Things had changed between him and Luhan. He had still loved her, but she no longer loved him back. Everything fell apart when Sehun found his best friend Minseok, hitting and her when he came home from work.

Minseok, his child's godfather.

His best man at his wedding.

The only other person that was there for him throughout high school besides Luhan.


As a person of justice and had to do his job. And he did it willingly. He had broken the law. Broken his heart. Broke him.

Even worse, broke her.

A week ago Luhan shot herself in the head.

“We live in such a cruel world,” He stated monotonously as stood in shook, refusing to believe.

He stared at the beautiful face that used to smile for him and saw no traces of tears. She did not cry.

She was different than other women.


He awoke the next morning at dawn and found himself in a bar. Of course.

  Sehun decided he should finally eat something and bought a bowl of kimchi jjigae, which he devoured in moments.

“Romeo and Juliet?” said a deep voice. Sehun looked around and spotted two of the bartenders chatting at the counter.

“Shhhhhh!” growled the other bartender, “We'll sound like losers if anyone hears us!” The two men whispered among themselves giddily about the details of the moive. Sehun managed to make out the important points and headed into town to make the next showing.

Luhan was a er for sad love stories and managed to drag Sehun and Mihan along with her everytime a new one came out, her favorite being the story of Romeo and Juliet. Mihan wouldn't understand half of what was going on so Sehun would make up words to the movie and whisper them into his daughter's ear, trying not to disturb his precious wife's 'movie time'. Sometimes, after the movie was over, the three would buy tickets to a movie Mihan wanted to see, spending the whole day at the movie theater, or going to the arcade afterwards. This time however, was different. Sehun would not see the happy laughter of his wife and child, but the crying members of the audience in their place.

The trip to downtown Seoul wasn't long, and shortly he made his way into the crowded lobby.

Sehun stared in awe. Never had he seen a theater with so many people! He waited in line and purchased 3 tickets. One child, two adults.


“... For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”


All of the members of the audience erupted in cheers. They hugged and embraced their families and enjoyed their existence. They were all so happy that their own stories were nothing close to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.


All but Sehun's.


He did not have a family to hug and hold. He was all alone. A twisted thought formed in the back of his mind. He got up and left the theater without a word.

The broken man came back to the house that sheltered his family, abandoned that dreadful night he lost his wife, and tidied up the small home. That night he slept in Mihan's bed and softly hummed lullabies to sooth his precious child until he finally fell asleep and dreamed the same dream he had every night.


His family was together. Happy. That's all he wanted.


Several days later, he dreamt it. He had caught his child's killer. He looked at his trembling hands that shook before him. 

The filthy hands.. that killed her..

Sehun smiled to himself weakly and thought about the angelic smiles he had woken up to years ago. How he missed them.

Sehun climbed out of bed and slowly but surely walked to the closet.

And there it was, the beautiful gun who saved his Luhan. Saved her from Minseok. Luhan was suffering and Sehun made it stop.

He loved her.

He looked out the window and took in the final sight of those beautiful blood-stained leaves that painted the lonely sidewalks and sighed contently.

“I caught him,” he chuckled, pressing the gun against his temple, "We live in such a cruel world."


It was the last thing he remembered as the world went black.



a/n: Hey guys! This is my first fanfic and I hope it wasn't nearly as crappy as I think it is? Oh whell. ;-;

This story came from my Literature homework (With a few tweaks) So in case I forgot to change some names here ya go :

Sehun - Henry

Luhan - Alice

Mihan - Ellyn


So errr, yup! Comment, subscribe, I appreciate it ;w;

Thanks <3



#Unedited    .-.


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Chapter 1: it's good~~~
nice story ^^