Exo on TV

The crazy life of exo dorm !

Hello ! I'm super tired, I was up till 12:35 studying and stuff so I didn't get my sleep. Anyway I am in a mood for Kaisoo right now. Also I really want a big breakfast. I'm super hungry. Well hope you enjoy ! Tell me what you think in the comments and don't forget to subscribe !! Love ya - Jung-Hee<33


" Welcome to the next episode of XXXX, today on the show we have 12 good looking young boys, introduce yourself !"

" hello I'm Suho!"

" hello I'm Xiumin!"

" hello I'm Sehun!"

" hello I'm Tao!"

" hello I'm Luhan!"

" hello I'm Chen!"

" hello I'm Kris!"

" hello I'm Kai!"

" hello I'm Baekhyun!"

" hello I'm Chanyeol!"

" hello I'm D.O.!"

" hello I'm Lay!"

" We are one, we are Exo !"

The show had gotten about 10 minutes in and the challenges were starting.

" Ok so in this day and age one of the biggest things is shipping people, I myself don't quite understand it but if your a fangirl I guess you do it. Know we did a survey before the show asking people who were the best Exo ships. Exo, what do you think about shipping ?"

" I don't really mind it." Xiumin said.

" Well as you know, Hunhan is a very popular ship. At first it made me feel awkward around Sehun because of what people were saying, but I am not really bothered anymore."

" Well the next challenge will make all you fangirls happy, we are going to but all the ships to the test. Here is the list of results we got from the survey. Please stand next to the person I pair your with."

" ok, Suho and Lay, team Sulay !"

" KYAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" The audience shouted.

" Next is... Baekhyun and Chanyeol, Team Baekyeol !"

This made Baekhyun feel really awkward. Especially with that picture from yesterday. ( The kissing Baekyeol chibi's )

" Xiumin and Chen, team Xiuchen !"

" Yay Hyung in your partner !!"  Chen smiled.

" Luhan and Sehun, team Hunhan!"

There was a sudden roar from the crowd, every one was standing and applauding. Sehun laughed and Luhan just kept his cool. Although he did feel a bit embarrassed.

" Kai and D.O., team Kaisoo !"

D.O. Face went bright red. 1- he had a crush on Kai. 2- Kai seemed to be smiling at the choice.
Kai took D.O's hand and went to stand in there own space.

" Finally Tao and Kris, team Taoris!"

Tao and Kris found a space, they didn't say a word to each other.

" Ok first challenge ! What I like about my Hyung ! Now the youngest person in each pair has to answer this. Tell us what you like about your partner ! We will start with Xiuchen !"

" I like Xiumin because we always hang out and he is a nice guy."
Chen smiled.

" Now let's have.. Hunhan !"

" I like luhannie because he is cute and really good at hid and seek !"

" Awwwwww " the crowd said.

" aha, now Taoris."

" Kris gege is really caring... Plus he buys me Gucci !!"
Kris laughed under his breath.

" Sulay."

" I dunno, I don't speak to Suho much. But if I chose it would be his good looks."

" Kaisoo."

" Kyungsoo Hyung is an amazing cook, also he his very interesting."
Kai said looking into D.O's eyes. The fangirl noticed and were taking pictures. D.O. Was blushing again. 

" Finally Baekyeol!"

" Baekhyun is funny, plus he is my bestfriend."

" Thank you, now the fans have requested some thing from all of you. They were given 3 options- Dance together, Piggy back challenge or the pocky kiss !'

The crowd clapped.

" let's first start with the piggy back challenge, the teams for this are, Baekyeol, Xiuchen and Sulay ! Since there are enough teams doing this we will time you, and there will be a team that wins. "

The course was being set up.

" Ok first couple is Baekyeol ! Ok so Chanyeol you will be blind folded, Baekhyun you have to guide Chanyeol around the course while being piggybacked. "

" ok !"

Baekhyun got onto Chanyeol's shoulders, and blind fold was then put over Chanyeol's face.

" GO !!"

" ok Chanyeol take 3 steps forward."

" Now turn left and walk 2 steps."

Chanyeol turned left and started to walk.


" Right?"

" yeah !"

Eventually the couple finished the course in 3:43 seconds.

" now we have Sulay."

Suho chose to be the guider while lay was lift him up. Their time was quite fast: 2:26.

Next up was Xiuchen. Since Xiumin is stronger than Chen he took bottom.

" GO !"

" GYAAAA !!"
Chen gripped onto Xiumin trying to keep balanced. They nearly collapsed but in the end they got a time of 3:32.

" The winner are Sulay !!!!"

Suho and lay embraced and then the show continued.

" Next is Dancing. Only one group was chosen for this, Hunhan ! Now you can dance to anything you want but it has to be for a couple."

" Sehunnie I know !!"

The familiar music started to play. Sehun and Luhan knew the dance of by heart.

' tell me now now now '

The hall we quiet apart for the music, everyone was hypnotised by Hunhan's amazing dance. They new everything so well. 


The crowd cheered as the song came to an end. 

" Wow that was amazing ! When did you learn that?"

" me and Sehun got bored so we just felt like learning a dance. Plus I really like the song."

" Now we out at our final challenge. The pocky Kiss ! You probably already know the two groups chosen for this task. Taoris and Kaisoo !!"

All the fans screamed. They couldn't wait.

" Taoris you first."

Kris took the pocky stick. He casually put it in his mouth. Tao on the other hand was freaking out. 

Kris have Tao a wink. It make Tao feel like Jelly. 

Tao then bit the end of the stick. Slowly they started moving closer. Tao could practically feel Kris on his face. They were so close now. Kris made a daring move and moved closer. Tao felt like just melted. There lips touched and tao pulled back quickly. 

The crowd scream and shouted with excitement. Tao was actually happy they got pick for the kiss.
Kris still had his cool boy image. But as they sat down. Kris was smiling and he whispered something go Suho. 

" now our final challengers of the day, kaisoo!"

D.O. Was already blushing before they even started. Kai was very happy right now. Kai put the stick in his mouth, he signalled D.O. to start. They went a bit quicker than Taoris but the didn't stip. the stick had snapped. But that didn't stop Kai. He was desperate for a kiss. He gently held D.O.'s face. The kiss was about 3 seconds. It was sweet. The fangirls cried in happiness. D.O. Thought he was gonna explode. It was like fireworks in his tummy. 

" Thank you Exo for coming on the show ! Also thanks to everyone who was watching and stay tuned for next episode which will be featuring 2am !"

The car journey back was filled with laughter. The only person who was quiet was D.O. He was remembering his perfect kiss. 

* Ping ping*

He looked down at his phone screen. He got a text.

The text read-

Thanks for the great time. I really had fun ;)

Love Kai<33

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Chapter 5: Kaisoo is official!!!!!!
Vip_Elf #2
Chapter 4: Ah kaisoo so cute!!!!!
Chapter 3: kyaaa!!! i wanna see all this scene in real life!!!
afiercesong #4
This is nice. I like it!