Pt. 1

Kai Scenario

"I just don’t understand you, she treats you like yet you’re still with her" You say to your best friend.


"You just don’t get it, what it means to have someone you care about. I love her. You just tend to see her when shes in a bad mood." He says back.


"Kai, she’s bad for you! You work 24/7 yet when she calls, you run to her!" You yell.


"I really don’t need this from you ___-ah, you haven’t even been in a relationship. Should you really be lecturing me?!" He yells back. His phone then rings. "I’ll be right there babe." He hangs up and grabs his coat.


"She’s cheating on you!" You yell before realizing what you’ve said


”__-ah, if you keep acting like this I won’t be able to stay your friend” He heads towards the door


"where are you going?!"


"She wants to see me." He opens the door then comes to a halt. "__-ah, you should really get a boyfriend.." He then disappears. 


"Is he kidding me! Aish!" You’re so irritated.You two have been best friends since you were 6 years old. Ever since he became an Idol and got into a relationship he uses you to be able to see her. You two haven’t hung out for the past 2 years because he’s always so busy with her or work, you’re losing your best friend. You just want the best for him but he doesn’t listen he keeps saying you don’t understand. She’s been playing with him for the past 2 years and everyday she’s not with him, she’s with someone else. You’ve seen her and confronted her but she didn’t care. she said "He’s fallen for me, what makes you think he’ll believe you? Get out of his life, he’ll never love you. Staying by his side with your unrequited love is pathetic." She knew you liked him and toyed with him in front of you.


You’re tired of this. She’s right, he’ll never like you back. It’s better for the both of you if you just leave. Kai doesn’t even listen to you, he’s too busy and you could care less if he keeps getting used by her. “He deserves to be used because he’s using me. I’ll just disappear.” You’ve decided it’s time to live your life. 


You’re staying with your friend Jiyeon until your apartment gets sold. Its been 4 weeks and Kai hasn’t contacted you once since that day. “He really hasn’t noticed..” Your phone then rings. “Yes, thank you so much.” The real estate agent said someone just bought your apartment and you can come drop off the keycard sometime this week. 


"She’s probably worried about me.." before you know it you’ve arrived in front of __-ah’s apartment. You type in the code to unlock and see it empty. "What, what happened.."  You reach into your pocket and start calling as you look through the entire apartment. "I’m sorry but you’re call cannot be connected at the moment, please try again later." You start texting her like crazy but she doesn’t respond. You just crash on the floor filled with anxiousness. You decide to go ask the guard downstairs what happened.


"Ahjussi, what happened to the girl living in 21B!"


Ahhh, that girl. She moved out 3, almost 4 weeks ago."


”__-ah, I’m going to miss you!” Jiyeon says.


"Yah, I’ll only be gone for a year.." 


"Fix you’re phone when you get there!" She yells. You hug her goodbye and take a taxi to a cafe near the airport.

You arrive and see her sitting there already. You tell the taxi you’ll be 5 minutes.


"Sorry, I’m late."


"Let’s just get this over with. What do you want."


"I’m what you said. I’m giving up.There’s no point liking someone who will never look your way. What I want from you is to love him."


"What’s this you’ve finally came to your senses? You even cut your hair?" She laughs


"If you hurt him, I’ll make you regret it." You get up and she takes a hold of your wrist.


"What will you do?" You shake her hand off and she falls to the floor.


"babe!" You turn to face Kai and he runs past you to help her up. 


"What the hell are doing!" He snaps at you.


"Jongin-ah, don’t you see, I pushed her to the ground." You snap back.


He then looks at you closely. “__-ah…? Your hair…” He seems shocked. You’re hair that was most precious to you that you grew out is barely shoulder length.


"I have a plane to catch." You then walk out and head to the airport.


You’re done. you won’t have to deal with him again. you won’t have to see them again. You reach your flight and begin your new life. As soon as you get to Japan you send your phone to be fixed. But wait 2 weeks later to turn it on and it goes off like crazy. 50 missed calls from Kai and over a hundred text messages. ‘__-ah, where are you?’ ‘Yah, I’ve been calling you!’ ‘Why did you move without telling me?’ ‘__-ah….’ ‘I’m sorry’ ’ ‘you were right, I’ve been ditching you lately..’ ‘forgive me’ ‘__-ah..I caught her.’ I believe you.’ ‘I promise to never doubt you again’ ‘Please come back’ ‘I miss you’ ’ have you been eating well?’ ‘I’ll wait for you.’ 


All these messages are making you break down. it hurts you to imagine how he’s feeling but you can’t just go and run back to him when he needs you. He needs to learn to be on his own, he needs to grow up. You won’t go back to him, not just for him but for yourself. You’re not ready to be his friend nor his best friend..

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