Chapter 1

My Handsome Sleepy Head



(At Kris and Wendy’s Apartment)

                “Why can’t we go anywhere I want to go honey?” Wendy asked cutely but quietly. “Because, there’s uh . . . . . St-storm . . . Heading our way and its better off if we just stay home and are safe. You wouldn’t want to die now would you?” Kris answers quickly and tries to change the subject but Wendy gets irritated. “Why are you men all such bad liars. It’s annoying and dumb.” Kris glares at her while she walks out of the living room, “WHAT?! Do you want to say that again?”

                Wendy walks backwards into the living room sighing deeply, “I said,” She raises her voice, “You are annoying and dumb! You told me in the beginning when we started going out that you said every woman is unique in their own way. Do you not think that I don’t have my own opinion? Why is it every time I suggest a place I want to go eat or go somewhere, you make up an excuse?” Wendy looks at Kris with confused and sad eyes. Kris doesn’t know what to do but just look at her until one of them talks. “Wu YiFan, a-are you ash-ashamed of me?” Wendy’s eyes start to swell up and before Kris can say anything, Wendy runs off to the bedroom.

                “Wendy, it’s not like that Bao Bei!!!” Kris races after her right when he is about to reach the bedroom door it slams shut in his faces and makes him fall back a little. He pounds on the door still trying to keep his ‘cool’ image, “Wendy, please open the door, I never thought of you like that. I’m not ashamed of you, I never have been. If I was I would have never dated you.”  Wendy cries even louder.

                He sits by the door and waits; there is an hour of silence in the apartment. Kris wonders if Wendy is okay by now. “Bao Bei, are you still crying? Wendy, I can’t hear you? He then hears shuffling, then their closet door opening and hangers being tossed and drawers being opened. He couldn’t believe it. “Wendy, do you still love me? If you do please open this door right now?”

                Wendy on the other side of the door listening to what he is saying, slowly she closes the closet and the drawers, then, her suitcase.  As she opens the door there she sees, the man that she knew was the love of her life. She looks into his eyes as he looks at her then the suitcase and then back at her eyes. He was speechless, “Honey, I’m not leaving you if you think that. I just think it’s best if we have some time away from each other, like a . . . break. I’m going to be staying at Jillian's apartment for a while. And I’ll see you again in a week, if we still want to be together.”

                She hugs Kris and doesn’t drop the suitcase. She tries not to sob when she hugs him while he is still looking at her and standing there like a zombie, “I love you so much. But I think our relationship could use a break. Goodbye Wu YiFan..” She lets go of him and doesn’t look back while she leaves. Wu YiFan’s mind goes blank for second and turns around to leave the apartment too. He was not going to lose Wendy no matter what was going to happen. He couldn’t care less if he lost everything he owned, his car, wallet, clothes, or his job as long as he had Wendy by his side forever, he was complete.

                He runs past the elevators and takes the stairs. Knowing that Wendy would take the elevators because she would always complain about living on the top floor and having to walk up the stairs to the top level. “Memories.” He says while running to the stairs. Kris began running down the stairs, to skipping a few steps to jumping down a flight of stairs. He reaches the main floor and opens the lobby entrance and looks for Wendy, he sees her already crossing the street.

                “WENDY WAIT!!!” He shouts and hurriedly runs to the other side. Wendy yells something to him. He looks at her lips to understand better on what she is saying, “Watch Out!” She screams.

 Wendy’s POV

                “What am I thinking?!” Wendy says to herself as she was in the elevator. ‘Maybe, I’m just over thinking everything. No, he never listens to what I have to say. Why would he be ashamed of me? Why? WHY?!” The elevator doors open and I walk to the entrance door and don’t turn back. I walk slowly thinking to myself that maybe he will come and get me from outside of the lobby. I wait ten seconds for him to come and get me from outside the entrance. Before I knew it, the ten seconds were up. I sighed deeply trying to hold back my tears. I slowly walked across the street and checking left and right the whole time to see if any cars would come by.

                “WENDY!!!” I hear Kris call my name. I turn around and see a car coming at him, “KRIS LOOK OUT!!!” In a blink of an eye I see Kris on the ground; I stand there stunned, “KRIS!!!!!!!” yelling his name as I see a car in front of his body. I get so angry that I  bust the glass car window with my heel and see a drunk man looking at me and smiling, “Oops, ha-ha.” He giggles which makes my blood boil, I feel my face turn red and I open the door and pull him out of the car and drag him to Kris’s body with tears falling down my face. “Do you see what you did? Do you see that this man might be dead because of you?!” I slap him in the face to see him snap out of his ‘drunk’ mode. The man just stands there dumbfounded which a shameful face. I fall to my knees and see Kris’s face covered in blood, I lift up his face while calling his name, “Kris, please wake up Honey!” I cry louder, “Kris, I’m sorry please stay with me! I’M SO SORRY!” I bring his head to my chest and hold his head while rocking back and forth. 

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Sorry to the readers I totally did not see that I put the same paragraphs of Wendy's POV on Chapter 2. Sorry being updated RIGHT NOW.


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