The walls have ears...

Winter and the Deer




There is no great genius without a mixture of madness



"How much do you know?" The question came straight, sense of emergency and alertness present, as soon as the door closed. Chanyeol's face was dead serious, eyes dangerous and lips in a grim line. Unlike his fiery stature, Xiumin appears calm and relax. The both of time like fire and ice, opposing each other with the silent force swirling inside the room. 


"He" The silent fae pointed at the salamander's chest, particularly on the beast inside it. "is a friend of mine". It came to no surprise to the salamander that the thing inside him moved, uncontrollably rampaging inside him. His hands quickly reached for his heart as it ached in ways that can not be described by words enough. His breathing begame uneven, his eyes dilating in pain. He tried repressing the scream boiling in his throat as he felt the strong sharp blades of power rushed thourgh his veins paralazying him momentarily. Why now? He tried to filter his thought blocking at the best of his abilities the rampaging beast in taking control of his body. "Cease your excitement, holy one. It'll tear your vessel apart"


"What are you?" Chanyeol screamed in agony, as felt his head ripping apart. 'Cease your resistance, mortal. It is not of my wish to tear your body apart' The salamander panted, stubborn and furious. "Then stay out of my mind" He shouted inside his mind but the beast refused causing another wave of pain in his body as it thrashed around. His conciousness getting weaker. 'Heed well, mortal. Force me not to do the extremes and burden your body much longer. I only wish to speak to an old friend'


"Listen to his commands, faeling. I shall assure you that you will not lose your sanity" Xiumin spoke eyes expressing honesty and sincerety. The salamander, though hesitant, conceeded to the wishes. He felt a force gently leading him to a corner of his mind, a room in the pits of his conciousness. "Listen well, mortal. I shall give you this much for the favor I selfishly plea of you' Chanyeol found himself watching the Xiumin with his eyes, but not really his. 


"It has been a long time, friend o'mine" He spoke, voice deep and words old. Though with Chanyeol's features, the brown-haired salamamder, released the aura of nobility of ancient. A graceful and refined aura that overwhelms the room by the way he carry himself. A total opposite of the way the outgoing and modernized young fire-nymph carries himself. Xiumin nodded, his eyes changing its hue of chocolate brown to a mysterious and alluring color of blue. Blue, that reminds the watcher of the cold, silent, serene and all too mysterious winter. His young healthy sable hair turning into silver yet his boyish features remained the same. White smoke surrounded his body, wrapping around him as if protecting him from harm, and snowflakes falling near him. Silently, beautifully. A mystic being appeared before him. And again, Chanyeol was reminded that the man was a fae and not human. "Thy form is astonishing as usual"


"You flatter me too much, holy one" A soft lingering smile appeared on the winter, Chanyeol's conclusion, fae. "Your's are much astounding, my friend. With thy body of blue flames and majestic wings that burns foes with its flap. I cannot possibly compare"


"You regard my form highly, old friend." Chanyeol, no the beast, laughed meritorously obviously flattered by the fae's words. Chanyeol, the real one, who was watching inside his body rolled his eyes. The beast fell silent, observing the fae closely unsure of the proper words to speak.


"No need to speak, holy one. I plan to kept thy vessel's situation at the darks and intend to help him" Xiumin smiled, an adorable sight. It was mischievous and all-knowing but danger lurks behind it. 


"I apologize for burdening you, son of "Xiumin shook his head stopping the statement before it finishes. "Pardon me, my friend. Nostalgia seems to have taken over. I am an old bird that treads in this world for too long, a forgotten legend that exist only in the story of mortals and the knowledge of the fey."


"It is all too bad, holy one." There was melancholy in the voice of the fae. The beast released a sigh, contemplating momentarily before he blinked. "It was nice to speak with again, holy one."


"I agree, my friend. Though it would have been better if thou hath used thy old endearment. But that should be too much of greed. I bid you good day, dear friend" The beast blinked returning the control of the body to the owner. And the fae simply smiled at the scene. Chanyeol who finally regained his body stared at the fae unsure of what to say, the winter fae as he coined for his new master tapped his shoulder. 


"It is better if you ask the phoenix inside you when he awaken. You should be able to carry a conversation now since you're not rejecting him vehemently anymore. He shall answer your question in my stead, that friend of mine, Lan Shen."


"I won't ask anything that I really want because it appears you won't be giving answers and that you seem to be uncomfortable if I did. So, I'll just silently go back to the main house and act like nothing happen" Chanyeol grinned cheerfully making the fae nod. He walked slowly, nervously, towards the door closing it behind him after he stepped out then breaking into a dash. It was not as if he was scared, no that's a lie, he felt it. That instant when the phoenix nearly slipped something from his mouth, that chill. His sense tells him he, Xiumin, is very dangerous. He needs to calm his nerves down. Before he stepped inside the main house, he placed his hands in an X shaped on his body releasing heavy air from his mouth in an attempt to slow his heartbeat. "I must control my emotions" he whispered. 




As soon as the salamander dashed out, Xiumin sat on the corner of the room after finding a comfortable place to do so. Black smoke appeared and the tuatha appeared. Teleportation. In contrast to the lazy, sleepy look he possess minutes ago, the tuatha was serious and intimidating. The air of energy around him tells of his lineage and his rank. "Even for a prince eavesdropping is considered rude, your highness" Xiumin greeted the young fae comfortably.


"With Chanyeol screaming his head off, it's a wonder why the rest hadn't heard." The tuatha replied smiling. His eyes were not though. For Xiumin, who've live a long time, the young prince can only be considered as cute.


"I am quite surprise that you've heard, no, remember me, your highness" Jongin frowned, disliking the way how formality was used. At the best he can remember, Xiumin was always this way. Cold and observing. All knowing and all powerful. A fae that even his father, the king of the sacred race, revered. But,  in the tattered memories of his childhood he can always imagine the benevolent fae as someone mischievous and trouble-lowing.


"With the countless times my father repeated your name, it's impossible to forget"  The darker fae frowned, shaking his head at the thoughts. Xiumin laughed, too little change since he last saw the prince of the sacred race. 


"I'm honored that your father thinks fondly of me" 


"He does. Too much." Xiumin stayed silent as the air around them changed into something more heavy, more serious. The tuatha's eyes flashed red, releasing the dormant power of the fae that descended from the gods. "Xiumin, are you an ally of my kin or an enemy?"


"That also depends on your motives, descendant of Lugh. Though you are a son of my great friend, Lir, I shall not hold anything back if you stand in my way"


"What is it that you wish to do? You cannot fool me with your excuse. You are not of this low caliber, you who defeats even death."


"Heed the sayings of the old, young prince. Sometimes curiousity is a poison not only to those that drink it but to everyone around it. I will arrange you a meeting with Merlin" The tuatha de Danann flinched at the way the benevolent fae stares at him. Merciless and frightening. He forgot that the man was indeed the fae who singlehandedly defeated his people's army without a word or two. And the good people are never weak.


"All right. I won't pry. I am wise enough to fear for my life. Though, if you shall be a burden in opening the gates of my kingdom, I shall with all power I have defeat you or die trying."


"This is why Merlin refuses to meet with you. You are very strong-willed, your highness." Xiumin chuckled comfortably, making the prince of the good people, the sacred race pout. Eyebrows knitted together in frustration.


"That old man is just way to obstinate. The heck with closing the path to the Lake of Avalon? Just because of a favor or two" Jongin whined, gritting his teeth while flashbacks of the memories of his efforts flash on his mind.


"There is also one thing I need of you, Prince of the good people"


"About your identity? I don't know why your hiding it but I won't speak of it. My father would kill me if he knew I make you my enemy. Just do the end of your bargain, let me meet Merlin and Guinnevere." Jongin's face became all too serious as he stared at Xiumin who nodded at the young fae prince.  "I need them to revive the halted kingdom"


"I will. The sage of Albion and its faery queen knows better than to reject my requests"


"That's true. But" Jongin grinned. "You do have a lot of interesting students around this time, Xiumin the benevolent" The tuatha stated disappearing almost immediately leaving his trace on the black smoke. Xiumin chuckled, amused by the prince. He has been haughty since a child. 


"But" Xiumin's eyes flashed of dangerous blue, of snow storms and merciless winter. "That of which you seek, the key, is unattainable. I wont hand Kyungsoo over so easily" The fae walked out the door, his eyes and hair back to its normal color. 'Still as cruel as usual, aren't you? It's funny how they call you benevolent.'








I shall explain about the Unseelie and Seelie court to those who haven't heard of it. 


The faeries/ fairies, in folklore, is divided into two classes. The Unseelie and the Seelie. While the Seelie is human friendly, the Unseelie is not. These two classes often clash because of opposing interest. 


My cousin who introduced me to all the faery stuffs and its hype, told me about this one interesting kin/family of faery that I think matched Jongin's personality. They are called the good people or the sacred race. They, according to legend, are tribes of people that descended from a goddess/god. She said it was tuath d' naan, but later after researching because I finally found time found out it should be tuatha de danann which means tribe of Danu. Danu is the god/goddess. Please forgive me for the error. 


For clarifications, 

In the chapter above, like Kris and Lay, Chanyeol is also an avatar. A phoenix avatar despite being a fae. Please do take note. And Jongin is the prince of the good people, a pureblooded tuatha de dannan who somehow is in the human society despite the lack of necessity to be so.


And more to explain is, 

Merlin is referring to the wizard Merlin in the Arthurian legend and Guinnevere is also referring to the queen. Don't be shocked if the name Lancelot does pop out any minute on the story board. Merlin is a sage that guards the Lake Avalon, the Albion faeries sacred lake,  where Arthur resides after being slain as well as his excalibur. And Guinnevere is a the Albion faery queen, a strong beautiful dryad that captured the heart of the hero Arthur who unified the now-called Britain with his knights of the roundtable. They should be fleeting characters but just mentioning in case. 


As to the fae classifications and kins. 

For the fae they are classified from where they reside (Household), their forms (ancestry), and their lineage

For example, Jongin is a Gaelic(all tuatha are), tuatha de danann (Household and lineage), Kyungsoo is a korean, dryad and nymph. Nymph is a collective term to all nereid, salamander, sylph, dryad. Cornish fae is the lineage of those with the ancesty of pixies, piskies, elemental faeries (small people). There are also elves, dwarves and many more but let's not tackle that. :)


For avatars,
They are vessels that carries a beast inside them either since birth (the rarest human) or by some other kind of method. Mythical beast are associated with the faeries as they are often found next to each other since faerie energy purifies that which surrounds them and beast needs a pure habitat. In other words, they cohabitate with each other. 


As for appearances, 

This is Xiumin in release form with a blue eyes, 

Xiumin's eyes in calm form


in offensive form

Sorry for taking so long with this explanation corners. If you have some question I'll be sure to answer so please feel free to ask. And oh, please do subscribe and comment. Thanks. 


To those who did, thank you very much. :) Please enjoy the story. 





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Chapter 6: Whoaaaahh. This is all very very interesting. All of it like whoaaaahh. Nicely written tho it's hard to tell who is speaking what sometimes with how you write the paragraph.

I'm just laughibg bc you make me laugh with all the yehet ohorat kkaepsong and it's not my style but then the fic turns into a somewhat heavy plot *claps*

Overall i just love this fic :)
yuu-san #2
Very well written and the story is unique, too.
chunjoe1004 #3
update soon!
I love it. omg i love this kinds od au!! You write really well too :D its only the first chapter but im already hooked!! Cant wait for the next update!! (^3^)/
Chapter 1: YAAAAAAAS.