Overlapping lines are never coincidental...

Winter and the Deer



Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, and thrice is fated

- Anonymous



Was it the length of time or the will of humanity that revolutionized the world? Xiumin ponders as the flickering man-made lights caught his attention. Humanity, the guardians of the world and the subjects of the gods and godesses' favors, is a strange race. A weak yet willfull race. The gigantic establishments and the speeding vehicles, a dream of the ancient past, lays bare on the streets of the modern humanity. A simplicity that humans have reach in the long course of existence. 


"And yet, faeries nears extinction"  He murmurs, and frowned. The soft laughters of the chummy old air pixies have vanished and all that is left is the cold passing of the night breeze. Why did they decline? The fae. His eyes wanders the large city that human build with blood and sweat as his feet takes him to whenever it wants. His answer came rushing in as a beggar on the darker part of the city, in a creases between the large establishments, with his arms outstreched and begging for help. "Desperation and will. The wish for change" He approached the human child and placed a coin on his open palms. And the fire inside the child's eyes hasn't gone unnoticed, a will for survival. "Live well, young human" The child nodded and grinned thankfully at him before he left. Faeries are wise creatures bestowed, since creation, the knowledge of the world and all the power to manage it. If the humans were the guardians then what was their role? In the deepest part of his subconciousness he knew the answer yet he dare not think about it. Despair would eat his soul, he knew. 


♫ When you smile, sun shines eoneoran teuren chae mot dameul challan

On mame pado chyeo buseojyeo naerijanha oh

Baby don’t cry tonight pokpungi morachineun bam ♫ 


"An ode? No" The voice, all too sweet and gentle, carried by the wind reached his ears and the vibrant and carefree, if not then sunny, faery vitality made him shiver and as if by a compelling force, his feet lead him to its owner by instinct. And the closer he gets, the more his fears aroused. The clear sweet voice allures him in such ways he never thought would be possible, yes, he never thought that he'll be cleansed. His corrupted soul would be cleansed by an ode that is not exactly an ode. And the music stopped and a few meters away his gaze landed on a single silhoutte, face unseen and escaping to some malignant sprites that gathered because of his vitality. "A fool" he muttered softly, almost chuckling.


"Aish, Why me?" The unknown fae, a half it appears, screamed from the top of his lungs. Fortunate for him, humans in the place is nonexistent or he'll be subjected to scrutinizing looks from the way he comically moves to dodge the attacks of the sprites lunging towards him. Xiumin, though unaware, released a soft smile on his face. Moving closer and closer, in silence, he tries to take glimpse at the young fae's features. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?" The man screamed once again, and since he was near, covered his ears to block the loud noise. 


"Why not?" He countered, stepping out of the shadows that hids his presence. In a snap of his fingers the sprite froze and the man froze in his spot. Mouth hanging open like an idiot then proceeding to shiver in what seems absolute delight. "To sing an ode without controlling one's vitality is like telling the sprites to come and eat you" He reprimanded but it seems his words are laid to waste. An unintelligent creature despite being a fae. 


"You're very cute!" The man stated with glee irking him. But for some odd reasons, the way the man smiles eases his irritation. The way his eyes sparkles and crinkles out of adoration and how his youthful features came to life somehow stirs something deep inside him. "My name is Luhan and thank you for saving me" His eyes sparkles, round and innocent like a doe. He observed. 


"Has none of your kin taught you how to control your vitality? I can even feel it from over there" He pointed to the place where he came from moments ago, all the while to be replied by a confused expression and a guiltless tilt on the opposing fae's head. 


"Kin? Vitality?" The man questioned, thinking carefully of its meaning as if it was some alien words. "What's those?" The question left him speechless, and even though he did realize his ignorance on the matter earlier, the truth still somehow surprised him. 


"You're a fae-half, right?" Xiumin calmed himself trying to, as much as possible, appear cordial to the stranger. The man flashed a smile, proud and cheerful. Haughty even. 


"Yes, I am. A sidhe-half"


"Which kin of the sidhe?" 


"Are there many types of sidhe?" A lost ancientry, he concluded. That explains his ignorance to fairy customs and the lack of control to his vitality. He sighed, involving himself in other's matters are never good. And even if he did, involve himself, it'll only bring more troubles. 'But you need as much allies to your side' his inner counterpart reminded. "Hey! What's your name?" the stranger asked waving a hand in front of his face. 


"Kim" There was a pause to his introduction and he glanced at the strangers expectant eyes "Xiumin. Just Xiumin" he answered. 'The great and benevolent Xiumin' the voice inside him snickered which he ignored. 'No need to get so sour on me. Afterall, I'm still you and you are still me'


"Xiumin?" The way his name comes out of the strangers mouth sends shivers down his spine but he will never let the faeling know. Never. "Baozi! You shall be named Baozi, here on!" He frowned at the name. He may have live in isolation for maybe a hundred years but he knew many languages from the books he read to not know the meaning of the word. 'Isn't that great another name to your disposal?'.


"I am not a bun or whatever though not also a human. And furthermore, I properly told you my name"


"But that's not your name." He shuddered and was petrified by the statement. He can hear the roaring laughter of the inner him which brought him back to reality. "So let it be baozi, kay?"


"You. How did you --" How did his years of effort gone to waste to a single man, a fae whose ancestry was unknown? "Nevermind" he coughed. He's been pushed to the edge for just the few minutes of the conversation which was very unlike him. The silent and always powerful him, Xiumin. 


"Master!" The familiar synchronous voices of his apprentice reaches his ears making him spun his heels to see the rushing figures of his students along with some other new faces mixed with them. Kyungsoo's half friends. Baekhyun was the first to reach him and tackle him into a bone crushing hug as a greeting followed by the rest of his well-raised apprentices. 


"Yah! Don't disappear like that!" The tall chinese man reeking with the scent of the chinese dragon scolded his sole companion with a deep voice. "Be thankful that no sprites seems to have found you"


"Sorry Kris. Well, they did find me" Xiumin detached himself from the embrace of his students while patting their head affectionately. He eyed the group across him who came worried for the doe-eyed fae. "Well, baozi over there saved me" He grinned as he told the events that happened during their absence. The tall dragon-avatar and the rest of his group faced him before muttering a whole-hearted thanks. He simply nodded subtly.


"Master!" Kyungsoo lunged himself towards him causing for both of them to fall on the ground and he chuckled. His seemingly replica, as his inner self brands the dryad, nuzzles closer to him sobbing like a child. It seems that his new friends have never seen this side of the dryad as they stare at the seen all too mindblown while Kyungsoo's chilhood buddies grinned teasingly at the dryad. "I was so worried"


"Sssshhhh, young child. All is fine" He cooed appeasing the anxieties that the dryad must have held back all the years of their disappearance. "Let us continue this discussion to your abode, sha'nt we?" He cupped his apprentice's cheeks kissing him softly on his forehead like he used to when they were small faeling. The dryad rubbed his eyes and nodded at the statement before a hand pulled him from Xiumin's embrace. A tuatha d' naan stares down at him darkly and he chuckled softly. He stood up taking Joonmyeon's offered hand as a leverage to pull himself up before dusting his garments of any attached dirt on it. He patted the tuatha d' naan's shoulder smiling  knowingly. "I'm as old as you can imagine" he whispered to the young possessive fae who seem to have taken a liking to the dryad. 'Aren't you going to pry them off? Afterall Kyungsoo is your precious --'


"Master, shall we go?" Kyungsoo cheerfully stated. Flashing his adorable heart-shaped smile. He took the extended hand and let the excited dryad lead him to their destination. And Luhan, unknown to the benevolent fae, watched the scenes with a disapproving smile. 


"Well, I ought to get Jongin be my ally then" Luhan whispered to himself chuckling, albeit the curious stares of his friends. He, like the rest of the newbies, followed the all too happy landlord of his back to the manor. All the while thinking of ways to get closer to the mysterious and cute baozi fae. 


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Chapter 6: Whoaaaahh. This is all very very interesting. All of it like whoaaaahh. Nicely written tho it's hard to tell who is speaking what sometimes with how you write the paragraph.

I'm just laughibg bc you make me laugh with all the yehet ohorat kkaepsong and it's not my style but then the fic turns into a somewhat heavy plot *claps*

Overall i just love this fic :)
yuu-san #2
Very well written and the story is unique, too.
chunjoe1004 #3
update soon!
I love it. omg i love this kinds od au!! You write really well too :D its only the first chapter but im already hooked!! Cant wait for the next update!! (^3^)/
Chapter 1: YAAAAAAAS.