When the earth starts to move...

Winter and the Deer



Do Kyungsoo spared a look at the ancient fae. Observing the long and opulent eyelashes encircling his sleek and sharp eyes, he can't help but be drawn towards the grace that falls in front of him. The round and porcelain face void of any emotion and filled with serenity and the way his tousled sable hair appears to be arranged in a perfectly manner, all of it amazed the seven-year old dryad. As soon as their gazes met, Kyungsoo shivered with delight. His hands trembling in an unknown excitement and yet he was petrified and left with the option of blinking. 




The Winter fae lives at the top of the mountain for many many years, even before he was born, and several stories has reached his ears. All of his benevolence. And so, like any other faeling, he had unconciously feared and respected the winter fae and developed a desire to sneak a glance upon this magnificent creature that has live more than a millenia. It all came true when his mother, a full-blooded dryad, came rushing to him humming so merrily and face drawn with a wide smile. As she scooped him up into her arms and kissed his cheeks resulting to the jittery feeling he always get when she does that, she twirled him around merrily to be pulled by the ground nonetheless. 


"I have brought a wonderful news, Kyung-dearie" Kyungsoo has to frown at the pet name. As much as he loves his name, he loathes the cutesy that can be attached with it. His mother chuckled kissing him yet again on the cheeks and he has to boldly push her away. His father popped from the kitchen and smiled at the scene. He knows that skinship and public displays of intimacy was never Kyungsoo's liking. 


"What's the news?" Kyungsoo dusted his pants with his stubby fingers trudging adorably to the couch where all the comforts in the world is located. He had a hard time, as usual, climbing the ever-so tall couch and his parents has to giggle causing another pout on his adorably made face. 


"Don't be so sulky, soo." His mother cooed deepening the pout even more. Alicia, his mother, sighed and flashed a smile to his son. "I've signed you up to be a student of the Winter Fae"


"I won't be chosen. Affinity wise" Kyungsoo deadpanned. He knows how his mother gets worked up over small-things therefore he decided to return to the lores where he will submerge himself into reading. Despite the young age, Kyungsoo was considered as a genius. His profound knowledge on the fae histories and his passion for faerie lores has earned him names from different fae kin. 


"That, my son, is an entire misconception." Kyungsoo took his attention away from the large book on his little hands and stared at his mother like she was some unknown mad woman. A rudeness that his parents became used to after being subjected to it over and over again. 


"What cause you to say so, mother?" His mother grinned, a childish action that irks him most of the time since it signify a victory on her side and a defeat on his. And defeat was something he can never tolerate. Out of nowhere, his mother produced an eveloped marked with the insignia of the snow. Kyungsoo eyes widened in surprise bouncing from his positiom amd dashing towards his mother. "An invitation letter?" He hopefully asked. Now he was more like a child. His mother shook her head and he sulked. "A rejection letter?" His mother once again shook her head. 


"An acceptance letter. You're to be taught by his benevolence" And that was the day Kyungsoo danced and pranced in joy like a little child that he really is, entertaining his parents with his cute way of rejoicing. 



The abode of the wise and oldest fae was as humble and as simple as Kyungsoo imagined. With only the tools of necessity arranged neatly and accordingly in the most flawless matter that he has ever seen. The state of the house has deeply made a great impression to his young self and his respect and reverence towards the ancient fae has entered yet another league of its own. Though, unlike the precise, orderly and logically arrangements of his house the choices of his students have deeply intrigued him. His acceptance itself was a vague mystery to be solved but some other apprentice are much queer than his own. The Oh family's five years old youngest son and the Kim family's eldest son was not a surprise. But the son from the Kim's branch family whose abilties has been known to be destructive and the town's greatest prankster, the Byun family's only son was a shock for him. Detaching himself from the case that runs amock inside his brain cage, he settled down at one of the available seats and opened his lore ignoring the rowdiness of three of his classmates and enjoying the silent presence of the eldest of the group who was sitting beside him while keeping an eye to the other three. 



Weeks passes entirely and never a day without incidents. One the first day, Kyungsoo managed to make a fool out of himself whilst he was dumbfounded by the youthful appearance of his mentor causing mockeries from the rowdy trio as he coined it. Though on the later part of the day, he had finally managed to regain his cool and be back to his usual self earning a smile from his now-very-loved mentor. On the second day, Kyungsoo begrudgingly ignored Sehun because he somehow managed to came out as the top student for the day while he and Joonmyeon are the second top and Jongdae and Baekhyun gave up competing only to found out that it was because the youngest has been a consistent second on all of their test while Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo often change places from  first and third and he forgived the youngest for defeating him where he has to buy him a candy. On the third day, Baekhyun and Jongdae had a fall out since the latter had accidentally electrified the former and the rest of day was very silent until their mentor stepped in with a story and some sweet treats. On the fourth day, Jongdae fell down from a tree breaking some of his bones and Sehun in his panic used a healing ability that healed Jongdae's bones but it became hard as rock bringing birth to the one-ton Jongdae golem as Baekhyun named which was dispelled by the mentor at the end of the day. With Jongdae back to normal and Baekhyun disappointed. On the fifth day, Joonmyeon was proclaimed leader and was tasked to oversee the group ending with him being abused by he rowdy trio and being protected by Kyungsoo. On the sixth day, the five of them somehow entered the forbidden woods because of Baekhyun's absolute attraction towards mischief and had to survive the day without getting found by the malevolent fae. The day was spent with crying mostly of Sehun's and whining of Jongdae, scolding of Joonmyeon and his pout. On the seventh day, the five of them were still trapped on the woods and Sehun was clinging on him because of fear. Even the usually high in energy duo are now somber and Joonmyeon's calm facade was slowly faltering into pieces. When a malevolent sprite had somehow managed to detect them screams erupt and fears arose. In a matter of minutes, Joonmyeon was wounded severely and Sehun was reduced to a crying mess whilst clinging to him for dear life. Baekhyun and Jongdae was unconcious and Kyungsoo has to fight the urge to run and cry since it might attract more sprite. Stalling more time as possible, since he trust that his parents and his mentor would come and save him, he did his best to defend his fort against the bad bad fae whose target was to eat their vitalities away and that in simpler terms means death. 


"Kyungsoo!" At the sound of his name, Kyungsoo broke down and sobbed like a child which he really was. And everything was frozen in a matter of seconds leaving him and his friends safe and sound. His mentor, Xiumin the benevolent, the winter fae comforted him with a hug and Sehun clinged on his arms crying. Joonmyeon also started to cry and the three of them started to tell the story while in a sobbing mess. 


"Baek-Baekhyunnie is -- Jongdae is-- also -- the bad fae -- so scary --" Somehow Kyungsoo managed to tell the story while sobbing and pointed to the lifeless two. Xiumin silence them with his comforting voice saying that everything is okay and as he walked towards the unconcious duo. His eyes glows and changed into deep blue releasing a cold cold gust of wind that made him shiver. Snow flakes fell down on the sleeping duo as if regenerating the vitality that was loss. Baekhyun was the first to open his eyes rubbing it adorably like he just woke up from a sweet dream followed by Jongdae who managed to yawn loudly. Kyungsoo broke into a dash and tackled both of his troublemaking into a hug. Sehun with his short and adorable feet stumbles for a hug followed by Joonmyeon. 


"Kyungie?" Baekhyun tilted his head shocked at the sudden physical contact. The other three proceeded to cry and when surprise finally left the duo the memory and their situation seems to have sunk inside their head again and another set of cries were added to the chorus. Xiumin smiled in relief as he saw his students safe and sound. He picked them up embracing them before creating a snow golem to carry them to the town. He kissed all of them before he returned home. 




Five years passed and as per tradition, faeries who has human blood must learn how to settle with the humans. And Kyungsoo was one of them. He had to leave rural town of his for the bustling city of Seoul. Tao, the newest addition to his peers, warns him with his usually made-of-rumours information that Seoul is a scary place which he half bought and half not. Since he was the only half on the group, he was the only one to be subjected by the tradition and was the only one to leave which he found entirely unfair. Joonmyeon who was fussing about his appearance and luggage until the last minute managed to bid him a proper farewell. Jongdae refused to let his hold go detaining him in his arms as the lightning fae stubbornly hates Kyungsoo leaving causing him to nearly miss his bus. Baekhyun, on the otherhand, slipped some weird things inside his bag saying it was some sort of charm to protect him from bad sprites which according to Tao runs rampant at the city. It was only Sehun who was late and arrived when the bus was leaving and like the spoiled brat he was, he broke yet another rule as he used the wind to carry him and appear beside Kyungsoo's windows surprising the other passengers who were entirely human. 


"Hyung! Sathaenghaeyo. Come back soon, 'kay?" Kyungsoo nodded and sighed. Sometimes he wonders what goes around the brains of his friends. As the bus was nearing the boundaries of the town his gaze travelled to his master's home and a soft warm voice that stood like his second parent entered his mind. "Take care, Kyungsoo" And with much squinting done, he can visually manage to see his master waving at him. His master who really hadn't change one bit after all these years. 


Seoul was more noisy and dizzying that he had ever imagine though he found out that the rumors about the bad sprites were a fallacy that doesn't reduce his worries to zero. Apparently, a human tradition of them was to enter a school in some weird structures along with a cluster of strangers and learn lessons that are discovered by the human knowdlege. A small percent to the realities of the world. They call these things science, math, arts, literature and many things but for a dryad like him all of those things are simply perceptions. And so without much effort, he somehow managed to become the top student at no time and be renowned as those straight-A's students. Much to his annoyance, another of his discomfort to the modern society as the human's termed the new age where machines run rampant rather than evil spirits as Tao concluded is the bubbling, rude, and flirty young generation who devalue themselves by throwing theirselves to him which he honestly has no interest whatsoever. Apparently, with regards to their standards he is one of those 'heartthrobs' that makes girls squeal as he pass by along with some other who either suffers or enjoys all of these commotion. 


There are five others on the book for their school which Kyungsoo regrets his school of choice. He should have chosen a male-only school so the commotion would have lessen. His eyes travelled to the seat next to him and he released a sigh. Park Chanyeol, the resident archeology geek and history enthusiast, was one of those hearththrobs. Unlike the purely cute visual but entirely masculine personality he possess, Chanyeol was half-masculine and half-adorable in both looks and personality with his round large eyes and large ears. He is called as the gigantic fairy. Kyungsoo's gaze travelled to the courts which was visible from his window. The tallest of the men, Kris, managed to score with a dunk making the female population swoon. He grimaced. His super sensitive senses are causing him headache. The basketball ace flung his arms around the other heartthrob's shoulders, Lay's, the resident dimpled lady-killer. A man known to be a gentleman among the gentlemen. As soon as the bell rang ending the class, Kyungsoo immediately and hurriedly walked out of the room bumping into the soccer club's captain. The heartthrob with a feminine appearance. Luhan. He excused himself and hurried walked towards his hideout. An abandoned primary school building a few meters away from the new building. 


"Finally, some peace and quiet" Kyungsoo sprawled on the creaky wooden and personally cleaned floors feeling the coldness brush his body. He hummed quietly as the fairy odes that he and his friends back from his hometown used everyday at this same time. He closed his eyes reminiscing the faces of his acknowledged classmates and his favorite teacher. Confident that no one should be around here, he sang his heart out. He knows that even if he don't restrain his vitality no fae would gather around him since Seoul was a place were faeries never exist. 


"You have a nice voice" A raspy voice shocked him immediately halting his song and opening his eyes. "And beautiful eyes too" the man, a tanned middle school student like himself, said with a grin. "My name is Jongin. Kim Jongin, what's yours?" For a moment, Kyungsoo was sure that the stranger was a fae but logic managed to overtake his thoughts and his conclusions were clouded by haziness. 


"Do Kyungsoo" he replied not knowing why. There was a compelling force for him to do so. Jongin nodded at him, his stable hair flowing the movements of his head and his plump pink lips broke into a grin. 


"Can you sing again?" It was more of request than a command and he was never a man who lets anyone try to pry on his business but somehow the stranger has a strange effect on him as he nodded his head and continued to sind the ode. As soon as he finished the song, claps and wolf-whistles greeted him. The whole of the heartthrobs gathered in the place with smile on their faces. 


"So you're a fae?" Kyungsoo took a moment to register the question that came from the mouth of his classmate, Park Chanyeol, before he sighed and nodded as an answer. He was wrong thinking that no fae would gather. 


"A driad. My name's Kyungsoo and I came from Jeolla-do or more likely the town of fae in it. Pleasure to be of any acquiantance" Kyungsoo introduced a proper manner. He stared at the gathered group and watched the various expressions of their faces. Luhan and Chanyeol shrugged his introduction with a smile,  Lay nodded welcomingly, Kris and Jongin were confused. 


"My name is Chanyeol as you already know. A salamander-half" Chanyeol introduced before he stuck his thumb to Luhan's direction. " This is Lu Han, A sidhee-half. Yixing over their is not a fae but an avatar. He holds the unicorn's spirt. Kris is an avatar too but with a dragon. They are both human otherwise. How bout you transfer student?" Chanyeol eyed the tanned stranger who grinned at him. 


"My name is Jongin. A tuatha d' naan" Chanyeol nodded and Kyungsoo sighed. Somehow, this seems to be a deja vu. 




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Chapter 6: Whoaaaahh. This is all very very interesting. All of it like whoaaaahh. Nicely written tho it's hard to tell who is speaking what sometimes with how you write the paragraph.

I'm just laughibg bc you make me laugh with all the yehet ohorat kkaepsong and it's not my style but then the fic turns into a somewhat heavy plot *claps*

Overall i just love this fic :)
yuu-san #2
Very well written and the story is unique, too.
chunjoe1004 #3
update soon!
I love it. omg i love this kinds od au!! You write really well too :D its only the first chapter but im already hooked!! Cant wait for the next update!! (^3^)/
Chapter 1: YAAAAAAAS.