A M N E S I A “내가 기억해... 우리”

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After  a series of accidents, TaeYeon decided to settle down in a town where his friends say he used to live in even though he could not recall a time being there. But when he took the job as a substitute tutor for a fifteen-year old musician named Eunji, everything about her began triggering his teenage life's long-lost memories.

All of the things he buried deep within started resurfacing, and the only woman he truly loved freshly echoed through his teenage student’s features and disposition. With the help of Eunji, will he find the woman he loved and get closure from the tragedy of his forgotten relationship?

I mean after all, Eunji had been setting up her single mother Tiffany on dates before. Finding soulmates is kind of a hobby to this young, free-spirited girl. It probably won’t be too hard to help find her music teacher’s long-lost love.

Little did Eunji and TaeYeon know that they were actually sharing the same blood.


It was silent.


      The heartbeat monitor beat constantly, steadily, and loudly, but the hours Tiffany had spent in this room drowned out this monotonous tune that it could even lull her to sleep. Her head bobbed up and down trying to stay awake and her back has been acute for about an hour now. Although her body complained to her about how uncomfortable things were getting, she didn’t say a thing. She willingly wanted to suffer like this, to sacrifice her comfort just to be with the one she loved.

      A soft grunt erupted in the silence. Its volume was low, but it sounded like trumpets to Tiffany’s ears. Her weary eyes shot open and gravitated towards the cold body in front of her. She expected some kind of change or progress, but he was still lying there without a care in the world. Nothing happened just like any other day she visited. Maybe tiredness was just taking its toll on her.

      She couldn’t even form thoughts at this point. The little growing seed in her stomach drained her battery faster than normal. She felt nauseous every day, making every little thing worse than it should be. Her endurance ran thinner and her emotions got a better control of her. Her hopeful soul grew to become doubtful. Crippling thoughts overcome her, giving her a strong desire to feel as numb as the one in front of her.

      However, she has trained herself enough to believe that all these dangerous thoughts were telling her she needed to rest. So before she accidentally spends another unhealthy night in this stale hospital room, she stretched her stiff arms and prepared to leave. It was already 8:34 PM anyway. The family who cared for her would certainly be worried by now.         

      Before she stood up, she stared one more time at the body in front of her.

      “He’s not waking up,” she sighed. If only she had all the time in the world, she would watch him and his chest rise up and down, indicating that there was still life left in him—that there was still hope of him waking up some day. If only fairytales were true, she would’ve kissed his chapped lips to bring him back to life a long time ago—but even a tale of a princess waking up a cursed prince has never been told. And so she prayed, or rather murmured, “Please wake up soon.”

      Like magic, her words came true and the boy’s eyes slowly flickered open. A sharp static exploded in his ears when his body tried to adjust to his sudden awakening. His head pounded but the pain quickly subsided. The first things he noticed were whitewashed ceilings above him and an annoying beep entering his left ear. He couldn’t move his body and his mouth had gone dry.

      “Where am I?” TaeYeon thought. His vision constantly blurred and he couldn’t decipher what was happening. Everything he saw seemed foreign to him, and he couldn’t describe anything that his eyes landed on. But then it met Tiffany’s brown, blood-shot eyes. Something about those brown, glistening eyes felt like home.

   Tiffany lost her breath seeing him stare back at her. dropped from shock. It felt like a dream seeing him finally awake—finally looking at her with those calm eyes.

      “T-TaeYeon?” Tiffany stuttered with a smile. However, he did not respond and Tiffany immediately assumed the worst. “Do you... remember me?”

      Although unaware of his current situation, TaeYeon was still able to understand her words. He stared at her trying to find an answer. Who was she? Her voice sounded familiar like a popular song of the past. Her face, although swollen and abused with tears, looked absolutely beautiful. She must have been someone in his life for his heart felt comfortable just staring at her, but not a memory or even a name came to mind. He tried to reply in any way he could but his sore throat did allow him to speak. His nerves were too stiff that he helplessly could not move any part of him. All he could do was faintly squinted his eyes for a second with his eyebrows struggling to furrow along as an answer. Then his eyes suddenly felt sore from being exposed to light, so he closed it.

      Tiffany held his hand tightly trying to get her soul closer to him. As she desperately searched for a way to find assurance that he knew what she was saying, ragged breath escaped her lips. TaeYeon opened his eyes, startled that her tears began to show. Though clueless as to what these emotions exactly meant, TaeYeon felt the desperation starting in her voice. “It’s me,” her lips quivered, “Tiffany.”

      Not a reply came for he could only do nothing but blankly stare. When she could not take seeing his lifeless eyes on her, bloated tears fell. One fell warm on TaeYeon’s arm, and then came another. For a minute, this hot rain poured endlessly on his skin. His heart violently reacted to every drop, and the heartbeat monitor amplified it all. He wanted to reach out for her cheeks and catch her tears, but his weak muscles forbid him.

      “Can you hear me?” she cried. TaeYeon blinked slowly and slightly nodded his head. Tiffany felt a little glimpse of joy and relief, but it just didn’t seem enough.
      “Can’t you remember anything?”

      TaeYeon opened his mouth but only his breath made a faint sound. He closed it immediately knowing nothing would come out. The thought was at the tip of his head, but he could not bring himself to answer. What was he even supposed to say?

      “I’m Tiffany… your girlfriend.”

      Understanding the words she said, TaeYeon’s head spun. It was at that moment that he realized something was horribly wrong. “If you are my girlfriend, who am I, then?” TaeYeon wondered.

      “You do know me, right?” she said, with the last bit of energy that kept her emotions from breaking down.

      With a grunt, TaeYeon was able to give her an answer before wincing in pain, “No…” His sore body closed his throat again for too much energy was drained trying to force himself to talk.

      Tiffany clearly heard him, but in disbelief she just sat there unable to let it sink in. TaeYeon had been in a coma for a month from a deadly accident. Memory loss was extremely unavoidable according to the doctor’s diagnosis, and she heard this almost every day. So what, really, was she expecting?

      She fixed her gaze on his eyes to find another answer other than the truth, but Taeyeon just stared at her like she was transparent. Tears pushed out of her eyes like a rally trying to break down a gate. She couldn’t hold them back no matter how much she convinced herself things would be alright. She covered and left the hospital room. It was unbearable to look at him, the boy whom she had fallen for, who had fallen on a terrible fate.



TaeYeon | Tiffany | Eunji | Key

and more

Heads up:
There will be a lot of MUSIC references
Don't worry. If you don't have the specific song, it will be linked.


I have improved a lot of things in this story and I hope you enjoy it! :)

I guess back then, everything was easier to read because I was only a rookie in writing stories, but now, I've stepped up my writing game. Aaand I have an alternate version with most of their names changed. AMNESIA If you're interested you could check it out. XP

- author's first thoughts (early 2014):

My sister and I always say that Apink members are TaeNy babies just because they either look like TaeYeon or Tiffany and are named Apink, but usually wear blue. But as I watched a bunch of Apink clips (since I didn't know them that much) Eunji was definitely the ultimate TaeNy baby out of all the Apink members. I mean ajumma voice, eye smile, expressions, ect... If you listen to "Love, That One Word" of TaeYeon, there will be some verses when she'll sound a bit like Eunji. IDK, it's just our opinion :P

To be honest, the first fan fiction I’ve ever read was a TaeNy fan fiction with a plot very similar to this one. I liked it so much that I was inspired to make my own. And since I loved the American TV show Everwood (2002-2006) so much, I wanted to write my own twist of the story. I merged the plots and concepts of both stories and that’s how AMNESIA was born!

My goal as I was working on this was to make the plot casual and simple, cliche but unique, and sticking to the challenge of pleasing thirsty shippers but adding in morals that are often dismissed in many fan fiction plots.

P.S. Boy Taeng is JiWoong Oppa, TaeYeon's older bro (because basically, this story is loosley based on him more than TaeYeon, but of course they're pretty much the same person anyway :P).


I've honestly been thinking of updating AMNESIA again for a long time now with a better writing style. So here I go again!


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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
kidleader_tae #2
Chapter 18: TaeNy 😍
Chapter 18: Author nim
When are u coming back :(
Chapter 18: I enjoyed the chapter a lot because you can really see everyone grow. Keep up the good work!!
tipco09 #6
Chapter 18: This is the best chapter so far.
Chapter 18: Yay! Can't wait for more.
hey i just read ur foreword
i just noticed the last 2 paragraphs, instead of TAEYEON u wrote JINWON
i think u made mistake there
mingo123 #9
Chapter 18: Omg so happy for the update ...can wait for Taeny wedding
peacerworld #10
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update, it's very good as always. We will always remember Jonghyun as a good person :) He teached us a a lot