Chapter 12

Unconditional Love



“Choi Jinri.....I....I think I like you.”


“Mwo?” Sulli asked in wide eyes. Is this what he trying to say? But ….. Why all of sudden?


She felt her heart jumping madly inside her chest at the same time she felt his hot breath was brushing her neck up to her ear.


“I like you, Jinri.” Minho said once again but in whisper. He then loosened his hug and turned Sulli around to face him.


He smiled at Sulli’s confused expression. His hand then reached for her cheek and it gently.


“You are so cute.” Minho said. “And beautiful at the same time.” He slowly leaned his face forward toward her.


Sulli suddenly held Minho’s hand to stop her cheek and stepped backward away from him.


“I’m sure you are drunk, Minho.” Sulli said and turned her head to the side. “I think you should go to rest now.”


“Why?” Minho asked stiffly which made Sulli stopped her track that was about to enter her room. “Is it because you like him? That’s why you cannot say anything to respond my feeling?”


Sulli shut her eyes to clear her mind before she opened back and stared at Minho. “Even if I really like him or not …. I guess it does not bother you that much.”


“Huh?” Minho furrowed his brows.


“Okay, let’s say that you sincerely said it but I’m sorry …… I don’t think I believe you, Minho. I’m so confused, really confused which one of the reason behind it that pushed you said that you like me all of sudden?” Sulli said.


“Let’s say?? Do you consider my sincere confession just now is nothing to you? Thinking that I was just saying? And what is the reason that you were talking about? Look! You can just reject me and say that you like HIM and not ME. Why making it so hard by finding those nonsense answers?” Minho said and raised his hands waving in the air. “Okay I’m fine so you can answer me now that you like Lee Jonghyun. And that easy, I’ll let you go to him. You were right after all, I have no right to oblige you to do this and that. I’m not stopping you. You can LIKE him as much as you want.” Minho raised his voice as he seemed cannot control his anger.


Sulli didn’t respond as she was just staring at him and pursuing her lip. Her eyes already well up in tears.


“I … I won’t take what you said seriously because I know that you might be not in the right mind since alcohol already occupied your consciousness.” Sulli said in tremble voice at the same she felt her cheek was wet but she ignored it and continued. “But I want to say one thing … Please don’t ever try to presume about my feeling anymore because you know nothing about it and whenever you did that … you’ll never know how I feel like at all.”


Sulli then immediately turned around from Minho and entered her room. Once her foot set inside, her tears began streaming uncontrollably. She walked weakly toward her bed while holding her chest which full of emotion tightening inside, it was even difficult for her to take her breath normally. But when she almost reached her bed, she was so startled at the door was being burst opened and Minho’s figure appeared. He walked hastily toward her and pulled her hand to face him. His stern face was staring intensely at her.


“If you said that my word just now was the presumption so tell me the real reason why you rejected me. I want to hear it from you and right now. Tell me Jinri!” Minho demanded firmly.


“You’re wrong. I’ve never rejected you Minho because I don’t have any right to do that. And I think there’s no need to explain anything since you’re the one who knows about the reason better more even than me though.” Sulli replied and took her hand from Minho’s grasp. “I’m tired. Can you leave for now?”


“I’m not going anywhere until you explain me about everything. And I don’t understand what you were saying Jinri. I have known what better than you?” Minho still insistently talked to her.


Sulli just ignored him and turned to face her bed about to lie down. But Minho quickly dragged her hand to face him again. He held her both arms tight.


“Why? Do you regret all what we’ve done this far?” Minho questioned.


“What?” Sulli uttered lightly.


“Regret that you’re pregnant with my child but not with him? Not with Lee Jonghyun, the person you like?”


With that Minho instantly earned a hard slap from Sulli. Minho dropped his hands from her arms and clenched them tight.


“You’re outrageous, Choi Minho.” Sulli shouted at him with tears greatly flowing down. “How could you say that shameful word toward me? It’s no different from what you’re insulting me with your word and disrespects me by your absurd presumption. If I’m not wrong I think you might be thinking that the child I’m carrying is not yours right?”


Minho instantly looked at Sulli and a slight of guiltiness constantly filled inside his chest.


“No Jinri, that’s not what I-”


“Fine!!” Sulli cut his speech and wiped her tears away. “You want to know it right? I’ll tell you. You said you like me, is it because of guilt or responsibility? Guilt, because of you keeps hurting me again and again and plus I’ve suffered from your family?!"


"Responsibility, doesn’t it come from that you had promised with my Mom and me every now and then that you’d take care of me since I have no one but only you? And one more thing that I’m right now is pregnant. Am I right? Because of those reasons, you had forced yourself to say that you like me?! Are you satisfied with this answer now?!”


Minho shook his head repeatedly and gathered Sulli’s tremble figure into his tight embrace.


“I admitted those are also the reason why I said it but beside them, most of it I’m truly developing a romantic feeling for you, Jinri. Please believe me, I’m sincere and honest. I really like you for real, Jinri.”


“Are you sure?” Sulli asked almost inaudible. She felt so tired all of sudden and had no strength to struggle with Minho anymore as she stayed still inside his arms. “Are you really sure that you like me because of you’re having a feeling for me but not because of …. you want a replacement? From the beginning according to your plan, I guess I’m just a plain woman for substitution.”


That made Minho loosened his arms around her. Sulli chuckled bitterly choked up with her tears, she then took a chance to pull herself out from Minho. She looked at him. She felt her heart was being tore apart, knowing that this was actually the real reason out of those above. He just wants someone to help him forget a person who is still inside his heart.


And that was her whom he chose.


“Can you let me rest? I’m so tired.” Sulli uttered weakly.


But when Sulli was about to remove herself away from him, Minho caught her again. All of sudden he pulled the girl by her waist and attacked her lips. Sulli was really taken aback with his sudden action. She instantly tried to push his chest but Minho still compelled her to deepen their kiss. When he felt Sulli was no longer countering, he then let their lips free but instead let go of his locking arms around Sulli, he pulled the girl into a tight hug again.


“Why you’re so stupid thinking that you’re a replacement, Jinri? Is that the real reason why you suffer?” He said and caressed her hair down to her back. He kissed her hair. “If that so, I’m so sorry.”


Sulli didn’t say anything as she let her sobbing win over her tongue. Minho slowly withdrew the hugging. He held her both cheeks and wiped her tears.


“Listen! We were just the past. Jiwon and I had ended since 3 years ago. She is history.” He halted at the sight of Sulli jerked her head away from his touch. He sighed before continued. “But we are different, Jinri. You’re the present, us and our child is the future.”


That made Sulli looked back to Minho and there she saw him smiled.


“Let’s forget all about the plan. I …. want US become REAL. Let’s unite our 3 lives into one as in a real family, Jinri.”




“But I’m asking you one thing, Jinri. Just … Just give me a little time. When I can sort out my feeling clearly, that’s when we start our fresh page of life together. I promise, it won’t take too long.”



+    +    +    +


Sulli slowly opened her eyes and blinking multiple times before she could adjust at the morning sunlight shining around the room. She moved slightly but only felt something heavy pressuring on her waist. She looked down and saw an arm was wrapping her from behind. In a very slow movement and quiet, Sulli turned around and there she saw Minho was sleeping soundlessly beside her.


She let out a smile and touched his cheek. Recalling last night how Minho ended up sleeping here with her. Nothing happened between them, they only shared the same bed and warmed each other with their companion in her room.


But her smile little by little faded away when she remembered his word from last night.


‘Are you really sure Minho that we can? Are you certain that you will succeed in organizing your feeling? You won’t collect your word from the last night back, right? But … I don’t know how much confidence I have to reliably believe you, Minho.’ Sulli said to herself while caressing his cheek gently. She felt her eyes became moist. ‘But anyway I’m willing to wait for you and will never mind about the result at the end as well. Just take your time as much as you want.’




Minho woke up lingering with a severe headache. He looked around and realized that he wasn’t in his own room but Sulli’s. Minho sat up and tried to recollect thing happened from last night. It only took him a moment to remember at the same time his lips curved into a small smile.


Though it was seemingly like a dream for him that because of just a slight effectiveness of drinking made him admitted his feeling and confessed to Sulli even despite that he still hasn’t gotten over from the past heartbrokenness and still not yet ready to get involve with another relationship, but with the presence of Lee Jonghyun and the shadow of him and Sulli’s togetherness kept flashing back as in torturing, made him emerged the anger due to a high building of jealousy inside his chest.


He found himself was afraid losing Sulli in one day if he didn’t make any moves in order to hold on Sulli tight.




Minho took his deep breath first before he twisted the door knob to open the door. He stepped outside and peeked over the kitchen to find Sulli. And he was right she was there in the process of making their breakfast. A sudden feeling of awkwardness emerged, it slightly filled in air of his single world while making his way toward Sulli.


Otherwise Sulli felt the footstep, she swiftly turned around. She chuckled at the sight of Minho was startled with his eyes widened and blinking at her.


“Waeyo? Do I look like a ghost?” Sulli jokingly asked.


Minho stayed mum and only shook his head in reply.


Sulli smiled at his response before walking toward him with a tray of a glass placed on it.


“Here drink this. It’s ginger tea with honey. The ginger will calm your stomach to get rid of your nausea and the honey will help normalize your blood sugar.” Sulli said and handed him the glass.


Minho smiled back and gladly accepted and drank it in one gulp.


“Good boy.” Sulli said and playfully tapped his hip before she took back the glass from his hand.


“Mwoya?!” Minho let out his chuckle. “I’m not a boy anymore but soon to be a Daddy.”


He didn’t know why but the awkwardness in no time got vanished and replaced with giddy feeling melting under Sulli’s sweet smile.


Sulli on another hand turned blush with his word, she then changed the topic immediately.


“Later your hangover will dissipate. Now it’s time to get refresh since breakfast is ready now.” Sulli said.


But when she turned around and about to take her step forward, Minho then grabbed her arm and gently shifted her direction to face him again. To her surprise, she felt a soft yet warm breath touched tenderly on her cheek. Sulli blinkingly looked at Minho.


“Thank for the tea and the breakfast, so the morning kiss is your reward.” Minho said before he left Sulli and went inside his room.


Sulli stood still in her place and smiled contently while touching her cheek.




“What are these? Bacon Sandwich, fruits and fruit juices??” Minho said, kinda in dislike tone when he settled himself on the dining table. “You should wake me up this morning to make the Korean dishes. Don’t tire yourself, Jinri.”


Sulli smiled. “Not because I was tired that was why I made these but because of you. It is all benefit to deplete your leftover alcohol to make you feel more even better.”


“Ah really?” Minho nodded and took the sandwich and bit it. “What about you? I don’t think you can eat them. Do you want me to cook something for you instead?”


“Aniyo. The protein of Bacon Sandwich either good for pregnant woman.” Sulli said while hesitantly to take a bite. “I’m okay with them.”


“But your morning sickness, I don’t think yo-”


As Minho hadn’t finished his sentence yet, Sulli already stood up and dashed into the bathroom. Minho quickly followed her.




“See! Just like I was about to say.” Minho said as he handed her a glass of water after he helped her with the vomiting. “Sit down here. So tell me what do you want to eat?”


“Oh ….” Sulli hesitatingly replied which made Minho clicked his tongue in concern and in the edge about to nagging again. She then looked at Minho as in no choice. “I’m craving for Noodle! Like Tomato Noodle Soup.”


“Good! Then I’ll make it for you. Rest on the couch, Okay?!” Minho said in smiling before he entered the kitchen.


“Minho!” Sulli called him, instantly he turned to look at her. “Can …. you make it spicy?” She saw Minho seemed didn’t approve. “I mean….. just a bit….that enough.”


Minho smiled and then chuckled at her cute pout. “Okay. Oh well ... After this we’ll go somewhere together. Let’s get ready later.”


+    +    +    +


Minho’s car slowly pulled over and stopped.


“We’re here!” Minho stated.


Sulli furrowed her brows and looked over the window to the place where Minho brought her. She instantly widened her eyes after what she saw, she looked at him. His sweet smile was more than enough to make her heart beating unstably. She wonders, what’s he trying to do this time?


“Why are we here?”


“Let’s get out!”


After they got out of the car, Minho grabbed Sulli’s hand and walked into the boutique.


“Welcome to our Bridal Boutique, Sir and Ma’ma.” They were greeted by shop employees.


Minho smiled at Sulli and dragged her toward where the beautiful wedding dress were displaying. On another hand Sulli still hasn’t gotten back to her sense yet. What all of these about and why all of sudden they came here? Yesterday when they had talked and it wasn’t about this topic at all. And she knew it’s doesn’t the time for this yet when he told her that he needs time. What’s gotten into his mind right now?


“Wow! They’re all so chic and elegantly fashionable.” Minho’s eyes shined brightly as his hand running through the fabulous gowns. He gazed at Sulli beside him. “Jinri look over and choose them to try on. And then we’ll make an appointment for a great wedding dress selection, the one that make you feel special in our day.”


Sulli didn’t answer as she rolled her eyes elsewhere. She then looked at the employees with a smile. “Excuse me! Can you leave us alone for a moment?”


They nodded and bowed before leaving them. Sulli took a deep breath and stared at Minho.


“Minho, what are you doing? … No! What’re we doing here all of sudden?”


“Jinri! Let’s get married.” As he expected, Sulli gave him a deep sigh so he added. “It’s not a sudden. Didn’t we talk about it already since the beginning? I’ll marry you once you get pregnant. And now you are, so what we’re waiting for?”


“But last night, you-”


“What’s about last night? There’s nothing related to what we’re doing now.” Minho said.


“What do you mean by nothing related?” Sulli responded and was kinda breaking loose in confusion mixed up with bitterness. “You said it by yourself that you need-”


“Jinri listen.” Minho cut her word with a serious tone. “Since the beginning until now I really have no intention to postpone or even drop out our marriage at all. I know last night I asked you to give me some time to sort out my feeling. So I knew, typically there isn’t strange that it’s making you confused right now. But the ‘Time’ I referred to, it wasn’t about the marriage but …. but about my confidence.”


Sulli reacted by Minho’s word. What was he talking about? What confidence?


“I too lack of it, Jinri. I almost lost it all when my heart was stepped cruelly by a person I loved so much in the past. The feeling of belief that I could have faith in love was scattered in smoke. To be true, since then I’m afraid to fall for someone over again and it’s the main reason, why I’m not good enough to protect you from the world outside. And I’m so sorry for that Jinri.” Minho said with his eyes shown apologetic gaze.


Sulli pressed her lips and shaking her head. She wanted to tell him that she has never blamed him. Minho lips broke into a smile, he her hand.


 “So …. I demand you to wait patiently for me. And no matter what, I need you to stay beside me until everything is settled.” Minho paused and sighed, he gazed deeply into her eyes searching for her reliance. “I desperately need back for what I had lost from my black past so much in order to heal my heart and build my trust into the love all over again. And for one day when I succeed, I know that it’s an exact time I’m quite capable to protect you and more importantly, to love you all of my healthy heart could grant. And I must admit, ever since you stepped into my life, that long time wound of mine little by little has healed.”


“Are …. you sure …..” Sulli asked in broken voice while her eyes were misty. “That we can??”


“Of course. Believe me, Jinri.”


Sulli tried so hard to swallow the lump in in order to say something but she still failed. So instead of saying, her arms went to enfold Minho’s neck and hugged him tight while nodding her head frequently. Minho only chuckled and wrapped his hand around the girl.


“Come on, don’t cry. Let’s stop talking about it.” Minho tapped her back and pulled out the hug. He then grabbed her shoulder and moved her body to face the shiny wedding dresses displaying in front of them. “Now it’s time for choosing them to try on. Which style of your taste? Anyway for whatever those fabrics are wrapping on your body, I bet you surely look stunning and breathtaking.”


“You’re exaggerating here.” Sulli chuckled and then she touched her stomach. “My belly is starting to get obvious now. How could I look that perfect like what you overstated?!”


“It wasn’t overstatement, I just emphasized what it’s true.” Minho said as this time he diverted their direction to see their reflection in the length mirror. “Look! You’re so beautiful Jinri even with this casual outfit, so let’s imagine how gorgeous you are when you wear them. Furthermore, don’t you think it’d be perfect if in our wedding photo, we can have our little Choi inside as well? Completed family, right?”


Sulli couldn’t help to feel carefree as if floating on a cloud. Inevitably to feel her heart was fluttering in joy staring at the handsome man standing behind her in the reflection, his hands were still on her shoulder waiting for her response. In extra consciousness, she smiled contently and nodded her head in shyness.


+    +    +    +


Minho and Sulli arrived home. Their smile still lingering all the way, seemingly it’s not going to fade anytime soon. Minho opened the door of his unit wide and let Sulli got in first. But after he closed the door behind his back ready, he found Sulli was stood still without bugging before him.


“What’s wrong?” Minho asked Sulli and followed her gaze to inside the lounge and there he saw an uninvited guest.






“Where were you been? I waited for you two almost 3 hours.” Mrs. Choi opened the conversation after they settled down on the couch. She was sitting across Minho and Sulli.


“What do you want, Umma?” Minho asked firmly yet tried to gentle his voice.


Mrs. Choi sighed and shook her head at Minho. Her gaze then fell on Sulli beside him. She saw her body seemed to tremble or she could tell that Sulli was afraid of her right now. She even keeping her head down, trying to not meet her eyes.


“I brought some healthy foods for you.” Mrs. Choi said, instantly shocked the couple in front her by receiving confused eyes from them. “Well … Since there’s no elder to take care of you while being pregnant, I’ll try to come here frequently from now on.”


“Umma!” Minho blurt out with his delight smile to his Mom. “Do you …. finally accept us?”


She didn’t reply him, instead her eyes locked on Sulli who was still astonished at her remark earlier. “You need to think much more carefully about what you’re feeding yourself because the foods you eat are the main source of nutrients for your growing baby. And since you have no experience about them all, that’s why I’m doing this.”


Minho stood up abruptly and made his way toward the kitchen and opened the fridge. “WOW!! That’s a lot, Umma.”


“Yah! That’s not for you.” Mrs. Choi yelled at her Son when he took one container out, already put a slice of food in his mouth and munched it. “It’s for Jinri, all the red lids. And yours are purple.”


Sulli couldn’t help but let out a content smile. Her heart was drowning in elatedness. She had never imagined that Mrs. Choi was completely changed and softened her heart for her.


Could she finally glimpse their bright future?


“Ahh really? So I must save it for Jinri and my baby then.” Minho said and quickly put the container back in the fridge. He then walked back to the couch but this time he sat beside his Mom. “Umma! Thank you so much for everything. And really sorry to make you waited for us. This morning Jinri and I dropped by at the Bridal Boutique. We plan to get married soon. Next month, we had expected. We greatly hope to receive your blessing at that day, Umma.”


“Oh, you did prepare that already?!" Mrs. Choi said.


Sulli instantly felt her heart was squeezed at the sight of Mrs. Choi dropped her expression down. She could perfectly felt that she was uneasy with the news.


“Minho-ah.” Mrs. Choi tapped her Son’s hand. “Pregnant woman is too sensitive for some kinds of food. But eating, it’s a must. And so I guess the foods I brought somewhat are not enough for her. Well … I meant why don’t you go out and buy some fruits and something sweet, such as dessert for her. Sweet foods are also considered as a fundamental of the healthiness for the Mother and the baby.”


“Oh fine! I’ll go then.” Minho quickly accepted the idea and rose from his seat.


Sulli clapped her tremble hands together at the realization, why Mrs. Choi suddenly chased Minho away. What if she wants to harm her again?


She gazed at Minho wanting to convey a ‘please don’t go’ message to him. But Minho was oblivious of Sulli’s stare as he just gave her a simple quick departure and smiled. In the next minute, Minho already out of the Unit and left only her and his Mom alone.


“Now it’s only the two of us here.” Mrs. Choi said. “Don’t be nervous, I’m not doing anything bad to you. Actually I came here today also for another reason. First, I’m sorry for what I did last time.”


“N-Neh?! ... A-Aniyo, I'm okay.”


“And especially about yesterday. It actually was all Minho’s Dad action and I really had no idea about it at all.” She paused and sighed. “I guess you didn’t tell Minho about that, right? I know my Son too well. If he learnt about it, surely he won’t let it slide. And so I’m thankful you did that.”


“I know and I’m fine after all.” Sulli replied, trying her best to keep calm. “I … I am really sorry, Madam.” Sulli added and bended her head down.


“Let’s not talk about it anymore and I promise you, nothing will harm you and the baby anymore. I can make sure for that. So to another intention of mine which was just appeared since a moment ago, it’s about request or I should say it’s my demand.” Mrs. Choi stated fixedly. “And I hope you’ll do following my wish.”


Sulli felt her chest tightening constantly. She forced to nod her head even if she doesn’t know about that demand and she doesn’t feel any good about it as well.


“I want you to stop the wedding.” She firmly said with her eyes fixed on Sulli. “I demand you and Minho cancel your wedding.”




To be continued……

The end of this chapter.

Oh my beloved readers, really sorry for the late update. I know you must be tired to keep on waiting or maybe lost interest to continue reading as well, I guess.

Anyway I still thank so much for keep reading and being understandable my English and the error problems.

And I’m sorry for many mistakes I’ve made.

Okay, I’ll update soon

Love You .....




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Indrasri #1
Chapter 8: Beautiful story
akshu_149 #2
Chapter 25: I'm really happy to read this story. thanku authornim for writing such beautiful story :-)
kaiminIN #3
Chapter 25: This is just an exceptional story.I read it a long time ago but lost it....(I couldn't remember the name.. Sorry) but today I found it I searched thoroughly across the pages...and I was so delighted to find it..
This is a really awesome consisted of all the ingredients that are required to make a story perfect. This story was able to make me happy and sad simultaneously.. I so so overwhelmed with sadness when sulli was away from her newborn and at the same time couldn't have the support of Minho.the ending was so cute and lovely..
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 25: just finish reread this amazing and reaIIy wonderfuI story authornim,i miss you pIease update aII your story authornim,your reaIIy one of the best and great author of minsuI.....MINSUI FOREVER.......
varhalaela #5
Chapter 25: verita yang sangatsangat bagus...aku suka banget dan akhir yang sangat bahagia...minsul debeak.... MINSUL JANG.. :)
halfhearted #6
Chapter 25: nice story...finally o found another minsul shipper.. and deffinently going to read all your story..autuor.. keep writing..
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 25: hope there is next minsul ff like this again
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 24: nextttt
and when minho tell sulli about his sugery
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 23: say thank to minho father
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 22: hope there is not something wrong with minho