
First verse

"What are you doing?" Hakyeon asks slowly, moving towards Wonshik who is curiously reading a relatively thick notebook. Hakyeon notices the little star drawn onto its first page and realization washes over him. He strides over to Wonshik quickly and tries to pull the notebook out of his hold, hand already chopping at his neck, cheeks an extremely attractive pink hue. Wonshik laughs, deep and easy, pinching Hakyeon's cheek like he's a baby and retrieving the notebook easily.

"Wonshik-ah! That's my diary, it's private, you know?" Hakyeon huffs, displeased, and he tries again but Wonshik catches him in a headlock and Hakyeon struggles pitifully, "So cute." Wonshik coos before he presses his lips to Hakyeon's briefly, effectively crumbling all of his resistance. 

"I'm your boyfriend, Hakyeon. I thought there were no secrets between us?" Wonshik raises a brow teasingly and Hakyeon hides his blushing face in his hands, "It's embarrassing," Wonshik grins, there were definitely some very interesting things written there and he was all too happy about them not to recite them aloud and make Hakyeon further crush from shame. 

"I slept with Wonshik today. Not that slept, we just laid down and tried to sleep peacefully. Fifteen minutes before we fell asleep we just stared at each other. His lips were curled into a smile and his eyes were droopy and beautiful. I was shy. I bet my whole life I was as red as a beetroot. I wanted to kiss him." 

Hakyeon almost collapses from mortification, cheeks a deep red and mouth against Wonshik's clavicle, begging him to stop with the weakest of tones. 

"Yes, my love, you were just as red as you are now," Wonshik says before he kisses Hakyeon's nose and Hakyeon buries his head deeper in his shoulder, embarrassment plaguing him. 

"Wonshik is a good person. He's nice to everyone and overall a gentleman, but I think, I believe he's a little bit extra good to me and that makes me happy. But is it because he simply respects me or is it maybe that he may possibly love me a little bit? It's ridiculous, really. I am a grown man and I'm behaving like a flustered teenager in love." 

Wonshik laughs, and Hakyeon grips tighter at his back, mouth moving over his neck and little, fervent pleas are heard. 

"Wonshik loves me. I'm sure about that. I feel it in his embraces, in his smile, in his eyes. The way he holds my hand, the way he takes care of me, the way he cheers me up. There's more than just pure friendship sparkling in his eyes. But now we're stuck. Can we really do something about it or should we just let it as it is not to affect anything? Our situation is really pathetic." 

Wonshik's smile drops a little and his heart stings, but the worry quickly melts away when Hakyeon whips his head up and kisses him unexpectedly, and a rush of joy fills him instead. 

"I have something for you, too," Wonshik says as he disentangles Hakyeon from him slowly, and he reaches for his lyrics notebook. Hakyeon is puzzled. 

Wonshik leafs through the pages quickly until he arrives at the desired one and pushes the notebook into Hakyeon's hands. 

"Read," he suggests, and Hakyeon questions no more and does as he was told. "I'm going crazy. Somewhen somebody is bound to notice and I will be screwed. I wish it would stop. I wish Hakyeon stopped being so gorgeous so my eyes wouldn't linger on him anymore." 

Hakyeon smiles, a shy and pleased one, and Wonshik's own smile resurfaces, fond and affectionate and he flicks to another page and urges Hakyeon to read again. 

"So much about denying and trying to convince myself. I love him and that is certain. Now I'll just have to repress the need to be around him constantly. I just have to curb the need to hold and kiss him. I'm really pathetic."  

Hakyeon's expression is slightly pained as he reads on about Wonshik's suffering and Wonshik rubs his hand comfortingly on his back. Hakyeon returns to reading aloud again, "Hakyeon loves me. I'm sure about that. But we are both too selfless, we cannot do this to the other guys. We'll be forever stuck in a loop. We are kind of pitiful." 

"We had the same thoughts, it seems," Hakyeon whispers and Wonshik nods, delighted. "I'm glad," Wonshik took Hakyeon in his arms, head nuzzling in the warm crook of his long neck, "that we ended up like this. That we woke up, that we allowed ourselves to be selfish once." Hakyeon couldn't agree more on that.


"You know, tomorrow is a special day," Hakyeon hints at it obviously and a wide smile spreads on Wonshik's face. It's foolish to do it, but it's all too tempting and Wonshik can't help but play dumb. "You are right. My backpack is going to arrive tomorrow. I've ordered it so long ago," Hakyeon slaps his forearm hard and Wonshik snickers. It's all too pleasing to tease Hakyeon; Wonshik can understand why that brat Sanghyuk does it so often. His reactions are too priceless to be missed. 

"Wonshik, I'm serious. I want you to take me to the beach," Hakyeon blatantly demands and Wonshik wraps his arms around him tight, "It's cold," he complains, puppy eyes and pouty lips but Hakyeon for once isn't fooled, "It's August," Hakyeon squirms in his grasp and clutches onto him tighter, settling his chin atop his shoulder, "It's still cold," Wonshik's relentless grousing is stopped when Hakyeon brings their lips together in a slow kiss. Once they part, Hakyeon is quick to stand his ground again, "We'll do as I say," and Wonshik is finally obedient.


The horizon line is breathtaking. It's almost dusk and they are all alone, sand coarse against their bare feet and they are slightly shivering, but the physical cold is nothing compared to the warmth bursting at the seams they feel within. Their limbs are entangled and their hearts pound in harmony and unsullied bliss.

Their bracelets clank together, Wonshik with his CH engraved and Hakyeon's with KW. Cheesy, Wonshik told him when he saw Hakyeon's gift, but they are one of the mushiest couple out there and it's so fitting for them. 

Hakyeon pipes up, voice warm and tone soft, "I hope you didn't waste your money this time, Wonshik," he says, thinking about the latest gift he'd received from his boyfriend and Wonshik chuckles lightly. 

"I wrote you a song," He says, and his cheeks, already bitten red from the cold, flush darker and Hakyeon's attention is caught. He shifts in his hold and Wonshik hands him a simple paper. Hakyeon is silent as he reads, words about love and family and happiness intertwine in beautiful rhymes and Hakyeon feels his vision blur, tears gathering and spilling at the corners of his eyes.

Wonshik wipes them gently and smiles lovingly, Hakyeon's hands clutching at his back as he sniffles in his soothing embrace. "I love you," Wonshik whispers, sincerely, tone laced with immense affection and Hakyeon parts his lips breathlessly, "I love you too, Wonshik,"

Wonshik hugs him tighter, his own tears threatening to flow, but he manages to keep it in, "Whatever I wrote is true. Even though I'm away from family, I feel at home with you. I feel safe and loved," He confesses and Hakyeon nods in his shoulder, "Me too. And I hope we'll be like this for a very, very long time," Hakyeon looks at him and he's once again grateful for the push he'd given him, for the encouraging, for all the times he's stood by him and caught him whenever he fell, "We will," Wonshik reassures and kisses his temple, the setting sun behind them spilling beautiful orange and yellow lines on their faces. 


A/N It's overdue, I'm sorry! The last three weeks or so were terrible, I really wasn't in the mood to write.

I have rather bad? news.. I'm going on hiatus until the end of July or early August. I'll still check AFF from time to time, but I probably won't write anything anymore. When I'm back, I'll try to write as much as possible. I'm really sad, but what can I do, I have to get into college. :|

I hope you all enjoyed this! Especially Lillamy, who inspired me to write this! Thank you for reading this, I had a lot of fun writing it. 

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jongie231 #1
Chapter 6: glad that things back to normal
jongie231 #2
Chapter 5: a hindrance? but... but ....
Chapter 7: Flawless!!! Oh, the feels asdfghjkl.. I loved this fic sooo much, short chapters & story, but it made a BIG impact! Yay for Navi ♥
Chapter 7: *handle

Stupid phone... ㅠ_ㅠ
Chapter 7: That was just really cute and sweet and I CAN'T HANDKERCHIEF ALL THOSE FEELS! D:
Chapter 7: You know I adore you and your writing, this was a beautiful ending to a beautiful story. :3
The diary scene had me melting and with them on the beach I drowned in my feels. Too much adorable navi!
Thank you for this amazing fic. <3
Chapter 7: I think you definitely accomplished your goal of making it very realistic...so well written :')
Lillamy #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for coming back and writing the final part. I was waiting impatiently and it turned out very warm and lovely. You did a good job! I enjoyed myself reading it (and I keep re-reading time after time)! ^___^
Good luck with your College preparations and I really hope to see you again, when you are ready~
Thank you very much~♡~
Chapter 7: gawd every piece is so precious gdi and this one too... I went like giggling and cooing at first because they are sooo so so so cute together but then all the things written in the diary makes me a little emotional and also, with what hakyeon said after ;___; I'm glad you write them. good luck with life and come back soon~
SWShawnee #10
Chapter 7: Ahhhh, seriously I have been dying for your updates recently ;; I strongly considered messaging you like "please PLEASE come back and save me" but I decided you were probably busy, and seems I was right? ;; Dunno how to survive these coming months without your writing, truly, but I understand your life comes first ;; anyway, this chapter was completely lovely in every way. So many feelings, and it felt very real and believable, so kudos ^^