
First verse


The atmosphere had been anything but peaceful in the last few weeks. There was no fighting, no yelling, no heated arguments, but this is why if felt so very wrong; heavy tension permeated the air and even though it was clear the problem lied in the fact that Hakyeon and Wonshik were giving the cold shoulder to each other, the other members were inevitably affected. All of them were cheerless and sullen, even Jaehwan was sulky and that was a very, very bad sign, but, while they knew for sure that Hakyeon and Wonshik's relationship had encountered an obstacle, neither of them could intervene because it wasn't their business after all. 

A quite unfortunate thing was that Hakyeon and Wonshik kept being paired up, whether be it business (to polish a dance, to mc an event) or not (the others would go out to grab a bite late in the evening and neither of them would feel in the mood for that, thus they would remain at the dorm).

But even so, strong façades were kept and neither of them wanted to concede. It was harrowing, the pain spreading even physically, causing constant sharp pains slicing their heads, tummies tender and mouths bitter but both were too stubborn to surrender. 

To Hakyeon's great disappointment, improvements arose when he and Wonshik didn't waste time by fooling around and instead channeled their energy towards progress and even the last bit of his hope fizzled out. He was very careful not to show any sign of weakness when around the others, choosing to express his anger and grief through other ways than seeking comfort to any of them and so he would bite a pillow and muffle the cries and screams when he was certain he was alone. 

It was especially distressing tonight, because, for the first time after their tempestuous altercation, Wonshik had agreed to join the other members to movies and dinner. Hakyeon never voiced it out, even to Wonshik, but this was his greatest fear, anxiety swallowing him up at being left all alone. He was afraid of being abandoned, and the loneliness was already creeping up to him. The members would come back, of course, he knew that, but he knew the trigger to such a terrible feeling wasn't s, but Wonshik only. 

He missed him. He missed him so much that it hurt, and it hurt more that he was literally at arm's length and he couldn't reach for him, he couldn't hold him because then everything they built will be tumbling down the drain. The anguished thoughts provoked a shortness of breath and the more he cried, the more he felt like being smothered, heart palpitating in his chest. Hakyeon began feeling woozy and the frenzied thoughts elicited hot flashes throughout his body. He was convulsing and crying sorrowfully when Wonshik found him.

Wonshik held him close to his chest, soothing circles drawn onto his back and his lips pressed to his sweat-drenched hair, rocking them back and forth. Wonshik's chest started heaving and soon Hakyeon felt the hot tears hit his scalp and very shortly Wonshik was sobbing even louder than he was. Both calmed gradually and Hakyeon felt all the worries floated away when cradled into Wonshik's embrace. It was more than relieving, more than comforting, it truly felt like he belonged there. 

They were both unruly messes, hair tousled, short of breath and Wonshik had his eyeliner smeared everywhere, but that didn't matter in the slightest. Wonshik looked down at Hakyeon and smiled, a tentative smile, before he grasped his jaw and brought his lips forward, meeting Hakyeon's.The contact sparked a pleasant surge of warmth thoroughout their bodies, the kiss dragging on forever and getting rather passionate and hasty, and Hakyeon felt like he could breathe again.

Pulling apart reluctantly, Wonshik whispered against his lips, "My love," he had used the endearment Hakyeon didn't hear in what seemed like forever and it made his heart swell in bliss, "come back to me. We will do it all, we will.. " Hakyeon interrupted him with the briefest of pecks before his bright white teeth emerged in the most breathtaking smile Wonshik has ever seen. "Forgive me, I was an idiot. I cannot do it without you, I need you," he wore his heart on his sleeve and he was sure he was not going to regret it and that it's quite possibly one of the best decisions of his life. 

Wonshik almost squealed then, letting out the most embarrassing sound in his life that made Hakyeon snicker in amusement. A tear spilled from the corner of Wonshik's eye and Hakyeon was quick to brush it away, "Why?" he had inquired and Wonshik smiled, a shaky, weak smile, "I haven't heard you giggling in so long," He tackled Hakyeon to the bed, palms cupped his cheeks and Hakyeon leaned into his touch, "God, I missed you so much. It was torture," he confessed while leaving a trail of kisses from Hakyeon's forehead to his nose, his lips and lastly his neck.

Hakyeon squirmed a bit underneath him, "We should sleep," he suggested in a quivery voice, but Wonshik paid no heed as he traced up his ear with the tip of his tongue, "Wonshik.." Hakyeon's tone was already breathy, pent up passion urging to be consumed. "We cannot let the boys see us like this.." Hakyeon tried pushing Wonshik gently off of him, but he was persistent and Hakyeon's resolve was crumbling. "They won't come until late," Wonshik reassured.

"Hakyeon.. I missed everything, every trail and bump and crevice, I missed your heart-stopping smile, your constant pestering, the way your eyes wrinkle at the corners," Wonshik had a way with words that made Hakyeon's cheeks burn, heat pulsating throughout him and heart thumping strong against his ribcage, "I missed the goosebumps that rise on your skin whenever I touch you," Wonshik murmured as he slid his palm under Hakyeon's shirt and brought the said shivers, "missed the way you call my name.. Call me, Hakyeon, please," Wonshik pleaded as he pressed into Hakyeon slowly and tenderly and Hakyeon obeyed, engulfed by an emotion so heavy he couldn't describe it with words, "Wonshik.. Wonshik.. Wonshik," It was like a litany, his name spilled from Hakyeon's lips in breathy, throaty moans, the most precious refrain Wonshik would ever listen to. "I love you, Wonshik," Hakyeon choked out as they reached their bliss and Wonshik kissed him again, limbs still tangled, "I love you too, Hakyeon." 


There was a collective sigh of relief as their friends found them caught in an embrace, bodies underneath a thick blanket.

"Well, they will like rabbits again, but at least everything's fine." Sanghyuk piped up and Taekwoon smacked his nape, disapproving frown on his face, while Jaehwan and Hongbin only chuckled. 


A/N angst+ barely there + failed crack, best story ever! sorry. i was really sleepy when i wrote this.

oh, also, I don't know how you (the readers) would feel about this, or if you thought there should have been  a grander event (?) happening in this chapter, but my aim is to describe these scenarios as realistically as possible.

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jongie231 #1
Chapter 6: glad that things back to normal
jongie231 #2
Chapter 5: a hindrance? but... but ....
Chapter 7: Flawless!!! Oh, the feels asdfghjkl.. I loved this fic sooo much, short chapters & story, but it made a BIG impact! Yay for Navi ♥
Chapter 7: *handle

Stupid phone... ㅠ_ㅠ
Chapter 7: That was just really cute and sweet and I CAN'T HANDKERCHIEF ALL THOSE FEELS! D:
Chapter 7: You know I adore you and your writing, this was a beautiful ending to a beautiful story. :3
The diary scene had me melting and with them on the beach I drowned in my feels. Too much adorable navi!
Thank you for this amazing fic. <3
Chapter 7: I think you definitely accomplished your goal of making it very realistic...so well written :')
Lillamy #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for coming back and writing the final part. I was waiting impatiently and it turned out very warm and lovely. You did a good job! I enjoyed myself reading it (and I keep re-reading time after time)! ^___^
Good luck with your College preparations and I really hope to see you again, when you are ready~
Thank you very much~♡~
Chapter 7: gawd every piece is so precious gdi and this one too... I went like giggling and cooing at first because they are sooo so so so cute together but then all the things written in the diary makes me a little emotional and also, with what hakyeon said after ;___; I'm glad you write them. good luck with life and come back soon~
SWShawnee #10
Chapter 7: Ahhhh, seriously I have been dying for your updates recently ;; I strongly considered messaging you like "please PLEASE come back and save me" but I decided you were probably busy, and seems I was right? ;; Dunno how to survive these coming months without your writing, truly, but I understand your life comes first ;; anyway, this chapter was completely lovely in every way. So many feelings, and it felt very real and believable, so kudos ^^