
First verse

A/N Why am I so cheesy lately.


"What, you're nervous?" Hakyeon asks, eyebrows furrowing just a little, grasp turning tighter on Wonshik's hand. They are on a train to Changwon and Wonshik hasn't stopped fretting and squirming ever since they left, tossing his dark hair constantly, adjusting and re-adjusting the hem of his pullover, eyes darting everywhere, unfocused.

"Why did you make me wear this? I mean, it will be so bloody obvious!" Wonshik complains, (the sweater had been a gift from Hakyeon's mother) breath against Hakyeon's ear and it makes him tingle pleasantly. 

"Well, it will be even more freaking obvious when we'll walk hand in hand into the house," Hakyeon retorts, clicking his tongue and Wonshik shakes his head, defeated. He's really edgy and restless, sleepy also because he couldn't close his eyelids at all the previous night, only watched Hakyeon's breaths even out in slumber, tangle of limbs underneath the blanket. 

"Yes, I am nervous and worried, a lot." Wonshik admits, interlocking fingers with Hakyeon. He sighs and drops his head to Hakyeon's shoulder, soft and appeasing.

"Mom likes you," Hakyeon says, his fingers burying in Wonshik's tresses, "Dad too."

"When I was only your friend," Wonshik says, far from poised and relaxed. "Now it's different." Hakyeon giggles spontaneously, free and easy, and Wonshik feels his heartbeat picking up just a little in elation.

"And do you like it, now that is different?" Hakyeon questions, Wonshik's head still resting at the juncture between his neck and shoulder. Wonshik turns his head abruptly to plant a sweet, short kiss on the bronze skin of his neck. 

"Of course, I love it."  Wonshik whispers, glee evident in his voice and then his tone drops even lower as he murmurs against Hakyeon, lips teasing the shell of his ear. "I love you," and Hakyeon squeezes his hand tighter, Wonshik angling his neck to press his lips against Hakyeon's, way too brief to satisfy anything, really. 

"You taste sweet, like vanilla," Wonshik says smiling and Hakyeon brings their lips together again, a tentative brush which turns into something much more fervid, not before whispering in a sultry inflection, "Then taste it more." 

Wonshik is a nervous wreck when they arrive, palm sweaty against Hakyeon's and Hakyeon tells him to stop shifting all the freaking time. When they enter his home, hand in hand just as Hakyeon wanted it, the uneventfulness of it all actually worsens his shaky state. They welcome them warmly and Wonshik tries to simmer down. 

Only his parents are home and they settle on the couch, Hakyeon's mother and father plopping down on the settee across them. He sees Hakyeon's mother glance curiously at their linked hands from time to time and his father with a small, affectionate smile on his lips. 

"You haven't visited in a long time," his mother begins, and Hakyeon is apologetic, saunters quick to his mother to kiss her cheek and his mother throws a fit of giggles when Hakyeon almost tackles her, kissing her face all over, before moving to his father and embracing him so tight the man starts coughing, and Wonshik feels his heart fill with happiness at Hakyeon's unadulterated joy.

Hakyeon settles beside Wonshik thereafter, tangles their hands again and Wonshik wears a sheepish smile on his face. 

"Mom, Dad, Wonshik and I - " 

"We are dating." Wonshik surprisingly finishes his sentence and feels all proud of himself and suddenly brave and ready to face whatever, every spurn and harsh word, he's ready for it all with Hakyeon by his side.

"I love your son. I have for some time and I believe he loves me too." Wonshik courageously declares and flicks his vision to Hakyeon briefly only to see his sparkling eyes and the determined nod of his head. 

A terse silence follows before his mother breaks it, uninhibited giggle escaping her lips, "Well, it seems like our Hakyeon got his wish." Wonshik and Hakyeon are both confused, even his father has a questioning look plastered all over his face. 

"Don't you remember, dear?" Her question is directed at Hakyeon and he shakes his head slowly. "You came home drunk several months ago. Don't you remember what you said to me?" And suddenly Hakyeon's memory is refreshed and he vaguely remembers crying in his mother's arms, mumbling something like I wish he'd look at me the way I look at him, and then a hiccup and a choke, I wish Wonshik loved me just how I love him. 

Hakyeon's cheeks turn pink and he mutters Mom, no but his mother was already too eager to tell Wonshik all.

"He was crying over you and that's when I knew for sure. I had my suppositions before but after that, I was certain he loves you. I never brought it out because I thought he'd feel uncomfortable." His mom speaks with fondness in her eyes, looking at Hakyeon. "I'm so happy it's mutual. My baby deserves only the best," His mother says and Wonshik can see who Hakyeon inherited, being the smotherer of VIXX himself. 

"I want only the best for him, too," Wonshik says and Hakyeon is genuinely surprised at his audacity. Hakyeon's mother bobs her head merrily, "I know, Wonshik. I see how you look at him." Her commentary leaves them both blushing hard, but then Wonshik turns to Hakyeon's father who hasn't said a word yet.

"Um, sir?" Wonshik tries and the man's eyes crinkle in amusement, lips stretched into a smile.

"Sir?" he copies Wonshik's tone, "what, are we now just acquaintances?" He laughs heartily and Wonshik feels a lot more at ease.

"Dad," Wonshik says and the atmosphere turns familiar, "are you okay with this?" Hakyeon's father smiles softly before replying, "I don't care if Hakyeon brings a boy or a girl home. As long as he's happy, I'm more than pleased. You are a good boy, Wonshik. I know you'll take care of each other." 

"Thank you," Wonshik says, incredibly relieved, "thank you, really." Hakyeon smiles at him, so beautiful that he wants to kiss him but that would be immensely inappropriate so he just holds his hand tighter and presses his side against his warmly. 

Hakyeon's mother compells them help in the kitchen later and their cupcakes turn awful whilst hers are delicious. Well, of course they would make a mess when all they did was fool around, poke and laugh with each other. His father challanges Wonshik to a game of chess which Wonshik wins and it has the man request they come again for his revenge. Wonshik and Hakyeon gladly promise they would try to come over as often as possible.

On the way back to the dorm, Hakyeon sleepily cuddles up to Wonshik in the bus and Wonsik smiles down at him, heart pounding and kisses his forehead softly.

He thinks there is no way happiness greater than this exists. 

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jongie231 #1
Chapter 6: glad that things back to normal
jongie231 #2
Chapter 5: a hindrance? but... but ....
Chapter 7: Flawless!!! Oh, the feels asdfghjkl.. I loved this fic sooo much, short chapters & story, but it made a BIG impact! Yay for Navi ♥
Chapter 7: *handle

Stupid phone... ㅠ_ㅠ
Chapter 7: That was just really cute and sweet and I CAN'T HANDKERCHIEF ALL THOSE FEELS! D:
Chapter 7: You know I adore you and your writing, this was a beautiful ending to a beautiful story. :3
The diary scene had me melting and with them on the beach I drowned in my feels. Too much adorable navi!
Thank you for this amazing fic. <3
Chapter 7: I think you definitely accomplished your goal of making it very well written :')
Lillamy #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for coming back and writing the final part. I was waiting impatiently and it turned out very warm and lovely. You did a good job! I enjoyed myself reading it (and I keep re-reading time after time)! ^___^
Good luck with your College preparations and I really hope to see you again, when you are ready~
Thank you very much~♡~
Chapter 7: gawd every piece is so precious gdi and this one too... I went like giggling and cooing at first because they are sooo so so so cute together but then all the things written in the diary makes me a little emotional and also, with what hakyeon said after ;___; I'm glad you write them. good luck with life and come back soon~
SWShawnee #10
Chapter 7: Ahhhh, seriously I have been dying for your updates recently ;; I strongly considered messaging you like "please PLEASE come back and save me" but I decided you were probably busy, and seems I was right? ;; Dunno how to survive these coming months without your writing, truly, but I understand your life comes first ;; anyway, this chapter was completely lovely in every way. So many feelings, and it felt very real and believable, so kudos ^^