
First verse

Wood is crackling in the fireplace and the atmosphere is serene and tranquil, the smell of freshly baked cookies wafts in the air. Hakyeon scoots closer to Wonshik, warm back pressed against his chest and draws random patterns on the foggy window in front of him. Dainty snowflakes dance in the air and Hakyeon is captivated. He involuntarily shudders when he realizes he's scraped the window too much and his palm is numb and slightly reddish. Wonshik sighs and nuzzles on his neck, fingers interlocking with Hakyeon's and the warmth seeping from them makes Hakyeon smile.

Their relationship has never been normal, but they never put a label to it. They let it hang in the air and suffocated the need with lingering touches, tentative embraces when something was to celebrate, awkward stutters of I love you because they never dared to take a risk. What they had, whatever it was, was volatile and unstable, and they thought that if they ever venture beyond that, everything will be broken. Their relationship and the group's dynamics, most especially, and Hakyeon was way too selfless to even dream about indulging in Wonshik's warmth, to call him his and not care about anything else.

Sometimes it got way too hard. Sometimes Hakyeon's beauty choked Wonshik. Sometimes he couldn't get over how gorgeous he was. Sometimes they would hanker for each other so much that they would allow a little spoiling, and they would fall asleep, bodies pressed together, Hakyeon's head propped on Wonshik's chest, both pining for something beyond their reach and deemed impossible. Wonshik's restraint was, in these moments, unbelievable. He could have kissed him, light and fluttery, but he never did and only dared smooth the hair on his forehead and brush his lips gently across it. Instances like this were particularly challenging.

Hakyeon is sleepy and ravishing as he blinks up at Wonshik, and Wonshik seizes to breathe for a moment. He doesn't say anything, heck, he didn't even register what Hakyeon has told him just now, just watching fascinated how his glossy lips curved, how his eyes flickered with the most beautiful glimmer he's ever seen. Sometimes it gets way too hard. And for the first time Wonshik concedes to his desires, allows himself to be selfish and his mind is filled with nothing but Hakyeon.

He leans down and almost chuckles for a moment when he sees utter surprise flash across Hakyeon's face, presses his lips lightly, gingerly against Hakyeon's. His heart pounds so painfully he thinks he's going to die and braces himself to let go but Hakyeon's hand settles on his nape and pulls him closer, and Wonshik slides arms around his waist, hugging him so tight they are almost breathless. The kiss gets deeper, delicious sounds released between gasping breaths and it's so dizzying, how Hakyeon's tongue brushes against his and tangles together with his in desperate need.

They pull apart slowly, lips still lingering against each other's and light, unrestrained laughter fills the room. The endearing way in which Wonshik's eyes crinkle in delight makes Hakyeon have no regret over kissing him back. Maybe it's okay to be a little selfish, Hakyeon tells himself as Wonshik tilts his chin up and kisses him again. 

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jongie231 #1
Chapter 6: glad that things back to normal
jongie231 #2
Chapter 5: a hindrance? but... but ....
Chapter 7: Flawless!!! Oh, the feels asdfghjkl.. I loved this fic sooo much, short chapters & story, but it made a BIG impact! Yay for Navi ♥
Chapter 7: *handle

Stupid phone... ㅠ_ㅠ
Chapter 7: That was just really cute and sweet and I CAN'T HANDKERCHIEF ALL THOSE FEELS! D:
Chapter 7: You know I adore you and your writing, this was a beautiful ending to a beautiful story. :3
The diary scene had me melting and with them on the beach I drowned in my feels. Too much adorable navi!
Thank you for this amazing fic. <3
Chapter 7: I think you definitely accomplished your goal of making it very realistic...so well written :')
Lillamy #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for coming back and writing the final part. I was waiting impatiently and it turned out very warm and lovely. You did a good job! I enjoyed myself reading it (and I keep re-reading time after time)! ^___^
Good luck with your College preparations and I really hope to see you again, when you are ready~
Thank you very much~♡~
Chapter 7: gawd every piece is so precious gdi and this one too... I went like giggling and cooing at first because they are sooo so so so cute together but then all the things written in the diary makes me a little emotional and also, with what hakyeon said after ;___; I'm glad you write them. good luck with life and come back soon~
SWShawnee #10
Chapter 7: Ahhhh, seriously I have been dying for your updates recently ;; I strongly considered messaging you like "please PLEASE come back and save me" but I decided you were probably busy, and seems I was right? ;; Dunno how to survive these coming months without your writing, truly, but I understand your life comes first ;; anyway, this chapter was completely lovely in every way. So many feelings, and it felt very real and believable, so kudos ^^