... nagging , nagging , nagging ...

.. Nag,nag,nag ..

Baekhyun is busy playing with a cute little kitten at the park .. " Hey you cutie , you know what you remind me of my beloved Chanyeol .. You are so cute  .. just like him " .. Baekhyun said as he scratch behind the kitten's ears .. and the kitten purr happily and snuggle more to Baekhyun's hand .. He chuckle and embrace the little kitten .. " aww how cute you are ..  you know what kitty , i love chanyeol very very much .. and i miss him too .. we had not date a long time ,, i know he is busy with work .. you know what  bla bla bla " .. Baekhyun keep talking nonstop to the kitten while show it chanyeol's picture .. suddenly his phone vibrating .. He is so happy as he make a weird happy dance like a kid

 .. finally .



From   :  Beloved Channie

Baekhyun i want to see you at the park , 8pm


To         :  Beloved Channie

Okay .. I love you and I miss you so much Channie ^^


 From      : Beloved Channie



Baekhyun frown while waiting for Chanyeol's message .. he thought maybe his Channie forgot to reply I love you to him .. and he keep waiting untill 10 minutes  but still there is no sign of message .. For the moment , he forgot about his little kitty .. and suddenly the kitty bite his finger .. " ouch , what was that for .. Oh it's you kitty .. mianhae , i forgot about you .. kaja .. let's go home " .. Baekhyun decide to keep the kitty since he is alone at house .. oh yeah .. i forgot.. Baekhyun had nobody in his world except his beloved Channie and his bestfriend , Jongdae or Chen ..


" hmm what should i wear tonight .. i don't want to look ugly in front Channie .. but it's okay .. Channie always said that i am the most beautiful creature in the world although i'm just wearing a simple cloth .. hehe .. he said i'm beautiful " Baekhyun giggle like a kid .. Before he go out , he feed his kitty .. his kitty eat happily and want to cuddle with him .. "aww kitty you are so sweet .. i want too .. but i have a date with Channie u know .. i promise i will be come back after that as faster that i could okay " .. kitty only meow at him ..


Baekhyun arrived earlier at the park because he is so eager to see his beloved Channie .. and he see Chanyeol with a wow  a georgeous guys at the park .. Baekhyun chuckle and said to himself " why is that man wearing a clothes like an artist just to go to the park.. and they look so close .. but the way they looking each other are full with full of affection .. just like how Chanyeol look at Baekhyun .. Baekhyun keep soothing himself " Baek,don't think negative think , maybe they are just a good friend , don't ruin your dating mood ,,after 15 minutes , Baekhyun can see that the man had gone ..


without taking a second he run and hug Chanyeol from behind .. Chanyeol stiff his body .. baekhyun can smell Chanyeol's sweet perfume and it intoxicate him .. he burried his face at Chanyeol's back and mumble " Channie you know what i miss you soooooo much ,,hmm when i call you , i got a voicemail .. so sad (while pouting) .. you know what Channie this morning i came to this park and saw a kitt..." .. Chanyeol cut him off and pull away the hug .. " stop it Baekhyun , i'm so sick of this " ... Baekhyun's widely smile faded away and his face look like a lost puppy .. he don't understand what and why .. Chanyeol show his back to Baekhyun and continue " i'm sick of you that like to nag,nag,nag..u make my eardrum and heart sick with your nagging everyday..i'm sorry..but we are not meant together and i found someone else"...Baekhyun clutch his hem's shirt and bit his lips to avoid him from crying infront of Chanyeol..but he is so fragile..his heart .. scattered into thousand or maybe million or trillion pieces ..


Baekhyun run away from that park as faster that he can .. He slammed his door weakly and he feel that his leg tremble and he crying at there like a mad person..He feel like he want to take suicide ..then,his meow come to him and his face..first Baekhyun is shock and want to throw anger to that thing .. then he saw his kitty look at him with his cute face and that melt his anger away .. then, he realise that he must continue his life and find a new love although it is so difficult to him ..


At that midnight , Jongdae come to Baekhyun's house .. Yeah Baekhyun trust him 100% .. he gave Jongdae his code's house although he love trolling like sneaking into Baek's house at night and wear a blanket and crawl up at him ..that night , he want to troll again .. He plan to sneak onto Baek's room but then he see that Baekhyun is sleep infront the door .. aigoo this kid .. is it comfortable to sleep here ?.. and he is smiling when he see that Baekhyun is hugging a very very cute kitten .. omo .. i think Baek and that kitten look alike .. nomu nomu kyeopta..slowly he carry baekhyun and the kitten bridal style to his room and put him on the bed and pull up the blanket .. aish .. jongdae mumble " when i see my LOVE sleep peacefully , i think i want to sleep too and hug his fragile body..poor my Hyunnie..eventhough he is very talkative but i love him .. but he love chanyeol , so i must keep this feeling alone" and he hug Baekhyun .. He gaze at the sleeping beauty infront of him .. everything is perfect about him .. then something hit him , why did they are tears trace .. is he cry before i came here .. omg .. mianhae Hyunnie .. i know you miss me  .. okay i'm very sleepy , so i will ask him tomorrow..


Baekhyun's POV

I wake up in the morning when i feel something heavy in my body .. i want to move but i can't..my heart beat rapidly..is he me last night..oh god please don't i'm not ready .. then i realise that i am fully clothing just like this man..his scent..i remember this nice scent .. oh than i remeber .. it's Jongdae .. who else .. even  I love chanyeol , I don't give my code's house to him .. oh speaking about chanyeol .. it's hurt like hell u know .. i can't control my feeling again..and cry at Jongdae's chest ..


Chen's POV

I wake up in the morning when i feel my chest is wet .. wait why does it wet .. am i having wet dream again .. eh .. eish it's impossible to have wet dream untill chest .. pabo .. then i heard a sniffing and sobbing..omg..Hyunnie is crying..i hug him tightly and keep utter soothing  word to him .. somebody help me.. i don't know why is this kid crying so early in the morning .. opps its 12:12 pm.. then he tell me everything .. i want to kill that bas**** now .. Baek pull my wrist and said don't i want to forget him .. seeing his puppy eyes and pleading face make me love him more ..  


2 years later .. finally Chen and Baekhyun married and decide to adopt hybrid that named Luhan and Sehun .. They called them Hunhan couple ..

Chanyeol break up with the georgeous man who named Jongin or kai because Kai said that Chanyeol is so talkative  and noisy and that rip his heart..now  , he finally understand what and how Baek feel before ..



I think i wanna do a sequel ..

what do you think .. comment pweaseeee...

Thanks 4 read or subscride




                               ..........   HAVE A NICE DAY   ^_^   ........

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kimaira #1
I want more *.* pwease *_^
Chapter 1: nice story ^^ take that Chanyeol lol xD
I love this story haha!! Yes pleasee make a sequel! ^^