Valentines day

Cheesy Attention


The five boys lounged around. There was surely something on the four other boys mind while staring at their leader. They just couldn’t find the right words to say to him. 
“How is Rinrin?” Kibum said breaking the silence. The other three boys looked at the leader wondering as well. 
“Good I think,” Onew replied going back to what he was doing a minute ago. 
“How do you know?” Minho asked not taking his eyes off his hyung. Onew just looked up and put away his book. As days went by all Onew could think about was school. 
“Valentines day is coming up,” Jonghyun blurted out. 
“Yeah in just a couple of days. Are you coming to school this year for valentines day? Free chocolate is always the best,” Taemin smiled from the thought of chocolate. 
“No, like every year I’m not going.” Onew said stubbornly. “I don’t need chocolate.”
“What about Rinrin? She probably wants to give you chocolate,” Kibum said while the other boys nodded their head. Who couldn’t agree? Onew is always to nice to her. 
Onew didn’t say a word. He stopped to think deeply about the thought. Rinrin giving me chocolate? He thought. Soon a little mental picture came to mind. It was Rinrin holding out a big chocolate heart for him and it said, “Onew, I love you.”
“I can buy my own chocolate,” Onew shook away the image. 
“What about having a girlfriend on valentines day?” Kibum smirked. 
“Yah, Hyung. Your always alone. Why?” Taemin asked with big eyes. 
“Just drop the stupid subject,” Onew said angrily and stormed off. When he left the room he slammed the door. The boys jumped back from his angry. 
“Bwoh!“ Taemin burst out laughing. The maknae somehow found it funny for his leader to be so serious. 
“Yah! Don’t laugh!” Kibum nagged Taemin. 
Onew POV
What’s so special about valentines day? Hearts, people holding hands, and lots of candy. There’s nothing great about it. There’s no bright side to that day. Down the hall and happy figure came jumping. He could see the girls smile getting bigger as she spotting him. 
Rinrin. She looked like a little kid running. Why is she running in the first place. Closer and closer she got. I’ve got used to her, but I somehow can’t stop myself to jump back or feel embarrassed because of her. She always has to say something odd or weird and my name has to be in the same sentence. 
“Onew, Hello my lovely.” Rinrin sang. 
“Rinrin,” I forced a smile. 
“Are you going to come to school on valentines day?” Rinrin asked. My fake smile dropped. 
“No,” I simply said. 
“I know that you never go to school on valentines day but why can’t you this year?” Rinrin’s childish smile faded. Suddenly my heart fell and I felt like the bad guy. Seeing Rinrin like that just makes me feel like the reason.
“Oppa, why not this year? If you do then you don’t need to go the other years.” Rinrin said with love sick puppy eyes. She fluttered her eyes with a cute smile on her face. 
Class started and it was silence until Rinrin entered. Onew sank into his seat but it didn’t make a difference. She was after all his seatmate. Rinrin jumped up with joy and muttering words under breath. 
“I think I love you even more today,” Rinrin smiled with a thinking face. She was practically dancing toward Onew. Onew could only stare then smile. It just seemed natural to hear her love shout outs. It made him smile. Not like he liked her or anything. Onew would think every time he heard her cheesy lines. 
“Rinrin how are you today?” Onew asked as friendly as ever. He also let his signature smile shine though. 
From all the other seatmates he’s had this one was different. She was very outgoing and interesting. He always had something to talk about with her. There was not a day when she was quiet and he liked it. Sometimes Onew got sick of wanting to learn and just fool around. 
“I’m good, you?” Rinrin asked taking her seat beside him. Onew turned his attention to Rinrin. It seemed like he wanted to hear more. His expression asked for Rinrin to keep talking and she noticed. 
“I’m fine. How was you weekend?” Onew asked curious. 
“Oh, I had a lot of fun. You should have came and it would have been a date,” Rinrin wiggled her eyebrows. 
“My weekend was fun also. I had to practice a lot but it was good,” Onew smiled dodging her words.
His four group members were staring at him. They were keeping a close eye on him. Onew moved around in his seat trying to make himself comfortable. 
“Don’t look at me!” Onew said awkwardly looking around. He was feeling under pressure from his group members. Ever since they kept talking about valentines day. Girlfriends, chocolate, and all that love topics. He knew they were doing something. They wanted to get on his nerves. Did they want to get on his nerves? No. They wanted him to see that he needed a girlfriend. They were worried about him being alone all the time.
“Lee Jinki, the office is calling your name.” I teacher said pointing toward Onew. Rinrin jumped up from her seat furious. Onew tried to grab her wrist to pull her back done in her seat but he was too late. The girl already stood up to protest against the teacher. 
“It wasn’t his fault it was these idiots!” Rinrin pointed toward the SHINee members but of course not Onew.  
“What?” The boys asked in shock. 
“Yes you four and Onew.” I teacher said with a stern voice. With that tone of voice he can make anyone do anything. 
“I’ll go in Onew’s place,” Rinrin shouted puffing her cheeks. 
“Fine! Rinrin when class ends your cleaning the classroom,” The teacher demanded. She didn’t care is she had to clean the class. All she cared about was that she did it for Onew. 
Rinrin was on the floor with a rag on her right hand washing. She was already getting tired and lazy. She’s been cleaning for almost three hours. The classroom was really dirty. Rinrin was exhausted. 
Onew stopped by the classroom wondering if she was still there. To his surprise she was. On her knees and hands she was scrubbing the floor. He walked up to her and the tired girl looked up. 
“About time you came,” She smiled weakly. Onew frowned. 
“I’m sorry. I had a schedule,” Onew said calmly. 
“It’s okay. You were busy.” Rinrin said not looking up. She was still trying to clean as fast as she could. 
“Why would you get yourself into this kind of mess. If you just let me go to the office then everything could have been fine,” Onew said softly. 
“No! you never go to the office and it would ruin your good boy look,” Rinrin giggled. 
“I’ll clean up the rest,” Onew said taking away the rag from Rinrin’s hand. She looked at him shocked but let him clean anyway. She was tired and all she could think about was sleeping. 
She heard the soft noises of someone cleaning. She felt comfortable and drifted into a dream. A dream where Onew was saying how much he loved her. She loved having dreams like that. Who wouldn’t? 
Onew finished cleaning the rest of the classroom. He was proud of himself that he helped Rinrin. He scanned for Rinrin but he couldn’t find her. He quickly scanned the room over again to find her. A small frame was laying on the floor sound a sleep. He rushed to her side. 
“Rinrin, you must have been really tired,” He whispered letting her fall into his arms. He held her tight. He wanted her to have a good sleep. 
“Rinrin, I’ll go to school on valentines day for you. I’ll pay you back by doing that,” Onew added before he picked her up. He held Rinrin bridal style. She didn’t wake up. So, he decided to take her home. 
OMO~! I finally updated. Sorry. I’m so late in updating. There’s so many things I have to do. So many projects I’m have to do. UGH! I’m soo tired. TT^TT I swear this is going to be my main focus.(My other stories can wait) Actually this and my one shots I’m doing are going to be my focus these coming weekends. I will try to update in weekdays if I don’t have homework. 
OH! I really LOVE your comments!!~ There so awesome :3 I like reading them over and over again. Hehehe.
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Thanks for sharing.
aye!!! you didn't update it anymore...
aaahhhh! *coughs* ahhh!!!! That ridiculous poultry bird! How could it? *screams* It took away Onew from her and that's because of chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, by the way, I'm very sorry for not commenting after you published the 3rd chapter, I'm sorry to upset you my dear author... forgive me??? onegai! onegai! onegai! I'm soooooooo busy about research, presentation, exams and bunch of bunch of projects that rarely check my subscripted fics when I'm online. I'm wondering also why you didn't update these week, are you busy too? or you're waiting for my reply? LOL. On to the story, I think it's very cute of Onew to miss her, he kept cherishing the moment that Rinrin was still there. Oh~ My face was growing hot while reading your update... hehehe. I really enjoyed it! Thank you. And- and- and- "A day that’s no longer considered Valentine’s Day but Sorry Day" LMAO~~~ You made that up? Really cute~~~~ yay!!!!! I'm going down the hill because of this................................................. update soon *gives u virtual munchkin for being such a nice nice too nice author* and * gives u cheese stick for making 'cheesy attention'* Have a nice day. ^^
Annyeong chingu! Thanks for updating. By the way, how many chapter will this story be? I hope it will be long... Everytime I went online here in AFF, I always wish that you will update because I'm so eager to read what's going to happen next!!! *screams* I really like it that Onew has no feelings for her because I'm sick that everytime I'm reading fics, the guy immediately fall with the girl at the first time seeing her, it's so common. I want something new and you made it! Thank you!!! LOL. I kept laughing because Rinrin is so silly and Onew... peeeeeessssh! There's also some wrong grammars and spelling but it's okay, I don't mind at all, the important thing is you work hard for it and with that, two thumbs up for you my dear author! Have a nice day^^
LOL. I will read this as soon as I get home. Thanks for updating! ^^ *laughs evilly*
creatingfaith #6
ONEW! ^^<br />
keep up the great work! :D
*clears throat* Thank you for updating this fic...................... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I can't help but laugh!!! It's really funny and that's the way I want the characters to act. When I'm reading your update I kept hyperventilating, Rinrin is so crazy to him yet Onew remained friendly despite the fact that a wild girl is in love with him. LOL. *gives u virtual munchkins* I wanted to crawl when Rinrin yelled infront of the class, declaring her love for him and saying cheeeesssssssy lines. LOL. She's above normal and I like it. Thank you again my dear author! I'll wait for the next update and prepare myself to laugh very hard again. Kya~~~<br />
At first I was being paranoid when you didn't update immediately but of course, we have lives outside AFF, that's understandable. And school, *sighs* it kept stopping us from writing fics. Sorry for the late reply, I still have my exams and I've banned myself from getting near the laptop. And for the cheesy lines, *laughs* why don't you search some in the internet? I think there's millions of that. Wait, I nearly forgot about the poster... I'm flattered that despite your busy schedule you spent some time making it so thank you. It's really cute, *laughs* *saves it in my computer* Have a nice day~~~!
Oh, I see... I'm still waiting... I hope you're going to start it as soon as you can... hehe
@chicken_oppa<br />
There going to pop up some where in the story. hahha<br />
Oh, and sorry for not starting. I'm kind of busy right now to update. BUT I will update sooon.<br />
I hope. -.-