Seogoong's Birthday.


{a few days later} Our day went smooth. We woke up early to practice and worked really hard this time, for some reason we had no time to fool around today. Even our idiots were working hard, Jenissi and Hansol weren't even being lovey-dovey with each other! There was definitely something going on, but what? They were probably planning something.. but what? Aish, no one told me something! Why am I left out again?! 

Practice had ended and I plumped down on the ground, being totally exhausted. I closed my eyes for a second, and when I opened them half of the group had left. Only Jenissi, Seogoong, Gohn, Kidoh, Nakta and I were still here. I frowned. Where did everyone go? "Hyung, where did--" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYUNHO!" I was interrupted by ten yelling boys, a few of them entering the room with a birthday cake and bags filled with birthday presents. 


It's Seogoong's birthday today?!

Oh god...

I FORGOT! I had no present! I had planned this with the other guys, but I totally hadn't noticed it was the 1st of May today! Well done Jiho, well done. Hyung will probably get mad.. I decided just to go along with this and see what happened. All of us started singing for him and I could see how happy this made him. I loved the expression on his face, seeing him happy like this made me smile automaticly. I remained silent when he made a wish and blew out the candles. 

"Presents time!" Hansol said with the biggest smile I had ever seen. Ah, I'm sure all of them got him an awesome present, how am I going to get myself out of this? I looked at Seogoong from my eyecorners, seeing the smirk he gave me. I blinked. Let me tell you, even though it was his birthday, this was not a reason for Seogoong not to tease or annoy me. I'm sure something was coming and I had no idea if I should be nervous or not.. sometimes Seogoong could go a little too far with his teasing. Presents were given and I sat there in silence, eyeing the things the other guys got him. Ah, they really know what hyung likes, P-Goon even bought him these expensive sneakers he wanted so much! "Jiho-hyung, your turn!" Yano's voice filled up my ears and I blinked. No way I was going to admit that I forgot his birthday and had no present for him.

"My present is.. actually a surprise.. you'll get it later." I made up quickly, trying to sound convincing. I saw all them eyebrows raising, but Seogoong soon spoke to break the silence. "Okay, I will wait. But you better let it be worth waiting princess." He said with a smile. This time all them eyebrows turned into a frown by hearing Seogoong calling me princess, turning their faces in my direction. I just shrugged, acting like I had no idea where he was talking about. 


After the presents were given we decided to go home to have a small party. Everyone forbid Seogoong to come home already and that they will call him when the party was ready for him to arrive. Seogoong seemed to be surprisingly happy with this, and everyone except for Seogoong left outside to the van. "Jiho." I blinked when my hyung called me. I turned around, seeing him gesturing that I should come back, so I did. He was probably about to tease me again. "You still look so sweaty from practice, you can't go to my party like that. Go take a shower here, I already got you some clothes to wear." He told me. I frowned. No teasing? Oh. Okay then. I nodded, unsure for some reason, but I left to the bathroom anyway to take a shower, knowing Seogoong will be waiting for me I decided not to take a long shower.

After only ten minutes I decided I was clean enough. I tuned off the shower and dried by body, searching for the clothing Seogoong had gotten for me. My eyes widened at the sight. Oh no.. oh no way, no way I was.. This hyung, I would seriously hit him one day for this. No way, no no. Shin Jiho is not going to do crossdressing! "YAH, HYUNHO! WHAT IS THIS?!" I yelled, knowing he would hear me since the bathroom was next to our practice room. "YOU FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY SO YOU BETTER MAKE IT UP TO ME JIHO!" I mentally slapped myself when I noticed I was busted and starting to look at what he had exactly chosen for me. A short, black dress, some of those women's fish net tights and heels (I don't think I can walk on them) and oh, is that a ing wig?! ing Seogoong seriously I will hit that guy one day for this! It was a long, drown wig. Shall I...

Okay, for Seogoong, no one besides him will see me like this anyway. With much trouble I got all of these things on my body. How could girls wear this, seriously?! It was horrible, especially these heels! I will break my feet! I looked at myself in the mirror when I was dressed, making sure my wig wasn't skew. I hope Seogoong would be enjoying this because this will not be happening again! Unsure, I left the bathroom and made my way back to the practice room, where I saw Seogoong waiting for me. I saw his eyes widening when I entered, and a smirk appeared on his face right after. 

"I hope you're enjoying this because this ain't happening ever again, do you hear me!" I want to be sure he will never make me do this again, this idiot. How did he come up with this idea? Jenissi. That hyung made Hansol do crossdressing before and probably gave Seogoong the idea. His smirk grew wider. "But you look gorgeous baby, damn.." Was he staring at me? Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I soon felt his arms around my waist, his breath near to my ear which made me froze. "You look so good like this, look at your legs, damn baby, this is the best birthday present I've ever got." I could practically feel his smirk while he was speaking. "Best birthday present ever huh, it better be cuz--" I muttered, but got interrupted. "But there's one thing you still have to do for me.." He said while I felt his lips touching my neck.

"Call me oppa.."




I will again promise to update more soon but don't expect any of these things to come true >.< Anyway, thank you all my subscribers and all the lovely comments! <3

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 3: Update please :(
Fatin96 #2
Chapter 5: Please Update !!!!! I really love this story xD
Chapter 5: OMG.updatee ahhhh!!!!Stresss!!
Love the story!
Kim_HyeRin #5
Chapter 5: Love this 2 !!! Can't wait for the next chapter >.< Xero crossdressing is a very good idea ! *-*
KeyboardHero #6
Chapter 5: Xero crossdressing and call Seogoong 'oppa' í just WOW O.O the other member reaction gonna be fun though...
Waaa~~ jiho Will call him oppa omg!!
Really love this!
Sooooo shippable (????)
Chapter 5: OH MY GOSH!!!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! update soon :D
Snow_land #9
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD!!!!!! XD this is wonderful
awika2005 #10
Chapter 5: I'm screaming for 'Oppa' Kyaaaaaaaa~~ㅠㅠ
I imagined Xero crossdressing....Wow He's hot...