

It was evening and the members of TOPP DOGG were at their dorm. Some of them were watching TV, some playing games, just the usual things when they were at home, though everyone was around in the livingroom, except for Seogoong, who was showering. I, Shin Jiho aka Xero, was sitting on the couch just watching TV. My feet were laying on the table and my head rested on P-Goon's chest while my hyung had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. It felt nice, spending an evening like this. Sometimes I just liked to be in someone's embrace. P-Goon knew, so he didn't really mind, neither the others did. Also they could use a hug at times and nothing was weird anymore when you had been living together for a few years. I was tired, it had been a long day for all of us so I guessed the others were aswell. Well, guessed? My guessing turned into knowing after B-Joo crawled against P-Goon's left side (me using the right side of hyung's body) to use it for the same reason as I did. P-Goon hyung didn't seem to mind it and just wrapped his other arm around B-Joo while watching TV. Our leader probably got used to this kind of attention. My eyes closed as I just listened to the sound of the TV.

"Oh, leader hyung has two es~." My eyes opened when I heard this leaving Hansol's mouth. This hyung, really.. Let's be honest; I liked Hansol-hyung, really, but sometimes he was teasing at the wrong time. P-Goon's let out a laughter as he didn't gave any other reaction, yet B-Joo had to snap back to him.

"You better shut your mouth or else Jenissi won't have a anymore." B-Joo said and looked up to Hansol with a smirk plastered on his face. It surprised all of us, but Jenissi and Hansol had fallen in love with each other. Our fans shipped HanJoo and they knew, but the ship in our dorm was JenSol. Jenissi and Hansol both agreed the fans did not have to know about this, so we kept it a secret and Hansol would just keep interacting with B-Joo. Both Hansol and B-Joo looked at Jenissi, expecting a reaction but instead of that they got nothing. Jenissi seemed to be really concentrated on the game he was playing on his phone. Hansol rolled his eyes, probably dissapointed his lover won't defend him. Even though my eyes were closed I could imagine what happened; which faces all of them pulled and how they moved. Pff, I was way too close to these guys..



"Sehyuk?! What is this?!" Seogoong's voice filled up my ears about fifteen minutes later. The guy always took a long shower, way too long. I didn't even bother to look up at him and just followed the conversation by using my ears. I could feel P-Goon look up by the movements of his arms and chest.

"Leader hyung has two es~" Kidoh and Hansol said on the same time, laughing at their timing. I let out a small chuckle, being too tired to laugh or actually open my eyes. "Give me one of them." Seogoong demanded. I let out a small sigh, soft enough for no one to hear or notice. Seogoong, really.. I was too lazy to answer him, so I just listened to what will happen.

"Take Xero." B-Joo muttered. I groaned in complaint. Not that I prefered P-Goon over Seogoong, but I just didn't felt like moving. Well, let's just get along with this, I didn't felt like starting a discussion about it. I opened my eyes once I felt Seogoong sitting down next to me, yawning without making any sound. I saw Seogoong nodding in satisfaction. 

"Come here my little ~." Seogoong said with a wide smirk on his face, spreading his arms welcoming. I turned my face in his direction and snickered once. I looked at Seogoong for a quite while. Hyung just got out of the shower and his hair was still a bit messy and wet. He was wearing no make up and his pyjama's. Let's just say; I suddenly noticed why girls were fangirling over him, he was hot. I felt my pale cheeks burning when I was thinking. I couldn't think like this about Seogoong, Park Hyunho. No no, but.. let's admit, he's hot.

"Are you coming or want to keep staring?" Seogoong said and I snapped back to reality. I gave a few, quick nods before I moved to Seogoong, leaning with my head against his chest as I placed my feet back on the table, feeling Seogoong's arm around my shoulders just like P-Goon used to do. "This is so stupid.." I whispered. "What?" But of course Seogoong could hear me and reacted. "I said this is stupid, you guys are calling me, or us, a ''. Sounds like some kind of strip club to me." I repeated and looked up to Seogoong once, seeing his eyebrows rising. "A strip club? How do you know, Shin Jiho? Ever been in there?" "No, but I watch movies aswell.." I defended myself quickly, turning my face back in the direction of the TV. "But you don't strip for me, or had you planned on doing that tonight?" Seogoong responsed. Again my cheeks burned at his dumb question which somehow got my embarrassed, feeling stupid for bringing this subject alive. "No.. of course not.." I whispered. "Then it's not like a strip club." Seogoong claimed with a nod. I snickered once softly before I laid my head back against Seogoong's chest, closing my eyes. Strip club.. how did that came in my mind? Hm well, Seogoong always had an answer on everything, so I'd better keep my mouth shut. I just breathed softly as I inhaled Seogoong's scent, which was surprisingly nice. He smelled like men douche gel, which I really liked. A small smile crept on my face as I didn't move, slowly drifting off to sleep, feeling Seogoong my shoulder. It felt really nice, this moment with Seogoong. Thank B-Joo for his lazyness. Lately I started liking Hyunho-hyung more and more, and I noticed it was not in a friend-like way. I knew I was allowed to date Seogoong if both of us wanted to, since Jenissi and Hansol did aswell, but I didn't knew if Seogoong liked me back. Besides that, I never got feelings for someone a really long time, it usually was gone within a few weeks, so I don't think I have to worry about anything. With a smile on my face I fell asleep, not hearing any noises around me except for Seogoong's heartbeat.


That's it for this chapter. I'm sorry if my English is not perfect but I'm still learning, lol. Also sorry if this is a bit crappy, I wrote this in the evening and I was quite tired so, I hope this isn't really bad. I hope the next one will be better, I'll update as soon as possible.


The Jenissi x Hansol thing was just a random thing. People ship HanJoo, but I thought let's do something different and unexpected. keke~

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 3: Update please :(
Fatin96 #2
Chapter 5: Please Update !!!!! I really love this story xD
Chapter 5: OMG.updatee ahhhh!!!!Stresss!!
Love the story!
Kim_HyeRin #5
Chapter 5: Love this 2 !!! Can't wait for the next chapter >.< Xero crossdressing is a very good idea ! *-*
KeyboardHero #6
Chapter 5: Xero crossdressing and call Seogoong 'oppa' í just WOW O.O the other member reaction gonna be fun though...
Waaa~~ jiho Will call him oppa omg!!
Really love this!
Sooooo shippable (????)
Chapter 5: OH MY GOSH!!!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! update soon :D
Snow_land #9
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD!!!!!! XD this is wonderful
awika2005 #10
Chapter 5: I'm screaming for 'Oppa' Kyaaaaaaaa~~ㅠㅠ
I imagined Xero crossdressing....Wow He's hot...