The Movie.


Our dinner went smooth. Everyone was enjoying Seogoong's food and the atmosphere was very nice. We were eating silently, listening to A-Tom's story about some movie he had seen lately and wanted to watch again with all of us. He had bought it already, and begged us to watch it with him this evening. Some of us disagreed, and I was one of them. For some reason A-Tom really wanted to watch it with all of us, as a group, he said. I liked watching a movie with the other guys, but A-Tom really had to pick this horror movie I already saw a few weeks ago and totally disliked.

"Com'on guys! It's just a horror movie, you're so boring!" A-Tom He started complaining. I chuckled. Yes I was boring, if that's how you liked to call it when someone was afraid of horror movies. I was the only one who still disagreed with the idea, along with Nakta, who disliked horror movies aswell. But soon our Sanggyun had Nakta agree with this aswell. Then there was me, the only one disagreeing and ruining this evening for the rest. 

"Okay, okay! I'm in." After a moment of hesitating this left my mouth. I regretted immediately, but when I saw A-Tom's face lightening up with happiness I was okay with this. 


After dinner Hojoon and Yano cleaned up quickly while everyone else was gathering snacks, drinks and blankets for our movie-evening. We laid some blankets on the ground so some of us could sit on there while the others were sitting on the couch or chairs. A-Tom was starting the movie, and everyone searched for a spot to sit. I ended up between Seogoong and Kidoh, which I did not mind at all if you expected me to do so. First I did, but then I started remembering last evening when I was leaning against Seogoong, his arms around me. I enjoyed it, so I wouldn't mind if that happened over again. I was happy with my spot.

A-Tom pressed play and the movie started, everyone got silent. I was sitting under my blanket which I was sharing with Kidoh, knees pulled up. Of course I won't let anyone notice I was scared. I mean, com'on, which guy was scared of horror movies? I knew some of them would be making fun of me, which I did not want to happen. 

The movie paused for a moment when Gohn and Sangdo had to pee, but soon enough continued and it got scarier and scarier by the minute. I found myself almost fully hiding under the blanket, which I kind of stole from Kidoh, who did not have a blanket anymore. He didn't seem to notice tho. Soon there was this damn scary part where a monster just suddenly appeared and attacked this woman. I knew it would come, but it still scared me and I screamed out loud in shock. I was embarrassed, yes, but I wasn't the only one doing this, Nakta did so aswell. Poor Nakta-hyung, I know he is just as scared as I am.

Soon I felt an arm sneaking around my waist, and I was being pulled closer to the person on the left, which was Seogoong. I turned my head to face him. There was this small, sweet smile on his face I loved so much. Hyung wasn't in one of his teasing moods right now, and I was glad, because I was really scared. Slowly I leaned a little against Seogoong, turning my face back to the television. 

It was just a minute before there was this other scary moment which made me jump off the couch if I was able to, but instead of that I jumped back in Seogoong's arms, hiding my face in his t-shirt. I know this may sound weird, because it happened just like in movies, but this wasn't on purpose, it just happened. I could basically feel Seogoong smile as his grip around me got tighter. I didn't even look at the movie anymore, not leaving my current position which I loved so much. I didn't listen to the movie anymore, again focussing on Seogoong's heartbeat before I fell asleep. I was tired so easy lately, and being in Seogoong's embrace was just really comfortable..


My eyes opened, sunlight shining brightly in my face which made them close again. After getting used to the light they opened again and I let out a small yawn. I wanted to stretch myself, until I felt I wasn't alone. And I wasn't in my bed either. Not even in my room. My eyes slightly widened, only now feeling an arm being wrapped around my waist. Carefully I turned myself around. I was laying on the couch, and the person next/behind me.. Seogoong. I held my breath, my eyes not leaving his sleeping face for the next minute. He spend the night here with me. Why? My shocked expression got replaced for a slight happy one. I already loved sleeping like this, waking up to Seogoong's sleeping face was lovely.

"Hyunho-hyung.." I spoke in a whisper, wanting to wake the elder up. There was still no one here, it was pretty early. I placed the palms of my hand against his shoulder, shaking it slowly. Finally, he woke up. Right after his eyes opened he was starting to smile. Don't ask me why, but it somehow made me smile aswell. "Oh, hey Jiho." "Hey hyung, morning~. Why are we still on the couch?" "Hm.. you fell asleep before the movie ended, I didn't want to wake you and getting you up in that bunk bed again is impossible. I knew you were scared, so decided to stay here."

My smile grew brighter while listening to Seogoong's words. This was the guy I liked, no, loved this much. He's perfect. Sweet, caring, handsome, funny, and can be a ing tease at times aswell. Aish.. I wish we could be dating.. I should really try to find out if he liked me back.. I actually didn't want to get up, but I had to when I heard my stomach growling. I was hungry. I sat up straight, but soon got pulled down by Seogoong again, who sat up himself. "Stay. Let me make my princess some breakfast." He smirked and got off the couch, winking at me before leaving to the kitchen. His words made a blush appear on my cheeks. I giggled softly, biting my lips afterwards. I hated giggling, really. But hyung made me to. I slowly sat up again, pulling up my knees as I covered my legs with the blanket, silently waiting for my breakfast while smiling like an idiot.



Oh my god! I haven't been updating for like month! I'M SO SORRY. I AIN'T BLAMING ANYONE CUZ IT'S MY OWN FAULT. I've been really busy lately. I'm in my exam year and have to study a quite lot, so I haven't got much time to update. I sadly couldn't keep my promise. However, I hope this chapter isn't too bad, I wrote it late in the evening, hehe. I got lovely comments and subscribers, so thank you all, I love u~! <3

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Fatin96 #1
Chapter 3: Update please :(
Fatin96 #2
Chapter 5: Please Update !!!!! I really love this story xD
Chapter 5: OMG.updatee ahhhh!!!!Stresss!!
Love the story!
Kim_HyeRin #5
Chapter 5: Love this 2 !!! Can't wait for the next chapter >.< Xero crossdressing is a very good idea ! *-*
KeyboardHero #6
Chapter 5: Xero crossdressing and call Seogoong 'oppa' í just WOW O.O the other member reaction gonna be fun though...
Waaa~~ jiho Will call him oppa omg!!
Really love this!
Sooooo shippable (????)
Chapter 5: OH MY GOSH!!!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! update soon :D
Snow_land #9
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD!!!!!! XD this is wonderful
awika2005 #10
Chapter 5: I'm screaming for 'Oppa' Kyaaaaaaaa~~ㅠㅠ
I imagined Xero crossdressing....Wow He's hot...